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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)


Weiss is talking to the King of Nightmares, correct? I was trying to remember who was the one who was controlling him.
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@Mr. Grin That's some mighty snazzy formatting right there!

@welian @Mordecai Hope you guys get better soon! I have a friend over from uni so don't really have much time to work on a post, though I will try to get one up within the next few days to avoid getting left behind.
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There's no competition, it's just that Chloe showed up, interrupted the Sentinel's speech with a casual greeting, and then threw THE SEVERED HEAD OF A TERROR into the middle of the courtyard.

And you know what?

I am so very sad that Malachite didn't get to interact with that. BUT there will be time in the next round of posts, I'm sure of it. :)

@Mr\. Grin Teach me your Bb code ways! My post looks so plain next to your formatting.

Edit: and I agree, we're not even through the first round, and this is already going amazing.
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lawl six votes already

I made a Skype group for the people who want it, hit me up in a PM or on Discord for the link.
Writer said:
@Mr\. Grin Teach me your Bb code ways! My post looks so plain next to your formatting.
Edit: and I agree, we're not even through the first round, and this is already going amazing.
Oh god, please have someone else teach you. I just scrabble through things and hope for the best. (My formatting is horrid. xD )

Jokes aside, I can help with some basic things if you'd like. I just follow the BBCode guide and piece things together that seem to work.
I will have a post up later today although I will have to catch up on reading IC stuff first. Looks like amusing things have happened.
For all new Knights who are attempting to break the Sentinel's shields -

Roll a single six-sided die. If it lands on 4 or 5, the shield cracks but doesn't break. If it lands on 6, it explodes into confetti.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]If you roll a 1... do YOU turn into confetti?

I will turn to confetti if three users in a row roll a 1.

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