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Why Me!?

Relieved to be done with the day, Morgan fled to the showers and cooled down, then changed back into the clothes she borrowed from Logan. She was walking back outside when she noticed Collin across the field as if he were looking for someone. Hoping he wouldn't noticed her, Morgan began running to her car, but Collin saw her and waved. She waved back, and as she weaved through the parking lot to get to her car, she found herself barreling into someone and falling on the pavement. She cursed under her breath, having skinned her hands and knees up, and turned to see who she had tripped over. "Logan?"
Logan fell to the ground as Morgan stumbled on the floor, he pulled her closer and put his hand on her mouth, ''Shssss, I don't want to talk to him.'' he whispered to her taking his hand out of her mouth. He looked through the window but somehow Collin didn't seem like he was leaving any time soon, ''Damn this Idiot...'' he mumbled under his breath. Everytime he saw him now, only jealousy would surface and he hated that feeling. He banged his head on the car he was leaning on and looked at Morgan still on the floor, ''Where's your car?'' he asked wanting to flee right away before he found him.
"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking, Logan," Morgan groaned, frowning both at him and the blood on her hands and knees. She crouched and gestured for him to follow her to her car. He somehow got a hold of the keys when she fell and immediately went to the driver's seat, so Morgan reluctantly got into the passenger side and tried to wipe the blood off her hands as he drove out of the parking lot.
Logan hadn't noticed her bleeding, ''Oh crap!'' he said trying to find something in his back but he only had some old unused kleenex. He threw it on her and started the car in a hurry and left the school ground. He didn't drive often, but he did, it was always fast and undisciplined. He just didn't care about the rules, he would stop when indicated but wouldn't waste a minute. He looked at her knees and her hands, '' Is it okay?'' he asked seeing that it hadn't stopped bleeding yet. He drove to his house which was the closest and no one was there to add up.
"It's fine, just a scratch," Morgan said reassuringly, though the cut on her hand looked rather deep. She kept this thought to herself and got out of the car and into the house. "Do you by any chance have like a paper towel or something to stop the bleeding? I can't find anything in this massive house of yours," she remarked wryly, holding her hand to her chest as she wandered towards what she hoped was a washroom.
Logan locked the car and opened the door for her, ''It's fine just go to my room..second door to the right'' he said precising where it was in case she forgot. He walked to the biggest washroom where all the first aid were. He took a bottle of peroxide and what seemed like a kit. He wasn't rushing much, she could survive a small scratch. He walked back to his room with the stuff.
Morgan sat on the floor because she didn't want to get blood on Logan's bed. When he arrived with a small kit, she took the gauze from the box and started wiping some of the blood away. She eyed the peroxide, but let it be for a moment because it always stung badly when the scrapes were bigger. As she wiped the blood from her hands, she glanced at Logan out of the corner of her eye. "I thought Collin was a friend of yours- why were you avoiding him today?"
Logan sat next to her in indian and started pouring a little peroxide in a cotton ball. '' I just didn't feel like talking to him..that's all'' he said his lips twitching everytime he thought of yesterday. He saw that she had wiped most of the blood away, he took the napkins not caring if they were stained in blood and threw them in the can next to his office, he sat back next to her and handed his hand for her to place hers. '' Give me your hand.. We better disinfect it, it's pretty deep too.'' he said softly with a relaxed face.
Morgan scrunched her nose at the peroxide. As a child, Morgan had always managed to get herself hurt like this and her mother had always used peroxide. It was a childhood fear of hers, but now it was simply an annoyance that happened to be quite painful. She reluctantly held her hand out for him to disinfect it, bracing herself for the sting.
Logan only laughed at her antic, ''Stop acting like a little kid.'' he said holding her hand gently. He didn't squeeze it or anything, he only placed it on his and slowly placed the cotton ball on the bobo(? xD ). He was never hurt before since he was always the silent type kind of kid. Never talking always polite and sitting kid that every parent wanted. Pictures were proof enough, he use to pass his days reading in his young age but now he simply hated the sight of it.
Though she had braced herself for a wicked sting, the pain didn't come. In fact, the cold chemical brought relief to her cut. She released a breath and smiled a little. His touch was oddly gentle, something she didn't expect coming from Logan, who moments ago had driven like a madman from the school. She took a bandage from the little kit and with Logan's help she put it over the cut.
'' Well look at me acting like a nurse..'' he said chuckling while finally wrapping her cut hand. Her knees were simply cut so only a little disinfection and band-aid was enough. As he finished, he just laid on the floor not caring how he looked, '' So what's up between you and Collin?'' he asked curious. He saw how closed they seemed and it was apparent that it wasn't the first time they went on a date.
Morgan was surprised to hear that question come from Logan, but answered it anyways. "Well, it's not really that complicated. We dated for nearly a year up until a few months ago. I told him that I couldn't date him anymore because my grades were starting to drop; I was spending too much time with him and just got distracted. Though I did have fun yesterday… I don't really want to revive that relationship again. Doesn't feel right," she ended, suddenly realizing how strange that must sound.
'' No shit you can't..'' he said with a wry smile. He somehow felt happy that he wouldn't have her and that he will. He chuckled at the thought and then thought of his grades, ''I saw you on the board, you were in the top 10 right?'' he asked. He honestly didn't care about his marks, all he wanted to do is inherit his fathers business and have easy money
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Morgan nodded. "Yeah, my parents have been expecting the best of the best from me, so that's where I have to stand if I want to sleep inside," she joked. It wasn't that she obsessed over her grades, she just wanted to graduate and make it into college. Marrying Logan probably changed those plans, but she was still determined to finish strong.
Logan chuckled at her joke, he stared at her, mostly noticing the freckles, how her blue eyes were piercing and then her lips.He would usually just steal a peek but it didn't feel right or..he just didn't know he didn't do it. It was like something was holding him back. He shifted his gaze to the floor and contemplated himself by just asking random questions.It's not like they had anything better to do and he was just curious about her, he always ended up looking at her in practise or in class.But she wouldn't know. '' Why do you always give your 100%?'' he asked standing back up.
Morgan stretched her legs and stood up as well, shoving her hands in her pockets. "It's something I've been doing since I was in elementary school. High school has been harder because it's easy to get distracted, but I guess it's just what I do," she said, know it was a pretty poor explanation but didn't really want to talk about her grades. She was one of the top students, but didn't really care as much as her parents did.
Logan stretched and yawn, ''Distraction...talk about it.'' he said remembering all the events of the week. He knew he would have to do something about his grades, but at the moment, it was the last thing in his mind. He looked at his watch and sighted, he looked at her '' I'm going to grab a burger at Mcdonals if you want to join.'' he said grabbing his wallet and standing at the door to see if she was coming.
National Park Trip//12:00 PM

Morgan was excited about going to the National Park, mostly because it meant a change in scenery after having such a crazy week. In less than seven days, Morgan had managed to get drunk in front of Logan twice, find herself in multiple awkward situations with him, and to top it all off, find out that he was her future husband. She felt that once she got back into the swing of school, she would forget that she was marrying as soon as she graduated, but Logan kept up showing up in her life more than ever. At Starbucks, at the mall, school obviously but now more often, running into him on the street and literally in the school parking lot. Every time she thought her life would return to normal, Logan made an appearance, and Morgan wasn't sure how to feel about it. A week ago, she had despised him with every fiber of her being, but things were different now, and it had nothing to do with the marriage. She found herself actually enjoying his company, and Morgan didn't know what that was supposed to tell her about her feelings towards him.

Upon arrival at the National Park, Morgan stayed with her class for a few moments before a nature trail appeared off to the side of their path. It caught her interest, so Morgan just branched off from the group and opted to find them later. It wasn't like this place was easy to get lost in, she could find her way out easily.
It was one of those trips that he just wished he didn't have to attend. He simply didn't enjoy a group trip with teachers supervising them, it annoyed him and all those teens being all dreamy and everything pissed him off. He was behind the group with a few guys, obviously looking at the group of girls in front of them. If he was to get bored looking at nature, might as well do something..constructive, that's what he thought. He grinned at all the curves he saw in front of him, his gaze then shifted to Morgan. He had stumbled upon her multiple times over this week.If they counted the number of times they did, it was more than the whole month. He looked at her analyzing her practically, he was kind of absorbed by her. He never had any interest in her, she was cute,smart and had a nice body but he never felt attracted to her emotionally or even physically.He only liked flirting with her because of her reaction and because nothing was going to come out of it. She wasn't easy, and he actually respected her for that. His trail of thoughts got cut when one his friend whistled at some brunette that blushed. Logan simply laughed and continued on the track, but noticed Morgan had somehow disappeared , he looked behind him and noticed her entering a different path. The group was already a few meters away. What is this idiot doing! he thought. He turned around to catch up with the group, but inside his head it only screamed follow her. He knew she would get lost alone..not that him there would help but maybe it could. He groaned in annoyance and he jogged back following her.
Morgan hardly got lost in the forest. As a child, she grew up going on camping and hiking trips with her dad and cousin, and being in nature has been something Morgan has loved since. Morgan stayed on the trail until she came upon a river roaring and splashing water along the riverbank. Morgan leaned against a tree, and listened to the sounds of the water coursing through the river as she studied the terrain around her. She enjoyed the peace and rhythm of it all, and the sense of freedom she got when she was out on her own. Only she wasn't this time; Morgan could hear the loud footsteps of someone behind her. She assumed it was just another tourist on the same path as she was, until her suspicions were proven false when she turned her head and saw Logan had followed her down the trail. Rather than expressing irritation, Morgan just looked at him in bewilderment. "What are you doing here?" she asked simply, turning her head back to watch the river again.
Logan had been following her for a while. She seemed to have the hang for it, on the contrary, he did not. He was scratched everywhere and had fallen multiple times because of branches. He groaned and started kicking any leafs on his way ''Stupid nature, stupid trip, stupid freaking evrything..'' he muttered to himself. He didn't know why he hadn't just walked to her and brought her back on track with the others.He could of..but he preferered looking at her from far for some reason. Eventually, Morgan noticed him "What are you doing here?" she asked. He only groaned at the questioned, annoyed by how stupid enough to follow her. I should of lettin her go by herself and get lost. He thought and then smirked when he had some brilliant idea. He got closer to her and hugged her from behind, tightly closing the gap between them, He nuzzled his nose on the crook of her neck. '' I don't really know myself hun.'' he said seductively trailing of the last few words. They were alone in the forest so no one could see them, and he was bored.
Morgan froze when he closed the distance between them and hugged her from behind. She was too much at ease and too tired of fighting to pull away, but the way she tensed up was probably noticed by Logan. Every nerve in her body was aware of the warmth radiating from Logan's chest, and Morgan was unsure if she liked it or not. She sighed, and looked everywhere but at Logan. "What are you doing, Logan?" she inquired with caution in her voice. Just when she thought Logan was a decent guy, he was probably just about to try to lure her in like any other girl in school. She hoped this wasn't the case, but the evidence so far was there.
He was satisfied when he felt that she tensed up, she didn't back away tho ,which kind of surprised him. He wasn't letting such an opportunity slip away, "well~ I saw you leave and i couldn't not follow you..imagine all the danger possible here... Gotta protect my future wife from them" He said a bit sarcastic, He then started slipping his hand under her shirt playfully, " And to add up... We can have some privacy here." He said trailing a few kisses down her neck. He wasn't sure why he was doing all this, he knew that she wouldn't let this happen, especially there and now, but he was enjoying this intimacy.

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{Apologies for this monstrous paragraph, Morgan is just getting intense}

Morgan shook her head in half disappointment, and half frustration. On one hand, she wanted to pull away from Logan and pound his head against a tree for being so bold with her. But on the other hand, she scared herself by thinking that she didn't want him to stop. She was on the fence about what she wanted to do, but with each kiss that he pressed against her neck, Morgan became more and more frustrated. She felt used, like Logan thought of her as some little plaything, and she was a fool to think there was more behind the flirt he was at school.

Morgan pulled his arms away from her as she turned to look at him face to face, her expression serious. "Logan, let me get something straight. I'm not some girl that doesn't care who she sleeps with. I don't throw myself around to guys that just want that little moment of fun then it's over. You want to know why I'm pulling away, why I'm not kissing you even though I really want to right now? It's because caring about what I do is in my nature, and what you're doing now... It doesn't feel like you care, and it feels like you just want to be entertained." She paused, running a hand through your hair. "So sorry to disappoint," Morgan ended in a level, soft voice, her eyes still glued to Logan's.

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