• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]So! Small request - not at all remotely needing to be humored, but some of y'all have some seriously LARGE pictures in those CSs... and they're beautiful, but I'd love to see like... the whole picture, and not just a dude's forehead... and then his eyes... and then his nose... and then his mouth... etc. -- Any chance you lovely people could slap a heightrestrict on those puppies, so they show up slightly less King Kong sized? <3

Imma presume this is me in some respect, though I can't tell because I'm on mobile and it auto-adjusts to fit my screen xD Will sort it tomorrow, my apologies
My photos might be a bit big, but I'm on mobile so I can't really resize them right now. Sorry!

Also, magical parasol hype!
Now I have to figure out what to do for the opening post... OH!!! I know!! Quick poll - how many of you are playing brand new Knights, and how many of you are playing experienced Knights?
I didn't even realize there was an expierenced Knight option. 0.0

I guess that should tell you what I am planning.
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I'm working on Thomas now (been soooo freaken busy these past few days TT-TT) but I would like Thomas to be an experienced knight.
I'm in Discord for a bit, if anyone would like to visit and ask me questions there as well.
welian said:
Hey pretty lady, don't push yourself. Just because I intend to open the RP tomorrow, doesn't mean that everyone needs to be able to post tomorrow.
Wait, what? I'm all ready to start! LOL
I finally updated the Settings tab with regions of Etherea - complete with PICTURES!!!
>no FOV slider in the settings menu

6/10 -IGN

Also, while I like all the names, the alliteration is making me think I'm playing Banjo Kazooie all over again.
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Pentagon said:
Also, while I like all the names, the alliteration is making me think I'm playing Banjo Kazooie all over again.
I'm sure there are Knights who refuse to use such silly, undignified names.
THERE. The last two NPCs are up, including the Sentinel!!
Kharmin said:
Somebody is being a busy bee ....
I still need to finish my own character, and write the opening post. My mom wants me to get out of the house, so tomorrow I'm being dragged along on a hike, then we're visiting my dad in the nursing home.

So, if the roleplay doesn't start tonight.... It'll start tomorrow night.
Oh god @SkyGinge ! Just looking over your CS ... are we going to have to find love between us to make up for what we've lost in Magistone? =P
Hey! I expressed interested in this RP about a week ago in the interest check, but I completely missed the link when the thread was posted D: I was wondering if it's still too late to join? Bc I think this is an amazing and lovely idea

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