Who's the one? | Luna & Strawberry Jam [Inactive]


Yuu leaned on a wall as he coughed and took deep breaths. For someone athletic, Yuu had an extremely low stamina. Since he never really worked out and was usually found lazing around, his stamina deteriorated. He’s been running around for more than ten minutes, going from room to room, trying to find Kyouko but to no prevail. There were a lot of people who stared at him as he ran and shouted desperately, they thought that he was crazy. His sweat started to penetrate his forehead, which was still unhealed up until now. It started to sting, a lot but he didn’t pay attention to it.


As Yuu heard the name, he shifted his attention to its source. The other building. Then, he saw the group of boys from earlier. So they’re searching for her, too. Yuu got up to his feet and started to run towards the other building. He just couldn’t let these people find her. He can’t just accept it. As Yuu ran to the other building, he passed by a teacher.

“Hideki-kun. If you’re looking for Hasegawa-kun, you ought to check the music room.”

Yuu was caught off-guard by the teacher’s sudden remark. He turned around and saw him, smiling as he waved.

How did he know?

He loved to ask this peculiar teacher the answer to this question but instead, he shouted ‘thanks’ and ran to the music room. Even from a distance, he heard a playing of piano as well as a familiar voice that accompanied the tune of the piano. No doubt, that weird teacher is right.

Since he didn’t want to disturb Kyouko from playing the piano, he sat right beside the door of the music room, leaning against a wall as he listened to her play.

She really is weird.
(Referencing Alice's lyrics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBDCVkrrQ7I ~ You can listen to the song again if you want. c:)

There wasn't anything wrong with being here in the music room, was there? Despite the thoughts and warnings in her head, Kyoko just kept on doing so. There were times when she would just play without singing, but at least no notes would be missed. She went on, feeling the wind reach her. Since when was the window open? She didn't know. Maybe she just missed it.

We'll have a sad talk far, far ahead.

If I won't be here anymore someday

It's been a while since she had played the piano. Or any instrument, actually. Perhaps, a few years or several months have passed. She never expected that she'd still know the right notes for this.

Fell into a thick, thick forest

You will go on by yourself.

No one much probably knew, but Kyoko was capable of playing the piano well just after listening the song itself.

In our joined hands, there's a gentle warmth

If the fingers we held would freely come apart.

She had perfect pitch, too. Either in singing or playing. She had the ability to recognize the pitch of a note or to produce any given note; a sense of absolute pitch. Only very few knew that. Come to think of it, maybe Yuu was the only one to know that. But he probably never noticed.

The faded bell of vibrance resounds.

You will go on by yourself.

Apparently, countless people have been inviting and hiring and scouting Kyoko to join their groups or companies or whatever. All because of her 'talent'. Yes, compared to other skills like painting or anything physical, maybe this was the only thing she was good at, after all.

On that point, the two of us will walk by ourselves

Even the voice stained with lies, is already faint.

Looking downward, our shadows became one

Will I go on by myself as well?

But that didn't really matter, did it?

I fell in faint love with you.

Did anything matter?

Like a flower that blooms at a high, high cliff.

Her voice faded.

"Stupid me," Kyoko looked at her fingers, which were still making their way onto the right notes and keys. "Why did I stop?"

And she was more than certain that she wasn't just talking about singing or playing music.
Yuu was on the brink of sleep. He felt himself sliding down against the wall and onto the floor. Plus, the fact that he can’t open his eyes isn’t really helping. What to do? Classes are going to start in a couple of minutes.

It’s just like a lullaby.

That sweet and gentle yet emotion-filled voice of hers, her flawless piano-playing, it’s just impossible for him stay awake when you add up all these things. Truth to be told, Yuu is only forcing himself to stay awake just because he wanted to hear Kyouko play. To be able to hear the entire song be played by her, it’s just pure bliss for him.

No more. He can’t take it anymore. Just after Kyouko stopped playing, he let himself succumb to sleep.


(^Just wanted to share. This reminds me of them a little. xD )

I remember. Kyoko stood from her seat upon hearing a very faint thud. It was as if she was waiting for it, even though she wasn't.

There were quite a lot of unimportant reasons as to why she had stopped playing and singing in front of everyone and anyone.

But there were two which were the most important.

One, Kyoko slowly walked towards the door, not bothering to close the lid of the piano. There are victims. People who get lulled to sleep when they listen. People who would get so attached to her and her voice. Attracted. And people like them do bad things. Or at least, she thought they would. It was better safe than sorry, after all. My voice... can be a real bother to people.

Two, she slowly opened the door and as slowly as that, she dared to look at her latest victim, her expression showing the guilt. She looked at the right. Nobody. The only one who can hear my voice is--

She looked left. And her gaze lingered to the male sleeping before her.

The only one who could hear her voice, was right there there.

"...Yuu..." Kyoko's eyes widened slowly, her voice reduced onto a whisper. "...chan..."

Did he hear my singing?, Kyoko felt heat on her cheeks as she crouched beside him. She wasn't so sure what to do, seeing Yuu sleeping so adorably there. A slight chuckle escaped her lips, followed by silent giggles. She couldn't help it. He actually looked for her. And that's she felt small twinges of guilt and regret. The swelling on his forehead seemed actually worse now. How could she do this to him?

"I'm sorry," Kyoko mumbled, and slowly and cautiously moved closer to Yuu, for no other reason but to check if he had any other injuries. Well, there wasn't, it seemed.

"I'm really sorry."

She slowly motioned her face closer to Yuu's forehead, and gave it a little peck.

And a millisecond after, she heard a slight giggle from meters away. She looked quickly to see one of the school's nurses, who seemed very pleased about what just happened before her.

"Mori-san!," Kyoko exclaimed, jumping away from Yuu. She was a little determined to run away or even jump out the window. That was really embarrassing. "I-It's not what you think." She had to say that. Knowing the nurse, everything that Aii Mori thought was most probably perverted, after all.

"Every guilty soul says that." That nurse giggled once more before getting near them. Her eyes shifted from Kyoko's flustered face to Yuu's forehead. Kyoko could tell that the nurse was probably creating fanfictions in her mind now. But upon seeing the injury, the she became a little serious. "Come on, let's get you up." She was strong enough to assist Yuu and bring him to the infirmary, but Kyoko insisted on helping, too. Though neither of them wanted to wake him up, for some reason.

They both stayed silent, even as they had gone to the infirmary. Yuu was laid down on one of the beds there gently, and proper treatment was given to his forehead. Kyoko didn't care if they'd get late for class. She had to stay with Yuu. It was the least she could do.

"I'm off to tell both your teachers about this. So, you know, they'd understand," The nurse winked. "Don't worry, I'll leave out the romance."

"Wha--," And just before Kyoko could say anything, the nurse had left. She looked at Yuu, then by the window. The sky was quite beautiful, as always. So was Yuu, of course.

"Is it really not what she thinks?," she voiced her thought, unconsciously. One of the bad habits she'd do.

(Sorry for the very long post. cx I just got the feel of it.)
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Yuu felt that he was placed on a soft, cushiony floor. It felt so real that it’s impossible that he was dreaming. After a while, he woke up. He took a look around his surroundings, from left to right and saw Kyouko daydreaming, perhaps?

“G’morning, Kyouko. Why are you in my house? It’s weekend today, right?”

He spoke, feeling a bit groggy. Yuu sat up and rubbed his eyes. Unconsciously, his hand touched over his forehead. It felt something plasticy and he realized that there was a band-aid placed over it. How did he end up at the nurse office? He thought real hard. Err…He was looking for Kyouko, then he ended up slumping against the wall, then everything was blurry after that but he did remember about having skin contact with his forehead and being lifted.
Kyoko looked at Yuu. He seemed normal enough. The injury didn't seem to do much to him. It was a great relief to her, and it was very obvious in her expression, but she was still quite worried. She needed to say something, now that he was awake. She tried to hold the tears back, but she just couldn't anymore. But she still tried and tried, though. She didn't want to burden him with her being such a crybaby again. Never again.

Silently, with the tears in her eyes that she just wiped off, she walked closer to where Yuu was resting and sat on a small area on his bed where she knew he wouldn't be bothered. With an upbeat tone in her voice that showed her optimism, Kyoko said with a smile, "Good morning, Yuu-chan." She decided that it would be better if she wasn't facing Yuu at all. She'd look at the sky for now. She didn't want to get more emotional, anyway.

"We're in the infirmary, and it's the first day of classes." She hoped he didn't get too worried about it, and just continued. "But Mori-san said that she'd talk to our teachers, so we'll be excused." She pressed her fingers against each other, more worried than ever. Instead of apologizing for the umpteenth time, Kyoko just asked. "Are you feeling better, Yuu-chan?"
Yuu lazily rubbed his eyes and yawned as he ruffled his hair for a bit. He took a peek at Kyoko and timingly, he saw tears, dripping from her eyes. Before he can even say anything, Kyouko stood up and turned away from him, sitting at the edge of the bed.

Ah, this is definitely my fault.

Ignoring everything else that she has been rambling about-Yuu, by impulse-wrapped his arms around Kyouko and gently patted her head. After that, he planted his chin on her shoulder. He started singing in a deep yet sweet sounding voice,

Thank you!

I actually want to say "thank you".

Thank you!

I actually want to say "thank you".

Thank you!

Even if just for once,

while I lament from the bottom of my heart,

I actually want to say "thank you".

Why is it that you end up hiding it?

Is that you actually want me to ask you about it?

I promise that I will not laugh,

so why don't you trying tell me?

I won't know anything if you don't open your mouth.

You won't convey anything by merely thinking in your head.

What a troublesome species of organism,

the one called "human", that is.

He stopped and buried his face on her shoulder while muttering,

"La la la la la la la la la la."
This... Kyoko just sat there, almost unable to process what had just happened. This must be a dream, she thought, a little disappointed. Then again, it was almost impossible for Yuu to do something like this. Then again, she has been misunderstanding and underestimating him for so long. "No, no," Kyoko debated to herself in her mind, a few words spilling out. "If this was a dream, then it wouldn't feel so real," she mumbled. "A-And... and warm."

Slowly, Kyoko felt heat creep up to her face again. This must be what friends do, r-right?, she asked herself, which she immediately responded to.

Are you stupid?

I must be.

Kyoko cut her own thoughts, one that she could arely do, but still could. And she stayed still, blushing furiously. This time, she focused on Yuu. She wanted to sing back, but she was just too flustered to do so. Who wouldn't? Yuu was there. With her. So, very, close. And even if she tried, she couldn't get away from Yuu's warm embrace. Not that she'd even try to do so. If she could, she'd let this be forever.

But it wouldn't, that she knew. So she decided to speak up.

"You know, Yuu-chan..." Kyoko mumbled, feeling and nuzzling Yuu's hair with her cheek, gently. While thinking of what to say, she also had to stop thinking about Yuu's voice, which was incomparably beautiful. Was this the first time he had sung to her? It probably was. Was she the first he had ever sung to? She hopefully was. Was his voice the best she had ever heard? It definitely was.

"It's not your fault."

And after muttering that, she leaned slightly on Yuu, hoping that she wasn't too heavy, even though she knew she wasn't at all. And she closed her eyes. She wasn't asleep, but she was quite close to drifting. And she didn't mind at all.

So much for being punctual on the first day of class.

Then again, the nurse must have let them be excused already.

That meant that they weren't in trouble.

Speaking of Mori-san... Kyoko thought almost groggily. Those faint giggles behind the door probably belonged to her.

Not that she minded that anymore.
As Yuu finished singing, he hugged Kyouko much tighter in a gentle way. It's weird. Whenever he's with Kyouko, he just feels so warm and full of life. But the opposite happens when he loses her. It's one of those things he can't understand.

"If this was a dream, then it wouldn't feel so real, A-And... and warm."

Yuu loosened up his grip when he heard this. He covered his mouth with his hand and started chuckling. When he can't really take it anymore, he laughed out loud with a slight blush on his cheeks. Yuu never really thought that he's capable of laughing like that. It just felt so refreshing and light.

"Idiot. Of course this isn't." He said, his laugh turning into a momentary smile. "Why? Is this a dream of yours?"

He can't believe that he laughed. Laughed without limits. Without being fake. Without holding back.

"I see. So if it's not my fault, whose is it?"

And the only person who can make him act like that was Kyouko.
She stared at Yuu in sheer surprise. Since when could he laugh so wholeheartedly and beautifully like that? Well, she sure was not updated.

"Y-You're the idiot!," Kyoko slightly crouched, trying to hide her embarrassment, and the grin on her face she had been trying to hide. "And no! Not at all! I don't dream of you. And things like this," she tried to say matter-of-factly, and she knew she shouldn't have. She really was horrible when it came to lying, and even anyone as clueless as Yuu could be would notice that. Heck, she couldn't go a day without thinking about Yuu. What more dreaming of him? "T-That's absurd."

Kyoko stood in front of Yuu, away from his grip and looked away, with a little smile on her face. "It's my fault," her voice had a little hint of seriousness, but she wasn't mad or sad or anything. If anything, she was really happy. She'd seen such a beautiful sight. And that was the real Yuu, and the him concealed in an emotionless cover. "It's my fault because I ran. And I left you."

Try not to cry.

She knew that it was all probably just her misunderstanding. She couldn't believe at all that Yuu didn't want to be with her. Maybe that was the truth. Maybe it wasn't. And now was the time to know. "But that's why you let go, wasn't it? To... have some time with Hakushima-san and the others," she asked, preparing herself for Yuu's answer.
"Okay, then."

That was his only answer to her futile excuses, a sign of him reverting back to his emotionless self. Even if it really was that obvious already, Yuu still can't see through it. Furthermore, he didn't felt the need to press on further about the topic.

"It's my fault because I ran. And left you."

Yuu felt speechless because of that line. He even averted his gaze to somewhere else. Then, the next statement surprised him.

"What? Why would I go spend time with others when you're here with me?"

He said bluntly.
"I don't know," Kyoko said clearly, soon creating a distance between them by walking towards the closest window. "But I know that what I did was really stupid." She slowly looked at the sky, which didn't have much clouds, so she focused at the blue hue of the sky to calm her, and drifting fluffy white clouds. They were kind of cute. "That's why I'm apologizing."

She always depended on things to ease her or calm her more than she could to herself. She was that unreliable.

She just stood there, briefly motioning her hands to hold on to the shelf below the window. It was the only thing keeping her from shaking even at the slightest bit. She knew that her weaknesses wouldn't help at all, right now. She had to convince Yuu that she regretted doing that, at the least. Wasn't that the right thing to do?

Before she could say anything else, the nurse immediately burst in the infirmary.
"Great news~" she hummed and looked at both of them briefly with a skeptical look before continuing. "Told your teachers about Hideki's situation. And it's not like you two have anyone else to help you at home, so~ Turns out, you two are excused for the day!"

Kyoko blinked slightly, a little confused. "The whole day? It wasn't that worse when..."

She regretted saying that. Of course it became worse. Because it was her fault.

"Ah," Kyoko said at the most casual tone she could muster. "Thanks for your help, Mori-san."

Kyoko turned to Yuu but didn't directly look him in the eye. She didn't give herself the right to do so. Then she waited, waited, waited for what he would do. She had enough with trying to lead and do what she wanted. She'd gladly sacrifice those, if it meant that Yuu wouldn't be this offended, again.
Yuu silenced himself for a couple of minutes. His attention shifted from place to place, until it landed on Kyouko. This isn't her fault, yet why is she apologizing? It clearly wasn't. But knowing Kyouko, she'll keep on insisting that it's her fault over and over again so Yuu just kept quiet.

Them all of a sudden, the nurse came. She said something about being excused for the day which brightened Yuu's spirit up. He can finally sleep for hours. Yuu stood up and grabbed Kyouko's wrist, dragging her out while giving the nurse a small bow and mumbling his thanks.

"Come on, we're going home."

Yuu let go of her wrist and made her walk right beside him.

"If you want me to forgive you, nurse me for the entire day. It is your fault, after all."

Yuu said, stressing out the 'your' part. In all honesty, Yuu only came up with this idea since he wanted someone to do stuff for him since he was too lazy to do it by himself.
"Come back soon," the nurse said with softly, and gave Kyoko a wink when she looked back. It was as if it was Aii's way of saying, 'It'll all be okay. When didn't it?' Either way, Kyoko was a little grateful.

Then, it came to her.
Since when were we this not-awesome?, Kyoko told herself in disbelief. What monsters have we become?! But of course, she was just joking around. It was sometimes her way of making herself feel better again. With a little weird smile on her face, she let Yuu drag her out of the infirmary, while exclaiming in her mind. Weeeeeee~

It was quite obvious in her expression that she was nearly daydreaming and out of this world.

"...to forgive you, nurse me for the entire day. It is your fault, after all."

Yuu's words made her snap back into reality. However, she didn't feel so bad. Or at least, not as bad as earlier.

"Okay," she said, not bothering to process the other words. Her voice was left with traces of happiness.

She walked alongside Yuu, not getting too far, but not getting too near, either. It was like they were just like before. It was as if she never wanted to get closer, or hold his hand, or look deep into his eyes. It was as if they were just normal people. Normal friends.

After a while of walking, the both of them reached the house. As soon as he opened up the door to his apartment, Yuu plopped down on the couch. He felt tired with all that walking, he just wanted to sleep his lazy butt off.

"Feel free to do whatever you want, Kyouko. I'm sleeping. Oh, make sure to have a meal for me when I wake up. Thanks."

Yuu said and laid his head on the pillow found on the couch.
"All right," she said. Kyoko nodded, and looked around, countless thoughts in her head. Maybe this was about time to segregate them. She glanced at Yuu, who was real ready to sleep, and figured that being too close would be a bother.

What's up with everyone plopping onto couches?, Kyoko thought. She couldn't help but remember about her father. At those rare times when he would get home, which would most of the time be late at night, he'd just plop onto the couch. Just like Yuu. But it was fine with Kyoko. She loved them both.

"Love, huh," she whispered to herself, and made her way silently to the kitchen. If there wasn't anything she'd prefer to cook there, she thought of getting to her house (which was really just beside Yuu's) or a mini-mart, then get here. The idea of it was actually pretty fun for her.
Even after saying all of that, Yuu can't seem to sleep. He wanted to but he can't and he doesn't even know why. So, he shifted to the side, facing the inside back part of the sofa. Yuu kept his eyes closed and started to count sheep, hoping he can fall asleep after that.
In the end, she managed to find enough to make curry. One of the ingredients may have been for instant curry, but she knew a lot of ways to make meals taste more delicious than how they would, thanks to years of experience. She wasn't really surprised that Yuu had enough of all of these, but it did amaze her a bit. Knowing that lunch was still about hours away, but Yuu could wake up any time before that, Kyoko knew that she had to either choose between cooking now or later.

Hmm, she set out the least ingredients she could, making sure that none would be wasted, and started preparing. But she wasn't in the verge of cooking, yet. "Tough decisions," she mumbled in quite a mocking way. She knew well enough that these kinds of things would be easy to decide if people weren't her. After setting off most ingredients, she peeked through the door way in the kitchen, at the couch where Yuu was sleeping. His back was facing her now, and it seemed that he was asleep already.

"Aw," she said silently. So much for seeing his adorable sleeping face.
Yuu decided to open his eyes for a bit and take a little peek. He scanned around his area of view. No signs of Kyouko. He wanted to push himself up and take a peek behind him but what if she's standing just behind him? So, he shut off that idea. When he heard some noises from the kitchen, he realized that Kyouko was there and she didn't leave.

Thank goodness for that.

Filled with relief, Yuu went back to closing his eyes and counting sheep.
"Whew," Kyoko mumbled, seeing that the ingredients were organized enough for her to cook easier and quicker. For now, she decided to get to the easy parts of the curry-cooking. She chopped and washed the chicken, and sliced and diced and chopped the potatoes and other vegetables that were really needed. She also prepared a few sauce mixes to enhance the flavor. It's been a while since she had cooked this, and it only brought her nostalgic memories.

Seeing that she had done enough for now, she washed her hands in a neat manner and stayed in the kitchen before getting out onto the living room. Or at least, that's what she called the room where Yuu was sleeping. Not wanting to bother him, Kyoko just moved onto a window closest to the kitchen. She looked back, seeing that Yuu's back was still facing her.
"Aw," she repeated, deciding that she should just think of other ways to kill time.

The sun shone brightly upon her as she moved one curtain. It stung her eyes at first, but she actually liked the sun, a lot. It made her feel better about things. There were times when she wouldn't want its company, but she knew she'd always need it.

"Just like Yuu-chan," Kyoko let herself be soaked in sunshine, and yet once again, she had voiced out her thoughts. She just felt so confident in saying such things because Yuu was asleep, she figured. "The sun's just like Yuu-chan," she said again, with a smile.

"So close," she slowly reached her arm to the sun, but all she could grab was the light. "but so far."

"So warm, and so bright." Kyoko closed her eyes. Every time she'd be embraced by the sunlight, it was as if it was Yuu who was holding her. "And so beautiful."

She glanced at Yuu, who didn't seem to move an inch. And silently, she paced towards the outside back of the sofa, peeking at Yuu's face. As always, he was so adorable; from his ruffled blonde hair to his closed, golden eyes. A chuckle emerged from Kyoko. This was just like before. "But there are times when the sun has to set," Kyoko muttered wistfully. "And I just wait for it to come back."

After some time, she cut the silence.

"Every one likes the sun," Kyoko rested her chin on the peak of the outside back of the sofa, her gleaming blue eyes silently and dearly admiring Yuu. "But what does the sun like?"

That was a question she hope she knew.

"What can I do to get you back?"

(Time to open your eyes, Yuu. xD )
One hundred and twenty-two sheeps, One hundred and twenty-three sheeps, One hundred and twenty-four sheeps

Since he heard that counting sheep were effective for falling asleep, Yuu decided to count as many as he can. But even after passing the hundred limit, he was still awake.

One hundred and twenty-five sheeps, One hundred and twenty-six sheeps

Yuu heard a gentle sound of a clattering chair. It seemed to come from the kitchen closet. Just what the heck is Kyouko doing? He was about to sit up and check if she’s hurt or anything when Yuu heard her speak,

"Just like Yuu-chan,"

One hundred and twenty-seven sheeps

Eh? Yuu retained his current position, did he just hear Kyouko say his name? That’s impossible, right? Maybe she’s she talking to someone and she’s saying that she’s in Yuu’s house! Yeah, that must be it.

"So warm, and so bright. And so beautiful."

Cause, it’s just impossible, right?


As Yuu felt that Kyouko was walking towards him, he shut his eyes off, pretending to be asleep. He slid his hand to cover a partial of his blushing face. Why does his cheeks feel so warm?

He listened to Kyouko who seems to be right in front of him right now. Yuu just can't help but blush uncontrollably. Why does he feel that something was swirling around his stomach?

Yuu opened an eye and saw that Kyouko was leaning against the back of the sofa, her chin planted on it. Her eyes were currently closed so he felt that it was safe to open both of his. He stared at her for a while until her gleaming blue eyes met Yuu's golden orbs.

Why...Is he feeling this way?

(I am dying. Oh, I decided to toss this picture here since it is exactly how I imagine Yuu blushing.)
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Kyoko was only a little surprised, because the next time she opened her eyes, Yuu's was looking at her.


"Yuu-chan," Kyoko muttered, which was some kind of greeting, or 'hello', for her. It was nearly impossible, and she didn't want to let her words interrupt the way she would admire Yuu, but decided to speak otherwise. "Did I wake you?"

A few questions also crossed her mind. But she let them stay in her mind.

Did he hear?

In an instant, she felt her face flush. She dug half of her face into her scarf, so it wouldn't be obvious. How stupid was she to go on and express her mixed feelings? Then again, she felt all right while doing so. And she felt better when she saw Yuu's face again.
So adorable.
Yuu still felt so warm, inside and out that he thought he was sick. Yuu kept on staring at Kyouko's eyes up until she suddenly spoke. He sat up from the couch, but his hand still held onto his blushing face. He didn't want to know how he looked like, much less show it to Kyouko.

"No...Don't worry, you didn't."

Yuu said, his voice sounded a little clogged since he was covering half of his face.

"Moreover, did....you make something to eat?"

In an attempt to fly away from what happened earlier, Yuu asked, standing up from the couch, his back facing Kyouko to hide his flushed face.
Kyoko nodded with a small pout, even though she knew that Yuu wouldn't see her do it. His back was facing her again, after all. "Why are you covering your face?," she asked. "Are you going to sneeze?" She couldn't help but think about it, while staring at him with eyes full of curiosity. That's what she'd always do when she asks someone something. She believes that it'll make them tell her more, and it never really has failed since time immemorial.

Soon forgetting about the question she just asked (yes, she is that random and forgetful), Kyoko glanced at the kitchen, remembering about the curry she was about to cook.
"I thought you'd still sleep, so I didn't cook yet," she said. "But if you want, I can do it now."
Yuu concentrated on removing his blush for the time being. It was unexpectedly hard but it isn’t impossible for his blush has tone down a bit. He can’t let Kyouko see him like that. Never. Then, a question came which made him blush even more. And when it was about to die down, too.

"Y-Yeah, more or less."

Yuu quickly retreated to the kitchen ahead of Kyouko. "It's fine. I'm going to help you."

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