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Fantasy Winterfell Academy

She walked down more and noticed a someone knocking on a door, she approached with caution @xScreaminGhostx "H-hello I'm kinda new here and I don't know where to go...could y-you point me in the right direction"
Angelo let out a yawn, walking from the library, his hair falling over his face. "Well. That's fifty-three. I have some for fun ones now, so that will make it sixty by morning." He smiled, almost droping the books. "Oh no-no, your going nowhere." He said to himself.
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xScreaminGhostx said:
Dir walked down the hallway. Alone. He was bored. Demons are all absoulute Dicks recently. He still followed there command here and there. Not like he used to. Dir knocked on Dwen's room, wondering if he's in. "Hello?"
"Dir, as much as I would love to see you right now, I can't hang out, I'm a little busy at the moment."

((I have to go now, will be back in... 3 and 1/2 hours about))
Spirit went down the halls: 0-50. She looked at all the people talking and other sort. She ended up in her dorm and sat down, reading her book. 'That May girl.. She's really pretty. And seems smart... I've never been with a girl before an-' She was over thinking it. Of course those two would never happen anytime soon if at all. She started singing to herself softly. "Ma chambre a la forme d'une cage

Le soleil passe son bras par la fenêtre

Les chasseurs à ma porte

Comme les p'tits soldats

Qui veulent me prendre..."
"Crap" He mutters, one of the books fell. "An just as I got into the dorms." He quickly called to an approaching student. (Dits @xScreaminGhostx) Mind grabbing that for me? My hands are a little full."
May woke up a bit later and saw Bex asleep. She looked at the time to see she had been out for only an hour. She decided to take a walk and a thought came to her head. She walked to room 71 and knocked a few times swaying back and forth. @xScreaminGhostx
"What a cutie that giy was...hopefully I'll see him soon" she thought "well I better take his advice" she skipped down the hallway happily because of her new found acquaintance . She eventually made it and got her keys. "Room 111" she muttered to herself. "I better get settled in before I meet more people" as she finished she ventured out to meet new people. She eventually found @Chale in the library "H-Hello" she said shyly
Spirit opened the door, letting May in "Hey, Come in." Spirit sat on the bed and tapped next to her "what happened?" She asked, curious. @Dkingow


Dironus grabbed the book and gave it back to the boy "There ya go." Dir smiled, "I am Dironus, you?" @Chale
May smiled. "We hugged, I said I was sorry, she said not to do it again, I promised I would not, passed out tired." She said giggling a bit. "She is a sleep now, thought you would want to hang out." She said with a smile. She felt so happy, like nothing wrong could happen now. @xScreaminGhostx
"Call me Angie please, do you mind helping me to my dorm? I may have gotten a few to many books." He said, pulling them up a little. "Just to 55, so its not to far. It is a shame my hair can't do this for me." He then gave a small nod to the other girl. "Hay love, sorry, something you need?"

@xScreaminGhostx @Emizuni
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"N-nothing in particular, I just wanted to introduce myself to you, my name's Ami...I'm new here" she said quietly @Chale
"Hehe... You know your really cute." Spri said, not even realising she said it. She gazed into May's eyes and seen an Angel. Perfection. @Dkingow


"I'll help, sure. 55...." Dironus took some books and followed the boy @Chale
May looked at Spirit with a bit of shock. "You flatter me to much." She said giggling and playfully hitting her shoulder while blushing. "Why do you think that? I am nothing special." She said as she turned away. @xScreaminGhostx
"Thanks. You a magic user? Or if not mind taking me to some? I need as many as i can for my research. See, I'm helping the magic theory teacher. I have quite the memory for things like this."


"Oh! An sorry love, I happen to be a little busy, mind coming back in a few?"

"I-I'll help too" she took some books from @Chale and was surprised by how jeavy they are. "Y-you're gonna read all these?"
"Your really not. I can see into people's eyes.. And you are just like the Angels I know... and your looks..." Spirit said, blushing, looking at May. "Your Beautiful..." She then got closer to her, smiling. @Dkingow
"Yeah I am a Magic User. Strong with it actually. Demonic and Undead magic. I LOVE books on magic too actually, haha." Dir smiled at the Boy, carrying the book. "Looks like we're here. Dorm 55." He said. @Chale
"Yeah?" She said, blushing heavily at May. 'She's pausing... Is there something wrong with me? I shouldn't have said that!' @Dkingow
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"Well thanks you two, are you up to anything? I would love to hear how it works. Just let be grab a few things." He dumped the books on the bed, of the rather bank room Save for the piles of random books, nothing was off. "Just drop them on the bed, and can we get anyone else? This is my first chance to actually study some real magic!"

@xScreaminGhostx @Emizuni

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