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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Upon hearing the train coming Dru closed his book then watched for the train as his book disappeared.
Anny nodded, he was standing beside Decimus. "Indeed...", he sighed. Waiting for this to get started.

Eli took a deep breath, pulling his horned leather mask on and waited.

Heather waited quietly, her arm still around Pierce's. She was shifting anxiously.
When the train stopped, Damian stepped on first, followed by Morpheus. Decimus looked back at Heather before smiling and shaking his head, then stepping on. Ryan's bow appeared on his back as he stepped on after them
Steve got on without hesitation. "So Morph have you and Sweetie done it yet?" He said in a joking tone.

Eric got on and stood in the back. He had no intention of fighting but he had too. "Decius I need to talk to you." He said from behind him.
Thankfully, Dove had time to shower before the mission. The dirt had been cleaned from her fair skin, and from her dark brown hair. Thankfully, her swords had been fixed as well, and were now usable. And she had found some clean clothes too, a basic pair of black cargo pants and a white tank top. She stood behind everyone else, watching anxiously as the train arrived. How was she supposed to lead this squad? She really hoped she didn't screw this up...
Dru stepped into the train car and moved off to the back sitting down.
Drumonkey said:
Upon hearing the train coming Dru closed his book then watched for the train as his book disappeared.
CGULL9313 said:
Anny nodded, he was standing beside Decimus. "Indeed...", he sighed. Waiting for this to get started.
Eli took a deep breath, pulling his horned leather mask on and waited.

Heather waited quietly, her arm still around Pierce's. She was shifting anxiously.
DizjayDeathPride said:
When the train stopped, Damian stepped on first, followed by Morpheus. Decimus looked back at Heather before smiling and shaking his head, then stepping on. Ryan's bow appeared on his back as he stepped on after them
Once the train arrives and several demigod get on, the doors don't close. They won't be closing for another 8 minutes. Suddenly an abundance of the undead, with or without weapons charge from all around. Practically forcing all the demigod to stand in or around the train. "Don't let them getting the train! We'll have to hold them off until the doors close! This feels like Resident Evil." Luna summons her chakrams and throws one at the nearest zombie.


Zombies are pretty much at this level of hard to kill.
Eli wrinkled his nose at Steve's question. "My gods...", he sighed. There was disgust in his voice. He went to enter behind Morpheus but stopped when the others stopped. He growled and pulled out one of his longer blades. Ready to fight. His first hit was to the knee of one of the undead. It tore through stringy tendon and rotting tissue before meeting bone. The flesh around the blade started to melt off and the leg fell off. He finished the thing with a knife to the head once it wad on his level.
Rebecca turned around to Dove. "You look amazing. When this is over you wanna go on a date." She said with a smile.

She pulled out her bow and started fire at them. "So how do we kill these things?"
Dru stood and ducked in between the arrows as he moved towards the doors to hold off the undead.
Heather laughed at Rebecca's comment to Dove. Well, maybe she was her type after all. She grinned, looking over at the girls as she formed her weapon. Then she looked at the threat and attacked.
Morpheus spawned hundreds of little robot soldiers that attacked the zombies for him. They shot little lazars from their eyes and pilled zombies, ripping them apart. They were no more than 7 inches tall so they could be easily flung but they just kept going
Dove blinked in surprise, looking over to Becca as she spoke. "Ah..." she said, not even being able to finish her sentence before the undead began to swarm them. Dove cursed, still far from the train doors, quickly pulling out her swords. It would be a waste of energy trying to fight them all, and completely unnecessary. All she needed to do was make a path to the train doors. Keeping her swords in her grip, she lunged forward, slashing put her blades in a large swoop, slicing down the undead blocking her path.
Anny went into the inbetween. He was barely visible in the astral plane and barely visible in the physical one. He was transparent as he ran ahead and yanked the brain out of one of the undead. He tossed it out of the way, so that no one would slip on the mess. He passed through the lot of them, pulling out more and throwing them as well, making his way into the train car to distract the dead from the others. "Hey! Look at me." He shouted at them, tossing a green rotted brain at the nearest zombie. It bounced off of his head with a splat and he turned toward anny. Several more had as well. He held up his hand and manifested his magic staff. He held it at the ready. For bashing.
Steve went straight for the horde going faster then they can grab him. He killed ten each time he went in. After the fourth time he could feel his body's fatige growing.

Eric took off his gloves and summoned and army of his own undead warriors to fight. The were wearing bright neon green armor so that the other would know they were here to help.
Morpheus walked over to Dove, whistling, spawning more little toy robots. He created a more life sized one to protect them while he tapped her shoulder and spoke. "Shall I fix them now? Your blades I mean"
Pierce slid his hand down the shaft of his scythe which makes another blade appear on the other end. He spins it and cuts down anything that comes near him. Pierce himself moves along with his scythe, spinning his body or leaning forward or backward to kept the momentum in each swing high. One zombie gets close enough to grab his scythe, which to Pierce isn't something to amazed about. He kicks it in the knee, thus bending it inward. He then let's go of the scythe that the zombie is pulling, letting it slam into it's face. The scythe is released and Pierce immediately grabs it again and turns around, when he does so the scythe takes the zombies head off completely.

Luna throws both chakrams one before the other. The first separates a zombies head from it's shoulders and curves upwards to boomerang back to Luna. The second flies right in between the severed head and body the chakram before it caused and hits the zombie behind it. Both chakrams make their way back to Luna but she ducks instead of making an effort to catch them. They hit the undead behind her, not cutting too deeply but still knocking them back into other undead troops. Luna activates a spell which keeps her chakras orbiting around her while they're enveloped in darkness.
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Eric noticed that his army was turning against them he quickly sent them back along with half of the horde. Thus took all of his energy.

Rebecca started to shoot light arrows at any of the undead that came near the group. Her main focus was Dove now that she ran straight through. She eradicated any endangered her.
Damian and Decimus were both using their darkness masterfully, almost dancing a step. They would pass the shadows back and forth while attacking, rolling and switching sides. The two had never fought together before but looked like one and the same. But as it continued, Decimus started to become bloodthirsty and ruthless, his murderous insanity taking over. Quickly he snapped out of it and was back in control. He ran into a hoard and fell into their shadows giving Damian the opportunity to use shadow spikes and rip them apart. Decimus raised out of a spike and slashed a near zombie with his darkness sword, the blackness spreading through him and sucking him away. He used a shadow Damian threw to spring off and flipped in the air, crashing down on another hoard. He crossed his arms and thousands of spikes pierced through the zombies heads. Damian covered him in darkness to protect Decimus' clothes from the blood. Decimus rose back up next to Damian and their rampage continued

Morpheus got bored of the little robots and summoned little chipmunks. They breathed fire and had little dragon wings
Dove jolted as Morpheus spoke looking to him. "That would be nice," she commented knocking back one of the undead with the hilt of one of her blades.
Heather couldn't help but notice Decimus rampaging. He wad impressive. He had been in the last fight as well, but this one had him in motion. The son of Hades was beautiful in action. She wanted to rip off his clothing. She laughed at herself and smacked her stick into one of the dead, creating a domino effect. Every corpse in the pile burst into black, thick oily water that sprayed across the others and puddles on the floor. She stuck her staff into the liquid and turned it into dirt so the others wouldn't slip. She watched it dry with some interest. She had intended to make wine...why had this black liquid come instead? She shook her head and kept up with the fight. She pushed her way into the train.
He smiled and took them from her. He took his time looking them over. "Interesting..." then dragged the blade down his tongue. When he finished it was perfectly sharpened as if brand new. His tongue spilled out, 20 or so feet long. He wrapped it around the blade and swallowed it and pulled it out of his back, removing the rust. He did it with the others and handed them back. "They should never dull again"

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