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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)

You're not the worst GM ever.

Though, I do have a request. I want desperately to have Richard's moniker be something slightly different than the "The ____ Knight" format. Would "The Eschatologue" work? If not, how about "The Knight of Mistakes"?

If either are not acceptable, I can come up with something different, of course.
Pentagon said:
You're not the worst GM ever.
Though, I do have a request. I want desperately to have Richard's moniker be something slightly different than the "The ____ Knight" format. Would "The Eschatologue" work? If not, how about "The Knight of Mistakes"?

If either are not acceptable, I can come up with something different, of course.
As long as you have the boring default one listed, you can list as many other titles as you want, even silly ones like "Peter Pun".
Gotcha boss. Character will be done tonight.

welian said:
As long as you have the boring default one listed, you can list as many other titles as you want, even silly ones like "Peter Pun".
Sorry, family stuff and holiday parties have been holding me hostage. I promise I'll have my CS up by tonight! Or at least, very early the next morning, at like 1 or 2 am.
welian said:
I'm 160 words into the opening post, guys. Are you ready?
Ugh... I am super excited but at the same time that means I will want to write a post tonight when I should probably go to bed... :(
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]I started feeling sick again. e____e;;
I should have profile before Sunday

Stop being sick or I swear I'll hop over there and shower you with chicken soup and cough drops.

Pentagon said:
@Mordecai -senpai, pls notice my CS and visit it with your benevolence.
I probably won't get to it tonight. I'm sorry. I've read a whole lot of CSs tonight and I want to write a few posts of my own. I will see to it first thing in the morning.

I want to 'write a few posts' too! Just say everything is fine, I promise it is 100/10, as judged by entirely impartial critics that may or may not include myself.

I would hate to miss those crucial first posts, especially if multiple posts are going to be made by each user.
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Pentagon said:
especially if multiple posts are going to be made by each user
I'll make sure to limit everyone to just their introduction post.
I doubt everyone will get posts up by tomorrow afternoon anyways.

@welian did you respond to my last post? Didn't know I missed it.

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