Who's the one? | Luna & Strawberry Jam [Inactive]

As Yuu closed the door behind him, he decided to be productive with cleaning. Vacuuming the floor, dusting off the furnitures, and cleaning his room, Yuu's apartment became I'm uncultured and span in no time that you wouldn't even notice that the it's run-down. He sat down at the couch and noticed that his phone was blinking. Yuu picked it up from the table and read the message which was from an unknown number.

"Math, answer pages 10-12. History, read the story in page 9. English, translate the text in page 6-8. Good luck, Hideki-kun?"

What is this? Is this one of those popular chain messages that if you don't send to other people, you'll be cursed? Yuu blinked, dumbfounded with the message. Nevertheless, he decided to send it to the only one who had his phone number, Kyouko. Oh, and maybe her father, too. Yuu has her father's number at the wall of his house, written in green crayon.

Math, answer pages 10-12. History, read the story in page 9. English, translate the text in page 6-8.

Kyouko, I received a chain letter from an unknown number. You should pass it to everyone you know or you might get cursed. Who knows, it might cure your pain when you do, too.


And, send. After sending the message, Yuu stood up and decided to hit the shower before preparing dinner for Kyouko and him.
Kyoko wanted to just sleep and relieve herself, but the ringtone that indicated the new message in her phone prevented her from doing so. Who could it be from?, she couldn't help but wonder while reaching for her phone, which was at the edge of her bed. She sat up, peeked at Yuu's window (whose curtains still weren't open), and her gaze drifted back to her phone soon after.

The new message was from Yuu.

For some reason, she hoped it was from her father, but nonetheless, she immediately clicked it open, reading the contents of it. What may be so important for him to have to message her about it, even if they were meters away? Maybe he was just a little too lazy to get to her home...

Math, answer pages 10-12. History, read the story in page 9. English, translate the text in page 6-8.

"Pff..." Kyoko tried to keep her laughter in.

You should pass it to everyone you know or you might get cursed.

"I... pfff..." She punched the mattress she was sitting on, feeling like she'd burst out laughing any minute.

Who knows, it might cure your pain when you do, too.

Kyoko fell silent. Then she burst out laughing. She was so happy that her snort and giggles were probably heard even outside her house, but she didn't mind. It was just really funny.
"Yuu-chan's adorableness..." she sighed, wiping a few tears from her laughing session. "It's too funny!"


Kyoko started typing up a new message for him.

My forces detect that it's safe! It doesn't belong to the cursed lands! c:

After a few chuckles, she continued typing.

My sources tell me that this is for school tomorrow. This, is top secret! :o

After sending the message, she gently threw her phone on the bed, and headed for her closet (quite oblivious to the fact that her curtains were still drawn open), planning on changing into her 'home clothes'. While slowly changing into a random pair of pajamas and some random sweater, she hummed and thought about many things. Just like the usual. "There!"

Rolling back on the bed, Kyoko still had the scarf with her. It was a good thing it wasn't that hot. If it was, she'd be sweating and uncomfortable by now. With her phone in one hand and a pillow in another, she stayed and rested on the bed for a while. "I guess I was this tired." She stared off at the ceiling, somehow trying not to fully fall asleep.
That was relaxing.

A few minutes later, Yuu opened up the bathroom door, wearing a black sleeveless shirt and a floral themed shorts that were up to his knees. He turned the electric fan on and sat in front of it, wiping his dripping wet hair with a towel. As he heard the vibration of his cellphone that was placed on the table, he stood up and picked it up, going back to his seat that was in front of the fan.

"Ah. It's Kyouko."

Yuu opened up his phone and read the message. "Eh? It's not from the cursed lands? School?" Yuu turned off the fan and slung the towel on his shoulder, leaning on the back of his seat.

Oh, maybe this is homework. But how did they got a hold of my phone number? As far as I remember, the only people who knows my number is Kyouko and uncle. How strange.

Yuu stood up from his seat and started cooking. He intended to make omelette rice for today's dinner. Yeah, as far as
he can remember, those two are the only people who knew about his phone number. What Yuu didn't know was that every time he leaves the classroom with his phone under his desk, his classmates--to be more accurate, his fangirls--will fiddle with his things whenever given the chance. Phone included, of course.

When Yuu finished cooking dinner, he left his apartment, carrying the two plates in a tray while making his way to Kyouko's house. Yuu tried to open the door but it was locked. Normally, he'd just stay there, waiting until she answers the door, but not today. He was just too worried about her to stay put in one place. Yuu went around her house and as expected, the living room's sliding door was open. He took off his slippers and made his way inside, marching off to Kyouko's room.

He slowly opened the door of her room and set the tray of food on a table. Yuu took a glance at Kyouko before sitting down at the floor of the bedroom, leaning behind the bed post. He raised his knees up and buried his face in it.
"Hey, dinner's ready." Yuu mumbled.
A quiet groan was all that Kyoko could utter when she heard a few sounds downstairs.

"Thief?," she whispered to herself, feeling like she didn't have enough energy to even sit up.

"I'll get you later..."

And just like that, she stayed on the bed, staring at the ceiling and letting her feet slightly wiggle every now and then.
As much as she wanted to sleep, she knew that she couldn't just sleep on Yuu, who might get in any time soon. After about a few seconds, the noises she heard seemed to be coming closer, and closer, and closer.

"Thief?," she asked herself again, mustering all the energy she could to sit and place her phone and pillow on the mattress before opening the door.

In front of her was Yuu, carrying a tray with what he just said was their dinner.

"Yuu-chan." She greeted clearly, with a calm smile. She was more than relieved to see him again, even though it has only been a few hours or several minutes.

"Thanks." Even though she was quite tired, the gratitude was obvious in her expression.

She looked over to the dinner Yuu brought, before scuttling towards him and sitting silently beside him, on the floor.
"You like it here better than the bed?," she asked, her curiosity obviously popping up.
Yuu nodded, arching the back of his head on the side of the bed. "Mmm. I like it here better than the bed." He snuggled as he turned his head, facing Kyouko who was sitting right beside him. "How are you feeling right now? All better or do you need some medicine? Should I get some for you?" He leaned forward, pressing his hand against her forehead. She doesn't seem hot, though. Maybe she just got a headache? "At any case, make sure to get plenty of rest, okay?" Yuu stood up, stretching his feet that were just about to start cramping and took the tray of food from the table.

"I made omurice." He said, placing the plate that had 'Get well soon, Kyouko!' written on it with ketchup in front of her. It even had a thumbs up at the end of the sentence. Looking at it now, Yuu thought that he shouldn't have written that and just said it to her directly. But at any case, it's already there and there's no changing that.
Kyoko was honestly a little surprised at the questions that Yuu started shooting. "I'm okay," she said with a little smile. And she wasn't exactly lying. Kyoko was admittedly a whole lot better when Yuu came back. "I don't need any medicine," she muttered, quite touched with how worried Yuu seemed. But she didn't like it whenever he'd get worried. She'd prefer her getting worried over him. That was quite weird. Then again, ever since just recently, she has been really, really weird.

Pushing that thought away, the brown-haired girl stood to a slight bounce and followed Yuu to the table, where the dinner he cooked for them lay. "Woaaah..." Kyoko stared at the food and the message for her almost greedily that her expression would've seemed creepy if she didn't have a face quite childish. It was just in the middle of her food-fantasies that she remembered how easily the tables have been turned just now. "Yuu-chan," she muttered with the slightest hint of apology laced in her voice. "Sorry. I was the one who was supposed to take care of you, and now..."

She let her voice trail off.

Yuu jolted a bit as Kyouko stared at the plate. Is she mad? Maybe she's disgusted with that corny letter? Ah, jeez. He really doesn't know what to make out of her expression that it's making him nervous. Yuu averted his gaze from her and fiddled with the bangs of his hair as he tried to calm himself down.

"Sorry, I was supposed to take care of you, and now...."

Yuu leaned towards her and pinched both of her cheeks, staring deep into her soul.

"You're such an idiot. Cooking our meals, eating together, taking care of each other, isn't this what we normally do? So, don't apologize."

Yuu patted her head before pulling back. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and stared at the side.

Gah, jeez.
She instantly felt tugging on her cheeks.

"F-Fuuuu..." She made a sound, which stopped when her ocean-blue eyes locked with Yuu's.

And slowly, her eyes widened.

"Y-Yeah!," Kyoko tried to sound as enthusiastic as she could, which kind of worked, since she put all the energy she could into it, despite how tired she seemed. She accepted the pat on her head by nodding once and looking at Yuu with a smile -- one she would have every time she'd realize something, and Yuu was the only one who could that that, honestly. "You're right!"

Her gaze immediately drifted to the clock a little past Yuu.

Isn't Yuu-chan...
She thought deeply, which she barely liked doing.

Doesn't he have his part-time job to go to?

As much as she didn't want Yuu to leave, she didn't want to keep anything from him either.

"You might be late for your job you have," she reminded, trying to keep herself from feeling displeased about it.


Yuu shifted his attention to the clock while taking a spoonful of his own plate. "Dun'th whoreay, thwere'sh shtill thearty meinush levd." He said, gulping down the food that was about to erupt from his mouth. "Anyway, did you receive my message?" He asked, waving the spoon at Kyouko before taking another bite. "Thwa wan widh thwa curshe? Ish ith rweally sawfe?" If that message really was accursed and Kyouko didn't forward that to her friends--no. Impossible. But what if they'll hunt Kyouko down through her phone number? No, no, no, no. Criminals aren't that smart to do so.

But, I'm still worried!!!

As Yuu gulped down the last bite of his food, he stood up and scanned around for Kyouko's phone. There! Right next to her pillow. Yuu looked at Kyouko and bowed,
"Sorry, Kyouko." before walking towards her bed to pick up her phone.
"All right'y," Kyoko muttered while sitting beside him, quite relieved that he didn't make him late or anything. Maybe I can go with Yuu-chan..., she thought. She may be tired, but there was no stopping her in doing what she wished, sometimes. This was one of the times. "And that message?," she let out a chuckle, putting a spoonful of the omurice in her mouth. It was more than delicious, she almost couldn't speak. But she gulped gently and slowly, and spoke again. "I'm pretty sure it's safe. My sources are trustworthy enough!"

She ate and ate and ate, enjoying the meal dearly, and nearly ignoring Yuu in the process. "This is really delicio--" Her statement was cut when she heard an apology from Yuu. "Why are you apologizing?"

Then, she looked behind, and she almost wanted to swallow the plate and utensils along, too. "Y-Yuu-chan!," she stood in alert, managing to calmly place her spoon and fork on the plate before jumping on him.

Yes. She literally leaped on him, without thinking twice or otherwise. Her phone -- that one piece of technology -- it stored more of her than anyone would know. She had a diary in there. Even Aii's texts. Aii's texts were the worst one could see! It was a great thing Kyoko would delete all them right after reading. But still, her feelings, her almost everything, and her insights about them. She wasn't sure she wanted Yuu to see all those.

Before she knew it, and before realizing that her phone was password-protected, she had already pushed Yuu and let both of them fall on the bed.
"Ah!," she looked Yuu up and down, oblivious and not bothering to change the fact that she was already sitting on him -- his abdominal area, to be specific. That wasn't one to be worried about, though, since she wasn't heavy at all. "Are you okay, Yuu-chan?"
Ah. There's a password.

With this realization, Yuu was about to quietly leave Kyouko's phone alone and sit back at the floor, but before he even knew it, Kyouko had already pounced on him. Luckily, Yuu fell on the bed so he wasn't that hurt. If Kyouko even went that far just for Yuu to avoid opening her phone, then it must that private for her. Somehow, Yuu felt a surge of curiousness and as well as guilt. Just then, Yuu realized that Kyouko was on top of him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Sorry. About trying to open your phone. I was just worried about the cursed chain message." Yuu said rather sheepishly but wasn't making any eye contact with her.
"N-No, it's okay," Kyoko muttered, somehow not planning on making eye contact with Yuu. It seemed that it was the same for him, after all. Before anything else, she thought silently, biting a small portion of her lower lip and eyeing for her phone. Until now, she was still clueless to the fact that she and her position was keeping Yuu from moving away or doing anything else. If only she knew. But as for now, her priority would be taking her phone from Yuu.

Where did it go?

Did it fall, or did it stay in Yuu's grip?

The brown-haired girl let out a little 'hmm', placing her palms on the mattress to balance herself and scoot around-- which probably made Yuu a little more trapped, being that he was in the middle of all that. She blinked in wonder, looking at Yuu up and down again. And after that, she did nothing more than get closer to him unconsciously and look around for her phone. She didn't mean to ignore Yuu or trap him like this, but for her, a phone in someone else's hands was like a great part of her stolen.

And it would become a whole lot more complicated when it was Yuu who had it.

I-Is she mad?

Yuu shifted his head towards Kyouko's direction to check but instead, Kyouko looked like she was looking for something. He raised a brow, what is she looking for? Maybe he should go help. That was when he realized that he's trapped. In Kyouko's clutches...........What?! What is with this situation?!

"W-What are you doing, Kyouko?"

Yuu asked, nervousness and shock was completely obvious in his tone, considering the fact that she was looking up and down at him which was making him somewhat uncomfortable. What does she want? Yuu jerked his entire left leg out of an impulse and felt that he bumped into something at his side. What was that? It felt like a cold, rectangular thing. Wait. Is that Kyouko's cellphone?!

Kyoko grumbled slightly. It didn't seem that her phone was anywhere near Yuu, and that was extremely unusual. She could've sworn that he was just holding it earlier. Did it disappear? Was he hiding it? There was no way that Yuu would hide it like that, so she dismissed that conclusion. Kyoko came back to the world when she heard Yuu ask what she was doing.

"Oh, well..."

Kyoko mumbled, looking around once more for her phone, but obviously not finding any more clues. "I'm just looking for my... my phone." She tried really hard not to sound as devastated as she was. It was as if a great part of her has already been taken away. But of course, she didn't blame Yuu for that. She was surprised with the sudden leg jerk Yuu just did, but what surprised her more was the realization that she had been trapping him all along.

"A-Ah!," Kyoko shook back, losing her balance and trying her best not to fall from the bed, which she was close to getting to. It was as if everything went slow-motion. Well, she'd obviously fall. She was just waiting for time to go faster and just get to it already. All she could wish for was less injuries, though.

((Welp, she's so convinced that she's falling off the bed completely. Shall Yuu save her and change that? ou o))
((Ohohoho. Maybe. Or maybe not. > :D ))

What to do?

This. Is. Nuts. Yuu averted his gaze and stared at the wall by the side. He tried to stay calm by taking long, deep breaths, mentally reciting the periodic table of elements until his head was filled of the elements' images. It worked, of course, for now. As he tried to figure out what she was looking for, he couldn't help but meet Kyouko's gaze and Yuu would panic over again. It was just like a loop, really.


All this time, Kyouko was looking for her phone? Jeez. She should've said so earlier instead of trapping him like this. M
aking him flustered and panicky, that's just....Unfair of her. Yuu slid his left hand to the area where he felt that rectangular, cold thing from earlier.

All of the sudden, when Yuu was about to squirm off and hand the phone to her, Kyouko suddenly lost her balance. Anticipating that Kyouko will fall if he didn't do something, Yuu grabbed her hand and tried to prevent her from falling but the result wasn't something that he expected.

Yuu was one step too late and ended up falling with her to the floor. Luckily, he didn't press much of his weight on her and it didn't seem that they were hurt but because of the event, the tables have now turned.

Without even realizing it himself, Yuu was on top of Kyouko.
"Uwaa--" was all she could let out until time finally went a little less slower and she finally fell on the floor. She then figured that the less-injuries wish wouldn't really work out since it didn't seem like there were even injuries at all. Her head did slightly hurt, but her soft layers of clothing and the scarf she was still wearing seemed to really lessen the pain she was supposed to have.

She opened her eyes slightly with a short groan. And it would be well to say that she was more than surprised with the sight of Yuu, who probably tried to save her, and she was grateful for that. But he
was on top of her.


She almost stared at him completely.


The warmth he provided was comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time, to the point that she wasn't so sure if she wanted to keep it like that, or get away from it. Maybe she would get away from it, if that would stop her heart from racing so fast.

"Eh," she muttered, realizing the situation -- and all other situations -- about a millisecond later. "A-Ah, eh... um...," she mumbled, feeling heat creep to her cheeks faster than she thought. Now, she was really and definitely so dangerously close with Yuu that she forgot about her phone. After all, she couldn't get her mind nor thinking straight. Their position as for now was just quite too embarrassing to have anything else in her mind.


She bit her lower lip and stopped talking, hoping that her panicking would subside. In the time being, she looked away, one of her flustered cheeks feeling the cold, hard floor.

too... close...

Yuu grunted under his breath. Good thing the fall wasn't all bad and it seems that he didn't get hurt or anything, except for his right foot which kinda hit and bent against the bed post at the last minute. It stung, really, but it wasn't all that bad. Wait..How about Kyouko?!

"Kyouko! Are you hurt? You okay?"

Yuu asked in his normal, monotone manner yet it was perfectly obvious that he's worried. Strange? Why is she...blushing? But, that's not the case right now! What about her phone? Is it unharmed? Since he didn't feel it within his grasp, it must have been left at the bed. Thank goodness, it's alright, too. Yuu shifted his attention back to Kyouko who was now looking away. She's...She's still red. How cute.

Just then, he realized it. He realized that he was on top of Kyouko. Upon this realization, Yuu stood up and got off her. He turned around and sat, facing the opposite direction. Yuu held up his hand, covering a partial of his blushing face.

"I..I'm heavy, aren't I? S..Sorry about that." Yuu said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand. "Y..Your phone's at the bed...I think." He let the whole of his palm take over his entire face.

What am I doing?!
"Eh..." Kyoko stared at the wall she was currently facing. As for now, that was probably the only thing she could do anyway. Either way, she was determined to at least feel a little stable... She couldn't move or sit even if she wanted. It was as if she was just frozen in place, silently trying to calm herself while reminiscing at the same time. Admittedly, Kyoko somehow regretted wishing that Yuu would get away. For a second there, she missed the warmth from just a while ago.

She mentally shook her head, knowing that this probably wasn't the time to think about these things.

First off, she would have to force herself to stand...

"Urg..." With the strength she had left, Kyoko plopped herself forward, sending her face-forward on the mattress in front of her. "Ow," a muffled noise came from her. At least she fell on the bed, and not anything worse, like the floor, or the door, or--

She stared at the piece of technology beside her face for a few seconds before realizing that it was her cellphone.
Her cellphone! She was more than grateful to have seen it now, despite the fact that she just lost it for such a short time. "I found it," she stared at the phone in awe before awkwardly but hurriedly crawling to where Yuu sat. "I found it, Yuu-chan!," she exclaimed again, with a big grin on her face.

As if on cue, her phone blinked and buzzed.
"Eh?," Kyoko muttered and flipped her phone open, and read the alarm notification there.

Yuu-chan's part-time job!

"Oooh," she mumbled, and showed the screen of her phone to Yuu.

She once again plopped herself to sit beside Yuu.
"Can I go with you, Yuu-chan?"
Shaking his head, Yuu dismissed his unruly thoughts. The sensation of being pinned down and pinning a person down to the floor/bed and Kyouko's flustered face just kept on replaying inside his brain. It was pleasant and disturbing at the same time that it was making him confused all over again. Luckily, Kyouko's remark dragged him back to reality.

"Good for you. Is your phone unharmed? No scratches or whatsoever?"

Yuu said and was about to turn his whole body around until he saw Kyouko sitting right beside him. Since when..? He didn't even notice. Then, Yuu noticed Kyouko's phone at the corner of his eye.

"'Yuu-chan's part time job?'" He read out loud. "You even have an alarm for that?" Yuu raised a brow, as if he was teasing her. Why would she make an alarm of me going to work? But, it is Kyouko that we're talking about, anyway. That's just like her.

"Go with me to work?"

Is she serious? Yuu stared at Kyouko before standing up. Yup, she really is. Once she decides something, she'll stick with it until the ends of time. Yuu silently cleaned up the dishes and put them on the tray. But, if she oversleeps because of it....But...Ah, jeez.

"Fine. But make sure to go home by 7:30 pm. You're not going to wait until my shift is over, we have school tomorrow, after all."

I guess I'll spoil her. It wouldn't be that bad, would it?
"D-Don't read it out loud!," Kyoko immediately brought her phone close to her chest, a tinge of pink on her usual, rosy, face. Why does he have to do these embarrassing stuff?, she thought to herself, glancing at Yuu and trying to avoid his question that came after that. Of course, she still unconsciously answered it. "Y-Yeah, I do!," she gently held her phone a little closer, at her side.

She'd probably never tell him, but most of the alarms in her phone were related to Yuu and things he'd do.

Silently, Kyoko waited for a response from Yuu, just when she asked if she could go with him to his part-time job.
Please, please, please..., she looked down and pleaded wordlessly. Soon enough, she looked up again, watching Yuu who seemed to be thinking about it. At first, he seemed to not like that idea, but it wasn't like there was anything that could stop Kyoko.

Plus... she knew about countless students -- the female ones, to be exact -- who had plans on 'stalking' (as they said while she was overhearing things) Yuu. She wasn't really sure how they even got that information in the first place, but she didn't expect any less from fangirls such as them. And the mere thought of them and Yuu... she somehow didn't like it.

Am I... she thought. ...jealous?

Yuu finally spoke, which cut her thoughts. In the end, she was allowed to be with him anyway. There was a condition, but she didn't mind. She knew that this was enough for her. An 'o' slowly formed on her lips upon the realization, and before she knew it, she was hugging Yuu from behind. "Thank you!," she muttered sincerely, soon letting go and running to her closet to quickly swipe off a pair of white knee shorts, beige sandals and some peach frilly blouse that she'd be comfortable with.

You don't know how much it means to me, Yuu-chan.

"I-I'm going to change for a while," she muttered and closed one door of the walk-in closet just so she could be covered. Not wasting a second, she took her clothes off, threw them at the bed (aside from the scarf, of course), and put on the ones she just picked. She never wanted to make Yuu wait. And so, in a flash, she was back to the bedroom with her new clothes on. It was surprising, how much she'd forget her physical limits because of Yuu. Heck, she'd almost forget everything.

"I'm done," she said, tucking herself in the scarf's embrace. Never would she forget that.
""Yeah, I do!"?" What does that mean?

It means, what it means, right? To think that Kyouko had an alarm of him going to work and judging from that tone of hers, it seemed like that wasn't the only alarm she made. But, yet, of course, Yuu didn't notice a single hint of it since he was busy on cleaning up the plates and he was too happy to hear that Kyouko had an alarm about him.

As he placed the tray on his hand, he suddenly felt a hug from behind which kinda caught him off-guard. Okay, a lot. Due to that, the stacked plates on the tray he was holding almost fell but luckily, it didn't.


But before he can even say a word, he felt Kyouko let go on her grip and noticed that she ran off to her closet. Gradually gathering back his consciousness and sense on reality, Yuu said, "I'm going to go home to change clothes, okay? and with that, Yuu left and walked to his house.

After entering, he set down the tray on the sink and took off his clothes, specifically, his shirt. Much to his surprise, his work clothes were missing. Jeez, where is it? He marched off to his room and looked for his clothes in the closet. Yuu stopped at a sight of a blue scarf that he bought in order to match Kyouko's red scarf.

She sure is excited about it.
Kyoko simply nodded at what Yuu said, and watched him leave. "O-Okay," was all she could say, but it wasn't like he was there to hear it now. She took the time to fix herself, too. Kyoko walked to a mirror with a curious expression on her face that she only realized she had when she stared at herself. With a hum or two, she patted her hair until it looked decent enough for her. She also took the time to fix her clothes a little -- flatting a bump or wrinkle every now and then.

“Hmm.” Kyoko looked at herself, satisfied with how she looked. “All right!,” she muttered encouragingly, looking around and taking her phone and wallet, stuffing both of them in both side pockets of her shorts after. She glanced at her reflection at the mirror before her gaze fell to one of the windows of Yuu’s room, which was clearly visible from where she was. I don’t think he would raise the curtains…, she thought, and so, she just exited her room, and her house soon enough.

The walk to Yuu’s house was oddly quick, being that they were just neighbors. However, Kyoko often enjoyed those walks. For her, it felt that she was getting closer to Yuu, which was a feeling she liked greatly.
If I’m lucky… Kyoko slowly opened the door to Yuu’s house, which was unsurprisingly open. There were times that he’d forget or probably not bother to lock it. It was an advantage to Kyoko, most of the time. Good!

With a faint smile, Kyoko entered and tucked her scarf closer to her – just a habit.
“I’ll just wait here,” she whispered to herself, making small steps towards the sofa there. It was the one that Yuu was sleeping on, earlier. She couldn’t help but remember what just happened here, earlier. It was as if it was a long time ago… So much have already happened since then, anyway. She silently sat and leaned her back on the inside back of the sofa. She rested her head, and unconsciously closed her eyes.

“I…” she let out a very slight groan, doing her best to not fall asleep. “I guess I was this tired.” But of course, it would never stop her from going with Yuu. She opened her ocean-blue orbs once more. Her eyes, for a long time, were just watching the light from the ceiling, which illuminated the whole living room. Silence was all she could manage, while raising an arm to poke the light she could barely physically touch. "Hmm."
Before he knew it, Yuu was having a staring contest with his blue scarf as if he was debating with himself about wearing it or not. He only broke the contest when he heard a squeaking sound which was most probably from the main door. It seems that Kyouko's here and he still hasn't find his work clothes. Slinging his T-shirt over his shoulder, he stood up and walked out of his bedroom only to find Kyouko sitting on the couch.

"Ah, Kyouko, welcome. Sorry for the delay, I haven't found my work clothes, yet."

He said so casually, oblivious to the fact that he was half-naked and with that, he continued to look for his clothes. Eventually, he found out that his clothes were inside the washing machine, all wrinkly but it seems that it was still good to wear. Without further ado, he started to change into his work clothes which was composed of a white long sleeved polo, a black vest, a black bowtie, and black pants. It made him look like a perfect butler, really (Well, of course since he works in a butler cafe) adding the fact that he can charm anyone without a single hint of expression.

After that, he went back to his room to stuff his shorts and t-shirt in his closet and once again, he came across the blue scarf. Not bothering to start another staring contest with it, Yuu grabbed the scarf and slung it over his neck before leaving his room.

"Sorry for the wait. Shall we go, Kyouko?"
"It's oka--" Kyoko muttered silently, her gaze drifting slowly to Yuu, and what was left of what he was wearing, too. Silently, she looked away, back at the light. "U-Uh...," she gurgled, focusing on the nearly-blinding sight. She wouldn't be at all surprised if her face was as flustered as how she just felt it. Kyoko let out a faint sigh afterwards, soon closing her eyes and waiting for Yuu to get back -- find his clothes, at least.

Instead of doing anything but rely on her other senses and quietly wait for Yuu, Kyoko decided that she would do nothing else. It wasn't like it would take forever, she figured. And so, occasionally she would open her eyes just to stare at the light, then close them again, and just wait. A few times, she would check her phone and play around with her scarf too. But it wasn't long until Yuu seemed to finally be finished changing and all.

Kyoko nodded with soft delightful expression on her face, and stood. She would have been outside by now, if she wasn't busy staring at what had just met her gaze.
"Woah," she couldn't help but whisper, a slight gleam in her eyes. Yuu-chan in a butler outfit? The girl scuttled towards Yuu, walking in slow circles around him, and observing every detail. Ever now and then, she would poke around and check if what she was seeing was indeed, real.

There was also one thing that she realized he had. And that made her really happy.

That scarf. It seemed... very familiar.

"Woah," she repeated in a hushed whisper and nodded to herself, pretty convinced that this was probably just a dream or hallucination of some sort. After all, she was quite tired. I-- I could be dreaming. But with the fact that these were Yuu's work clothes and this was only a little too good to be true, it was just a little hard for her to support her own conclusion. "Okay...," she muttered. "I... am not dreaming."
"What are you doing, Kyouko?"

Yuu stood still as Kyouko walked around in circles, poking him every now and then. Hmm...Mabye she's poking him because the wrinkles on the clothes really are noticeable? Ah! Maybe it reeks, too?! With that thought in his mind, Yuu began sniffing himself. Thank goodness, it doesn't smell that bad, after all. Yuu.

Yuu would've continued on wondering why she was walking in circles until he realized that Kyouko stopped. He then realized that she was staring at him, or more likely at his scarf. Oh, maybe she wants to wear his scarf? Alrighty, then. Yuu unwrapped the scarf from his neck and took Kyouko's scarf. He slung the blue scarf over her neck and wore Kyouko's scarf.

Glancing at the wall clock, he realized that there were at least ten minutes left until his shift. Yuu grabbed Kyouko's hand and dragged her with him outside of his house after locking up the door.

Perfume. Her scarf smells like a sweet-scented perfume.

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