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Fantasy Whitelight Academy (OOC)

rampnts rampnts Could you change the colour of your font please? Or add a background colour.
I can't read your writing without highlighting it, since I use the Night Lyfe theme.
The school set up is this.

Through the main gate you can see the main education facility which houses the class rooms, cafe, the library, the magic practice range and other various things.

The main path branches three ways, straight leading to the education facility, left leading to the male dormitories and right the female dormitories. There is a field for sports round the back of the educational hall and a garden behind both dorms.
The school set up is this.

Through the main gate you can see the main education facility which houses the class rooms, cafe, the library, the magic practice range and other various things.

The main path branches three ways, straight leading to the education facility, left leading to the male dormitories and right the female dormitories. There is a field for sports round the back of the educational hall and a garden behind both dorms.

You should probably post soon and get things started
My sincerest apologies for the delay, weekends are a bit harder for me to get on RpNation. I shall begin working on my post now.
zCrookedz zCrookedz
No worries, just like to make sure people are actually getting updates and such is all <3
Indeed I am ^^ even when I dont,I still poke my head into Rp's I'm in just as a precaution. I just so happen to be on the road traveling atm so I was able to catch up on my phone xD so if the grammar and spelling are horrible, that's my excuse.
Indeed I am ^^ even when I dont,I still poke my head into Rp's I'm in just as a precaution. I just so happen to be on the road traveling atm so I was able to catch up on my phone xD so if the grammar and spelling are horrible, that's my excuse.

Well it is wonderful of you to catch up when you can and safe travels!

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