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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Drumonkey said:
Dru snaps to and salutes Luna before turning the wheel and setting the ship on a course away from the island then using a map to plot a course towards greece locking in their heading not having to change it for a while. "Well, that was very... anti-climactic oh well she did what I always hoped she would."

"Good job, huh!?" Kalin said, flying down down onto the boat, and nearly crashing through it." That totally sucks. Killed the bitch without leaving a single solitary piece for me..." he said tiredly, struggling to get to his feet.
Luna smiles at Dru saluting her. Suddenly Alex hugs her and she decides to hug him back. She releases him and looks at Kalin, raising an eyebrow. "If I remember correctly you had run away when we went up to face her." Luna didn't have any powers for an entire day but that didn't stop her from saying such a thing. Whether she had powers or not, she wouldn't cower from anyone. "Now if you'll excuse me I must shower. Even though my clothes are clean. I think the showers are made for multiple people. Angelica, Dove, Gaige, Re-." She stops herself from making that slip up. She has a sad look in her eyes as she glances at Ryan. "Would you ladies mind joining me. I think now's a good time to wash ourselves off and relax for a moment. Same goes for you boys. I don't want your smell spreading through the ship. Wash up whenever you can." Luna walks into the door and disappears in the ship. Going down the stairs to get to the floor that has the women's showers.

( @CharChar45 @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo )
Angelica was asleep from her explosion of power. Ryan stared out to the water. He stood and went to Dove. "Hello Dove. Before she.. before I absorbed her, she told me to tell you she was sorry. That she had to go of course. She loved you. I can feel it." He paused a moment. "I'm sorry she's gone. But she lives through me so her sacrifice wont be wasted." He gave her a quick hug before turning back to where he was, looking down
Eric sat back and complained. "How do I wash my wings like do they need to be?" They suddenly retract. "Nevermind."

Gaige followed Luna to the shower. "I smell like grease is that bad?".
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Tazmodo said:
Eric sat back and complained. "How do I wash my wings like do they need to be?"
Gaige followed Luna to the shower. "I smell like grease is that bad?".
Luna laughs as they enter the shower. "I don't know, you tell me." Luna looks back at Gaige and and smiles.

( Not going into detail about the shower. )
Kalin stares at Echidna's lifeless body, and considers throwing it overboard. "Do we need this?" he asked, looking around to find that most weren't in the mood to answer his question. Once again, it seemed he could feel a bit of emotion off of Ryan. "Hey. What happened?" He asked, walking over.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kalin stares at Echidna's lifeless body, and considers throwing it overboard. "Do we need this?" he asked, looking around to find that most weren't in the mood to answer his question. Once again, it seemed he could feel a bit of emotion off of Ryan. "Hey. What happened?" He asked, walking over.

Luna finishes showering and gets into a fresh change of clothes. Apparently there was a room with all kinds of new clothes, she didn't question it. She has her hair set into curls. She wears a black leather jacket with a red short sleeve shirt underneath. She also wears a black and red short layered frill skirt with the addition of thigh high combat boots. To give off a bittersweet look. She approaches Kalin, her boots emit a sound each time she steps. "Just before you talk with Ryan I have a couple questions for you. Why don't we sit?" She points towards the chairs a couple feet away from them. It didn't seem like a question.
Kalin turns, looking at Luna, then the chairs. He shrugs, and walks over to take a seat. He pulled an arrow from the quiver at his waist, and twirled it between his fingers.

"So, what did you want from me?"

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It hurt, knowing that Rebecca was gone. During this battle, Dove had decided that she would go on a date with her. But now it was too late. She stayed oddly silent on the ship, quietly moving down to the showers to wash up. She didn't want to talk to anyone right now. She just wanted to be alone.
Luna was still quite powerless, nonetheless she remains sturdy. "So, I'd like to question your loyalty. At first you didn't even want to be here. You even ran off on us after the explosions. Now you come back to us complaining about the fact that we never let you have a chance to fight as if you didn't have a doubt in your heart. I wouldn't have cared that you ran it's just the fact that you came back as if you didn't. You have 5 minutes to come up with a reasonable excuse." Luna sat back in the chair and folded her arms across her chest.
Morpheus decided from here he would continue his journey back to his old home in Las Vegas. He would walk and rest in the empty houses and drive only through the empty desert. He figured this journey would take about a month. Not like he had anything more than time. He spun her umbrella and continued down the street
Light said:
Luna was still quite powerless, nonetheless she remains sturdy. "So, I'd like to question your loyalty. At first you didn't even want to be here. You even ran off on us after the explosions. Now you come back to us complaining about the fact that we never let you have a chance to fight as if you didn't have a doubt in your heart. I wouldn't have cared that you ran it's just the fact that you came back as if you didn't. You have 5 minutes to come up with a reasonable excuse." Luna sat back in the chair and folded her arms across her chest.
Kalin tilted his head, clicked his tongue, and turned towards the city that was disappearing into the distance, though most of it was still visible. He pointed out at one of the taller buildings. " You see that building over there? I found it while you all were on that mission, turning against your family.That was going to be my vantage point for when I murdered the bitch, a clean shot with zero obstructions. I was just about there when you all made yourself known as traitors, again, and Echidna summoned that giant freak of nature. It knocked me out of the hallway I was in. I didn't abandon anyone, and I don't remember the moment when someone decided I had to answer to you..." He said, pointing the arrow at Luna.

"Oh right. It never happened. So the next time you think you're anything more than a-" Kalin froze mid sentence, as the winds that had started to pick up beneath Luna's chair stopped building up.

"Okay, I think it best if we stop this train of thought, before everyone gets hurt." Alex said walking over to the pair. "You really do love rubbing people the wrong way, Luna..."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Kalin tilted his head, clicked his tongue, and turned towards the city that was disappearing into the distance, though most of it was still visible. He pointed out at one of the taller buildings. " You see that building over there? I found it while you all were on that mission, turning against your family.That was going to be my vantage point for when I murdered the bitch, a clean shot with zero obstructions. I was just about there when you all made yourself known as traitors, again, and Echidna summoned that giant freak of nature. It knocked me out of the hallway I was in. I didn't abandon anyone, and I don't remember the moment when someone decided I had to answer to you..." He said, pointing the arrow at Luna.
"Oh right. It never happened. So the next time you think you're anything more than a-" Kalin froze mid sentence, as the winds that had started to pick up beneath Luna's chair stopped building up.

"Okay, I think it best if we stop this train of thought, before everyone gets hurt." Alex said walking over to the pair. "You really do love rubbing people the wrong way, Luna..."

"Yes, it is my specialty." Luna looks away from Alex back to Kalin. "I have the feeling no-one decided they would have to answer to me. It just happened, I suggested the rebellion. I sticked to it even though at first it only seemed like three people were up for it. I got us a way into our enemies ranks. Formed a plan and set bombs because I gave most of you a mission to get me the layout of the city by the time I got back escorting Zeus but not one person was able to do it. Sure Typhoeus was unexpected but I quickly adjusted to it and lead you all smoothly through it. I even told you about going into a God Mode. The first time Typhoeus appeared all the Gods ran to Egypt and took the form of animals to hide. He even defeated Zeus at first. So tell me do you think our victory against him was just dumb luck or teamwork along with good leadership? In my opinion I'd go with option two. So please, continue what you were saying. I'm nothing more than a what? I'd like you to tell me what you were about to say and then explain to me how we would even be here if I really was what I apparently am to you." Luna stayed relaxed in her chair the entire motion of Kalin's anger. Her eyes did shift to the arrow he pointed at her to evaluate it. Luna looks out into the water then finally back at Kalin with her piercing red eyes.
"Sorry, he cant hear you right now. And you really shouldn't give him things to work with. It honestly was dumb luck that we survived that battle..." Alex said, sitting in her lap. "I'll admit, all of this was your idea, but for one who didn't choose this path, hint hint..." he pointed at Kalin, who still sat frozen, "You still turned your back on everything you pretended to fight for." Alex said, patting Luna's shoulder.
Ryan looked at her and gestured with his other hand to sit. When she did he spoke. "Your leadership had nothing to do with it. We were the split of one being. It was bound to happen someday. Just..." he paused. "She gave herself to save me. With or without your fine leadership she would have still done it. This is no one's fault. Do not blame yourself." He squeezed her hand, the other one touching his heart. "We are one now. Technically she didn't die. We converged. She'll live through me."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan looked at her and gestured with his other hand to sit. When she did he spoke. "Your leadership had nothing to do with it. We were the split of one being. It was bound to happen someday. Just..." he paused. "She gave herself to save me. With or without your fine leadership she would have still done it. This is no one's fault. Do not blame yourself." He squeezed her hand, the other one touching his heart. "We are one now. Technically she didn't die. We converged. She'll live through me."
Luna blinks at this and nods her head. She still felt bad about it, even if it was bound to happen. Why did it have to be that way? Luna looks towards Ryan's heart. "Well I really hope so. This question only matters if you must but... have you grieved?" Luna has a look of concern as the sunlight starts to shimmer on her silvery-white hair. Most everyone here hadn't seen this because she's usually away from the sun. "I know she'll live on in you but, never mind it was a stupid question." Her eyes dart to the side, no longer wanting to meet his after the question. It was wrong of her to ask.
He smiled lightly and patted her shoulder. "Its fine. I don't have to. Everything that she's ever seen, done, heard, said, felt is all apart of me. The question is, have you? If you are truly a leader worth following, the weight of all our losses is heaviest on you"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He smiled lightly and patted her shoulder. "Its fine. I don't have to. Everything that she's ever seen, done, heard, said, felt is all apart of me. The question is, have you? If you are truly a leader worth following, the weight of all our losses is heaviest on you"
Luna's face contorted into a sad smile. "I guess you've caught me being a hypocrite. I've tried not to grieve even though holding things in doesn't make it better. I guess you could say I'm holding on for now. Not breaking down just yet." She looks up at him and puts up a smile. Yet her eyes said it all, she was far from okay.
"I didn't say you had to accept your pain Luna. I said if you're worthy of being the leader you say, it's heaviest on you. How you cope with it is up to you" He closed his eyes and smiled. "Personally I bottle everything too. But one day you'll have to accept how you feel and get through it, or you'll push away those you care about unintentionally" He chuckled at that and looked to the sky. "Yep now I'm a hypocrite. Sigh... Ill talk to her later. But seriously. Accept your emotions, good and bad"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"I didn't say you had to accept your pain Luna. I said if you're worthy of being the leader you say, it's heaviest on you. How you cope with it is up to you" He closed his eyes and smiled. "Personally I bottle everything too. But one day you'll have to accept how you feel and get through it, or you'll push away those you care about unintentionally" He chuckled at that and looked to the sky. "Yep now I'm a hypocrite. Sigh... Ill talk to her later. But seriously. Accept your emotions, good and bad"
Luna stands up and nods her head. "I'll try." Luna thinks about what he said and about how she kept her emotions bottled up. Also about how it affected Morpheus. "Thank you! You've really helped me out." Luna turns away and starts walking off. Waving at Ryan as she smiles. She turns a corner and clears her throat. "Decimus, I need that favour."
Decimus had just found the perfect house when he heard her. Heather had passed out from fighting the hoard of zombies in his absence. He layed her on their bed and her tigers proceeded to watch over her. He sighed to himself. "Looks like Im the new Hermes. No rest for the wicked" He focused on Lunas shadow but she was moving quickly. After a few moments he locked on and rose out. "And what would that be?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus had just found the perfect house when he heard her. Heather had passed out from fighting the hoard of zombies in his absence. He layed her on their bed and her tigers proceeded to watch over her. He sighed to himself. "Looks like Im the new Hermes. No rest for the wicked" He focused on Lunas shadow but she was moving quickly. After a few moments he locked on and rose out. "And what would that be?"
"Take me to Morpheus." Luna slightly pushes her hip out and rests her hand on it. Luna's eyes look determined as if she won't take no for an answer.
"I'm sorry my lady but I cant. He asked me not to. Well no.. thats a lie. He said I would understand, and I do. Morpheus has come to understand that no matter what he does he'll always be alone. And so he has accepted that fact and decided to be alone. Now I highly doubt he'd even want me to tell anyone where he is, let alone take anyone to him. All you need to know my lady is that he is off the island and safe." He looked at her solemnly. "I'm sorry"
Alex shook his head, and teleported away. Kalin was unfrozen, stopping his sentence when he saw Luna had disappeared. He shook his head, and headed for the showers, tossing his arrow at the doorway, where it lodged into place.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"I'm sorry my lady but I cant. He asked me not to. Well no.. thats a lie. He said I would understand, and I do. Morpheus has come to understand that no matter what he does he'll always be alone. And so he has accepted that fact and decided to be alone. Now I highly doubt he'd even want me to tell anyone where he is, let alone take anyone to him. All you need to know my lady is that he is off the island and safe." He looked at her solemnly. "I'm sorry"
"He doesn't have to be alone forever!" Luna bites her lip and closes her fist. "I miss being called cutie. I miss the idiot who loved to make toys. I also miss how much he cared for me. I liked how funny it was to always shoot down his attempts to flirt with me. I miss the feeling of admiring his loyalty even though I treat him poorly! I liked the feeling of having someone I could depend on by my side. Morpheus was good to me and failed to do the same for him because I was afraid! I pretended I couldn't return any of his feelings because I was scared and couldn't face my own. It really hurts to know you had something so great and only realize it once it's gone. He doesn't have to be alone. Just please let me see him, even if it's for a brief moment."

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