Who's the one? | Luna & Strawberry Jam [Inactive]


Kyoko watched as Yuu almost hastily had gone to the kitchen. It was a good thing she already readied the ingredients and whatnot, earlier. That way, they both would be able to cook better. Speaking of cooking...

"Yuu-chan," she called to him casually, but the faint happiness in her voice and flush on her cheeks never disappeared. "You should rest."

She did like the idea of her and Yuu cooking together, but she still was determined to nurse him, and him cooking with her didn't seem so fair for Yuu.
"Is your forehead okay, Yuu-chan?," Kyoko asked with not much worry, but she was still concerned, of course. She wanted to pat his forehead again, but he was a little too far for her to be able to do so. Maybe later.

Yuu seemed to be a little weird right now. It was as if he was more... Kyoko couldn't specify.
"Are you okay, Yuu-chan?," she asked, again. "You don't have to force yourself. I'm supposed to take care of you, after all."

He seemed a little odd.. and, red? Why was his face...

Did he hear me?

Kyoko wanted to ask that, but if she did, she thought that she'd just explode out of embarrassment.

Ah... T-That's so embarrassing, Kyoko thought, nearly spacing out.
"Yuu-chan. You should get some rest."

Yuu snapped out of his thoughts. What is wrong with him today? It's like he left his consciousness at the post where he bumped his forehead against. Not to mention, he was spacing out every now and then.

"Don't worry, I'm okay."

Did Yuu just forced a smile at Kyouko? What the hell? Even if he is okay, he really wouldn't do something as strange as that.

"Really. Don't worry too much. You'll age faster."

Yuu said, giving Kyouko a single pat at the head. He went over to the counter and took out the curry Kyouko had prepared.

"You don't have to force yourself. I'm supposed to take care of you, after all."

Without even realizing himself, his face flushed up again. There really is something wrong with him. And to think he's not even aware of it.
Kyoko nodded slightly after feeling that one pat on her head. That itself, was honestly enough to make her feel such mixed emotions. They were all positive, she supposed. But she wasn't so sure if feeling warmth and a little of nervousness around her was so positive. Getting back to reality, she watched as Yuu took the curry she had just prepared, and wondered if she made it well today. It has been quite a while since she had done this. But she had no regrets, or doubts in her own doing.

That left her a little nervous, until her gaze drifted to Yuu's face. It wasn't covered with anything now, not even a hand, and even if she was at his side, she could see quite clearly that his face was a little... flustered.

Well, maybe not a little.

But for some reason, that sight was just so captivating for Kyoko that she couldn't help but feel the slightest of heat creep to her cheeks.
"Wh-What the--" she stuttered and mumbled, hoping that Yuu didn't hear that. They were quite close though, so she couldn't rely on that wish that much. In a few seconds, she was trying to cover her face and hide behind the scarf wrapped around her, trying to casually look away even at brief times.

For now, she stayed silent, the scarf (which still endlessly reminded her of Yuu) covering about half of her face again, watching just like some random child might do. And she tried to revert her thoughts to things that would make her less abashed, at the very least.
Yuu momentarily froze in his tracks. He just stood there, staring at the bowl of curry placed on the counter. His heart was beating too fast for him to handle, his stomach was fluttery, and he felt warmth emanating from his cheeks and onto his whole body. It's happening again, he thought. What is this feeling? Is it something that people have to go through?

"Wh-What the--"

Yuu was brought back to reality because of Kyouko's comment. He immediately shifted his head to her and surprisingly enough, Kyouko was blushing.


She saw, didn't she!? And to think that she saw him looking like that while he didn't even know how he looked like. How embarrassing.


Yuu suddenly realized something. This. Is this what it feels like to have emotions? To be able to feel happiness, sorrow, and embarrassment? He looked at Kyouko, a little surprised. And to think that...Kyouko was the person who made experience all of this. She's just amazing.

Yuu flashed a genuine smile at her.

"Thanks, Kyouko."
Even just one 'thanks' from Yuu was enough to make Kyoko have a smile slowly and gently spread across her face. Although she wasn't sure which he was talking about or why he would thank her, she nodded happily. "A-Anytime, Yuu-chan." She managed to speak, but it came out as a small stutter. This time, she looked at Yuu, and once again, they were both looking at each other. And quite a long while, too.

I dislike it when the sun sets.

"It's kind of hard to look away when it's you, you know?," Kyoko tiptoed and brought a hand to Yuu's hair, only to tousle it a little gently. She didn't even regret saying that. It was also about time that she would stop suppressing or hiding her feelings. Maybe sometime, she would finally understand these. But for now, she had no plans in hiding them any more.

I hope it never does.

Yuu didn’t understand what Kyouko just meant by that. ‘It’s hard to look away when it’s you?’ What does that mean? Why did it become that hard? It’s just easy to look away, right? Even though Yuu mentally said that, he, himself felt trapped in Kyouko’s eyes.

Yuu wasn’t blushing anymore. He had reverted back to his emotionless self before he knew it. Instead, he felt a ticklish sensation running down his spine when Kyouko touched his hair. Another one of those mysterious feelings he just felt today has been added to his list.

All of a sudden, he momentarily felt conscious around Kyouko. He unintentionally brushed off her hand by turning back to the counter for one reason. It was from stopping himself for asking, What does that mean? For some reason, he got a premonition that something will start the moment he asks that.
Sometimes, it stings.

Kyoko's gazed drifted on her feet the moment her hand was brushed away.

Maybe Yuu-chan just doesn't like having his hair touched, Kyoko thought in the most optimistic way possible. Yeah, that must be it.

It was quite odd, the fact that Kyoko was sometimes the only one who could cheer herself up. But after so much that she'd been through in this little life of hers, she was so used to this already. At times, she'd joke around, say a pun or two, just to make herself laugh. And another problem would quietly rise when people would look at her with weird faces.

"Sorry," she said in the most casual and calm way she could, hoping that it could cover for the pain that seemed to definitely multiply.

So close, yet so far.

She took a step backward. Was she to run again? Calm herself in a peaceful place? She didn't know. She wasn't so sure. And her indecisiveness left her there, frozen in place, a truthful pained expression fighting its way onto her face. But she had to fight back. She knew that this wasn't the end of it.
“Kyouko, what kind of curry do you want? Mild, sweet, or….” Yuu stopped when he turned his head to her. “…spicy.” He mumbled the last part. Ah, he sure has done it. Yuu bended to his knees and looked at Kyouko’s face from down there. “What’s wrong?” This is what’s irritating about Yuu. Even after all that, he still hasn’t get what’s happening.

Then, out of the blue, he heard her say sorry. He stood up and threw his hands in the air as a form of surrendering. “I give up. You win.” Propping down his hands to the side, he looked over to Kyouko and said, “I heard everything that you said a while ago. I didn’t want to say that I know because I thought that it would be unfair to you. So we’re even now. I’m sorry.”
"E-Everything...," Kyoko's eyes slowly widened, unable to mask the thousands of emotions that seemed to be bubbling up from her. She looked up to Yuu with eyes full of interest with what he had to say, and she wasn't even sure about what he was talking about. But one thing was for sure.

You win.

What. Kyoko bit her lower lip, trying to hide whatever left of her voice just right there. She wasn't so sure what would come from her if she didn't hold back. But it was getting tiring and somehow very unpleasant to hold back.

A giggle emerged from her. And after that, a series of chuckling and laughing and giggling that she tried so hard to consciously silence from time to time, that it sounded funnier, in some way.

"I'm sorry," she muttered in between giggles. And this time, she didn't hold back in saying anything, as long as it was the truth. "I wasn't mad or anything. I thought you were. And I don't get it." She laughed once more, before looking back at Yuu with that curiosity and interest in her eyes. "It's a little confusing. Is it just me?"

She just wanted to make sure. And if it was just her... she'd stop bothering him about it, probably.

“‘The sun’s just like Yuu-chan. Every one likes the sun. But what does the sun like?’, right?” He said, as he stirred the curry with a big metal spoon. “Ah, I made the curry spicy, okay?” As he waited for the food to cook, he watched Kyouko giggle until it turned into a series of laughter. She looked adorable whenever she does that Yuu can never get tired of it. “I’m not mad. I’ll never be mad. Especially at you. You should know that better than anyone.” He said, giving Kyouko a light bonk on the head and sat down, leaning on a chair.
"I don't mind if it's spicy."

A few whiles passed before she realized that things were all right. And she had chances to make it better. She was more than relieved to know that Yuu wasn't mad at her. And she just nodded before realizing that her feelings and whatever she had just blurted out about Yuu earlier -- he all knew that.

“‘The sun’s just like Yuu-chan. Every one likes the sun. But what does the sun like?’, right?”

"D-Don't repeat it!," Kyoko's face immediately flushed pink, crossing her hands in front of her face to cover it. "Embarrassing!" was the only thing she managed to mutter before trying to really calm herself. "But... yeah," Kyoko continued with a little smile on her face. She became a little calmer, and she knew that there was no sense in denying such things. "You're the best sun!"

She blinked upon receiving that little bonk, and chuckled before leaning too, on a counter.
Yuu stood up and started serving the curry in two plates. After setting up the table, he sat at the dining chair. Then, he motioned Kyouko to sit across him before starting to eat. “I’m not the sun. I’m a normal human being.” He exclaimed as he put a spoonful of curry in his mouth. Woah, the curry really is spicy. Wonder if Kyouko will be able to handle it? “Come to think of it, I’ve been feeling weird lately. Like, my heart has been skipping a few beats and sometimes it beats too fast. Then, my stomach feels fluttery and it only happens when I’m with a certain person.” Yuu said in between eating. “Do you think I’m sick?”
Like a child following her parent, Kyoko silently bounced to one of the chairs where Yuu beckoned her to sit. Yuu-chan's still the sun, Kyoko insisted to herself with determination, which either faded or doubled when her taste buds had contact of the curry which she didn't think would be this spicy. She tried to slowly blow in reflex, which didn't really help that much. And the next statements that Yuu had told her still didn't help that much, except for the fact that most of her attention turned to him.

Now, why did those seem familiar to her? She couldn't quite remember, until a flashback crossed her mind.

I don't get it, Mori-san!

Now, now. It's not at all that bad.

Why do I--

I know that.

"I know that," she mumbled as calmly as she could, her words a little unclear thanks to the curry that she couldn't spit nor swallow just yet. "You're--"

She swallowed the spoonful of curry, as if it didn't matter at all. Then, she started taking and eating more.

It's simple, Kyoko-chan.







The thought of that nurse's playful giggles made Kyoko feel a little more uneasy, for some reason.
It really was too spicy.

Panicking at Kyouko’s reaction, Yuu stood up and quickly poured a glass of cold water for her. “I should’ve made the curry mild.” He said as he sat down at his chair and continued on eating but this time, more slowly as he was too worried about Kyouko to concentrate on his own food. Her response about his question made him even more puzzled at his situation, though.

“I’m not sick? Then, what is this?”
Kyoko nodded in gratitude, slowly taking the glass of water before her with slightly shaky hands. Hurriedly, she drank and sighed in relief. "I-It's okay," she muttered, surprisingly still eating, but a little slower then how rapidly she did earlier. She'd probably say otherwise the next time they would have curry, though.

For some reason, she didn't want Yuu to ask any further. But he did, and all he could think of was one of Aii's explanations about this 'in-love' thing -- yes, she had dozens of stories about it -- and so, that's what she said.
"It's..." Kyoko hesitated, but she knew there wasn't a thing to worry about it. "Some kind of psychological effect, when you've taken a great liking to someone. It's supposedly normal, but the thing is it won't happen to anyone else but that special person."

Or maybe there was.

Who was it?

That certain person Yuu was talking about. Kyoko really wanted to know. And she knew that this wasn't only because of her extreme curiosity.

But what does the sun like?
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As to Yuu’s relief that Kyouko drank the water and finally calmed down, he was still a bit confused as he ate the remaining of his plate. A psychological effect? Yuu crossed his arms and looked down, giving it a great deal of thought. Being extremely potential in almost every aspect of his life, being emotionless, and being possessed by one of the seven deadly sins: Sloth, Yuu knew that there was something wrong with him from the very start. It's like he's different from other people.

‘when you’ve taken a great liking to someone.'

Wait. Wait a minute. Yuu started replaying in his head what Kyouko has said earlier. After a while of replaying and replaying the thought, it finally hit him.

Does that mean…..

Yuu lifted his head up and stared at Kyouko with a shocked, blushing face.

'It's supposedly normal, but the thing is it won't happen to anyone else but that special person.'

…..I like Kyouko?
Kyoko blinked in discomfiture when she saw Yuu look at her such an expression. It was odd how just one action of Yuu's would spark many feelings and emotions in Kyoko. She'd be a little more comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. And she was tired of pretending and wondering if this was a normal thing. She knew it wasn't. She'd just have to figure it out.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that?," she asked curiously, with the slightest hint of uneasiness.

Is it because of the curry?

Is there something on my face?

Did I say anything wrong?

With a little smile, Kyoko sighed. "What are you thinking?"

Are you kidding me?!

Since when—How did—Why did—Ugh.

On the other hand, Yuu was suffering in debating with his internal self who was as much as confused as he is. He buried his face in the palms of his hand and felt how hot he is. Ah, jeez. Since when did this happen? As far as he remembered, Yuu treated Kyouko like a sister. Since when did this change? Yuu took a peek at her by moving his fingers apart.

He put his left hand down but the right stayed, covering a partial of his blushing face. “I-It’s nothing. Sorry for s-staring.” Yuu was too embarrassed that he can’t help but stutter. How weird.

He stood up and shakily cleaned up after the dishes (As a form of escape). He heard Kyouko sigh but what tensed him up is the question afterwards. Luckily, he didn’t let go of the plates he’s holding.

“W-What am I thinking?” Instead of answering it, he just repeated the question as he placed the dishes on the sink.


Like heck I can say that out loud.
"Yeah..." Kyoko responded. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed, but she decided not to bother Yuu about it further.

"I should be doing that," she said matter-of-factly, mentally pointing to the dishes. "You should rest."

She said that for what seemed to be the millionth time, but there was no stopping Kyoko's worries, especially when it came to Yuu.

For some reason...

You're in love!

"Agh..." Kyoko cringed, touching her forehead, which slightly was in pain. This would always happen to her whenever she couldn't full understand one thing, but she never expected that it could happen to her here, of all places and times. The day wasn't even halfway yet. Did she really get tired this easily?
"Persistent as ever, Kyouko-tan."

Yuu was halfway finished in washing the dishes. Just a few more glasses and he'll be done. He took a glance at Kyouko every now and then, blushing a bit whenever their eyes meet. It was a complicated feeling that even he can't control. As he finished washing the dishes, he wiped his towel using a dishcloth that was hung on the handle of the fridge.

Just then, Yuu heard a small grunt from Kyouko. "I think you're the one who should rest." He said, walking over to her. "Come on, I'll walk you to your house, even if it isn't really that far."
He called me Kyoko-tan.

The brown-haired girl's eyes slightly and slowly gleamed in happiness. How her eyes could do that, she wasn't so sure. She hasn't even ever seen her eyes do it. She could just feel it from time to time, and most people would say that the sight really was beautiful. It was a shame she couldn't

"You called me Kyoko-tan," she voiced her thought very silently it was almost inaudible.

She didn't even bother to entertain the thought of that temporary pain in her mind, nor the thought of getting back home (which was meters away). All that crossed her mind for now was something else.

"Can you call me that again?," she requested silently but hopefully.


That was the best that he can say. Other than that, Yuu blushed at Kyouko's request as well as her beautiful sparkling eyes. He just can't help but fall further because of that. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Yuu managed to calm down.


He felt himself heat up.
"Come on, you need to rest." Yuu exclaimed, turning around to hide his flushed face and grabbing Kyouko by her hand, dragging her to her house.
A giggle was all that Kyoko could muster after she heard Yuu say it again.


She let Yuu drag her outside and towards her home. It was pretty fun being dragged around, whenever Yuu would do that.

For some reason.

Kyoko let out a small sigh, soon remembering again what Aii had sonce told her.

The more you run away from it, the more things will go wrong.

For a weird woman like her, she sure knew many things, Kyoko thought.

I'm going to have to figure this out, and not run, she figured.

By the time they were in front of her house's door, Kyoko wasn't saying much. She just slowly enjoyed Yuu's company. She knew that he would probably leave and get to his house after this, after all. Even if they were just meters away, Kyoko knew that she'd have to do things to either use or waste time. While thinking about what to do once she got in her home, Kyoko couldn't help but wonder what Yuu would do once he got back to his.

He'll probably sleep again, she thought with a small smile on her face.

At the sound of Kyouko giggling, Yuu raised his free hand up and partially covered his blushing face. Jeez. How can such thing be capable of making his heart skip a beat? It's such a mystery.

"We're here. Yuu said, letting go of Kyouko's hand. "I'll be cooking dinner and deliver it to you later, so make sure to get plenty amount of rest for now. I'll be checking on you every now and then, okay?" And with a soft pat on her head, Yuu turned around and took off.
Kyoko nodded, like a little child. Even though she was in her middle teenage years, she'd still be that childish and immature. She had no plans of changing that in the future, though. For a long time, Kyoko has never been fond of people who were too serious and cold. Just when and how was Yuu an exception? Perhaps since a long time ago. They were childhood friends, after all.

"Okay, Yuu-chan," she waved him off, even though she knew he wouldn't see it. "Thanks."

With a smile to encourage herself, Kyoko dug onto her pocket to get her key. And once she found it, she slipped it inside the door's lock, and it opened.

"I'm home," she said to nobody in particular. It wasn't like there was anyone to greet her, Welcome back, anyway.

Kyoko put her slippers on, and left her shoes by the doorway. Immediately after that, she rushed upstairs silently, but her footsteps echoed in the house as silently as that. Into her room she went, and opened the curtains, letting the sun's rays envelop her. Never would the thought of Yuu leave her mind, though.

There were two windows in her room, one facing the streets, and the other facing Yuu's room's window. As for now, the curtains were covering the view. Kyoko hoped that Yuu would open his, so she'd see him again. It didn't matter for her even if they were just together.

She sat on the bed, scrolling through her phone for any messages. There were quite a lot from teachers and students who were worried and wondered why she wasn't there at the first day of class. But one caught her attention the most.


How are you doing?

Has it been months now?

I'm sorry I couldn't visit.

I'll try my best to get to you soon.

Take care.

With a smile, oblivious to the tears flowing down her cheeks, Kyoko closed her phone and laid herself on the bed after responding to all messages, including her father's.

I see.

That's what you tell me every time.

I trust you.

Don't break it.

You take care too!

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