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Wild Cards

Home maybe? Momo said, though she was still swinging.

Lucifer also looked up and watched Sage leave when Rose said something. "I don't know... but she always does weird things... where do you think Ebony?"

Terra nodded a smirked a bit, "No cheap blows? Other then that lets go."

Rhea smiled a bit, 'Yeah I guess...." She said with a sigh.
"A fair honorable match is agreed," Shania said and she lifted a hand to a guarding position she had shifted a kendo position to work for hand to hand combat when she was sparing with Lucifer.

"Want me to go after her?" Ebony asked softly.
"You think we would get her in trouble if we did?" Lucifer asked, "Think of the trouble I would get in..." Lucifer said shivering.

Sage was already getting on a bus to her house. She needed to get her mask first... she had access to most everything Kai did so getting the flies would be no problem. She had no intention of giving him Kai's files... she was going to give him hers though. He won't know the difference till he opened them, but then she is hoping to Zap him enough and end this war... Kai is going to kill her later... That is if she did not die in the first place. But she was not so stupid not leave Kai a clue to where she was going. She left a message on her phone for him telling exactly where she was going and what she was doing.

Terra nodded and took a running start to Shania, aiming get her in the chest.
Shania's eyes sharpened and she moved just enough to the side to where Terra would hit her shoulder and it would hurt but it would give her an opening to uppercut Terra in stomach above the belt and below the solarplex for fairness.

Ebony nodded "We probably would," Ebony agreed Sage was a strong girl she could care for herself.
Terra actually moved to the side a dropped to sweep her feet under Shania, not really wanting to take a blow just yet.

Lucifer nodded and swung a bit more on the swing.
Shania jumped up when Terra dropped and she went to the side before aiming a kick at Terra's face,

Ebony smiled and continued to play as her mate didn't seem concerned.
Terra shifted her feet firmly on the ground before catching Shania's foot and twisting and pulling her down to the ground.

Sage had made it between her and Kai's house in what felt like record time, though she put her mask on and walked into the house, quickly find her way to where she knew Kai kept her files.
Shania let herself fall knowing a struggle would hurt her worse then help though once on the ground she pulled up as fast as she could aiming to head butt Terra.

Kai looked around "Death?" he asked
Rhea held her breath When Shanai went to go headbutt Terra, and Shania soon found out... Terra had a very hard head. "Ow.... gah crazy." Terra said, pushing Shania down hard, "You got guts that is for sure!" She said with a smirk.

Rhea sighed and looked up at Kai, then around the area, "Where did Sage go...?"

Sage smiled when she was able to pull her files out with ease, though she would not dare go back the other way in fear of seeing someone she knows like Kat or Amy. She did not need anyone knowing she was here. She opened the window and then closed it behind her and jumped off before heading back to the area they cleared out the night before.
"D@mnit... what trouble is she in....," he asked himself and sighed. "We have to trust her... though she was sure to have left me a note," Kai said "she'd not risk me murdering her,"

Shania rubbed her head "I fight because it's relaxing, in a battle where my family is in danger I would fight harder,"
"You.. think shes in trouble?" Rhea asked, she already started turning into the worried healer.

Terra rubbed her head in return, "I think it is relaxing as well, though I will admit I am not as reckless as you... you left a ton of opening baiting me so you could get the better blow... pretty amazing if you ask me."
"Rhea gets mad at me for my fighting style but if you had took a blow I would have had a upper hand pain doesn't much worry me," Shania admitted.

"No sage is to smart to be in trouble," Kai said.

At the clean up site Sage saw a man cloaked in black and sitting in a wheel chair "welcome do lay the files on the ground ten paces in front of me," the figure said its voice was young and chipper not Venn's smooth one.
"I much much rather speak to Venn before I hand this off. This is pretty precious to me." She told him, though she kept her distance away from 'Venn'. "I feel a little cold that he sent someone in his place."

Rhea frowned at Kai, obviously not buying this, it counteracted his previous statement.

Terra laughed, "Rhea... she actually closes portals? That is an amazing ability..."
"It makes her sick," Shania said "So lei gave her a necklace she uses her body to pull the negative energy into it but it can hold only one at a time... first portal she closed a succubus had to take energy from me and put it into her... I passed out,"

Kai didn't outwardly look nervous but he still was.

"I am Venn's son names Carth," the robed figure said "father is here he is watching... Kai put me in this chair you know?" Carth asked and lifted his head the hood falling his left side was charred to the bone "this is after years of medical help," though his right side looked fine he was fair skinned with a short mop of brown hair on his good side the charred side's mouth was fused closed and he had no eye it had been burned out. "give me the files," he said.
"You're very beautiful." Sage said, though he could not see her smile. "And No. I don't care who you are or your beef with Kai, and I don't care where Venn is now, I want Venn down here with me."

Rhea sighed and looked to the group. Paul was watching Kai and Rhea, he was not sure if something was wrong or not. Probably because Rhea's expressions said it all while Kai looked calm and collected.

"I am glad you were able to help her. But I see now... its not that she can use negative energies..." Terra said, a bit in through.
"She wants to try thus we take the pendant from her after each use so she can't." Shania said "I might train my body to the point of breaking but at least I know it will heal,"

Carth put his hood back up "I was at one point... this is your last chance to denounce the monster give the files to me put them on the ground Father is not so stupid as to get to close to a demon slayer,"
"So he send his reject son to get slain in his place?" She asked him, taking off her mask and tossing it to the ground. She reached into her pocket taking her relaxed position and looked at Carth with a smirk, the Files in her other hand. She felt her pen next to that cell phone she had grabbed before she left a cheap one.

Terra sighed a bit, "Your group sounds pretty close. You all watch out for each other, and it sounds great."
"Kai and Sage go off and ... live in a far more dangerous world... We are Sage's family now and Kai sort of was born into the world of darkness they now roam," Shania said "I don't fit in... not there an I couldn't protect Rhea if I went to aid them there,"

"If you can slay me," Carth said he did not sound afraid "Kai could not it is why I am not dead."
As far as I know, Kai had never actually tried to kill anyone... though maiming is not beyond either of us... Sage thought to herself. "I don't really want to slay anyone... I just want to talk to Venn personally. Though I am still not handing these files over."

Terra leaned back in the grass a bit, "Sounds like you had thought about joining.." She said, only having a vague understanding, but that would explain a lot of why Sage and Kai were by themselves.
"I did but with how rash i am I'd just get him hurt or me killed and who would take care of Luce and Rose?" Shania asked.

Rose went over to Kai "what's going on?" she asked.

KAi shrugged "personal business I guess Sage has a life too you know," he tapped Rose on the head.

"Father will not come he knows you would hurt him... no we can not deal with you while you are still a threat... but the twins can at night. Ebony is the little black haired girl? the dance instructors niece?" he watched Sage's reaction
"Who what?" She said, "Who are the twins? Those two little brats that had the mind washing monkey? You do realize they are using you right? They want to destroy humanity ... and sorry to say, you guys are human. Not sure if you missed that part." Sage asked, completely ignoring and dodging the threat.

Terra smiled at Shania, "I don't know why are asking me, only you would know those kinds of answers."
"Oh we know, but you see the twins like to play with us," Carth said "they want to help us enslave you all," he looked at her "so about your friends?" he asked.

Shania laughed "you have a point... they are all I have my blood family is dead,"
"Yes about them, you do realize they are demon slayer too right? As in they can take care of themselves. I have no idea why you think I'M your biggest threat. I really am the least of your worries, now are you sure you want to drag them into this?" She told him with a smirk.

Terra nodded, "They are all my family too. Demons killed my husband and children when I was younger. At first I thought revenge was the answer, but now I realize it is more protecting people from the same fate as myself."
Shania looked at her "my mother and brother both died to save me... both of them in front of me," she said "I know your pain,"

"but is their families?" Carth asked "oh and thank you for confirming the hunters identities we were not yet sure,"
"Whose families? All the hunters are familless or demon related?" Sage said with a sigh and a shug. Though she mentally kicked herself. She was starting to get scatterbrained. Though she could still back track. "Look do you want these files or not? because you threatening nonexistent families is pretty lame and not going to get them" Sage was hoping she was getting on his nerves by now. She was trying to be difficult...

Terra smiled sadly, "I guess. I did not watch them die in front of me.." She said.

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