~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

(would it be possible to timeskip in a few posts? I have a plan that Star knows the basics of, it will help move the story along too)

Rocky grunted as he got a knee in the stomach. 'No, I didn't lose something. SomeONE was STOLEN from me!' He snarled, glaring daggers at the blond boy. 'Helena, Where is she?' He demanded to know, grabbing a knife from the cutting block and weilding it dangerously. He was not playing games. Helena was all he had left of any kind of happy life. He just KNEW that Cian was the one that had taken her. It wasn't fair. What had he done with her? More importantly, WHY had he done it? When he was finished with him... He let out an angry snarl, his amber eyes darkening furiously with intent. he didn't care that Ashton was in the room. All he wanted was to make him pay. 'Tell. Me. Where. My. Snake. Is.' His words were low, dangerous. In retrospect Rocky knew he would regret this decision, but that snake was worth more than his own life to him.


Kyan flushed red, stammering. 'Y-yeah exactly.. if you got sick it'd probably mean you couldn't play soccer.. right?' Then he remembered her ankle. 'that's if you can play anyway... How's your ankle feeling? Is it really bad? I'm seriously soooo sorry about that.' He said, paling considerably again. He couldn't believe he'd been so stupid as to hurt her like that. Man if there was any other way to embarass himself further he decided to avoid it at all costs. The last thing he needed was Emerald thinking he was a totally useless geek or something. She was so nice, and kind, and pretty, he doubted he had a chance with her anyway. 'Plus, Crow could get sick too.. i don't want her sick.. i heard of a case where a dog got what they thought was just a cold and then it turned out to be pavo and it had to be put down.' His eyes shimmered lightly at the thought and he set his jaw stubbornly. 'Crow is too precious to get sick.'


Asltey frowned as Faith sagged against him, her grip on his shoulder so tight that it turned her knuckles white. 'Faith, you can barely stand. You need to rest. You know I'm more than capable of looking after the kids while you rest. I'm a big boy now Faith.' He gently rubbed her shoulder, cradling her lightly against his chest, mainly so she couldn't pull away or do something stupid. She couldn't fight him off at the best of times, let alone when she was ill. And I mean that in the least creepy way possible. He began to steer her to the door. 'Come on, sleep will get you on your feet faster than overworking.'


Toni looked up at Kael in surprise. Had he said 'over the past few days'? Did that mean, he noticed her? No, she had to be hearing things. He hastily added on the extra 'so i've heard' and her heart sunk again. She was just being stupid. 'A-an ice pack would be nice.. or a glass of water..' She managed, feeling nauseous again. She began to stand up and as she did she saw the large number of pale purple bruises that had started to accumulate on her pale skin all down her side. 'I.. I'm a klutz..' She explained in case he saw them.
(Ali is authorized to make the time skip when she is comfortable, i shall play along!)

Cian ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, giving a defeated sigh... "Rocky i know you love that snake, but seriously I...." he saw Rocky pick up the knife, and backed away towards the door. "Rocky!" he held his arms out in a non-aggressive way, to show he wouldnt fight back. "Rocky, i swear to God i dont know where Helena is, please, calm down." his voice lowered, trying to calm the enraged teen, "do you really want to threaten me like that? i dont even live here, and if you hurt me its going to cause all sorts of trouble for Faith, you need to stop and think logically. besides, if she is out you should think about all the smaller children, they might get freaked out. not every kid likes snakes." he said calmly.

Kael looked at Tonis odd bruises with worry, but gave a nod. "i will be right back." he headed down towards the kitchen. he saw Rocky and Cian, deciding that he didnt want to get involved and headed back up and into his own room. he had a water bottle he sitting on the table next to his bed. kept his own water bottle so he wouldnt have to go downstairs for a drink if he was thirsty at night. he picked up the bottle, having already stopped at the Homes infirmary to grab an icepack, and headed to the room next door. "hey Toni, there was a little....problem in the kitchen, you can use my water bottle. heres the ice pack." he handed both to her, making sure she stayed in bed.

When Faith heard him say 'big boy' she gave a groggy giggle. she looked up, putting a hand to his face, "you watch after me so well..." she smiled, her foot slipping a bit. she clung to his shirt as he walked her to her room. she layed down, and as she looked up she couldve sworn she saw Fayt for a moment. her expression was soft, full of love even. she remembered all the times he took care of her when she was sick. she put her hand gently on Astleys shoulder, "dont go..." she said, before falling asleep. (i imagine she is only half hallucinating because of exhaustion)

Emerald looked down at her feet, "well... i took a jog this morning and it was a little sore, but i almost forgot about it till you said something." she shrugged, "its fine really, i dont want you to feel guilty about it. it was an accident after all." she smiled, "now, lets get crow a bit of exercise shall we?" she grabbed his hand with a unknowing smile and hurried him out the door with her so they could beat the rain.

Thane shrugged with a smile, "i dont know...i have board games...i bought myself a TV and an old N64 if you like video games. otherwise i could show you some of Georgias tricks!" he opened the door to his room, well kept and clean for a guy of his age and personality. take a seat anywhere." he said, pulling a dog bed from under his own bed. Georgia sat down in the bed watching both Thane and Yuki. Thanes room contained mostly things that were a bright cheery red. a small TV about the size of a microwave sat on a perfectly sized TV stand. on the shelf below it sat an old red colored N64 system, a handful of games and 4 remotes, all in different colors. there was a bookshelf with old board games and sports magazines as well.
Rocky saw the fear in Cian's eyes and a wicked glint flashed in his eyes as he moved a little closer. He smirked, the knife still held tightly in his hand. He made slashes at the air and the tip of the knife caught on Cian's shirt, slicing it cleanly and scraping the bare chest of the boy ever so slightly. The sight of the blood welling up in small droplets that formed made Rocky blink in surprise, taking a step back and dropping the knife. He backed away from Cian as if HE were the one with the knife, not the other way around. The dark haired teen opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He hit the edge of the table and sank to the ground, traumatised by his own actions, shocked beyond belief. How could he have done that? All because Helena was missing? Helena... He couldn't even begin to think how stupid he'd been. How would Merri feel if she knew what he'd almost done? If he'd done that.. and gone to juvi or something.. Helena would be alone... Tears welled in his eyes and he broke down into silent sobs, shuddering with the impact and cursing himself in harsh whispers. '..stupid idiot..' He muttered between heaving breaths. His chest ached and heaved, shoulders heaving too. Where was Helena? Why had this happened to him?


Toni blushed, taking the bottle as Kael came back and offered it to her. 'T-thank you..' She pressed the ice pack to her blush reddened cheeks, feeling the coolness like a stab of cold against her warm flushed skin. 'What kind of problem? Was someone hurt? We should go see if they need help. Oh my god it wasn't Ky was it?' She asked, jumping to her feet and immediately wishing she hadn't as the room spun before her. She reached out as she almost fell over and managed to grab onto Kael's shoulder before her knees buckled and she sank backwards on the bed. 'God.. my head..' She moaned, leaning absently against him, before realising what she was doing and jerking upright again, the blush furious. 'Oh my god I'm sorry..'


Astley chuckled as she slipped and leaned into him. 'Woah there, shouldn't we have dinner first?' He teased, knowing she was only half coherant. He all but carried her up the stairs, helping her lay in bed and tucking the covers over her gently. 'Rest, okay? I promise everything will be alright. I'll get some of the older ones to sort out lunch for the kids. When you feel a little better I may even let you do some paperwork.' As he perched on the edge of the bed to reach over and tuck her in, he felt Faith's hand gently on his shoulder and felt the unnatural warmth of her hand warming through to the skin. He smiled gently. 'I won't.' He said, sitting in the chair that sat near her bed. He'd only stay for a little while he decided, until he was certain she was alseep. Then he would set about doing the chores she would normally undertake herself.


As they ran outside to get crow it started to rain but Kyan barely felt it. All he was aware of was the feel of Emerald's hand in his. It was like someone was setting off fireworks in his mind. He heard Crow's gleeful bark and smiled with joy at the welcoming sound. He opened the pen and she danced around their ankles, running in circles and barking cheerfully. Kyan laughed, letting go of Em's hand to catch the dog as she jumped up, the small german shepherd licking his face with persistance. 'Hello to you too. We're going to play inside today.' He laughed, looking to Emerald briefly with that adorable grin. 'You want to grab her ball from the kennel?'
Carim smiled and walked forward toward the kitchen, looking back at her. "Are you coming? I promise not to cut anything in your presence." he grinned genuinely, holding out a hand for her to take. Rosa was nice, he didn't find her as a mean individual, she hadn't proved him wrong yet. Her biting him was explained, she wasn't just doing it for the hell of it or anything, she thought she was really cool.


Eventually becoming bored with her violin, Roxy decided to head to the library. She wasn't necessarily hungry at the moment, so she'd skip breakfast for now. She slipped the instrument back under her bed and opened her door, hopping down three steps at a time. Roxy shoved her hands in her pockets, beginning to walk down the hall toward the large, mahogany double doors which led to the structural wonder of a library. Faith sure picked a good building for this home. Roxy could only imagine how much work was put into the construction of it.
"whatever you suggest, I don't mind what we do, really.

it's whatever you'd like to do." she sat down on the floor as she replied to him.

She looked around, really not caring what they did, it was all the same to her.

She then pet the dog who was laying on his bed next to her boredly.
Cian winced as the blade cut through his shirt and into his chest. he put a hand to his chest, then looked at the blood the smeared on his hand and shirt. it was a shallow cut, so he ignored it for the time being. "Rocky, pull yourself together! JESUS" Cian yelled, walking over and putting his blood smeared hand on Rockys shoulder. "Rocky you need to calm down. i swear to God i will help you, just please, calm down. youre going to scare the children." he pleaded, still ignoring his wound.

Emerald was slightly surprised by how bright his smile was when he greeted Crow. Kyan smiled a lot, but for some reason it had gotten to her this time? a light pink crept up her face. she quickly bent to grab the ball from the kennel. once she had it she went back to Kyan, "hey, lets get inside before the rain gets any worse." her shirt was beginning to stick to her shoulders.

Kael was a bit startled, but put his hands on Tonis shoulders, "hey settle down, youre going to hurt yourself! KY is fine" he urged her to lay back down, "Ky is with Emmy in the back yard. Cian just had a scuffle with Rocky, thats all. he is a good friend of mine so i know he wont let things get out of hand. just rest, ok?" he said, trying to comfort her.

Thane looked at her, momentarily perplexed. "all right, how about some Mario Kart then?" he turned on his N64 after popping the game cartridge in. he hands Yuki the controller for second player. "you use the A button to accelerate, this little joy stick to steer and the R button on top to use weapons and items." he explained just before starting the game.
Yuki started playing Mario Kart, but didn't even concentrate on winning.

Instead, she stayed on one of the powerup boxes and just kept using items.

Also, for some reason, most of the items would hit Thane's character.

"boom." she said simply as she hit him with a blue shell.
Rocky flinched away from Cian's touch, letting out a low growl. 'Don't. Don't come near me.' He said, his tone sharp and laced with hostility. He shuffled away, breathing eradically and unevenly, sweating a little. He felt cold and hot at the same time. Why did he feel so frantic? Why so panicky? It wasn't like he'd never seen blood before. The scars that covered his body were testament enough to that. But he'd never spilled another's blood before. It frightened him. What was he becoming? He stood up slowly, trying to calm his breathing. 'I'm... going to lay down.' He said, turning away and walking out the door stiffly.


'Sure.' Kyan agreed, running inside with the bundle of fur in his arms, the puppy still licking his face. He went into the large open area that was the music room, figuring that it would be a better area to train her in. They'd need space for the energetic animal. 'Come on, Faith won't mind if we train her in here. I've done it loads of times when it's raining. We won't throw the ball around after all. Today i want to teach her how to dance.' He announced with a proud smile.


The warmth from Kael's hands sent little sparks of heat shivering through Toni's body and she relaxed a little. He was comforting to be around. 'I.. worry a lot.. you're sure he's okay?' She asked, biting her lip as he looked her directly in the eyes, applying gentle pressure to get her to relax and lay down. Her head throbbed and her mouth felt dry. With a shaking hand she brought the bottle to her lips, swallowing tenaciously. 'Thank you for the water..'
Rosa smiled a little and nodded, taking his hand as a rosy colour tinted her cheeks, ever so slightly, as the two fell step. She started thinking again. Ages ago she would hate that she constantly had to think, it brought back memories she had tried so hard to push away. Now she didn't mind so much, she was starting to make friends again, she was safe. She glanced up at Carim and smiled to herself. Her first friend since she was abandoned.
Emerald smiled as the little dog shook what little bit of water had clung to its coat. She gave a grin before shaking her own head, hear dark hair flinging water everywhere. "haha, how was that? you think i could be a cute little puppy to?" she asked, mostly directing the question to the dog.

Cian didnt bother to go after Rocky. he didnt want to provoke him anymore. instead, he washed the blood from his hand, ignoring the shallow cut on his chest, and went to look around the Home for the missing snake. as much as he wanted to be angry at Rocky, he could understand the need for companionship since Cian was most often left alone when his parents were deployed. he searched around awhile, wondering where a snake might hide in such a large home.

Kael gave a gentle nod, "youre welcome, and yes im sure everything is fine." he thought for a moment, "hang on, i will be right back." he got up and headed back over to his own room, retrieving his viola. he opened the case and pulled out the old wood instrument, plucking at it to be sure it was in tune. he brought it over to Tonis room, and took a seat on the end of her bed. "i will play a little tune to help you relax." he offered, setting the bow on the strings as he tucked the instrument under his chin. he gently pulled his bow across the strings, spinning out a relaxing song that filled the room.

Thane chuckled, "no silly, you've got to race to win!" he said as his kart crossed the finish line. "The item boxes are there to help you slow the other racers down, but if you dont finish the laps then you wont win." he said, "would you like to try again?" he asked.
Kyan laughed as water splashed all over him, from both Crow and Emerald. 'I don't think you've got the body for it. You're a better human.' He said, teasing playfully before blushing again. 'I.. uh.. i didn't mean that.. in a..' he stammered and looked at the ground, becoming engrossed in playing with Crow's ball suddenly. 'uhhh want to choose the song? For her to learn to dance to I mean.' He added hastily, pushing his ipod towards Emerald without looking up at her.


Rocky closed the door, sinking into a ball on his floor, shaking violently. He wasn't crying anymore, but he couldn't stop the tremors. He was so worried about Helena. If he had lost her.. What if she'd gotten out of the house? What if she'd made it to the road and someone had run over her? They wouldn't know the difference between a deadly snake and a tame python. It frightened him. He had to keep looking for her, but he couldn't force himself to move. He reached up onto his desk beside the door and managed to grab his ipod, putting in the earbuds and selecting a random song. He hoped to get the motivation to move. Instead he found himself passing out on the floor, sleeping deeply.


Toni barely had a moment to try and steady her breathing before he came back with the viola, beginning to play a beautiful melody that did indeed relax her. Her heart was still pounding at fifty miles an hour, but it began to calm as the notes made their way into her bones, muscles, blood even, relieving the tension as she sank back on the bed, closing her eyes slightly. She drifted into a light slumber, her breaths slowing into an even pace.


The sound of the doorbell ringing repetitively woke Astley. He looked around the room in surprise, confused as to where he was until he saw Faith asleep on her bed. He must have nodded off while looking after Faith. He stood up, groaning a little, stretching, before checking on faith quickly and walking out the door, being sure to keep silent. Her temperature had lowered a fair amount. That was good. She would be up and about in the next day or so he hoped. Traipsing down the stairs he opened the front door to see two uniformed police officers on the doorstep, grim expressions on their faces. 'Officers, what can i do for you today?' He asked. As the first officer spoke, Astley's face paled. 'I think you'd better come inside. Faith, the home owner, is upstairs in bed. I'll wake her.' He said, leading the way up the stairs, the two grim faced policemen following in silence. Astley gently shook Faith's shoulder, waiting for her to wake. 'Faith, Faith the police are here.'
Emerald laughed, whatever unintentional implications he had made went straight over her head, "well im glad im human too, otherwise i couldnt talk to you! i dont even know how i would properly communicate." she smiled, taking the ipod. she scrolled through the music, "how about this one?" she handed it back to him so he could see the highlighted song. (just pick something, i dont know what Kyan would listen to so... xD ))

Kael sat in Tonis room until she was sound asleep, then decided he had better get something to eat. his stomach was growling since he hadnt eaten since he woke up. he went down to the kitchen and made some soup, being sure to leave some for Toni to re-heat if she got hungry later as he knew she had not eaten either. he ended up feeding a few of the younger children in the process, which he didnt mind.Kael always enjoyed spending time with the kids.

Cian was begining to become frustrated, but continued his search in the backyard. he looked in bushes, around the playground and in the garden, but to no success. he wasnt sure where the snake might hide, or if Rocky would even appreciate his help, but he thought that Rocky could use a friend(if not an attitude adjustment) and would be happy to see his snake safely returned. Cian was quite charitable that way, going out of his way to make others smile, even if at his own expense.

Faith let out a soft moan as she heard Asstleys voice. he amber eyes fluttered open to see a rather pale Astley, and she sat up, a worried expression on her face. "the police? but why? ive never had a problem with any of my residents before..." her own expression was complex and troubled. if not for the fact that she was still running just the slightest fever, her face might have paled as well. she followed Astley down to talk to the officers. "what exactly is the problem?"
"oh..." the game finishes on her and she comes in last.

"sure, why not." she plays through again and win somehow.

"yay?" She said, not sure how she should really react.

she yawned and got ready to play another round with Thane if he wanted.
Hey [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] , I'm so sorry for being gone for so long without a warning. I can't even explain how sorry I am. Please forgive me. If you moved on with Cian, please tell me but I'm going to play my character.

Ashton watched him get up and get chocolate syrup then finished the omelet with a small smile on her face. She pushed the plate aside and rested her cheek on the palm of her hand and she gazed at him lazily. When he offered his cup, she stifled a giggle and shook her head shyly. "Boys have cooties." she said in a teasing tone.
((thats fine, im trying not to be on here more then twice a week now, however we DID in fact move the story. since you've been gone, Rocky came into the kitchen all pissed off accusing Cian of stealing his pet snake(who is still missing) then took a knife to Cians chest...[shallow cut, not a stab.] now Cian went off to go find the snake while Rocky is passed out on his bedroom floor. oh and one of the female characters got stabbed in a back alley somewhere and Faith has to deal with the police....so...yeah. a lot of stuff.))
Kyan read the song title silently and grinned. 'Awesome choice! Who doesn't love a little Dueen?' He beamed at her, pressing play and pulling a bag of dog treats out of his pocket as Freddie Mercury belted out 'Don't Stop Me Now'. he had no idea if Crow would pick it up, but he figured it could be fun. 'Come on crow, jump for the treat.' He coaxed, holding it just above her head as the puppy eyed him cautiously before licking her lips and fixing her gaze on the treat. Kyan smiled. 'That's it, jump for it.'


Astley sat on the edge of Faith's bed, reaching for her hand gently, placing his over hers as the first officer, who introduced himself as Officer Marx, looked to his partner and then back at the poor woman in the bed. 'Miss Ernest, I'm sorry to inform you that Abigail Mensford was found murdered in an alleyway earlier this morning. It doesn't appear to be a robbery, all her belongings were still on her person.' He informed her in a regretful and solemn tone, watching her with kindly and concerned grey eyes. He hated to be the bringer of bad news for one who was already clearly unwell. He vaguely recognised her. She was that poor woman that lost her fiance a few years back, he thought to himself. He remembered the incident well. He'd been one of the investigating officers then too. That poor woman, he thought sadly. 'I know you'll need time, but I need to ask you a few questions first. Do you know of anyone that would want to hurt Abigail? Did she have any enemies? Was she behaving strangely recently?' He asked, wishing he didn't have to. He was just doing his job.
((Oh okay.. I may not be on for short periods of time. I was engrossed entirely by this amazing website and I couldn't concentrate on anything else))
Despite her fever still present, Faith really did go pale this time. "oh no...dear Abi." she squeezed Astleys hand, beginning to tremble a bit. "No... i cant think of any enemies. Abi was such a nice girl." her voice wavered. "can you give me a minute officers? i dont think i can do this right away." she could feel tears stinging her eyes and she wasnt sure she could hold her composure, so she wanted a few minutes to absorb the information before proceeding with the questions. she shut the door after the officers stepped out briefly. "Astley, am i really fit to watch over these children? Abi has been killed now, and if this can happen so easily, who am i to say that i can protect them?" she asked, the tears no longer threatening to overflow, but a sorrowful and distant look on her face.

Emerald giggled as she watched Kyan play with Crow. She couldnt help but think that she really cherished days like these, and strangely, she couldnt help but wonder if she cherished them above her time with her other friends. she snapped out of her daze as Crow started jumping for the treat. she walked over and got on her knees, taking the dogs front paws as she hopped on her hind legs. "lets dance Crow!" she smiled, moving the dogs paws up and down a bit.
Astley pulled Faith close in a hug, gently rubbing her back. 'Of course you are. It isn't your fault that this happened. Don't you dare think it is.' He said, trying to calm her but scolding her as well. 'What happened to Abigail isn't your fault. You aren't to blame for this. The best we can do is try and help the police find who did this to her. You didn't know it would happen. After all, you didn't even know she'd left the house.' He pulled back to look her in the eye, wiping a tear that managed to escape from her cheek. 'You need to be strong, for the children.' He told her gently but firmly, holding her shoulders. 'We need to be strong and the support for her friends. You know Emerald will be devastated, not to mention Roxanne. The three were close.' He took her hand and squeezed it gently. 'I'm here for you every step of the way.'


Kyan laughed as Emerald danced with the little puppy, the small dog jumping away and then running back as if it were a game. 'I think she's confused.' He said, laughing softly at the two of them. Giving the bag of treats to Emerald, he smiled. 'See what you can get her to do.' He offered, grinning excitedly. The day was just perfect in his mind. He hoped that nothing would spoil it.
Faith stopped herself a moment, letting her head clear. she still wasnt feeling the best, but she was well enough to do her job. She felt comforted when Astley squeezed her hand, and wrapped her arms around him murmuring a thank you. "just give me a second before we go back out..." she murmered into his shoulder. She took a deep breath, and let herself calm down. Astley had a nice smell about him, and Faith wondered when she had last felt this secure? She shook away the thought as she pulled away. "ok Astley, lets go. the officers still have questions." she walked back to the other room, "alright, im ready to answer any questions you may have."

Emerald smiled as she took the treats. she pulled one out and held it up, coaxing the dog onto her hind legs. "good girl, now do a little spin!" she moved the treat in a circular motion, Crow spining to follow it. "Ky, your dog listens to me more then you" she said with a playful smirk. "now jump Crow!" she moved the treat up and down, Crow jumping right along. she gave a few more encouraging words before feeding the dog the treat.
Astley held her tightly, not willing to let go. When he did, he put on a calm face, somber but not grim. He touched her shoulder gently as they walked out of the room, a gesture of support. The officers' turned around, their expressions sympathetic, grim, apologetic. 'We're sorry to have to disturb you with such news. We're going to need you to come and identify the body, just to be certain. SOP I'm afraid.' Astley squeezed Faith's shoulder the moment he heard this. 'We understand. I will of course go in Faith's place. She's unwell.' He said, before she could respond. She didn't need to see that. He wanted to protect her.


Kyan laughed as Emerald got Crow jumping. 'Well that's because she responds to the pretty ones.' He realised what he said, unable to take his words back and blushing furiously. 'I-I mean... Well.. uhh..' He stammered, before burying his face in his hands a moment and then peeking at her between his fingers. 'I didn't mean that in anything other than a friendly way.' He said, apologetically.
YO im posting character picture updates here since the Sign up thread is never looked at anyway~










(i think the ponytail makes him look more like piano prodigee :3 he looks like he could be 8 years old right?



by the way, i will be doing my posts on thursday, sorry for the delay
((SORRY IM SORRY im finally posting!))

Faith felt a bit stronger with Astley there to back her up. as much as she wanted to argue, she thought that perhaps it was best that she let himn go on his own. "thank you Astley. i will find all of her records and documents... as well as inform Emerald about it." she gave a solomn nod.

Emerald stopped, her face reddening a bit. "n-no its fine... i dont mind." she looked away nervously, petting Crow to distract herself. things like this normally didnt bother her, so why did it now? things seemed...different with Kyan. she shook away the thought. "hey, im hungry, want to go find some lunch?" she asked, trying to sound casual.

Kael had finished feeding some of the kids, and brought a bowl of soup up to Toni. when he entered her room he saw that she was still asleep and set the bowl on her bedside table. he dat and watched over her till he felt himself grow sleepy. I can just rest my head a minute... he thought, laying his head on the bed near hers. although he didnt intend to, he fell asleep hunched in the chair with his head on the bed.
(are we the only ones in this now?? If so, ROCKY CIAN PLAN FOR THE WIN!)

Astley squeezed her hand again, looking to the officers. 'I understand that you have a job to do, but do you think you could come back after we've had a chance to inform the children? I'll come identify her body as soon as I'm sure everything here is okay, and I'll bring her documents. We'll need some time to prepare.' The officers nodded. 'Of course.' Astley showed them out and then came back to Faith, taking her hand and gently guiding her to sit down. 'Just take some time okay? Don't tell them until the police have a positive ID. I will be here with you.' He said gently.


Kyan blushed too and nodded. 'Y-yeah.. lunch sounds good.' He turned the ipod off and slipped it into his pocket, clicking his fingers to get Crow's attention, smiling as her nose twitched and she looked at him with the doe brown eyes. 'Come on, let's go.' He said with a smile, while mentally cursing his own stupidity. He hoped emerald could overlook his words.


Toni woke and almost screamed in surprise when she found herself staring at Kael's sleeping form. She stiffled the noise as she calmed herself, shifting a little so as not to wake him. She watched him for a little bit, thinking about how sweet he looked, how nice he was to her. And how he would never like someone like her. She sighed, looking away from his peaceful face and prodding the bruises on her shins, wincing each time.

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