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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

"... Dove..." she responded slowly, jolting as the sword appeared in her hands. She tilted her head, examining the black blade. She could use the sword easily, especially considering she didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Those thoughts quickly changed, however, as the man spoke, causing Dove to jolt and look back to him. "You can?" She asked, arching a brow. That would be much better for her, considering she knew how to use them expertly, unlike Luna's blade. Fixing her own swords would give her the upper hand over the enemy.
CharChar45 said:
"... Dove..." she responded slowly, jolting as the sword appeared in her hands. She tilted her head, examining the black blade. She could use the sword easily, especially considering she didn't have much of a choice in the matter. Those thoughts quickly changed, however, as the man spoke, causing Dove to jolt and look back to him. "You can?" She asked, arching a brow. That would be much better for her, considering she knew how to use them expertly, unlike Luna's blade. Fixing her own swords would give her the upper hand over the enemy.
"Alright then, I hope we get along Dove." Luna smiles and nods her head, the sword fades out of her hands. She looks at both Heather and Rebecca. "Would you two mind coming over? We're going to think up a plan. Right, squad leader?" Luna looks up at Dove.

( @CGULL9313 @Tazmodo )
Morpheus smiled. "Well when my cutie is done fawning over you ill work with you on them. See you later, Dove." He snapped and his team appeared in Damian's apartment. "So! Kid, you should lead us"
"Wait what? Squad leader? Woman, I just got here like fifteen minutes ago. I don't even know what in Hades is going on here!" Dove was confused. Very confused. She just arrives somewhere, and suddenly she was thrown into the position of squad leader and expected to come up with a plan for something she had no idea about.
"Most alluring...she really doesn't get it, does she... " Kalin thought to himself. He shook his head, and went off with the others he was supposed to work with on this mission. 'Man, I hope I find a nice girl to take my mind off of this mission. Well, if only long enough for me to get into her pants. Then Ill have enough power to deal with anything those monsters could throw at me..." He said quietly, not expecting anyone to hear, or take the time to listen.


DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus smiled. "Well when my cutie is done fawning over you ill work with you on them. See you later, Dove." He snapped and his team appeared in Damian's apartment. "So! Kid, you should lead us"
Alex raised an eyebrow as Morpheus spoke. "I'm sorry, are you still referring to me?"
"Yes. Yes I am, kid. You and I are the most powerful of the group, don't get sensitive the rest of yall, but I hate combat. You must have better tactics. So, lead us."
CharChar45 said:
"Wait what? Squad leader? Woman, I just got here like fifteen minutes ago. I don't even know what in Hades is going on here!" Dove was confused. Very confused. She just arrives somewhere, and suddenly she was thrown into the position of squad leader and expected to come up with a plan for something she had no idea about.
"Well, we're going to New York. We're all getting on a train to go to a one entrance building. The train will take use through an underwater tube since the entrance is underwater. That's when the squads split up, one squad stays at the entrance. While the other two squads search the building for the imprisoned Gods. There are 6 in this building, Athena, Hestia, Nike, Hades, Demeter, and Odyne. Our squad will be looking for Athena, Hestia, and Odyne. You will be our squad leader whom calls the shots and comes up with a plan when our squad goes to look for these Goddesses." Luna looks away from Dove and towards the stage.

( The mission will start tomorrow 2:00 PM Pacific Time. For those whom are three hours ahead, 5:00 PM. @CharChar45 @DizjayDeathPride @Tazmodo @Drumonkey @CGULL9313 @Kalin Scarlet Like this post so I know you saw it please. )
"... I just got here... why am I responsible for this?" She watched Luna closely, crossing her arms over her chest.
CharChar45 said:
"... I just got here... why am I responsible for this?" She watched Luna closely, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Alright then, tell me. Who is your godly parent?" Luna raises an eyebrow.
Rebecca put her hand on Doves should. "It's because your new. She wants ro see your potential. She hasn't pick me thank god. I would probably let them down. I'm Rebecca by the way but you can call me Becca."
Dove hesitated for a long moment. "... Athena..." she finally said, looking over to Rebecca as she spoke. "... I'm Dove..." she responded, looking between the two woman.
CharChar45 said:
Dove hesitated for a long moment. "... Athena..." she finally said, looking over to Rebecca as she spoke. "... I'm Dove..." she responded, looking between the two woman.
Luna seems quite shocked at this. "Well that is fortunate for us. You'd be able to sense your parent so it would make it easier instead of guessing where they would be. But..... Athena is a virgin Goddess... I wonder how you were born. This may seem rude but we're you born from Athena like the first mortal king of Athens?"
"... It's complicated. I guess the best way to explain it is that I was born the same way she was. She came from Zeus's head, and her children sprout from her head, come from her knowledge..."
Anny had seperated from Decimus' energy as the children had talked. He left a bit of himself inside though, a sort of marker on him. He would be able to communicate with him more easily, and find him more quickly for teleportation. He sat down on a nearby riser and kicked his feet up on the one in front of him.

Eli was plotting in his mind, he turned to Dru when Luna seemed to be finished addressing them all. Looking up at him he asked, "I guess you are in my squad after all,", he chuckled. "It will be a pleasure to work with you again."

Heather went to stand by Pierce. Smiling, she bumped into him, "You ready for this?", she asked him happily.
Dru nodded his head at Eli. He was glad to work with him and was fine as long as he didn't see Anny or Luna.
"Well it doesn't matter how you got here it just matters that your here. And you need to shower I'll take you to my dorm if you don't have one."
CharChar45 said:
"... It's complicated. I guess the best way to explain it is that I was born the same way she was. She came from Zeus's head, and her children sprout from her head, come from her knowledge..."
Tazmodo said:
"Well it doesn't matter how you got here it just matters that your here. And you need to shower I'll take you to my dorm if you don't have one."
Drumonkey said:
Dru nodded his head at Eli. He was glad to work with him and was fine as long as he didn't see Anny or Luna.
CGULL9313 said:
Anny had seperated from Decimus' energy as the children had talked. He left a bit of himself inside though, a sort of marker on him. He would be able to communicate with him more easily, and find him more quickly for teleportation. He sat down on a nearby riser and kicked his feet up on the one in front of him.
Eli was plotting in his mind, he turned to Dru when Luna seemed to be finished addressing them all. Looking up at him he asked, "I guess you are in my squad after all,", he chuckled. "It will be a pleasure to work with you again."

Heather went to stand by Pierce. Smiling, she bumped into him, "You ready for this?", she asked him happily.
( Nope I'm back. )

Pierce looks over to her and scratches the back of his head. "I don't know, I'll have to rely on my senses and my scythe for this one." Pierce gives her a strangely concerned look. "Hey... about your dad, I'm sure we'll save him soon."

Luna looks at the clock. "Looks like it's time to go everyone!" Luna stands up and walks to the door, heading to the beach to enter a portal that'll take them to a subway station in New York.
Morpheus checked his watch. "Oop we're a bit late my apologies everyone" He snapped and his unit was back to the auditorium, just in time to see Luna leaving. "Or I'm right on time. Perfect." He stood and followed

Decimus sighed and followed after Luna. "This is going to be a headache I know it."
Damian had taken note on this Ryan kid. Obvious the son of Apollo, his element was Damian's direct opposite. He watched his fight. The kid seemed.... resistant. And that made him a threat. He showed more promise than his sister did on the last mission. He would watch him closely. When Ryan entered Damian, eyes closed and hands in his pockets, followed
Eli smiled up at Dru, then looked to Luna. He followed her lead.

Heather shook her head, smiling a bit more. "I'm sure he's ok.", she chuckled. Taking a deep breath before following Pierce after their leader. "I wish we could work together on this though...", she sighed and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Girls usually don't like me..." She was nervous, to join the other females. She hadn't had a good history with women. They usually thought they were better than her in some way and treated her like shit. As if it wasn't bad enough men assumed she was promiscuous but for fellow women to judge her so harshly hurt on a different level. She glanced through her hair over at Decimus. The girl, Rebecca had been talking to him. Ryan's sister.She was pretty. Not her type so much she thought from having watched her about...but those eyes were sultry. Watching Decimus and her together she thought casually about asking them both to her bed. She looked back to Pierce, with another sigh. The girl seemed like the type that didn't share. Decimus, however, she thought maybe he was. Although maybe not with another male. She didn't peg him as the type to enjoy that kind of thing. Too bad. Not that she had anyone to be shared with. It hadn't bothered her before but the transfers with Pierce and Decimus had awoken an old need. She slipped her arm into Pierce's as they walked. Thinking deeply. Her tigers trailed behind.

Anny followed the group.
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CGULL9313 said:
Eli smiled up at Dru, then looked to Luna. He followed her lead.
Heather shook her head, smiling a bit more. "I'm sure he's ok.", she chuckled. Taking a deep breath before following Pierce after their leader. "I wish we could work together on this though...", she sighed and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "Girls usually don't like me..." She was nervous, to join the other females. She hadn't had a good history with women. They usually thought they were better than her in some way and treated her like shit. As if it wasn't bad enough men assumed she was promiscuous but for fellow women to judge her so harshly hurt on a different level. She glanced through her hair over at Rebecca, who was still talking with Decimus. She was pretty. Not her type so much she thought from having watched her about...but those eyes were sultry. Watching Decimus and her together she thought casually about asking them both to her bed. She looked back to Pierce, with another sigh. The girl seemed like the type that didn't share. Decimus, however, she thought maybe he was. Although maybe not with another male. She didn't peg him as the type to enjoy that kind of thing. Too bad. Not that she had anyone to be shared with. It hadn't bothered her before but the transfers with Pierce and Decimus had awoken an old need. She slipped her arm into Pierce's as they walked. Thinking deeply. Her tigers trailed behind.

Anny followed the group.
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Decimus and rebecca stopped talking awhiiiile ago and decimus already left but i still liked it ^~^)
Tazmodo said:
"Dang it I wanted to have a little fun first." She walks through the portal taking Doves hand.
"Yeah, I bet he is." Pierce walks through the portal as well. Only to stand in an empty train station with the others. He pulls out his scythe with his free hand. Suddenly the train can be heard, it'll be arriving soon.

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