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Fandom Winged

Morgana blinked. I never said I was. I'm actually helping my friends instead of running away. U don't think it's agood idea to take the girls away from the flock. We all go together. It's safer.

Sides Blaire is Calli s right wing. She calls shots.

Kai bristled. Stupid girl. You don't know anything about family. He stood up. You cant leave while we are all here. Trackers are in new York. It's to dangerous. We wait for Calli the boy and blaires decision
But Liza shakes her head, her forehead creased as she remains hovered near everyone else, undeterred. "She has bad things. I don't think we oughtta leave her here. I don't wanna go and I already ate."

She steps forward another few steps, pulling Lillie with her as she whispers, "Callie? Do you see bad things?"
Morgana nod her head. We won't leave her. We will wait for Alex. He will help us.

Morgana can you pick any thoughts? Kai asked.

She shook her head. It's all quiet
Blaire rolled her eyes, Heather was back to her contradicting argument about her family, "Look, if your sister is so important to you, you would stay in New York, clean up your act, and keep her around. I Admit I don't know a to. About you and your sister, but she is your flesh and blood--the only family you have--and you don't seem to recognize the gift youve been given," Blaire said, not harshly, then her voice hardened, "Anyways, like Morgana said, there are trackers on our tail, we can't linger. We have a plane to catch, and if I'm not mistaken--all of us just ate about half an hour ago. We still have to met up with the FBI when we get there," Blaire turned to Keanu, he was second in command, she looked at him briefly for a confirmation.
Heather turned slowly back to Morgana and Kai. She spoke slow but angry. " are you mixing me? I don't know what family is? **** off! And technically no, Blair doesn't call the shots. Callie does. There's a reason for that. Because Blair's to damn impulsivde. I am so tired of being judged for drinking. You guys only saw me get drunk once and you guys assume I do it all the time! Well I don't!" Heather walked over to a tree and sat down, leaning against it. She crossed her arms and sat there very frustrated. "I stay because my sisters probably in some cell being interagated to find out where we are. Where Demitri is, Amber is.
Morgana nodded her expression was hard too.

U don't hear anything at the moment. Is Calli going to be okay?? She stared at blaire

--- Merged Double Post ---

Kai growled. Her name is Blaire. BLAIRE. Okay Header?

Morgana stifled a laugh. Her brother meant business.
Heather raised her eyebrows at Kai "and my names Heather. HEATHER! not header" she curled her legs underneth her waiting to get going to the air port.
Kai took out his iPod from the small backpack he had and drowned the world in heavy metal

Still laughing Morgana walked over to Blaire. It's been forever
Liza looks between the older kids solemnly, her eyes wide, and bites her lower lip; the arguing reminds her of her time inside her mother's mind, when she was a personality trapped with older, stronger, and more aggressive personalities who had often pushed her around and behaved cruelly or dismissively to her. She says tentatively, chewing on her lower lip, "I thought we gotta go....and we gotta help Callie. No one should act mean."
Morgana sent a reassuring thought to the little girl's head telling her it's okay and we were having a discussion.

She smiled and sat next to Kai. So your name is Liza?
[[OOC: Amber cannot be with Demitri, the two are very different things, it would not work, it has nothing to do with the plot. Demitri was kidnapped by an incredibly wealthy group of business men whom Mr. Chi is the spokesman, and is currently on a plane being shipped halfway across the world. Amber was taken by the police]]
Ooc: that wasn't necisaraly how I had pictured it. If the trackers were after them then they would be trying to find them Wichita is where the whole interrogation thing comes in. I understand what your saying though. :)
Callie had gained enough of her bearings to pull herself up into a sitting position. She was afraid that if she stood, she would loose her brunch. "I'll be fine, just give me a sec." She said very quietly, not sure who heard her. When Liza asked her if she saw 'bad things' she slowly shook her head no, not really sure how to respond. What exactly did she see? Where they supposed to be clues? Or a warning?

Keanu noticed Blaires look, waiting fir him to say something. He cleared his throat. "Yo." he frowned as the other teens kept bickering. He clapped his hands together loudly. "Hey!" That seemed to get their attention. "Look I'm not the leader, Callie is. Blaire and I don't call the shots, Callie does. I understand that she's kind of Uh...busy right now... So just try and not fight, to help her out ok? We need to get moving soon, but we are not splitting up. Do I make myself clear?" He didn't wait for a response to keep going. "Blaires like Callies left wing, Alex is like her right. She looks to you guys the most. I just help when things go whacked, like now. So chill, ok? No more fighting." He finished his nice speech with a thumbs up and then went back to being quiet. It was probably some of the most intelligent stuff the flock had ever heard him say.
An ugly smell of rotting fish hung in the air like a blanket, the kind of odour that you never get used to smelling no matter after how long. His nose filled with it and made it prickle with agitation. He wanted to sneeze or something, but he was so numb, his limbs felt heavy and stiff, he didn't want to move, didn't want to do anything really. Slowly, his eyes blinked open, it took a few times to keep them open before he watched through slitted eyes. From what he could tell he was slumped on his side, staring across an old splintering wood floor. His thoughts were groggy, so he didn't know if it was him or the floor that rocked and made the wall behind him nudge his back. His senses started flickering back on, like those huge flouresent lights in gymnasiums and stuff that seemed to take forever to turn on. Sound soon floated to his ears, footsteps that were coming closer. He knew he should get up and defend himself, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it, everything felt disconnected and life around him seemed to be taken in through and out-of-body experience rather than feeling it for yourself. The door to the small dank room he was being was being haboured in, opened and in walked two large buff men, followed no less, than by Mr. Chu himself. Demitri found himself being hauled into the air by the hair on his head. The hand let go and Demitri staggered back into the wall, legs feeling like absolute jelly, and a pain seared through one of his knee caps. Pressure from the shoulder he had been laying on was suddenly relieved, and blood flowed back into it, accompanied by a throbbing pain. He figured he must of jammed it or something, just another thing to fix later. Mr. Chu grinned, seeing the slight pained expression on the boy's slighty swollen and blood-caked face. Chu gestured to the thug next to Demitri, who pulled a gun and held it to the boy's head. The fog was slowly begining to clear...the rocking, the gun...They're going to shoot me and throw me overboard! Demitri panicked. His eyes shifted between the gun and Chu out of distress. Chu pulled out something and shoved it at the thug beside him. Demitri was suddenly aware that he was gagged and that there was a band of metal that wrapped his arms together from his elbow to his wrists. Mr. Chu sneered, his mouth moved in words that Demitri coulded hear over the drumming of his heart echoing in his ears. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and time seemed to slow down, this would be the end for sure, why else would they capture him, the trackers did always want to kill them. Demitri swallowed hard against the lump on his throat. The thug brought the object up, lining up the shot, Demitri couldn't make out what it was, it was a gun for sure. Demitri took a jagged deep breath and closed his eyes, his fatigued muscles shaking under the tension in his body as he leaned against the wall. If he was going out, he didnt want the expression on his corpse to that of terrified for eternity--that simply wasn't Demitri's style. Everything had seemed to start off so well, he loved New York so much, how could a night end so horribly. He thought about the Flock, and his sister, Blaire, though they wernt actually related, she was all the family he could have ever ask for; he just wished he could have said his goodbyes. Demitri took one last breath and opened his eyes, showing fearlessness and confidence. Time sped up again...and there was a single flash.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Blaire nodded, she was anxious to leave, with the news of the trackers, and Callie's sudden information-brain-assault thing, she would feel much better on a plane than on the ground. Though a plane wasnt her first choice, it would get them to the West coast a lot faster than flying--and beggars cant be choosers. When Keanu mentioned the bit about leaders, Blaire glanced away. She didn't really like titles, they brought complications and confusion. Blaire knew her role, her allegiance was soley to the Flock, she protected the ones she loved and would do anything necessary to keep them safe. She also trusted Callie, anyone would be stupid to doubt her leadership. It takes a lot more than most people realize to be a leader, Blaire had no discrepancies, so she respected Callie for the responsibilities she had.
Catching the gist of Blaire's anxiety, Keanu's frustration, and Callie's disturbance, Liza squeezes Morgana's hand, her features showing her worry as she presses against her side. She doesn't speak, but watches everyone solemnly, waiting to be told what to do.
Heather looked at the others with respect. They knew what they were doing. She pulled out her pills, took them, and stood up. "So..... are we ready to go?" She looked at Callie, waiting for her response. She was the leader. She was hurt. It was up to her.
Morgana looked down in surprise but smiled, gently squeezing the child's hand to reassure her it's okay.

Calli's better" She told Liza.

Kai was busy playing Unlock Me on his ipod. "Dang Blocks" He growled under his breath. Morgana stifled a laugh. "You have a protective casing on that thing? You know, in case you 'accidently' break it?

Kai scowled. Real cute Mg, real cute.

--- Merged Double Post ---

OCC: Me and Blaire have to leave for school -__- We'll be back on later lol.
Lillie had basically had the same reaction as Liza, sticking close by herself and also holding her hand tightly. She didn't speak throughout the whole thing, just watched with worried eyes. It wasn't just Callie who was worrying her. It was Alex. He looked so upset, she could tell it was because Callie was hurt.

Everyone elses voices were blurs in the background as Alex focused on Callie, as she shuffled lightly and seemed to be doing a bit better, people's voices slowly came back. He heard Keanu's little speech and felt himself grow a little warmer as he mentioned Alex being Callie's right wing. He looked around at the others now, noticing their various emotions. Heather mentioned leaving and Alex nodding, he looked back at Callie, "This might hurt a bit." He muttered and as gently as possible he wrapped one arm underneath her knees and the other around her upper back, picking her up easily in a princess carry. "You are so not flying after that fall" He muttered lightly to her, he looked at the others and caught Lillie's eye. She smiled lightly when he looked at her and he smiled back, his eyes swept over the whole flock again, "You guys ready?"
Callie was about to argue about not being able to fly, but she dropped it once Alex picked her up. She listened to Keanus speech, actually pretty proud of him for it. She winced at the slight pain in her back, and shifted into a more comfortable position. She looked up at Alex and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."
Blaire nodded at Alex and jumped into the air without a running start. She had been ready a while ago, but she was relieved they could finally get a move on things. Blaire hoped Callie wasn't hurt badly, seeing how she was reduced into a ball in Alex's arms. She hovered in the air, waiting for the others to follow.
Alex gave her a small smile then leapt into the air, seeming to be easily carrying Callie's extra weight. He had flown with her three times now. He flew right beside Blaire and also hovered, looking down at the others.

Lillie smiled lightly to see they had got going again and she still held onto Liza's arm, "Come on Liza!" She then leapt up into the air after the others, glad that everyone had stopped arguing and that Callie wasn't hurt too badly.
Callie held onto Alex's neck tightly as they flew higher. She had flown with Alex three times now, but the other two she was too tired to really realize how high they were. It was never a problem when she was actually flying, since she had her wings and all. Keanu sprung into the air after everyone else, along with Brinley and Dallas.
Heather smiled, bald no one was fighting. Instead of a flashy take off, she jumped into the air and glided along happily. What had happened to Callie? What did she see?
She flew along, her hair steaming behind her, and Blaire smiled a bit at the feeling of bliss as her wings stroked down against the air currents. The airport was soon in sight, Blaire dipped down and landed covertly out of the line of sight, behind a wall, from the bunches of people flowing in and out of the entrance of the air terminal. She waited for the rest of the Flock to land then proceeded on into the lobby. She caught a flash of light out of the corner of her eye, where light had reflected off of a pair of darkly tinted glasses of an FBI agent. Far as Blaire could see, there were only two agents staking out the place so far. She was aware of a presence approaching them and turned to see Deputy Director Cross.

"Right on time, you guys don't disappoint," Cross said with a weary smile. He reached into his blazer and pulled out a stack of thick pieces of paper, "I've got all of the tickets ready here. Since we have a private jet waiting, we won't have to check in any luggage. Are we all set then?" He looked at California.

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