Who's the one? | Luna & Strawberry Jam [Inactive]



Who's the one? - A tale of two 'best' friends.

"YUU-CHAN!!" Kyoko started with small knocks, but her knuckles seemingly started to knock the heck on the door. "Yuuu-chaan!!!" She kept on calling, knocking and knocking, ignoring the passers-by that may be thinking that whom she had been calling out to a female, especially with that honorific she uses and doesn't bother changing.

She sighed softly, wondering how long it might take Yuu to get out of his home. She wanted to somehow go to school early, being that it was the first day of classes for her and him and lots more students. She leaned her head and on the door, oblivious to the fact that she could fall down anytime it would open, the clumsy and clueless girl she was. It had been already several minutes probably, since she had been calling out, so she just stayed there and waited, occasionally calling Yuu out.

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Hamburger with rice and corn soup. Today's breakfast sure is quite a feast for Yuu. That's because today was the first day of school and it seems that he needed a large amount of energy. As he was just finished eating and washed the dishes, he heard consecutive knocks resounding from the door. He walked towards the door and opened it, not bothering to look through the peephole since he knew who it was.

"Good morning, Kyo-" He stopped as he caught the other who fell onto him when he opened the door. "Talk about clumsy."
"Yuuuu--kyah!" Kyoko squealed somewhat in a very high tone, her whole back falling onto another--which was obviously and probably Yuu. Those two situations just made her embarrassment level really high. But then again, when was with Yuu, she didn't mind being herself at all. That was the purpose of having friends, after all. When she was caught, she stayed a little still until she thought she could handle herself then. "Ooh.." She mumbled, and looked back at Yuu with her signature smile. "Thanks for that."

She guessed that there was still some time, so she went inside for a very short while, looking around as if she hadn't been here in years. That wasn't really the case. Then, she looked back at Yuu.
"You ready to get to school?" She huddled her scarf closer to her neck. That scarf was given to her by Yuu, and it was more than special or precious to her. Whatever the weather, summer or winter or fall, the scarf was always with her. That was one thing that she would never let go of.
"Welcome." He replied back without a single hint of emotion coming out from him. With that squeal just now, she could have been qualified to join the Music club and apply as a singer., he thought. Closing the door, Yuu went back inside after Kyoko made her way in his house. He nodded at her question as he handed her a bento. "That's for lunch. It's wieners and rice balls." Yuu then looked at her from head to toe as he shoved his own bento into his bag, noticing the scarf. "You're still wearing that?" He asked as he put on his blazer and grabbed his bag, turning to leave the house.
Even if she didn't see them, her eyes nearly glistened while watching the bento handed to her. Withholding all kinds of excitement, she took them calmly with slightly shaking hands, and happily put it in her bag. "Thanks!"

She felt it. Every time, just since recently. She felt it whenever Yuu's eyes would get to her. And with the tingling and almost uncomfortable feeling that rushed through her every now and then, she wasn't so sure if this was such a good thing. Anyhow, it wouldn't really kill her, unless her mind would get to it and think about it restlessly. She had learned from all those past experiences.

Kyoko nodded, when she was asked if she was still wearing the scarf.
"Yeah." She said softly, with a nod. It was almost the only thing that reminded her of Yuu whenever she would get to places where there was no him, except for in her mind. Was that a bad thing?, she was about to ask, but just kept it in. She walked along outside the house, and looked at Yuu's face for quite a long while before turning to another direction.

How weird of me, she silently told herself with a slight, sheepish smile, even if it was only in her thoughts.
"You're welcome."

Yuu replied blandly at the other as he stared at Kyouko's eyes with interest. He didn't know that she liked wieners and rice balls so much that it made her eyes glisten brightly. Well, now that he knows, he made a mental note to cook wieners and riceballs at least once a week.

After he locked up the door of the apartment, he started walking in a slow, steady pace so that Kyouko can keep up with him.
"Scarves, huh? Are they in trend right now that you always keep it on?" Yuu asked Kyouko as he looked up at the sky while walking. There were a lot of clouds floating in the sky today, most of them look liked fruits and small animals that Yuu thought that he was already hallucinating.

He continued walking without even noticing that he bumped against a lamp post. A stinging sensation enveloped his forehead and that's where he realized that his forehead was swelling.


He muttered in an emotionless tone.
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"U-U-Uh, yeah! People love wearing scarves!" Kyoko looked around, trying to find somebody to support her statement, but failed horribly. "And why won't I wear this? It's you who gave it, after all." With a not-so-panicked tone anymore, she said with a shrug.

She was more than grateful, knowing that Yuu's pace seemed slower--there were times when she would always get left behind, before. She was behind him, a short distance between both of them. And this time, she decided to just silently follow him, head slightly down, watching her pace and his.

An 'ouch' escaped Yuu, cutting Kyoko's thoughts.

"Huh?," She mumbled and looked up, only for her to run onto Yuu's back. "Oof!," she gurgled and stepped away swiftly. She almost fell on her back too, but it was a good thing she managed to only land on her rear. "Oooow..." She looked up at Yuu with the realization that she had just run into someone who just ran into a lamp post. She might've laughed, if the fact that there was damage done wasn't there.

"Yuu-chan!" She sprung up the floor, leaving no time to tend to herself, and towards Yuu, tiptoeing to see the swelling on his forehead, which was a sight that wasn't so good. "Oh no..." She mumbled with a frown, bringing a hand up to pat Yuu's forehead gently. Something she was used to doing.

"Oh no," again she muttered, wondering where she could take him. There were a few hospitals and clinics nearby, and the school's was still a little far. Also, she knew that the band-aids in her pocket wouldn't help at all.

She hummed, thinking deeply, and worrying deeply too. To her, that hit on Yuu was like he died already, and the fact that they were very close wasn't even helping one bit.

If anything, she might've wanted to cry right now.
Why was she stuttering about scarves? Is it really a big deal that I gave her one?

Yuu thought, his suspicion was gradually increasing. For some time now, Yuu felt that Kyouko has been acting weird lately. She was still her usual self but something was off and it's been bugging him. His thoughts were cut off when the stinging sensation has gotten more calmer. It still hurts but Kyouko's fall seem to hurt even more. Yuu was about to run to her and help her up when she randomly sprung up the floor.

"Are you okay?"

Kyouko tiptoed and checked on his forehead. Yuu just had to use this chance. He needed to confirm this suspicion. As Kyouko checked on his forehead and panicked, Yuu intently stared at her without blinking.

Will she look away, stare back, ask a question, or shrug the fact that I'm staring at her?
A few seconds passed, and Kyoko's panicking seemed to be actually forever. Nothing will be solved if I keep on panicking, she thought. I must calm do--

My, that seemed quite impossible. Maybe it wouldn't be, if Yuu wasn't staring at her, very intently. Why is he staring like that?, her thoughts almost screamed. Very, very slowly, she felt her body inch away from his, as if time was stopped. Well, whenever she'd look at him, time would somehow stop. "I..." her voice was barely heard, but it was there.

I feel lost in his eyes.

I feel so weird.

And I... I just...

She knew that her thoughts would make very weird statements, so she shut them off, one by one. The whole time she was thinking or doing whatever, though, her gaze stayed at Yuu's golden eyes. They never failed to calm her, and make her feel a little uncomfortable too, at the same time. "Sorry." She mumbled sheepishly. "I'm okay," she responded with a very sincere but small smile, as if it was just for Yuu. Maybe these things would fade if she let it do so. Or maybe they would stay. But maybe those weren't so important right now.

"We should get your forehead treated, Yuu-chan," she said, giving a last, gentle, pat on Yuu's forehead.

Is he mad? He must be mad.

She felt tears wanting to get out.

Aaah. I'm being such a cry-baby again.
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Kyouko isn't looking away. She seems like she doesn't intend to. Instead, she's staring back right at him. What's this? Yuu felt a surge of disappointment, swirling. Why did he want her to look away?


Yuu snapped out of his thoughts and was dragged back to reality by the word alone. Hearing that Kyouko was okay, he felt relief.

Why is she apologizing?

Something's still odd. When Kyouko didn't look away while Yuu stared at her, he swore that his suspicion was wrong and everything would be back to normal. But, what's this? There was still something that's been bugging him.

Yuu simply nodded at Kyouko's suggestion as he touched his forehead and continued walking.

This is so confusing.
"To the school, then," Kyoko tried to say so enthusiastically, and it seemed that it kind of worked. To her though, it seemingly did. It was a miracle, kind of, that she was able to hold back her tears. Although, one to two did manage to trace onto her cheeks. To keep Yuu or anyone from seeing them, she nearly bounced and ran ahead and wiped them quickly, smiling after that.

It's about time I become a little less... whatever this is, she thought to herself, trying to think of better things.

It's the first day of school...

That was all she could think of.


Since she had nothing more to think or say, she walked on before slowly looking back to look at Yuu. He seemed to be doing... all right. Although, Kyoko couldn't tell much. Her thoughts and actions always, always would change even with just the thought of Yuu. Now, that was weird.

Was that what best friends were for? She couldn't tell. And just like that, her uncertainty came back and rose.


She withdrew her gaze and continued walking, looking at nothing but forward.


Yuu stood there, watching Kyouko run before he walked after her. As he walked, he left a bit of distance between him and her, since he figured that she might really needed some right now. Yuu silenced himself during the whole way to school but it was more like he was too lost to even utter a word. He's lost in confusion, a ton of questions were echoing throughout his head, all hungry for answers that even he cannot answer.

Yuu looked at Kyouko--more rather at her back--as he began to walk aimlessly. In amidst of his confusion, he was brought to a conclusion,

Is Kyouko gonna leave him behind and go somewhere where he can't reach?

Thinking that was the case, Yuu reached out to her and grabbed her scarf, pulling her towards him. Snuggling himself as he buried his face on her head.

No, take everything except her. Anything except Kyouko.
It wasn't long until Kyoko and Yuu, she never forgot or stopped thinking, reached the school. Or at least, almost the school. Shioshou Academy, even from a distance, was still as mighty and beautiful as ever, in her eyes. It was really about time that her mind would stop getting to so many unknown places. School wasn't the highest priority for her, to be honest, but it wasn't the lowest either.

Very suddenly, she felt a quick tug on her scarf, and before she knew it, she was quite dangerously close to Yuu. She felt herself slightly shiver; or maybe it was just her imagination. Either way, she could never decline something like this, so she just let him nuzzle himself on her hair. Come to think of it, that might be pretty embarrassing...

She glanced silently at a few students who didn't notice them and kept walking, while on the other hand, a few definitely did see the sight in front of them, and were whispering to themselves with small grins or smiles. Even if they were meters and meters away, she couldn't help but hear a few. Some people, she was familiar with. Some, she wasn't so sure about.

"They're so adorable!"

"I bet she's his girlfriend."

"You never know if she's friendzoned or something."

"Wha--" Kyoko couldn't help but get so flustered that the gossiping students got surprised and walked away quickly. That was how Kyoko's hearing worked. Her ears could hear more efficiently than most people she knew. Hopefully, Yuu didn't hear one bit.

Getting back to reality, Kyoko slowly raised a hand to pat Yuu's head, even if he was behind her. She loved patting people, for some reason.
"Yuu-chan?," she mumbled, the flush on her face never disappearing. She was also grateful with the fact that he couldn't see her like now. Maybe she was as red as a tomato, or something. Hopefully not.

"Is anything wrong?,"
she continued with that small upbeat tone that she hoped could help cheer him up, whatever may have happened.
He never knew people were so warm and soft. If he did, he'd probably snuggle people all day. But that's not really the case right now. At the thought of losing Kyouko, Yuu felt sick. Like somebody's pounding his heart into pieces or somebody's crumpling his stomach. He felt frustrated and unconsciously, he grabbed Kyouko by the ends of her scarf. Yuu himself was surprised at what he did but this was a chance. He has to seize it.

"Are...Are you going to leave me, Kyouko? You've been acting weird."

He mustered these words out. Despite being hurt and everything, he was still emotionless. Even in his tone of speaking. He felt Kyouko pat his head which only resulted into him tightening his grip on her.
That was Yuu. Even though he seemed emotionless, maybe he wasn't fully cold after all. Kyoko was quite surprised with what Yuu had just said, though. Where in the worlds did he just get that?

Though Yuu wasn't to blame, and Kyoko knew that.

I have been kind of weird, she thought.

She barely realized that she had been trapped in Yuu's grip. It didn't hurt, but she knew that if she was being grabbed like how the scarf was, she probably may have gotten a few bruises already. But of course, she trusted Yuu enough that she wouldn't experience that. Kyoko knew that she had no time to waste in answering.

"Where did you get that?," Kyoko chuckled, and she was wondering why she did so.

She knew the reason.

It was just impossible for her to even think about leaving him.

"Don't think that," she requested, and slid her small hand to one of Yuu's that was holding on to one of the ends of her scarf. "I'm not leaving."

And she came back to the world.

"Are they practicing a drama or something?," she could hear a whisper from far away. If only they knew that she could hear them, they would probably stop giggling so childishly.

"Hng...." Kyoko tried to hide her embarrassment.

What a great day.
Yuu raised his head up a bit. Although Kyouko's hair smelled like strawberries, he really can't breathe. That was when he saw a bunch of people staring and whispering. He really didn't get what they were whispering about, though. They were too far to be heard.

Then, he heard Kyouko chuckle which was kind of a relief. "I dunno. When I think of losing you, it makes me sick." He muttered loud enough for her to hear.

I'm not leaving.

Thank goodness. Yuu felt at ease now. Because if she left, who would wake him up at mornings? Who will eat with him during breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Who will he talk to without putting up a cold front?

"By the way, why are people staring at us?"

Yuu asked. That was another one of the things he was extremely good at. Being dense and clueless.
When I think of losing you, it makes me sick.

She barely heard it. But she did. Yuu said so. Kyoko had nothing else to say, really.

By the way, why are people staring at us?

She tried not to laugh.

He's so clueless, Kyoko thought with a little smile planted on her face. None of these things push her away from him, though. Everything he does just makes her want to get closer. That's... Kyoko tried to shake it off, that certain conclusion of her. That's weird...


"They're staring at us..." Kyoko paused before almost bouncing off the ground. "because, we're awesome!"

The childish girl she was, she nodded to herself happily. She couldn't even imagine a day without knowing or being with Yuu. With him, she finds many things, great, great things, despite the fact that he seemed to be emotionless. No, he wasn't a freak. Not at all.

"Let's go!," she said enthusiastically, saving no time to wait for Yuu. She held his wrists with both her delicate hands, and walked forward, hoping he'd follow.

They're not doing anything wrong to make people weirdly stare at them, right? Then, why? Yuu was utterly confused by their actions.

"They're staring at us.." Kyouko began. Yeah, Yuu noticed. Then, he watched her bounced a bit. "...because we're awesome!"

This girl, really. Yuu always wondered where Kyouko gets her undying energy. It always seemed that she's always so cheerful even if she's hurting sometimes. That was one of the things Yuu loved about Kyouko. Yup, loved. Yuu loved Kyouko as a sister and sometimes, the boy gets envious of her.

Then, Kyouko grabbed Yuu's wrists which brought him back to reality. He was caught off-guard by it especially when she started to run while dragging him from behind. Yuu lost his balance for a bit but regained it after a moment. He started to run, sliding his hand to hold Kyouko's hand which was on his wrist.
Not long enough, Kyoko and Yuu were running, hand-in-hand. They no longer needed to be in an awkward position, and that was a really good thing. One thing about Kyoko was that she seemed to be better in walking than running. It was like; when she'd walk fast, she would get tired very easily. But when she'd run, she could even catch up to someone like Yuu. Now, that was weird.

I think I like weird, Kyoko concluded.

A laugh escaped her lips as they ran towards the school, whch was really close now. She'd not mind people at all. This was fun.

"Almost there!," she mumbled, catching her breath. She still does get tired while running, of course.
Yuu squeezed Kyouko's hand as he ran.

Wait. Why are we running?

Now that the thought was stuck inside Yuu's brain, he can't get it out. Why were they running? Why, Yuu had no idea. He just ran without breaking a sweat which was surprising for a sloth like him. He didn't feel lazy or obliged to run, in fact, he felt really comfortable, running with Kyouko like that.

Kyouko suddenly laughed. Has she gone nuts for real? She just laughed without a reason like it was something natural.

The school was now in sight. It sure was a while since he last saw it and maybe this will be the last time he'll be able to look at it like that.
Slowly, Kyoko's run turned into a jog, onto fast walking, and slow walking accompanied with panting for air. "That... was..." she breathed more before continuing. "That was fun!," she laughed again, just like she would always do when too much fun filled her mind and wholebeing. Kyoko had to let out the smallest of giggles, at least. She was still gently holding Yuu's hand, though. There was nothing so wrong with that.

"Woah..." She looked at the whole school before them, as if this was the first time she saw it, or many things have changed around. The truth was, neither was the case, really. "We're back!," it seemed that she was only exclaiming to Yuu, but it was more like she was announcing it to the whole world. The first time she was here was last school year, her freshman year. She hoped that this year would be just as fun, or maybe even more.

She walked to the pathway to the main lobby, her hand still holding on to Yuu's. There were a few familiar faces. Kyoko could never forget all her batchmates last school year that were also sophomores now, along with her. For some reason, she was quite famous, even with the upperclassmen and students from higher levels. She would have lots of suitors and students who would confess to her, but she never really told Yuu about any of them. There didn't seem to be a reason to. However, if he has been hearing from the other students...

She cut her own thoughts.
Think positive!, she told herself.

That's pretty hard, she responded to herself, as she watched groups and tons of students pile up (yes, they seemed to be desperately piling up) and run or walk or do whatever just to reach and get to Yuu. And little did she know that probably half of those crowds were after her, too. Even she could have her clueless times.

"How could I forget..." she mumbled to herself and looked at her hand and Yuu's. Should she just withdraw her hand from the ever famous Mr. Perfect? She didn't want to. But soon, soon, the monsters will charge at them. At her. But there were a few more thoughts gathering in her mind. Like the thought of not wanting to bother Yuu with all these people. It would be selfish of her to not give him to other people, wouldn't it? After all, it's not like he'll disappear forever... or will he?

It was quite scary if you asked her.

((Famous-people problems. cx))
Yuu slowed down a little after Kyouko started to jog. But still, the school sure hasn’t change a bit. Why the higher-ups didn’t bother to make some renovations with the place, of course, he didn’t know. It was weird, really. He wanted the school to be the same as the past years but he wanted to see it change, too. He kept on debating with himself to no prevail.

Then, Kyouko started to let out small giggles which Yuu thought that it was adorably cute. He nodded at her remark, “I agree.”

Yuu followed Kyouko to the main lobby, since they were still holding each other’s hands. He passed by a lot of students, whose faces were familiar but their names were something that Yuu cannot recall. A question popped out of his mind again.

Why are they staring at us?

Some were staring at Kyouko, a majority of boys which piqued his interest. But, he had a lot people staring at him, too and they were mostly girls. Some were staring at the both of them. Yuu was somewhat oblivious to his own popularity in his school so he didn’t know what the hell is going on.

He felt piercing glares at his back. Then, he came to conclusion. That Kyouko was famous and if he didn’t let go of her hand, these people would kill the both of them.

So, he did. He was the one who let go.
She felt it. Not just Yuu's hand letting go, but the pain in her chest. It was almost impossible for anyone close to her not to feel the pain she was feeling. It was all over. But then again, the only one who was close to her was Yuu. And of course, he wouldn't feel it.

Kyoko looked down.

She heard the voices.

"It's our cue!," one of the girls whispered. Kyoko glanced behind her, and for the shortest while, saw a very familiar girl. Yuu-chan's fan club's president, Kyoko thought, tried not to show anyone the very small sigh she just gave off. One might think that Kyoko was just a stupid little girl, but despite her moments of cluelessness, she knew many things. And she heard many things. Especially the countdown that most probably hinted that those girls were ready to charge.

If that's what Yuu wanted, she might as well leave him alone.


Kyoko, with a faint pain in her expression that she had been suppressing just recently, bit the inside of her cheek, forcing a little grin. She fixed her scarf and bag, and looked around, barely at Yuu. Boys were much better and reserved when it came to this. Sometimes, girls would get to bad actions. But she hated none, really.


"I..." Kyoko forced herself to look at Yuu. It's not his fault. He just wants time, right? With... others.

"Um..." She didn't know what to say.

"Sorry," she fully faced Yuu now.


"Sorry for bothering you."

Just like that, she faded into the crowds, fists closed, and ran to the closest hallway. And what was left of the space between her and Yuu were now full of adoring female fans.

Stupid Yuu-chan. Kyoko thought, trying to not cry. Who wouldn't cry? It was supposed to be all right, but she figured that it wouldn't be so easy to just let go of someone. Just like he told her from earlier. If that was the case...

He must've been joking. Kyoko thought, trying to strengthen herself in means of other ways. And she didn't really like this.

No. She thought finally, leaning her shoulder on one wall and staring outside the window. She was sure that this was far from where her classroom or Yuu's would be, but she just had to rest for a little while, before she could find her way to her classroom again. Stupid me.

Now, she regretted it. If she really did misunderstand, she would bet many things that Yuu would get mad at her.

What happened to me?

When he let go of Kyouko’s hand, Yuu felt like his old self. Empty and numb. But this was for the best, right? He did this so the students wouldn’t beat them up, right? He has to make sacrifices and he chose to offer his one and only happiness. It is for their own safety so everything works out fine, right? Yuu chose to believe these words. That he did the right thing for the two of them.

But then,

“Sorry for bothering you!!!”

Kyouko ran. She ran as far away as she can. It surprised-no, surprised was not the right word, it shocked Yuu.

“Ah, look. You made her cry.”

“This all your fault, Hideki!”

Some of the boys shouted and glared at him before running off to find Kyouko. Was this really all his fault? Was he really the one who caused Kyouko to make a pained, hurt expression? It was too late. Yuu was already believing what the boys has said to him. He was too lost and confused to even notice the number of girls swarming around him was increasing.

Should he go after her? No, he was too afraid. He was too afraid that he'll be the reason that Kyouko made such a face. That was when someone tapped his shoulder and dragged him back to reality.

"Hideki-kun. You should go after Hasegawa-san."

He lifted his face up to see a girl right in front of him. Little did he know that single move of the girl caused an uproar between the group of girls.

"What are you doing to Hideki-sama?! Don't touch him!!"

"Listen to your heart every now and then, Hideki-kun. The brain's not always right, after all."

She would've looked cool while saying that if she weren't being dragged by a bunch of girls. Yuu watched them fade away. He was left alone at the hallway but not for long. He knew what he needed to do. He knew what he wanted to do.

Yuu sprinted from his place and ran around, shouting,

"Kyouko!!! Where are you?!"
((!Before reading, listen to this! ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBDCVkrrQ7I))

Class A-1.

Class A-3.

Eh? When did I miss class A-2?

Kyoko shook her head, looking back to see class A-2 in the middle of the two classrooms she had just passed by. What's wrong with me?, she couldn't help but think over and over. And while she would, she would also remember everything that had just happened earlier. It wasn't so pleasant for her, but she could manage. That's what she would always tell herself, but it was always Yuu who would make her happy in the end. Whatever he did made her happy. Well, probably except for this one experience. And a few others. But in the end, they'd turn up all right.

Why not this time?

The truth is, she had no intention of getting to her classroom. It was just recently when she asked a teacher about it--one whom she never knew was even a teacher here. Either way, she was pointed to the direction which she had just ran through earlier. She probably would rather not go to class early than go back there. That teacher offered to bring her there, but she just flat-out declined. And ran. As always.

Why do I run?

Even though it wasn't obvious, so many things have changed in the inside. These dozens of new students and staff and teachers and classrooms and rooms she never knew would be here, in front of her. The thought amazed her for a while. She then realized, that this was still the old her, she knew. Just... altered.


"Kyoko-chan!?," she heard a voice, and instinctively, she ran to one room and hid herself in there. Turns out, it was the newly-renovated music room. She barely even noticed it from when she first saw it. The flooring and walls and instruments there, and everything else, were all so better now. Though for some reason, she kind of missed the old music room. She peeked out of the door before hiding again, making sure that all those boys rushed past the music room. Oh, she thought, not seeing Yuu. It wasn't him who called to her. Whew.

Why were they calling my name?

"I bet this is off-limits," Kyoko whispered as if she was talking to herself. But she wasn't. This was just like a memory, an idea of what would happen if Yuu was with her. "But we're just that rebellious, you know?"

Then, she slowly walked to the piano, and opened the lid. And she placed her fingers on the keys. She just silently sat there. "Let's hope I still know how to do this," she chuckled, and as silently as she could, Kyoko swallowed some saliva, and gently and silently played the piano. It wasn't like she had anything else to do, and this did calm her more than ever. "Plus, it's the first day of classes. Let's grab some freedom!," she whispered as silently.

The silent tapping of her feet helped. Kind of.

Then she sang.

She hoped this was a dream. And if it was;

She hoped that she'd wake up.

And she hoped that the voice she had just heard was Yuu's.
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