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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

May was blushing as she got closer. "Are you okay?" She asked curious and confused. It seemed like she was about to kiss her. The thought entered her mind and she blushed even more. She was beautiful yes, but was this what she wanted. @xScreaminGhostx
"I'm not up to much...you can come by room any time, it's room 111. I'd be happy to help you any time, here's my phone number as well... call me anytime. I'd be happy to talk to you anytime." *winks* "Well I must get going, I'd promise my friend I'd email them about now, so hopefully we'll cross paths again, see ya!" @Chale
"Yeah? I just- I'm sorry- I'm s- I-" Spirit then moved back, sitting thinking. 'I'm a Idiot.' She thought @Dkingow


Dir smiled, "I have lessons literally in a minute, I can do after?" (Your response ---) He said, then placing down the Books and leaving, heading to the next class. @Chale
"If the both of you must leave, I suppose I'll hunt down another few people to help me. I need a few different styles of magic." He watched them both trot off. "Alright, well, I can start looking now."
As she got to her dorm she belly flopped onto her bed and let out a big sigh. "Ugh" she said unpleasantly "if I'm to live amongst these people I might as well go to my classes to fit in...I mean I don't use magic whatsoever, I have my own way of using powers but I guess I'll have to go so I don't get in trouble." She lazily dragged herself out of bed and into her first lesson where she saw @xScreaminGhostx .
May pulled her back into a hug. "Tell me what is on your mind." She asked softly, care in her voice. "I want to help." She said not knowing what she even meant by that. 'What am I saying?' She thought, 'How could I help her? But I want to help her.' He mind was racing. @xScreaminGhostx
After such an excruciatingly boring lesson she decided to go see @Chale .She hoped he would be at his dorm by the time she came and knocked. "Hello, are you in there?" She said curiosly.
The creature, in human form, would wander the halls aimlessly, with, more or less, the same facial expression he would normally be wearing. He was thinking about going back to the abandoned part of the building, where his room inside of the old basement was. It was dark and, hardly any light was there, but it helped him relax. At least he could sleep, without disturbance.

"One second." He called pulling open the door after a moment, his hair was a even bigger mess now. "Oh, its you! How are you love?" He smiled a little, but clearly looked a little off.
"Nothing, Just a small mountain of work to do." He smiled softly. "I need to get some people to help me with a lot of this, a magic user. But I'm yet to get any to help me out." He smiled softly. "I take it your not able to use any magic?"

"Well, I guess I kinda use magic in a sense" she said in a confused tone "it all depends on your definition of it"... @Chale
"I need someone able to use it freely, as they please. No offence, but I need a full magic user." He gave a soft smile. "But don't worry. Its just a madder of me hunting them down."

"W-well I can use it whenever I want I just don't use tomes, spells or scrolls..." she said timidly "mine is...special only people from my hometown use it"
"W-well I can use it whenever I want I just don't use tomes, spells or scrolls..." she said timidly "mine is...special only people from my hometown use it" @Chale
"Just don't worry about it, Its fine." He waved his hand. "Look, do you want to go hang out for a while? Just so I can take a brake." He smiled softly.
"Sure, you deserve a break you lil smarty pants" she giggled "where did you wanna go" she said as she looked deeply in his eyes and smiled @Chale
"Eh, just to get some fresh air." He closed his eyes. "Its nice out, and please, smartypants? Is that the best you have?" He smirked, walking out and closing the door behind him.

"He he, I dunno I just came up on the top of my head" As they walked out Ami, lied down in a nice patch of flowers and smelt the beautiful aroma around her. "Come amd lie down with me" she patted the ground beside her signaling for him to lie down and look at the beautiful sky. @Chale
He sat down slowly, crossing his legs. "So, tell me about you. Anything fun you like to do?"
"Fun? I'm up for anything as long as I'm with someone I trust. Fun is doing anything with a friend for me...what about yourself?" @Chale
"Hard to say. I try to make everything fun. Otherwise everything gets borin'."He lent back a little, his hair falling back off his neck. "It is nice to be out for a while though.
"It is isn't it.." She then rolled next to him and sat on his stomach and leaned close to his face, her long hair tickled his frienf "Hey...thanks for...y'know being my friend and all...I miss my folks and I really appreciate it" *hugs @Chale* "Thank you" she then giggled

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