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Wild Cards

"Leaving it up to you Death," Kai said "I am free as much as you are,"

Shania smiled at Lucifer "I know you will Luce, you are a good boy,"
Lucifer smiled in returned, he felt a bit guilty for lying to Shania, but they are not doing anything bad.

Sage sighed, "Sunday evening sound good?" Sage asked him.

"Tomorrow night?" Raffer asked, "That sounds good. We hope to see you soon."

Sage hung up the phone and looked at it, "I don't know if this is a good sign or a bad sign..." and some how... she felt like this was her fault.
Kai stopped at the park and looked around "see the hunters anywhere?" he asked Sage.

Shania ruffled Lucifers hair and smiled "ok time to get out before Kai decides to start the car again,"
Sage hopped out of the car with everyone else behind her and looked around the area. "Right there, at that table." Sage said, pointing at one of the picnic tables. There were four people sitting there, and Sage recognized paul out of all of them, because he seemed to be the worst tempered out of all of them.

Rhea seemed to examine them a bit, but from behind Shania for the most part, though she did take Shania's hand. She had no idea what to expect, but like usual she was to keep Shania in line.

Likewise, it seems one of the guys form the group immediately took notice of the group, it was Terra if Sage remembered correctly.. the women who saved Kai's butt last time. The older demon hunters turned to look and judge in return, much like they were doing.
Shania tensed and held Rhea's hand as always she stood tall and ready ready for anything be it an attack or a pleasant talk. She looked them all over as if they were enemies looking for the obvious strengths and weaknesses.

Kai smiled pleasantly and waved before prancing up to them in his usual chipper and confident way. "Hello I trust you all had a good night?" he asked with another bright smile.

Ebony stood beside Lucifer and held his arm she was going to stay very close to her Luci.

Rose stayed behind with Momo for company for the girl.
"Yes, it was nice sleeping in a bed. I hope you had a good night as well. You seem like a more happy person." Brock said standing up and extending a hand to shake with Kai's.

"Yes we are more happy when we are not fighting humans and demons at the same time." Sage said approaching the group with Kai so they knew to recognize the two of them together.

Lucifer kissed Ebony's forehead while she held onto his arm. Though his mind was less on the strangers, and more to the fact they were at the park... and he wanted to play.

When Kai approached them with what seemed like ease with Sage, Rhea came out behind from Shania and moved forward a bit more confidently, though she dragged her offensive girlfriend with her. "Hello, my name is Rhea. I am the healer and portal closer." She said introducing herself.

Also of them exchanged glances, Lisa spoke first, "Hello, I guess I am designated group healer. My name is Lisa, This is Brock, Paul and Terra." She said pointing to the said people, "Brock is group leader. Tell me how is the demon we found last night? It seemed hurt."

Rhea smiled, and pointed at Momo who was happily talking to Rose in demon, "Over there, she has a few badly bruised rbps, but nothing that won't heal quickly tonight and tomorrow night. We gave her a few pain killers and some water and food and she will be good as new."

Lisa smiled, "That is good to hear."
Shania hugged Rhea's waist to show everyone that Rhea was under her protection and care "I'm the swordsman, Shania is my name in battle I go by warrior," she didn't like how they all looked to each other when Rhea introduced herself "I am also under the training of the mantacore Tannis,"

Rose smiled "lets go introduce you," she told Momo. She skipped to the groop with momo "I am Rose daughter of Dasuke, if fights they call me birdie. This is the monkey demon from last night her names Momo,"

Kai chuckled "well if my team is being so formal you know my names Kai I am known as the trickster in battle I wield a big @ss axe,"

Ebony smiled "we can go play... after we say hello," Timidly she looked at the group "um... I'm Ebony... the archer," she said quietly. "This is my .... will be mate...." she hugged Lucifer.
"My name if Lucifer, Son of Lucifer the 3rd and Nephew of Levi. Ebony is my mate." He told them hugging Ebony closely to him.

Sage smiled, "I am Sage, as you found out last night. I am disciple to Daisuke, Rose's father. So you guys are out here because you found demonic presence?"

"Yes a large amount so." Brock said, sitting back down. "Terra has the abilities to sense demons."

"The reason for the increase of demons here is because of the war, which I assume you are familiar with." Rhea said, though she had a light blush across her cheeks from Shania taking hold of her. "apparently our city happens to be where the two parallel worlds are closest... So this is where all the silly none traint portals open and rip come."

Brock seemed to nod, accepting the answer, "And you close these portals? You have the power to control negative energy?"

"Yes... We recently had become guardians, which we prefer over demon hunter, about a little more than half a year ago." She told them with a nod.
"Shania was a fighter even before we became guardians and... she is still rather scary more so now...." Kai was cut off as a rock slugged him in the head

"if we weren't in public I'd roast you," she hissed at him though she resumed holding Rhea as he fell over more in shock at the rock then pain.

"See what i mean the girl is a terror," Kai laughed.

Ebony pulled Lucifer to go play.
Lucifer smile, "Rose, Momo lets go play!" He said happily, inviting the two younger demons to come with him.

Momo looked up and then to Rose, then she took Rose's hand and left to go chase down Lucifer. With the painkillers she felt really good right now.

"K-Kai are you ok?" Rhea said, when did Shania even pick up the rock? She swears she had some secret hole for things to throw at Kai!

Brock laughed, "It is like watching Terra and Paul when Paul starts getting annoying."

Paul looked slightly offended, "I am not annoying..."

Sage laughed, "This is normal..."
Kai laughed "Yeah got used to shoes... rocks haven't been thrown in a while," He looked to Paul "ohhh so you are the anoying one of your group I am the annoying one .... to an extent, Luci is a child and it can wear on your neves and Rose tried to kill us at one point," he said and stood.

"So did I and I dare you to call me annoying for it," Shania said.

"You dear warrior are insane if Rhea and luci aren't here to keep you calm," Kai pointed out.
"Kai and I tend to keep the entertainment value in the group high." Sage told them happily. "Anyway, sorry about last night, things just were not going well at all." After she said that Sage phone rang and she looked at it, "Be right back I am going to take this." She told them and walked off a few paces to open her phone.

Terra rolled her eyes at Paul and crossed her arms.

Rhea sighed and looked over to the group of demons and Ebony playing on the swings. She was happy to see Momo seemed energetically swinging on the swing standing on it. Though her tail and ears were getting some looks from some of the other kids.
Shania was also watching Momo and the others play it's why she told Luce to change so he wouldn't dirty his school clothes. She smiled softly "I want kids one day," she told Rhea "and not full grow ones like Luce and Rose,"

On the other side of Sage's phone a soft smooth voice greeted her "I know who you are,"

Kai looked at Sage as she distanced herself from the group but he thought little of it, it was probably Kat calling on the cleanup report. "so... where are you from originally?" he asked the group
"Funny I don't know who you are." She said in return, though she felt fear bloom inside of her. She was lucky she was good at hiding those things. "Please enlighten me."

"Well most of us are from different places around the US. We actually just came from Texas, solving a fire demon problem down there." Brock said pleasantly. "Mind telling me what demon's you fight around here?"

Rhea blushed a bit, "Me too... but I don't know if I would be a good mom..."
"Whatever pops up, we fought a crab... a giant boar a vampire a spidren and a demon that stole memories a lunamoth... a few small cat like demons and the such," Kai said. "We helped relocate a shaman and his clan the usual,"

"You might know me as Venn," the voice purred "don't bother telling Kai because the phone I'm using is disposable, untraceable. Don't act odd either I'm watching you and your little gang of friends,"

"I bet you would," Shania told Rhea.
"Where are you watching us from? Are you offering me a game of hide and go seek?" She asked him. She would happily go find this guy and put him out of his misery, "I'll even leave Kai out of it. I am always armed and ready for losers like you."

"Wow... sounds like a lot of demon fighting for not being hunters... excuse me, guardians for long." Brock said, though he sounded genuine impressed.

Paul scoffed, "So they have seen a few battles? Not nearly as many as us."

Terra shook her head, "With the way they are going, they might see more before we even retire. They can't help they are in a concentrated area of demons."

Rhea blushed a bit harder, but made herself look up at Shania and smiled at her.
"In all honesty you should spar with Shania, she can exchange blow for blow with most demons," Kai said "we make a good team she and Luci take the front they are damage dealers Rhea and Ebony stick together alot since Ebony is range Sage is a defense player and often defends them both as I take out whatever get's past the damage dealers."

Shania smiled at Rhea and hugged her.

"No no Sage Russu, no hide and seek unless you want the little friends of yours to suffer given a day I can find out all about the little group of yours but you see I'm only interested in you and Kai," Ven said the grin could be heard in his voice.
Sage sucked in a small breath, "Well start talking then, you have my ear... What do you want from me?"

Brock smiled, "I usually take the front most and force of the demons. we usually split in teams, the teams you so the other night when we get trapped in smaller areas like that. Most the time we try to keep in a tight circle as we fight, Terra and I on either side of Paul and Lisa."

Terra stood up, "I love sparing... I don't have my weapons on me at the moment, but it would still be fun."
"Go ask her she is better with a sword then hand to hand but her punches hurt like hell," Kai smiled after analyzing their team formation.

"We shall meet Sage, and when we do I want information I want you to be the bug that breaks the Sohma kingdom bring anyone and I will kill everyone starting with the small ones families,"
Sage felt herself go a bit pale, "I really don't appreciate being compared to a bug. Can't you compare me to something a bit more majestic... like a fox or a unicorn? I mean, come on... the unicorn that brings down the Sohmas sounds so much better." She joked, trying to... more reassure herself she still had a bit of control here. She really didn't, she was being backed into a corner. "So you are telling me... I can't tell Kai you called? Also sounds like a date, when are you picking me up?"

Terra stood, "Shania, Kai said you spar well. I would love to spar you. Well if you want to I mean." She told Shania.
"Non lethal combat," Shania said "I'd like a good spar," she smiled at Rhea "don't be worried I'll be careful,"

"Tonight be alone at last nights site, little bug bring Kai's files," Venn said and hung up.
Sage hung the phone up and looked at it for a while. She took a moment to get her composure back.

Rhea smiled and walked over to Kai while Shania went to Terra. She better be careful. "So what do you think of the group?" She asked him.

Terra smiled when Shania walked over, though she extended her hand to shake hers, "Let me formally introduce myself, my name is Terra. would you like to find a few sticks and fight like we have out swords?"
"I'd think I'd brake a stick," Shania said "why do you not have your weapon?" she asked.

Kai looked at Sage momentarily she was taking to long for this to be a clean up call. "I think they are ok," Kai told Rhea "so princess you leave Shania to go fight the older hunter?"
Sage looked at the group momentarily, watching kai look back to talk to Rhea. She needed to just leave... it would be easier. She walked to the car and turned off her cell phone and then placed it in the passenger seat before taking off down the street.

"Well we are here to meet you guys. I mean they are in their car but you usually don't bring weapons to parks with children and such... The Semi truck is ours. It is actually pretty handy" Terra said pointing a ways down the parking lot.

Rhea smiled at bit, "Well I am hoping she does not get hurt.... and she shouldn't... I don't know... she i stop her?" She said suddenly doubting if she should let Shania fight.
"I don't think you can we know our dear mother wolf she is fight obsessed." Kai said.

"Stay armed here," Shania said "it is never safe," she smiled though "shall we spar?" she got into a relaxed fighting stance.

Rose looked up when Sage left the area "where's she going?" she asked.

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