~Where the Lost get Found~ RP

Kael looked at her as they got up to leave. "you look like a tomato Cally." he chuckled. he had always found himself attached to her, but he wasnt sure why, so he just assumed it was because they had been friends for so long. Kael took out his own, less high-tech MP3 player and popped one ear-bud in. he left the other out so he could still hear Calliope. he sang out loud as they walked, feeling the beat of the music. he was an odd one, as upbeat as he was one of his favorite bands was shinedown.

Jonah spotted Nick and since all the other kids had left he walked up to him. he was shy, but he felt something different from nick. Jonah had not had a good past, so he had a 6th sense for others with bad pasts. he was a very smart kid after all. the little 8 year old tugged on nicks shirt, "h-hi five?" he asked shyly as he put up a hand.

Nick smiled broadly at Jonah. This little kid was cool. He lowered his hand high enough for a high five with Jonah, laughing slightly. "Sure, Little man." He looked around then back at Jonah. "What are you up to lately?" he asked, honestly curious to know. "And how are you feeling?" he added, poking Jonah's chest playfully.
Changing Jonahs color to something more readable~

Jonah gave a shy smile. "uh....good? Faith is my mommy. she is nice and very pretty for a mommy." he said. his parents never wanted him, so Faith was a mom for him, and he was quite attached to her. "i can play piano" he mentioned, then remembered something, "mommy is always busy, will you help me with math when you get back from school?" he asked in a quiet voice.

Nick smiled. "Sure, Little Man. I'll help you." He nodded approvingly when he learned Jonah could play the piano, though his heart began to race a little faster. "You can play the piano? That's awesome! Maybe you can show me sometime?" Nick suggested. He wanted not only to see the little kid's skill, but he had a strange longing for the instrument that tormented, yet centered his life before.
((i regret to say i have an 8 hour work shift starting at 4pm U.S. central time, i will be back at midnight. until then, Emerald will just follow Kyan to school,unless Roxy or Abi drag her away. Kael will be in classes with Calliope, Faith is outside watching the kids play and Jonah will be outside playing. see you all later~))
Rosaline walked to the garden hurriedly passing people who looked at her with raised eyebrows, others scared at the scars visible on her legs and she wiped her eyes and she made it to the garden she fell to the ground in front of the fountain and glared at her legs, that were sprawled across the ground and crossed her arms across herself and put her had into her lap. She was sobbing hysterically and muttering to herself. This was the only time she said more than one or two words at anytime. "Why am i so weak?" she would whisper, she hated the helplessness. she let out a frustrated scream and went back to sobbing, moving the the fetal position on the cold ground.
Nick looked through the glass at the piano in the next room. This must have been were Jonah had been taught to play. He sighed in frustration with himself, not sure if he should enter the room or leave before he got his hands on that beautiful instrument that had tortured him for so long.

No, he couldn't blame the instrument. It was his mother and father's fault. The Super rich, egotistical family of Lumien, the Brion's. He tapedon the window, then deicded to give in to the temptation - just this once. With grace he sat down on the bench and scooted up to run his fingers along the keys, so familiar yet so threatening. He took a breath, then began to play the simplest of the compositions in his mind "Beethoven's Fur Elise". His finger's flew with ease, and eventually he closed his eyes, getting into the music.
Rocky couldn't keep the smirk off his face. It was almost like she was playing with him to see if he'd play along. He toyed with the idea but shrugged it off. He couldn't be bothered in all honesty. He yawned and stretched as she walked away, the sarcastic remarks still hanging in the air as he scanned the bookshelves in the music section, trying to find something new to learn. Maybe something with a little jazz. He liked Jazz. It was a fun genre, full of emotion. it could be totally UP, happy music, or DOWN, the blues. It all changed in his mind depending on his mood. Merilee had liked Jazz too. They used to listen to it together and dance around in their tree house when they were kids. God he missed her, he thought with a sigh. She'd been his best friend, not only his sister. He didn't know what to do without her. He hadn't been himself in a long time, not since he lost her. He chose a book at random, shaking his head to clear it of memories. Time to wake up from dreamland and face your real life, He instructed firmly. He was not going to waste away living in his memories. She wouldn't like that. On his way out of the library he saw Roxy, one of the girls who really got on his nerves. After debating whether to talk or not he just grunted and said in a bored tone, 'You're missing breakfast.'


Toni let out a sigh as she saw Kael and Calli talking, seeing the obvious relations that was going on there. Even if they couldn't see it, the ones on the outside ALWAYS saw what the ones INSIDE didnt see. She sighed again. It was so unfair. She had never really had anyone, and now it seemed like she never would. She ate her breakfast in silence and was leaving the table when she heard the strains of music coming from the music room. She followed the sounds, leaning on the frame of the door, letting the music wash over her. He was good. Really good. When the song eventually finished, she spoke. 'I didn't know you played.' She flashed him a gentle smile, a slightly nervous one no less. She knew of his condition, it made her wary, but she didn't think he should be treated like some wild animal for something that wasn't his fault. She always tried to be nice to him. She knew what it was like to have no friends. in fact, Kyan was the only one she had.


Abi couldn't believe it. She was soooooo embarrassed. It wasn't enough for her to be emotionally traumatised already, she had to go and trip on her own feet in front of some guy as well. She blushed as he helped her to her feet, brushing the durst from her shoulders as she tried to fight back the blush before it spread further. 'I..I think I'm okay..' She said with a hesitant smile. her heart sank as he asked her name. She knew what it was.. but it was still the essence of not knowing who she was inside that plagued her. She bit her lip a little before replying. 'Abigail.. Abi.. same thing..' She stammered shyly, holding her arm gingerly. her hand became sticky with blood, only a little though, from where she grazed her elbow. Looking at her hand she frowned. 'God, i'm such a klutz.' She managed in a soft tone.


Astley smiled at Ava and helped Faith clean the dishes from the young children, watching as the teens left practically moments after they sat down to eat. 'Gee they don't waste time do they? You'd think it was a crime to stay longer than two minutes to eat breakfast. What is it about kids these days?' He asked Faith, stacking the dishes on the sink and beginning to fill the sink with soapy water. 'I'll wash, you dry.' He instructed with a smile. He enjoyed Faith's company immensely. She was strong, determined. He knew what she had lost and he understood exactly how she must have felt. That was why they got along so well, he thought to himself. Because they shared the loss of loved ones.


Kyan beamed at Emerald as if she had given him the greatest news in the world. 'GREAT! Come one!' He bounded out into the garden, knowing she'd follow him, Scarecrow bounding at his heels. She ran around in a circle around him so he practically tripped. 'Heyy! Scarecrow, that's a little rude isn't it?' He asked the puppy, who just wagged her tail. The little german shepherd would grow to be bigger, he new that, but for now she was a tiny bundle of energy, much like himself. He loved that Toni had given it to him. She was really the best friend EVER. He looked back at Emerald, beaming at her. 'Excited for school?' He asked as he started to put some dog biscuits in the little bowl.
Ashton debated whether or not she should eat breakfast. Nah, she thought. Might as well not. She wasn't that hungry anyways. She yawned then grabbed her books up. Never did she think that she would go to a home--which she was corrected several times, that it was not just a shelter. She could run, she hasn't enjoyed it greatly. Though, she hadn't hated it either. She thought about her book. It involved the girl finding love and having a great relationship with her parents and friends. She had siblings and pets and so much fun. Her school was full of friends. She decided it was too unrealistic and she decided to add a bully-- a girl who was out for her boyfriend, spread rumors to her friends, and destroyed her social life. There...that seemed up to date. She decided not to add the things that happened with her parents. Too...detailed. People who may be reading it someday may not like it, thinking it is unrealistic--almost like happy is unrealistic for Ashton. She sighed.
Roxy looked up at Rocky. "Why hello again. I do know I'm missing breakfast, as are you. Your point?" she asked. Sticking the bookmark into P&P she plopped it on the table. "You know, you seem really angry. Perhaps you'd feel better if you actually let out your emotions for once." she shrugged, "But hey, that's just a professional opinion, so you don't have to, but I know eventually it'll all come out." she smiled slightly. "Anyway, why did you come over here? Was it to crap on about breakfast or too talk about something important?" she stared at him with a slight smirk, then resumed to read. "If you have nothing else to say, would you please leave so I can read without you over my shoulders giving me that creepy look of yours?" she blinked and turned the page.


Louis saw the graze and reached into his jacket, grabbing out a napkin he'd taken from the shelter. He wrapped it around Abi's arm to make it act like a bandage.
"Don't worry, we're all a klutz at some point in time." he assured her. "Nice to meet you Abigail, do you need help getting somewhere?" he asked, a smile on his face. "Are you looking for some place or someone?" he asked. "Or do you live at Faith's Home down the road?" Louis straightened his cap and took off his scarf instead to use as a bandage, "It'll make for better coverage and better absorbency." he tied it tight, "I know it may hurt, but it'll help the blood."
Rocky shrugged. 'I'll eat when the rest bugger off. I don't like people watching me eat.' He said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, Which, in his mind, it was. Besides, it wasn't any of her goddamned business if he wanted to eat or not, or even why he was in the library. her tone caused his skin to prickle as anger flooded his body. Why did she always have to go and get on his goddamned nerves? he took a deep breath, waiting a beat before replying. 'A guy can't come in to get a music book when he wants it? Is it some kind of crime or something?' He asked sarcastically, holding the jazz book under his arm, his hands in his pockets. 'I figured you could use a healthy does of negativity to start the day. it was either talk to you or slip Helena into your room, but then Faith would get pissed off.' He shrugged casually. 'And I wouldn't torture Helena like that.' His expression was deadpan as he spoke, looking at her blankly.


Abi flinched as he pressed the scarf to her arm, biting her lip. 'ouch..' She said in a voice as soft as a butterfly's wingbeat. She held the scarf in place, not looking at him properly at first, biting her lip still. 'I was.. on my way to school.. Apparently it makes sense to watch where you put your feet.' She shrugged a little, blushing still. 'How did you-' She stopped her words, realising he didn't HAVE to know she lived at Faith's home. It wasn't really anything to do with him, was it? She changed her tact, trying to stear the subject away from her. 'Thanks.. uh, do you live around here?'
Ashton thought about her book again. "Life must be lived as play." She whispered to herself. It was a quote from Plato. I should put that in my book, she thought. She wrote it down quickly in the very back, along with her other pointers and ideas. She licked her lips and looked at the little bit of food that was left. No....its not worth it-- at least not this morning.
"Well, thank you for the compliment." Roxy said, flipping the page again. "There has to be something bugging you, I can't be the only one you despise, but then again, you hate everyone in general because of something that happened years ago. I have a feeling you used to be a completely different person and now you've just turned into a little bi***." she said, her eyes scanning the page. "Well, I better be on my way, I've someone else to look for." she stood up, pushed her chair in, grabbed P&P and walked out the door. She stopped outside the door to read and nearly knocked into the door frame on the way out. "I've gotta look where I'm goin' sometimes." she mumbled, turning left. A sudden head ache attacked her. "Must've been him..." she sighed and rolled her eyes, going back to her room to get some stuff.


Louis stared at her.
"You could say that." he shrugged, "I was just grabbing a snack and heading to school, do you want me to help you with your arm anymore?" he asked. Louis smiled at the girl, she was rather clumsy but she was cool. Louis was starting to like Abi. "Uh, what classes do you have?" he asked out of the blue. "If you don't mind me asking." he half-smiled.
Rocky rolled his eyes. 'You'll wanna get ice for that!' he called after her, shaking his head. So she thought she knew him now? They'd see about that. She'd basically just issued a challenge and he intended to see it through. A slight smirk danced on his lips as he walked back outside into the sunlight. He checked his watch. A quarter to nine. He could grab some left over food from the kitchen and then get to school in time for homeroom. he shrugged. Yeah sure, why the hell not? He strolled into the kitchen, snatching up some toast and left over eggs and noticed The girl from the library in there. 'Shouldn't you be at school by now?' He asked in the same monotone as before.


Abi nodded, smiling gently. 'I'm okay, thank you. I'm really sorry about your scarf. I'll wash it this afternoon after school and give it back.' She promised him, holding it to her arm. She knew the bleeding would have stopped soon but she wasn't going to just give it back to him with her blood on it. That would be completely rude. Not to mention he'd probably think it gross. No, she'd wash it and give it back. 'Where do you live?' She paused, blushing at how that sounded. 'I mean, so I can give it back..' She managed, biting her lip anxiously. That was the last thing she needed. Him getting the wrong idea? No thanks. She kept walking as she waited for his answer.
Ashton looked up and shrugged. "I dont really know the process....Im thinking about..." She cut herself off short. In her chance to be rebellious, she shouldnt spout it out to someone who seemed so...arrogant. She looked away and opened her story again. She went to the pointer section of her notebook and wondered what else she should add. Another guy who saves her from herself or should she have her character end up alone with no one to help her with everything that had went wrong...she chose the latter, it was more believable.
Faith hummed a little tune as they did the dishes, "hey, i need to run to the market for some bread and milk, and you know how much we have to buy to last the week, so i could really use a strong set of arms." she mentioned, "we have enough volunteers in today to cover the kids for awhile." she finished. grocery shopping was best done while the highschoolers were not around. that way the hallways were less busy.

Jonah went out to the play ground and sat on one of the swings by himself. Icepaw sat near the swings support beam watching him go back and forth. he started humming a bit, then opened his small mouth and started singing. it was one of his favorite songs that Faith sang when he played piano.

Emerald gave a bright smile and ruffled the dogs fur, making kissy faces as the puppy licked her face. "i absolutely love lil' Crow. he is such a cutey." she checked her watch as the pup at the biscuits. "hey, wanna walk to school with me? i dont know where Abi and Roxy are and i dont want to be late." she asked with a grin.
Calli grinned as her and Kael turned the corner and the school came into view. She turned around and faced Kael, skipping backwards. "What time does your shift at the shop end today, K?" she asked. They tried to walk home with each other as often as they could since the library was just down the street from the flower shop, but even if they couldn't walk with each other they'd always pop in and say hi. As they reached the school she put her phone up and held the door open for Kael.
On top of an old roof that was located in the deepest part of the city the sun began to rise along with chrome stretching out toward the sky. She sat up from the roof and crossed her legs indian style as she looks down at everyone. There were few men laying by the cornner waveing up at her. Ever since her parents died and Ralph she hung around the parts where Ralph lived getting to know the others. She didnt turst them at first but they grew on her. She gave a faint smile as she jumped off landing in a crouched position beside one of the old men. " Morning Grim." the man smiled but was alerted at the sirens stoped in one of the alleys. A couple cops came out with their battons and started a chase. "You should go before they get you. I heard the cops up in the new district were getting rid of the people that live her so they can expand there area. I dont want you getting caught." The police men were nearing them somce jumping to catch the others. "how am i going to leave you..other then Ralph your like family to me..ill help you"." No time for that just go..beside its my time anyways alright now go." As the poliece man was about to lunge for her she took off running toward the outskirts of the city. INstead of running on the ground she chose the roof tops, they were easier and she knew half of them couldnt climb.
Roxy sighed as she collapsed on the bed. "I know I'll get through to him." she promised herself, "I know I will." She opened up her book once again an bean to scan through the pages. "Screw it, my head is throbbing. I'll get some ice." she reached into the fridge and got a couple of tissues and place it on her head. "That's better." she sighed, slowly drifting off into a slow slumber.


Louis laughed, "You wash it and keep it, I can knit myself another one," he shrugged, "it's a useful bandage. As you can see." he smiled, gesturing toward her elbow. "So, yeah." he smiled and giggled a tidbit. "Anyway, what classes do have?" he questioned, "As in at school." Louis smiled at her sheepishly


Carim rolled out of his bed. On the floor, he reached up to his bed and kneeled against it. He stretched his back. "eh, I'm gonna go to the garden today." he shrugged. "I could use some fresh air for once." he pulled on his shoes and hopped down the stairs, walking into the garden whistling a merry tune. Carim saw a strange girl on the floor, bawling her eyes out. "You.. you okay?" he asked, slightly creeped by the girl.

Kael thought for a moment, "i get done at 6 tonight." he said as they approached his locker. he grabbed his books and looked at the clock on his MP3 player. "we have a little time, how about i escort the lady to her locker before we part ways for classes?" he offered with a gentlemanly bow.
Other kids followed her but where shot down with tazer guns. She looked back at the fallen then over toward a buff cop with two tazer guns pointed at her. persistant are we..geez". She picked up the pace seeing a house a big house up ahead. " A house all the way out here....i guess ill hide there.""GET BACK HERE STREET RAT.""..Tsk that name again." She ran then jumped off the last house rolling onto the ground then quickly getting back up. She had good speed so the cop was far behind. She rolled and ducked on the side of the house panting as she looks out the side a bit lookng up at a sign. "Faiths home for lost hearts.."
Calli giggled and took his arm as she spoke. "Alright. I get done at 6:30. Will you wait fpr me?" she asked as the pair began walking down the hall and when they reached her locker, she stopped and twisted the knob. Left, Right, Left, she thought as she twisted. She gathered her things and put them in her bag. "Meet me by the soda machine for lunch?" she asked, a smile on her face. They had several classes together but they didn't have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period. Lunch was 4th and the they went to 5th, and the 6th and 7th, their block classes.

She looked down again and saw the cop comming up the hill." wow he is really peresistant..why go to such lengths for me..ha whatever lets see ill get in from the back." She slowly got up and started to walk toward the back making sure she didnt make any loud sounds. She finally reached the back of the house and tried the knob. She twitsted it but it didn't budge."..tsk locked...heh that wont stop me." she got out a tool from her pockets and stuck it in the key lock and began to move it around. She put her ear to the door to see if it clicks. "co..come on open"
Rosaline looked up at the boy who said something, she thought it was are you okay, she shook her head and said "No." she sat up and lent up against the fountain, her head in her knees, she noticed a creep-ed out look on his, quite handsome face and she sighed, she was used to these reactions from people

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