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Fandom Winged

Heather shook her head in disbelief. This video was the strangest she had ever seen. When she saw the boat get demolished, she sunk in her seat, a frown on her face. When shesaw the boy with gun to his head, she looked at Blaire. 'That must be him...Demitri.' she thought to her self. She felt empathy for Blaire. The poor girl. Her brothers being inhumanly torchered, while heather was wondering about what shoes she was going to wear. It made her feel horrible. She was so freakin conceded. She put her head down and thought about what Blaires brother was going on. "What's wrong with me." she said to herself quietly.
Alex sat silently in one of the chairs, watching the presentation with narrowed eyes. He sat silently throughout it and watched the image of Demitri with the gun pointed to his head. The image wavered slightly in his mind and instead it was Lillie standing there, but she didn't have a look of confidence like Demitri, no, she looked petrified. Of course the image wasn't real, but for all Alex knew...it could be. His fists clenched and a glass of water that was on the table for one of the FBI people violently swerved to the side and fell from the table, the water spilling everywhere as the glass smashed. Alex seemed to be shaken out of his furious thoughts at the noise and he looked over to the person who it had fallen beside, "Sorry." He murmured, his fists unclenching as he lifted the hand with the bloodied knuckle - forgetting it was even hurt - and spinning his finger as the water flew back up towards him and vanished into his palm, being absorbed and used as a hydrater. He looked to Cross, getting agitated with just sitting around while things like that happened to Demitri and possibly Lillie, "What now?" He asked simply, he was getting they might be sent to Hawaii, since that was where the submarine seemed to be.
Callie sat in complete silence during the whole film. She didn't really understand some of it, but she understood the part with Demitri and possibly Lillie. Now that she realized it, this was probably the quietest she had ever heard the Flock, especially Brinley. Of course, until the glass smashed and everything. She was snapped out of her trance and sat up a little straighter in her seat. She looked around at the Commander and admiral. "So uh, we have to go to Hawaii now right?" It seemed the most logical to her. The longer they just sat around in some conference room, the longer it would take to take down Chu. And get Demitri and Lillie back.
Blaire sat back down, gritting her teeth. They needed the Flock's help in order to capture Chu. From the hints of conversation and by reading the minute clues on Cross's face, it had become clear how much exactly that they needed their involvement. So what the hell were they getting at? Blaire had her elbow's squarely on the conference table, her eyes narrowed slightly, "You have one minute to tell us your plan." She said, gesturing to Alex - because of Lillie - and Callie - because she was leader. "Make it good."

The Commander frowned and sighed and began explaining.


Deputy Director Cross sat down next to where Blaire was reclined in the schmancy leather chair, unsuccessfully trying to sleep. Not too long ago, she was bunkering down on a tree branch in the middle of some forest down south. Now, here she was on a private jet, in the lap of luxury, covered by a cozy mohair throw...and, basically, she felt like her life sucked pretty much the same as always. The main difference being that when she was on some branch, she actually got some sleep. And the whole Flock was together. She opened an eye. "Are we planning to dive-bomb the submarine? Is this plane equipped with marine missiles?"

Cross smiled weakly, "No. It's just taking us to another U.S. Navy base, in Hawaii. The navy has agreed to help us get Demitri and Lillie back." He looked troubled, and Blaire could understand why. A rescue mission on this scale was no easy task to accomplish.... But she was ready to face any and all hardships to get her brother back.

[[OOC: Bare with me guys, I'm doing this - literally - according to the book...Everything will play out.]]
Liza sidles over to Alex slowly and hooks her arm through his, still wordless, and huddles against him, her nails slowly digging into his arm as she turns her head to listen to Cross.
"We think it will take at least seven days, possible more." The woman in the tailored khaki uniform looked at them impassively.

"No," Blaire said, crossing her arms over her chest, just as Cross said, "We don't have that much time."

"Then they can't come," said the woman in khaki.

First impression of Hawaii? The Flock had arrived at mid-morning, so about eight o' clock, and it had looked like a movie set, with fake molded plastic islands set into impossibly beautiful blue water. The jet had landed at the naval base at Pearl Harbor, and the Flock was immediately greeted by soft, gentle breezes, unusual floral scents, palm trees with actual coconuts on them, and this pit bull of a woman who was about to make Blaire go seriously ballistic.

Cross looked at Blaire and Blaire looked at Callie and the woman, "I know I'm speaking for Alex here too when I say that I'm going. No matter what they say," Blaire said in a steely voice she usually reserved for extreme circumstances.

But the khaki woman wasn't in the armed forces for nothing. She met her eyes, and Blaire had to admit, we were almost evenly matched in the freeze-out glare category. Now if she could just run her down with a tank, her day would be just cheeky. "You cannot board a vessel of the United States Navy unless you satisfactorily pass a BSSTC, a basic survival skills training course," khaki woman almost snarled. "This course normally takes three weeks. Under these extraordinary circumstances, we can compact it into one week. In the extremely unlikely event that you last a week, you may then board a United States Naval vessel in an attempt to ascertain the whereabouts of your missing family members, under the supervision, direction, and authourity of the United States Navy.

"Lieutenant, I'm sure you can appreciate the very dire need we have to begin the search as quickly as possible," Cross said firmly. "Admiral Bracksworth assured us that we would have every resource necessary."

"And so you shall," said the Lieutenant, turning to him, "As soon as you pass a BSSTC."

"Look, we have all the survival skills we need - and then some. You guys just don't have that much to teach us."

For a moment the Leiutenant looked like she was about to laugh in amazement. Instead, she just snorted and motioned to a khaki-clad underling. "Ensign, please show our visitors to their quarters."

"Yes, ma'am," said the young ensign, touching his cap. Blaire spun to look at Cross. He looked upset and also tired and frustrated. He waved us closer. "Guys," he said, "I'll make some phone calls, see what I can do. In the meantime, just do what they say. If they do agree to help us, it could mean the difference between life and death." Demitri and Lillie's life or death. "We need their resources," Cross went on. "And frankly, I don't know that we have any more favours with enough leverage to make the navy forgo their fancy for strict protocol. But, like I said, let me make some calls."

Blaire nodded, disapproving of the mere fact of having to depend on someone else to get out of a dicey situation. But they couldn't do this on their own, whether it was just her or the whole Flock, the Pacific ocean was too wide, too deep. If it hadn't for going to the Navy, they wouldn't have even known where to start... She nodded again, "They have to take us as soon as we pass the course. Even if it's less than a week." She said to Cross. He nodded. Blaire turned to follow the ensign.


After taking them to the Mess hall for breakfast, the ensign led them to what looked like an overturned metal half-pipe. Cross said it was called a Quonset hut. It was like a long, low hotel room with a hobbity roof. At one end were eight narrow cots. The Flock had just come back from one of the many buildings on the base after having eaten their meal. They were all fitted and given an arsenal of uniforms they were required to were on the base. The uniforms were simple, orderly, kind of bland; they consisted of khaki pants, a collared button up shirt in also khaki, and a white tee-shirt underneath; dress code said their shirts had to be tucked in and girls hair had to be worn in french braids. And, unfortunately, even since Blaire's hair was a bit shorter than shoulder length, it was still long enough to be pulled back into a french braid like the others. Blaire frowned, touching the braid at the back of her head, and plopped down on one of the cots that had been set up along one of the walls.

"Well." Blaire sighed. "This sucks." She said, summing everything up into one big understatement.
Callie was actually impressed by Hawaii. She had never been, only seen pictures on TV and magazines. It was pretty nice here, she wouldn't mind staying. Of course they couldn't though, and they wouldn't even be able to enjoy their time here. She actually made a 'pft' noise when the women told them that it would take a minimum of seven days for them to pass the BSSTC. It was probably all pathetically simple things. Well, pathetically simple to mutant bird freak kids anyway. She was willing to bet that she could do all of this with her eyes closed and a hand tied behind her back.

A little while later, they had gotten to their bunk. Callie examined the room, noting all emergency exits, and of course pointed out how plain and boring it looked. Not that they were used to anything beter then a forest floor or something. Her long dirty-blonde hair was tied back neatly into a french braid, and now she was sitting on her bed with Brinley, braiding her hair.

Brinley looked down at her outfit and frowned. "Ugh, this is
so not cute." She shrieked, straightening her plain khaki shirt out. Keanu was leaning against the wall, and shrugged. "I dunno, I think I kinda work the khaki's pretty good." He joked, and popped his color.
Heather hesitated before entering the strange acomodations. She wore a pained expression. "This is where were staying?" Heather took her uniform and stood infringe of a mirror. She held the suit next to her, looking back and fourth from her current short shorts and t-shirt, to the bland khaki suit. She pouted while putting it on. It was ok, not great, but ok. It was kinda tight so she was ok with it. She French braided her long hair back and sat on the floor near the cots. "This better be worth it..."
Liza's hair is still loose down her back, as she doesn't know how to braid, let alone French braid, but watching the other girls fix their hair, she twirls her hair around her hands in an effort to copy them. She is frowning as she looks down at her outfit and then around at the cots, troubled.

"I don't like it here. It's kinda like the bad place. How come we gotta wear these clothes, I wanna wear my pink dress...I don't want them telling us we gotta do stuff. How come they are...I just wanna get Lillie and that boy and that's all."
Alex had to admit that he was also impressed by Hawaii, it was beautiful. But inside of him his inner voice was scorning it, telling him how fake it was. When the stupid pit bull faced woman spoke to them as if she thought they were mere normal kids, he rolled his eyes. He was leaning back against the wall in a rebellious stance and he actually spoke up as she mentioned it being highly unlikely that they would pass it in a week, "What do you think we are? Stupid little kids?" He glared at her, his hair was flopping slightly over his eyes and he probably looked as threatening as one of the military men themselves, "There's a highly likely chance that we'll pass it in a week." He then returned to being the silent yet scary looking one of the group and followed behind them all as they were shown around.

Alex was sitting on his bed, already dressed in the uniform, which added to his whole 'dangerous' vibe he had going on lately, when Blaire spoke, he nodded, agreeing with her statement of it sucking. He sighed, "I just wanna start the freakin' BSSTC now and get it done within a few days." He rolled his eyes and spoke, referring to the khaki woman, "What does that pit bull think we are anyway? Weak little kids?" He looked over and spotted Liza trying to braid her hair, he grinned and got off his bed walking over. "Here." He sat down on her bed and took over, doing a much better job. He shrugged and muttered lightly, "I used to watch Mum braid her hair." In case anyone was wondering how he could braid hair. He finished it and tied it neatly, speaking gently, "It'll be alright Liza. As long as we stick together we'll be fine."
Blaire sighed, "Anyways, the ensign said the BS starts early tomorrow, so I guess we have the day to ourselves..." She kicked off her boots and started rolling up her pant legs, "So you know what I'm not doing? Staying in here while Hawaii is on our doorstep. You're welcome to join me," Blaire stuffed her socks into her boots, tied the laces together, and hung them over one shoulder. She walked outside the hut, and stepped quickly off the burning pavement onto the grass, she took a few steps then launched herself in the air. The beach was a little less than a half mile away, but being cramped in a tin-can of a plane for so long was making her wings ache, and it was excellent to finally get to stretch them. She wasn't in the air for very long, but when she touched down on the beach she felt better. Blaire tossed her boots into the sand and made her way down the fine, white, sandy beach to where clear blue water was lapping at the hot sand. She sat down at the edge, the tide coming up to her feet, and watched the horizon and the birds lofting through the warm gentle breeze. Blaire smiled peacefully.
Alex watched her go and then looked to Callie for a moment, his eyes catching hers before he looked to Liza, "Do you wanna go to the beach aswell Liza? We can make a sandcastle or throw stones in the water." He didn't know what compelled him to suggest throwing stones in the water, he just remembered it was something he always used to do as a child when his parents took him to the beach. It was apparently fun to imagine the waves reacting to the rocks and creating bigger waves because of it's anger. And then his parents would always start a who-can-throw-further contest, those were fun too. Alex's eyes had glazed over sadly during all this thinking and he quickly blinked, then regained his small smile as he looked at Callie, he spoke to her but directed his question at everyone, "You wanna come aswell?"
"Sounds fun," heather said plainly. She rolled her pants up and folded the bottom of her shirt up, exposing her belly button. She didn't bother with shoes. When she got to the beach and didn't bother with the white sand. Instead she dove into the water.
Callie watched as Blaire left their little hut. She of course wanted to go the beach as well, to relax. The stress was really starting to get at her. She turned her attention to Alex as he asked if she wanted to come. She nodded quickly, a small smile on her face. She wasted no time in getting outside into the warm Hawaii air. She unfurled her long creme colored wings, sighing at the feeling of them finally being loose after being tucked into her back tightly for hours. She looked behind her to see Keanu, Dally, and Brinley coming out as well. Looks like it was going to be a flock outgoing. She smiled, and then sprung into the air, her powerful wings getting her high into the air within seconds.
Blaire held her hand out towards the water, feeling her influence over it. Slowly and steadily she was getting her power back, it had taken 72 hours already to get to even this much back. She wiggled her fingers and made the water curl up in tendrils off the surface. Blaire bit her lip and had them ball up into little spheres and orbit her fist. she smiled triumphantly, but the small fluctuation in concentration make the orbs quiver and slash back into the water. Blaire grimmace and gave an exasperated huff of frustration, trying not to get angry.
Callie, much to her dismay, was only flying for a few short minutes before she spotted Blaire and Heather's forms. She slowly start to drop down, her feet hitting the warm sand almost completely silently. She heard Keanu land next to her, not as quiet. They both moved down to the shoreline, the clear water lapping at her feet. She immediately felt her muscles relax as a warm breeze ran over her, pushing her blonde hair over her shoulders. She walked a little deeper into the water, so that it rested just above her knees. The calmness didn't last long though. She heard footsteps splashing wildly behind her, and before she could react, she was pushed down, landing right on her butt. She looked up at Keanu, glaring. "I'm gunna kill you!" She yelled, jumping up and chasing him through the water. Keanu and Dally were laughing, as they dove through the waves. It was clearly a double attack. Callie was hot on their trail though, and she dove under the same time as Keanu did, grabbing onto him. They both came up, Callie clinging onto Keanu's neck tightly and her legs wrapped around his waist. It only worked for a few seconds though, and Keanu managed to throw her off, making her go under again right as a wave crashed over them.
Blaire smiled and pushed up from the sand and dove into the water. The sand at the bottom was settling as the Flock played in the shallow water. Blaire sunk down into the knee deep water, swimming along the very bottom. The salt water stung her eyes, but she blinked it away. She snuck up and yanked Keanu's ankle's out from under him. She stood up, laughing, another wave pushing her out of his reach, "You totally had an unfair advantage!"
Keanu yelped as Blaire grabbed his ankle, and slipped into the water. He frowned, his long dark hair covering his eyes and the water dripping off of the ends. He staid sitting, and made a large splash directed at Blaire. She was kinda far away from her though, so only a few drops here and there hit her. Callie would have been hysterically laughing at her brother. But there was a problem. She was having another brain attack. Underwater. Like the last time, she didn't really have control over her body. Which of course made the situation even worse. The flock was made of bird-kids, not fish-kids. Callie felt herself starting to panic, even in her unresponsive state. The attack was the same as before, tons of images, words, and dates she still didn't understand. This one didn't hurt as much, though. Well, plus she didn't have to go through another 30 foot free fall. But on the downside, she was pretty sure she was drowning. Worrying, she got up enough strength the open her mouth in some attempt to breath, but of course that only resisted in her swallowing a mouthful of water. She started to feel her body become more limp, and she frantically blew air out of her noise as she chocked on the mouthful of water that was trapped in her mouth. Suddenly, her mouth was clear of all water and her lungs got a sudden gust of air. Callie tried the process again as she very slowly opened her eyes, her brain attack still going on but slowing down, and the same thing happened. It felt like she was breathing normal air. She was breathing underwater. A new skill.
Amber laughed, watching the others play in the water. Layed in the shallow water, her nose sticking out of the water. She sat up though when a wave crashed over her. She saw Callie having another spaz. She leaped to her through the water. "Again?" she said worried.
Liza smiled and thanked Alex when he braided her hair for her, then beamed, distracted, when he mentions going to the beach. "I never, never went to the beach and I never built no sandcastle and I never even swimmed before, I just took baths. I wanna go!!!"

Enthused, she races ahead of them, laughing and squealing at how the sand feels on her bare feet. She doesn't bother to roll up her pants as she goes straight into the water, splashing. "I'm gonna learn how to swim!" Throwing herself face first into the water, she comes up choking and spluttering, making a sour face. "That was nasty!"
Mrgana stifiled a laugh. "Hey guys wait for me"! She tore off after the flock and started running to the ocean. She stopped halfway and looked out at the water nervously.

"uhhh...." she stammered. "Ma-Maybe I'l build a sandcastle" She quickily said throwing her coverup over her simple swimsuit.

Kai hesitently walked into the water and floated on his back. "This...is...life."

"Wheres the martini people?"
Blaire realized that Callie had disappeared. Another wave rolled over the Flock and Blaire looked around frantically until she saw a bob of blonde on the wake, "Ohmygod!" Blaire shouted as she came to the conclusion she was having another one of her episodes. Blaire pushed her way through the waves over to her and grabbed her quickly by the shoulders, fearing she had inhaled a lot of water, "Callie! Can you hear me?!"

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