Who's the one? | Luna & Strawberry Jam [Inactive]

"Eh--" Kyoko muttered softly, but there was no denying that she was surprised with what Yuu just did. Before she knew it, the both of them have somehow exchanged scarves. No matter how quick it might have been, she definitely felt something get taken away from her... just like what happened earlier, with her phone. But it didn't take long for her to realize that she didn't mind if it was Yuu.

Weird..., she thought to herself. It was indeed weird, but she somehow understood it, too.

It's what I feel... when...

Kyoko looked at the scarf on her shoulder and wrapped the cloth around her, just like she would every time with the other scarf. The only difference was that it was blue, and it seemed quite new. That, or Yuu just barely wore it.

The girl slightly shook her head, figuring that all the lost thoughts could be entertained for later. Gazing back at Yuu and the scarf he just wore, she held onto his hand and let herself be dragged away. Unconsciously, with her other free hand, she tucked herself in the scarf's embrace. It had become quite habitual already, being that she had been with one for a long, long time.

She let out a relaxed "hmm," slowly getting herself used to the scarf she was wearing, which wasn't so hard. All she had to do was stare at its nice blue color, and nuzzle it occasionally. I like this scarf, she decided officially, with a small smile on her face.

Seeing that Kyouko was quite happy with exchanging scarves, Yuu felt relief. Thank goodness. He really wouldn't know what to do if his presumption about the scarf was wrong but luckily, it all worked out in the end.

Nuzzling himself on the scarf around his neck, it just occurred to him that he was using Kyouko's scarf. The one that she has always carried no matter what season. The one she has always nuzzle herself with. The scarf that she seems to hold with sentimental affection. Ah, jeez. Now that Yuu thinks of it like that, he somehow felt discomfort. Oh no. Is he being jealous without even realizing it? Plus, being jealous of a scarf, for heaven's sake. Yuu stopped and imagined himself as a scarf. If he were to replace the scarf's role, he would get to nuzzle himself and hug Kyouko all day.

Yuu stopped and immediately flushed up at his thought. Panicking, he took off the scarf around his neck and wrapped it around his face which made him look like a ninja.

Kyoko was about to get herself a little more used to the scarf, but the sudden movement from beside her stopped her from doing so. She looked at her side to see Yuu himself, and his face was covered with her scarf. She would have curled in a ball in the middle of the street with embarrassment if not for the fact that he looked like some butler ninja. And it was really funny. For her at least.

"Urg--" She tried to resist laughing, but she couldn't. So she let herself chuckle, and again, and again, sudden but small fits of laughter that she knew she couldn't contain for long. Hey, she tried. At least she didn't laugh out loud. Well, even if she could, she wouldn't do that.

I tried, she thought with a last giggle, looking back at Yuu with an apologetic expression on her face. "I-I'm sorry, Yuu-chan!," she muttered, her gaze falling to the scarf-covered face of his. "You just look funny," she said, a bit calmed now. And then, after the laughs and tears that she just wiped off her eyes, it dawned on her.

"I still like Yuu-chan that way," she nodded to herself with a determined face, agreeing with her own statement. The truth was, she didn't know that she had just blurted out such an embarrassing thing to say. She was sure that it only existed in her thoughts, like the other ones. But this one slipped, without her even knowing. Maybe she wanted to say all those things all this time.

But as much as she wasn't aware of this, she knew that they were close to that restaurant that Yuu would work, and she would sit around to stay at.
"There it is, Yuu-chan!," she said eagerly, like a kid exclaiming to a parent.
Ah. She's laughing and apologizing at the same time. Wait. Why? Is there something on my face?

Yuu blinked a couple of times, obviously dumbfounded about the current situation. He began patting his face to check for crumbs but instead of crumbs, he felt a piece of cloth. Hnn? Turning his head to a glass window by the store at the sidewalk, he just realized what Kyouko was laughing about. Realizing that he looked like a ninja butler in that kind of outfit, he unwrapped the scarf from his face. But then, he heard Kyouko's remark.

Flushing up at what she has just said, Yuu shakily took the scarf and wrapped himself up again.

Whe-?! Ho-?! Wh-?! Whaaaaaat?!?!

An indirect confession?! No, no, no, no. First, calm down. Second, don't be too happy. Third, never raise your hopes up. It might be a misunderstanding. Fate has never been in people's favor, after all. Just as he was about to ask what Kyouko meant by that, he noticed that they were already close to the restaurant. Seeing that Kyouko was somewhat so eager and all hyped up, Yuu decided to push the question in the back of his head. If asking the question would make her down, he'd rather not ask about it. Plus, even if it's just for a while, he wanted to believe that Kyouko's 'like' is the same as his 'like'.

"Then, I'll be entering through the back door. You can order whatever you want once you get inside since I'll be paying for your meal. I'll be going now, okay?"

And with a pat on her head, Yuu headed off to the back entrance of the restaurant. Opening up the door, he was quite surprised that no one was there to greet or pounce on him. Maybe they're all working on the floor? Nevertheless, that was a good thing. He removed the scarf from his face and wrapped it around his neck.

If they were to see the emotionless cool guy blushing furiously, Yuu would never hear the end of it.

"Okay~!," Kyoko nodded enthusiastically, waving Yuu off even though his back was facing her. At least she was able to wave him, and his back, off. Dismissing that thought, she made small hops towards the restaurant and dug her hand into one of her shorts' pockets. Her fingers could feel the cloth of her wallet, which she liked feeling. It was soft, and somehow fluffy. "Ah," she remembered. I have money, she thought. "Yuu-chan doesn't have to pay for me," she told herself with a nod, and peeked through one of the windows.

As usual the place was booming with the delightful scenery of delicious food... and, well, men. Unlike the other girls who seemed to be squealing and fangirling in the distance while the good-looking butlers would be too busy to see them do so, Kyoko barely cared about them. Well admittedly, she'd feel a sense of delight when she'd see people as good looking as them, but only faintly. Probably, it was even less than the average female would. But, she knew that was normal. If she didn't feel that, she would be heartless!

After all, one among all them, had already taken her heart.

Flustering slightly at the thought, Kyoko shook her head and prepared herself. When she achieved enough confidence and inhaled enough oxygen and carbon dioxide and smoke and lots more inhalable things all together, she exhaled and entered.

"Welcome," an young man dressed in a butler outfit just like Yuu did earlier bowed politely. This was quite expected by her, but Kyoko couldn't seem to get used to it. "Ah, Kyoko-chan?," he blinked. It was obvious that he was surprised to see her here.

"Shiino-san!," she greeted to the senior. She wouldn't have known him if Yuu didn't. And if she wasn't just that friendly. "You look... clean!"

Among everything and anything to say to him, that was what she said. She gave a face that was apologetic, but somehow said, You can't blame me! You look like you've tumbled around a hundred parties all the time!

"Hey," he spat teasingly, his informality returning for a while. "What're you tryin'a say? Come on, I'm gonna lead you to your seat, okay?"

"Heehee... thanks," she muttered, and the whole time she was led to her seat, she was just imagining how Yuu would look while doing that. She was so into her fantasies that she never noticed that Shiino was holding her hand the whole time. Come to think of it, I haven't really seen Yuu-chan in action..., she thought with determination spread across her face.

When her hand was let go (which she still never noticed .-.), she just plopped herself on a comfortable seat and rested both hands on her lap. She just ate dinner earlier, and it was enough to make her not want to eat anymore. But just for the heck of it, she decided that she would order later.
I wonder what Yuu-chan would suggest people to order, she thought curiously, watching the other butlers socializing with girls all around.

“May I take your order,....mistress?"

Yuu asked, fishing out a pen and a small notepad from his pocket. Even if it was nighttime, the place was still packed like always and as soon as he step a foot on the battlefield, a lot of people has been calling on him to take their orders.

“Hmm….I can’t decide yet.” A teenage girl replied in a cutesy manner which was followed by a series of flirtatious giggles. If you’re not ready to order, then don’t call a waiter! “Can you decide for me, Yuu-kun?” The girl exclaimed, batting her eyelashes as she did.

“...Anything’s fine, right?”

Yuu replied coldly. Despite that, it made the group of girls squeal while smacking each other’s arms. Yup, Yuu is quite well-known for being like that. But for some reason or another, his words, instead of sounding like he didn’t care or too lazy to think about it, it sounded like he was annoyed and pissed off for some reason. While the girls in front of him were seriously arguing on what they’re going to order, Yuu’s attention drifted somewhere else.

Shiino, you b**tard, I’m going to kill you.

Yuu thought and broke the pen he was holding in half without even realizing it. He can’t help it! Shiino was actually holding Kyouko’s hand! And to think that Kyouko seemed so happy while he dragged her to his seat.

“Yuu-kun? Yuu-kun! We’re ready to order!”

And just like that, Yuu was brought back to reality. After memorizing the group’s order in his mind (Since he doesn’t have anything to write with.), Yuu went to the counter to punch in the order as well as take a spare pen. Realizing that there weren’t any more people calling to him, Yuu took advantage of the chance and walked towards Kyouko.

“May I take your order, mistress?"
The brown-haired girl watched her best friend silently and intently. Unlike how most people probably saw him -- be it overly-attractive, or hot, or cold, or expressionless - for Kyoko, Yuu was probably the coolest being who ever existed (no pun intended). And her expression couldn't and would never lie every time she'd see him.

It wasn't long until Kyoko found Yuu. Actually, she spotted him the moment she sat. But there were times when she would have to decline all the other ones who would either give her a menu or assist in choosing, so she'd have to not look at him then. There were times when Kyoko wouldn't have to look at the rest of the butlers, however. Just like what was happening at this moment.

"You sure you don't want to order anything?," Shiino whispered, pausing to face her.

"No thanks," Kyoko muttered, which was almost inaudible. It was really obvious for anyone to see that her focus was on something -- or someone -- else. And it didn't take the butler by her much to understand just what she was doing.

"Are you," he muttered, which was a little muffled. It was as if he was trying hard to hide something. Probably just laughter, Kyoko figured. It was a miracle, even, that she was able to give the smallest of attention to him. "Are you stalking Hideki now?," he let out a chuckle. "Kyoko-chan, I thought you were different from the others--"

"I-I came here with Yuu-chan!," she whispered with the slightest of panic in her voice. "I'm not stalking him... Just... just..."

"Fine, fine, geez," Shiino said, and went towards a customer who seemed to want his assistance. "I'm off. Look, your knight in shining armor's come for you." With a wink, he fled, and Kyoko looked to where Shiino just pointed to see Yuu walking towards her.

It definitely was better when he was closer.

"Mistress...," Kyoko chuckled lightly at the word, her cheeks turning a little red. "Is that what you would call girls here?," she asked curiously. "Because there was this one guy who would call and treat those girls like they were princesses. And the other would call them their masters. And there was this one -- I think he was looking for a queen!," she muttered. She was just quite in awe that there was such methods... and it really worked on those girls.

She expected no less from Yuu, though.

Kyoko would have noticed her jealousy if she wasn't busy laughing.

"S-Sorry, Yuu-chan," she apologetically laughed, reaching for the menu in front of her. "I got carried away again." Kyoko opened it with her small fingers, and read it for the first time. She didn't feel like doing so while with the other butlers. After all, she rejected all them too. Soon, she was lost in all the delectable-looking food and drinks and desserts. She didn't want to keep Yuu waiting, but she couldn't help it at all but look at all of them again and again.

"Woah," she mumbled, ocean-blue eyes scanning the menu, trying to find anything she would like to order. But they all just seemed so perfect, there was no way she could choose! "I don't understand how the others could order so quickly..." she said to nobody in particular, then faced Yuu with an expression that was saying that she was having a little trouble here. And that was really embarrassing. "Y-Yuu-chan..." she muttered, trying to hide her face by burying it in the blue scarf's embrace. "Can you help me?"

“Then, would you like me to call you princess?”

Yuu asked bluntly as he twirled the pen around his fingers while waiting for Kyouko to order from the menu. Princess seems to suit her more than mistress, too. Kyouko as a princess,….wonder how she would look like? Without realizing it, Yuu began imagining Kyouko as a damsel in distress who was locked up in a tower. Of course, if there was a damsel, a prince is needed. But much to his surprise, someone else appeared as the prince other than himself. And that someone was Shiino.

Unconsciously, Yuu broke the pen again as he shook off those depressing thoughts. Hearing that Kyouko needed his assistance on picking a meal, Yuu agreed with a nod and crouched down next to her. Honestly speaking, though, Yuu had no idea on what to recommend since he has never picked anything for a customer. After scanning through the menu and considering Kyouko’s situation, her being full after eating dinner and stuff, Yuu finally made a decision.

“How about Mont Blanc?” He asked, leaning slightly and pointing on the picture of a dessert that was made up of puréed, sweetened chestnuts topped with whipped cream. “After assuming that you were full after eating dinner, I decided to go with something---“ Yuu turned his head to the side to face her but stopped when he noticed that they were only a breath apart from each other. “----light.”

Yuu unconsciously locked his gaze on Kyouko and kept staring at her until,

“What’s this, Hideki-kuun? Are you flirting with Kyouko-chan?” Shiino exclaimed in a teasing manner as he passed by Kyouko’s table.

A part of Kyoko wanted to eagerly nod and respond positively when Yuu asked that question. But for some reason, she simply shook her head and said, "You can call me what you always call me. Like... Shiino-san. He just calls me 'Kyoko-chan'."

With a light shrug, Kyoko nodded gratefully as Yuu crouched beside her and seemed to read the menu along with her. That was weird... the way he was reading it, it was as if he had never suggested anyone what to order. Then again, maybe he was just really like that, all the time. It would be too unlikely for Kyoko to be thinking about being an exception, even though she already was doing it. Dismissing her thought for probably the millionth time for today, Kyoko continued to read and look at all the pictures in the menu. She definitely enjoyed doing so.

Soon enough, Yuu seemed to have a suggestion already, which Kyoko agreed do for many reasons upon hearing of it. It was a Mont Blanc, which (firstly), she tasted for a few times and loved it greatly, (secondly), it reminded her of a song by a Vocaloid which she loved singing and listening to, and (thirdly) she preferred it enough just because Yuu suggested it.
"I think it's perfect," she muttered to herself and was separated from her fantasies of sweets and food and Yuu altogether when she noticed Yuu's voice trail off.

"Ah," she softly exclaimed, her gaze falling to the broken pen on Yuu's grip. "Why is that pen..."

And a load of emotions washed through her and paralyzed her at the same time as her ocean-blue eyes met Yuu's golden ones. "...bro...ken." Without noticing it, her voice had trailed off too. Without noticing it, a couple of girls from far away were cursing profanities now. Without noticing it, she had just fallen deeper into whatever this was. "Hah..." She let a breath out nervously, unable to control the heat that seemed to be making way to her cheeks. The only thing that brought her back to reality was Shiino's voice, which seemed to bring time back at its normal rate.

"A-A Mont Blanc it is," Kyoko closed the menu and stared at her lap sheepishly.
“Certainly, princess.”

Yuu nodded as he stood up and gave Kyoko a bow. Okay, that princess just slipped from his mouth mainly because he can’t remove the fact that Shiino was the prince in his imagination. It was his imagination so why won’t it take its owner’s side?! Well, whatever since he called her ‘princess’ just now, he should just stick with it.

“By the way, princess, have you picked a drink?"

Somehow, it was just feeling but, why can he feel that there were a lot of customers were calling him to take their orders? As much as he would like to stay and serve his only princess, Yuu felt that if he didn’t take the other people’s orders, he would get an earful from a manager. Ah, jeez. Decisions sure were hard.

All of a sudden, he felt a pat from the back of his shoulder. “Hey, Hideki. Sorry for the sudden interruption, but can you please take their orders? We’ve been approaching those girls but they all turned us down. It seems that they would like you to take their orders. Pretty please? I’ll handle Kyoko-chan’s order for you.” Shiino whispered to Yuu and clasped his hands together as a sign of begging.

That was more of the reason not to go. He knew that he was being selfish but he really wanted to stay with Kyoko but..

“Okay. Got it.” Yuu replied blandly. After seeing the manager make a somewhat dark glare from a distance, it left him no choice.

Before walking off, Yuu looked over to Kyoko and bowed in apology. “Sorry, but I’ll be back later.”
Hmm... Kyoko, for the millionth time probably, scanned the menu before her once more. It was that grand that it was as if it was her first time seeing it. Maybe I'll get a milk tea... She was nearly lost in her thoughts when she overheard a couple of whispers and voices. And she was most certain that most of them were requesting and demanding for Yuu as of now. She wasn't that surprised about it, though. But Kyoko couldn't deny that the stares and glares pointed to her made her shiver at least a little.

"I'll--" Before she could finish her sentence or remember what she was going to say again, Kyoko heard a familiar voice from behind them. It was Shiino, again. Not one of Yuu's fangirls. Not his manager. She listened silently to what the fellow butler needed to say to Yuu, not bothering to look behind her. Her grip on the menu slightly tightened. Her ocean-blue orbs scanned Yuu's face, and nodded when he said something she forgot to listen to. "Okay. Have fun, Yuu-chan," she muttered softly. She wasn't even sure if anyone else but her, heard that.

Kyoko placed the menu on the table and stared at it, as if she had no intentions of ordering anything anymore. It was very selfish of her, she figured. So, the girl shook her head, getting herself together. She couldn't let the loss of Yuu for now ruin other things, even though his mere presence mattered a lot to her.
"H-Hi, Shiino-san," Kyoko said with a little smile. The look on Shiino's face seemed to prove that he wasn't believing that Kyoko was okay. I probably seemed too casual, she thought.

"You're not going to let me take your order, are you?," The black-haired butler shrugged, which received a shake of a head from Kyoko in return. "Don't worry," Shiino finally spoke with a sigh, after a long time of silence between them. "I won't force you. But he won't be done anytime soon. The last time I checked, dozens were asking for him." That didn't specifically help her feel any better. Kyoko looked around at the room which contained a lot of girls who anticipated Yuu. Some were even giving looks at her, but she tried not to mind it.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to--" Shiino said.

"A-A pearl milk tea, please," Kyoko cut him and nodded, as if convincing herself more than anybody else.

"Are you sure?," he asked, his voiced laced with concern.

"Yep," she nodded with the signature grin of hers. "I can wait for Yuu-chan while sipping it," she unconsciously said her plan which was supposed to stay in her head, and Shiino chuckled in response.

"One pearl milk tea, coming up."

(I'm definitely sorry for the late reply. Real-life situations, is all. c:)
"May I take your order?"

Yuu asked his ninth...No, maybe his tenth customer. Honestly speaking, he was already exhausted with just serving four to five of the customers which is nothing compared to his usual number of customers that ranges from ten to fifteen per day. So, why does he feel that his soul was sucked out when he just served only a quarter of them?

"Please wait a moment, mistress. Your order will arrive shortly."

And with a bow, Yuu took off, heading for the counter to punch in his customer's order. Leaning on the counter to take a second-quick-break, Yuu took a deep breath as he watched Shiino converse with Kyoko. Jeez. This is exactly why he's been feeling exhausted and staring at them didn't actually help.


Just then, his eyes shifted to the girl who had just entered the cafe. She was alone and seemed oddly familiar. Noticing that Yuu was staring at her, the girl smiled in his direction and waved at him before being accompanied by a butler to her seat.

"Can you take this to table four, Hideki?"

Yuu nodded and took the tray of food, heading off to the said table. After setting the plate of food on the table, his gaze shifted to the table next to it and realized that the girl from earlier was sitting there.

"Hey, Hideki-kun. How are you and Hasegawa-san?"

Yuu blinked and walked to the girl's table before asking, "Who're you?"

"Waah, so the rumor about you not remembering people's names is true, after all." The girl grinned and laughed sheepishly. "I guess I'll have to introduce myself one more time. My name is Misaki Hana. I'm in the same year as you but we have different classes."

"Misaki Hana?" Yuu repeated but somehow, the name didn't ring a bell until, "Oh, you're the girl who advised me to go after Kyoko. Thanks to you, we're back to normal again." He said with a bow.

Misaki chuckled, "Oh, come on. I didn't do anything great. Ah, come to think of it, I haven't ordered anything yet." She said, scanning through the menu. "Do you have anything that you would like to recommend?"

"Mixed fruit parfait and Melon bubble tea. It's limited to Mondays only." Yuu exclaimed quickly. Even if he has usually declined giving other people recommendations, Yuu has always made sure to memorize the 'food for day' because who knows what the manager will do to him if he didn't.

"That sounds great!" Misaki said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Alright! I'll have that!"

Yuu nodded and bowed, "Certainly." before heading off to the counter.

((It's alright. I apologize for the ultra mega reply, too. The school has been torturing me with reports from the very first day and not to mention, my exams are just around the corner, so I might reply late, too. TAT))
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Inside the straw was a low slurping sound -- indicating that Kyoko's pearl milk tea was nearly finished. A soft sigh escaped the girl, which Shiino immediately noticed just as he passed her table again. He seemed to always be checking on her before and after either taking orders, or pleasing customers.

"Another please," Kyoko mumbled calmly, though the disfavor in her voice wasn't hidden.

"Coming up," the butler went off, probably to get her another order.

Kyoko nodded in gratitude and chewed on the last of the edible pearls before looking at the empty glass and pushing it by the other one she consumed just recently too.
It's my third one already, she thought, quite surprised, even though this would happen most of the time. She just apparently, loved eating, that much.

In no time, Shiino came back to place the drink, Kyoko had gotten herself to be very familiar with, on the table in front of her.
"Thanks," she said and once again, sipped on the milk tea. This time, she was determined to try to do so a little slower, even though it was really delicious.

"If you manage to order another and Hideki still won't get to you, I swear I'll..."

Shiino's voice trailed off.

"Hm?," Kyoko paused from what she was doing and muttered. I barely heard what he said... She thought, and looked up. Oh no, did he notice?, she thought with a slight twinge of panic. But it didn't seem to be the case. If anything, Shiino's didn't even seem to notice her at this moment.

Where?... Kyoko slowly followed Shiino's gaze, which fell to a familiar girl that Yuu seemed to be talking to.

Who?... she continued to kind of stare intently yet curiously.

"Hana," Shiino muttered, and for about a millisecond, his confidence seem to have fallen. This was a feeling she was kind of used to, Kyoko knew. And as she looked at the girl again, whom Yuu just bowed at and left, a thought entered Kyoko's mind. Hana...


"I'll get back to you," Shiino said almost inattentively, and walked towards the girl whom Kyoko finally realized was one of the students from Shioshou Academy. Knowing nearly everyone and being quite famous in the school had its perks. Unconsciously, she stood halfway, but sat again. For all she knew, Yuu might get back in a second. She couldn't just leave her seat, she knew.

I can talk to them later, she decided with a small smile, and looked at her drink, which she surprisingly hadn't got sick of just yet.
"Hideki. Go and serve this order to table 5."

Yuu nodded silently and took the tray of food without batting an eye at it. He went to table five and realized that it was Misaki's order.

"Thank you for waiting. Here's your order."

"Ooh, finally!" Misaki clapped as Yuu set the food on the table. "Thanks, Hideki-kun."

"Enjoy." And with a bow, Yuu walked back to the counter.

"Wait!" Misaki called out to him which made Yuu turn around and walk back towards her. "As a token of gratitude, let me tell you something about girls." Misaki grinned malisciously and whispered something into Yuu's ear.

"Order up! Hideki, table 8!"

"Okay, that's pretty much it. Now, go!" Misaki enthusiastically gave him a push in the back.

Yuu walked towards the counter, unfazed, like nothing happened.

Table 8? That's Kyoko's table, right? Yuu slowly took the plate, staring at the chef and the manager who just handed him the plate and the manager who was next to him, silently pleading through his eyes.

The manager looked around the cafè for a bit and back at Yuu. "You can go take a break, Hideki, the flow of customers have slowed down a bit, after all."

Yuu slightly bowed in gratitude to his manager and quickly made his way to Kyoko's table.

"Sorry, did you wait long? Here's your order." Yuu said as he gently placed the plate of mont blanc on the table. After that, Yuu sat across Kyoko.

"If you want to develop your relationship with Hasegawa-san, make sure you two get enough eye contact! So, I suggest you silently stare at her with the most earnest look you have!"

Or so she said. Well, it can't hurt to try, right? So, Yuu did. He did exactly what he was told to do. He stared at Kyoko with that little smile on his face.
As Kyoko calmly sat again, she took a sip of her milk tea and took her time in chewing a few pearls. She had come to love doing that while waiting. Yuu-chan will be here soon, she told herself confidently, not bothering to withdraw from her delicious drink.

Soon enough, Yuu did get to her. Kyoko didn't have to look up or check. She'd know it when he was near. It was either his scent, the stillness that seemed to calm her, or the elated feeling she would have before and while facing him. Either way, his arrival was a very good thing for her. It always was.
"It's fine, Yuu-chan!," she said enthusiastically.

At least you're here now, she added in her mind.

She took the last few pearls and finished her third order of pearl milk tea, excited ocean-blue watching the plate of Mont Blanc be placed in front of her. She chewed and swallowed the last pearl before looking at the dessert in awe. No matter how much she'd seen it, Kyoko never really had the chance to eat something like a Mont Blanc. And since this was her first time, she wasn't so sure how to eat it.

"Eh...," the brown-haired girl muttered curiously. "I could just use a spoon..."

Kyoko barely sensed when someone was looking at her, one way or another. But, she just couldn't resist looking back at whatever was across from her. It made her automatically blush (and try to tone it down at the same time).
"Y-Yuu-" Kyoko muttered. Her eyes scanned his golden ones, left to right, left to right. It was impossible to look back after that, as if she was in some kind of trap she wouldn't mind being stuck in.

She felt her cheeks slightly heat up under the blue scarf that embraced her with just the same warmth. Yuu looked so downright adorable with that gaze of his. And that rare kind of smile was there, too! She felt her heart thump because of it, but she didn't have time to ask why or how.
"Yuu-chan," she said softly, though laced with a bit of embarrassment that wouldn't be obvious if one wasn't so focused at her. "A-Are you okay?"

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Ah. She’s flustered….How…Adorable.

"I'm fine...It's nothing.."

The reddish face of hers and the way Kyoko frantically tried to distract herself from looking back into Yuu’s eyes were just too much for the blonde boy to handle. She was too adorable for her own good that it made Yuu let out a small, short chuckle under his breath which he was rarely able to do. He would’ve continued on spacing out and enjoy the lovable view of the blushing Kyoko if it weren’t for that one person who was obviously squealing even if she hid herself with a bag. As much as he noticed that girl from the background, Yuu also noticed Misaki, who was wiggling her eyebrows in delight, probably a sign for a job well done. Yuu slightly bowed his head in gratitude and turned his attention back to Kyoko. There, he just noticed that she was lacking a spoon and therefore cannot eat the pastry.

“Sorry, Kyoko. I’m going to get a spoon for you.”

Yuu exclaimed before he stood up and walked towards the counter. After asking for the spoon, Yuu noticed Shiino walking towards Misaki’s direction. Hmm? Since when did the two of them became all buddy-buddy? Well, not that it matters, anyway.

“Sorry for the wait. Here’s your spoon, Hideki-kun. Oh, and I decided to let you have a little something, too. It’s a token of appreciation for a job well done today.” The chef handed him the spoon and a glass of what looked like…Caramel milkshake. Yuu looked at the peculiar chef in question but the other merely chuckled and waved him off. As this left him no choice, Yuu silently walked back to Kyoko’s table.

“Here. Your spoon. Sorry about not getting you one earlier.”

Yuu said as he placed the spoon next to Kyoko’s plate. After he did, Yuu sat down in his seat, silently sipping the milkshake that the chef had gave to him.
"A-Ah... okay," Kyoko muttered with a grateful nod, trying to keep her undeniable happiness to herself. There wasn't much left to say, anyway. After all, she was that embarrassed to continue talking. It was just better for her to keep silent and wait for Yuu to get back with the spoon he was to fetch her.

Heck, with all the redness on her face that she was still trying to tone down, Kyoko barely noticed the commotion in the background--from the squealing girl to the other squealing girls. Honestly, if she was to choose between knowing that and not, she might have wanted to choose the ignorant, blushing path, than the sight of fangirling and angry females altogether.

She swallowed the chewed remains of the last pearl she was biting on earlier. It seemed that her attention was too focused on the glorious (she can get quite expressive at times) sight of a rare yet still very adorable Yuu to even think about anything else. Wah... she sighed softly, patting her face with her soft palms. I-I should calm down.

Although a part of her didn't want to, she at least had to try. And she did.

When Yuu came back, Kyoko looked up, a little startled, and gratefully took the spoon beside her plate. Ah, now at least she was able to eat her dessert.
"Itadakimasu~" she mumbled happily, placing a spoonful of Mont Blanc in her mouth. Her eyes widened a bit before closing in a relaxed manner. That was her expression for every delicious food she'd eat. And this was definitely one of them. "Woaah," she couldn't help but exclaim.

She glanced at Yuu, who was sipping on some kind of shake that she'd never seen before. The normal overly-curious girl she was, Kyoko unconsciously leaned close, eyeing the drink with wide, ocean-blue eyes that in the history of mankind, nobody had ever even thought of resisting.
"What is that?," she asked softly, blinking.


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