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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Dru began searching walls occasionally stabbing them to see if anything was behind them.
Damian just blinked. "Alright wall destruction. Sorry about this" He drew the light blade from his back. He made it radiate then slammed it to the ground, the building crumbling, he got blasted out and back outside. "Ow... Did you find anything?"

Morpheus looked at it. "You're so beautiful you'll make an amazing toy! WHOA!" He fell back , dodging a head. "NO! BAD CHESTER! NO ATTACKING DADDY!" He dodged again. "Fine. You want to get all rough? I like it rough." He focused, concentrated, and spawned a copy of the 100 headed hydra. It immediately disappeared. "Gah... too much power to maintain. Fine looks like we're fighting head up. Ha I made a funny." He manifested blades and charged
"Yes." Dru was standing in front of a fake wall that revealed a winding staircase leading downwards into darkness. "I think I found the way to him. Stay close to me you may feel drowsy near him but I think I can keep you guys mostly awake."
Eli shook his head at Morpheus' words. He stood back as he watched the two drakens spar. It was no match, as the hydra no longer respawned it's heads, but it would buy them enough time. He wasn't sure what to do now....he was thinking a mile a minute....did Ladon have a weakness? He couldn't remember. He remembered it guarded the apples, and that it had been a part of the tale of Hercules. He couldn't help but think a foul thought, Hercules...one if the most mighty of the demigods...and myself...the most lowly...fighting the same beasts. He took a deep breath, pulling out the pack containing the wool. He opened it, removed the bundle, and unfolded it to reveal the nitro. Nitroglycerin. A key component of dynamite. If he could get the beast to eat it...he sighed...realizing his only power it seemed was to be eaten by larger beasts.

Heather looked to Decimus, her lips parting as she watched the cloak envelop him. Her golem roars again, and runs into the crowd of enemies. She swipes both hands and destroys many of them.
Morpheus was thrown back, crashing next to Eli. "Okay my man I'm lost. It's too big too just turn into a bobblehead yet. It'll resist. Any ideas how to put it down?"

"Going to take that as a yes" He rose his hands and the ground began to crack. Soon it split and hundreds of Damned poured onto the ground, rushing the enemies. They screamed and thrashed, grabbing them and throwing them into the pit. Decimus watched manically before sending shadows to work on any others
The stairs seem to continue for a while but really it was about 10 minutes. The stairs end and open up into a room that was huge at least 40 feet high and seemed very old. In the back of the room they could see a metal cage that held a man shackled to a wall. The man seemed to be about 70 with a full head of grey almost silver hair he wore a night gown that looked like it had faces and scenes from dreams sewn into it. From the figure they could faintly hear snoring. the room seemed to be lit from an undefinable place.
Heather stares at the terror unfolding, dead against dead. Her tigers are afraid, Bandi whimpers and Ru roars and swipes at anything that came near them. She looked to them but new they could protect themselves. She took a deep breath and spun her staff around....and joining in the fight. They just needed to stave them off until the others came back with the god. That was their job here. Her golem roared and pushed more corpses into the pit.
Damian was nodding off. He could feel it. The closer he got the heavier his eyes were. He knew he was falling asleep. He could feel the consciousness leaving. It was like his mind and body were being seperated. He looked around and saw the old man. "Fantastic. I think i'mma just...." He shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's just get him and go."
Eli nods, a frown on his face. He holds up the tubes. "This is nitroglycerin...", he says simply, assuming that Morpheus knew what that was. "If I can get it into the draken....get a spark....well....."
Decimus scratched his head lazily and let the Damned work. Their screams were kind of getting annoying. And he never liked the rotten purple flesh look either. He rubbed his eyes. "Hello darkness my old friend. Ayi yi yi why do they keep coming? It's like they're just respawning back at some point"

"Wait isnt that the stuff in um..." He snapped, trying to get the word. "Dynamite sticks or something? Sweet my man. So he needs to eat it. Say no more." He opened his hand for the vile
Dru pulled Damien to the side and patted his cheek lightly to get his attention "hey stay with me, can you get me over to that cage quickly? I doubt that they just left this room unguarded so stay out of sight and try to get me there." Dru could faintly feel the need to sleep but was able to suppress it, he began to use his mind to keep Damien a bit more awake but it was hard.
Pierce's beast charges through troops. Tearing them in half. Pierce cuts through many enemies with his scythe. Though he starts to get physically tired. He raises his scythe into the light. Using his powers of photosynthesis to charge up on energy. He slams the staff of the scythe down into the ground to make the build up energy exit him in waves. Throwing everything around him back.

Ladon roars with many of his heads as it starts to swipe away some of the troops. One of its heads bite into the Hydra.

Luna walks up to Eli. "You know what.... let me do this." She grabs the vial from his hands and jumps onto one of heads of her Hydra as it passes by. Luna wills the head to smash into one of Ladon's heads as she jumps into his mouth.
Heather laughed at Decimus. "Keep an eye out for other threats.", she instructed. She flung her hair back from her face, it was slick with blood and wine. "We just need to make sure that nothing reaches the others."
Damian handed him his darkness sword. "Take this. So long as you have it i'll know where you are and can pull you into or out of the shadow realm." He dropped him down and raised him up in front of the cage

"What?! CUTIE!" He got up and jumped in after her. "You are so not destroying my toy and or dying in here. Gah it smells"

He put his hands in his pockets, pushing the Cloak away. "Very well beautiful." He flung his hands up in for areas. North, South, East, and West. "Wherever the hell they're coming from they'll have to get through more giant pits of Damned." He closed his eyes. He was starting to get tired. Using Underworld had always been a last resort. He hated the sounds. Too loud. He decided to lay on the ground and wait a bit, letting the Damned work. "If something big comes. Let me know."
Eli was about to speak to Morpheus when Luna took the tubes and jumped into one if the man mouths of the dragon. He cried out, "No!" And ran forward. His heart was beating fast. It was a highly unstable material...and when put to flame. Would she survive? "My gods...", he breathed.

Heather cried out, being flung by Pierce's energy. She fell to her knees and looked up at him. Luckily, the monsters had been pushed back as well, so she had time to stand. "Warn me, please!", she laughed, moving over closer to him and fighting by his side. Their golems doing the same.
Decimus groaned. "i cant take this screaming anymore." He snapped and closed the pit. "Alright we're doing this my way. The silent way. I'll be back." He disappeared through a shadow and came up on a vantage point. He made a silenced sniper of darkness and started shooting the dead. "Jeez this is so much better."
Dru quickly put away his knives and grabbed his katana as he moved around to the side of the cage and began sawing at the bars trying to be as discrete as possible then Damien could hear the sound of talking as some spartan warriors walked into the room and saw Dru working on the cage "Hey you what are you doing here?!"
Heather looked up at him, then back down at the horde. "What a fucking wuss...", she laughed, glancing over at the equally bloody boy beside her. She couldn't help but smile at him. "You know....I had a dream about you...when I fell asleep in your apartment." She spoke casually as she fought. Spinning around with a grunt and cutting several of the advancing soldiers in half, before kicking their bottom ends into the pit before it closed.
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Damian handed him his darkness sword. "Take this. So long as you have it i'll know where you are and can pull you into or out of the shadow realm." He dropped him down and raised him up in front of the cage
"What?! CUTIE!" He got up and jumped in after her. "You are so not destroying my toy and or dying in here. Gah it smells"

He put his hands in his pockets, pushing the Cloak away. "Very well beautiful." He flung his hands up in for areas. North, South, East, and West. "Wherever the hell they're coming from they'll have to get through more giant pits of Damned." He closed his eyes. He was starting to get tired. Using Underworld had always been a last resort. He hated the sounds. Too loud. He decided to lay on the ground and wait a bit, letting the Damned work. "If something big comes. Let me know."
CGULL9313 said:
Eli was about to speak to Morpheus when Luna took the tubes and jumped into one if the man mouths of the dragon. He cried out, "No!" And ran forward. His heart was beating fast. It was a highly unstable material...and when put to flame. Would she survive? "My gods...", he breathed.
Heather cried out, being flung by Pierce's energy. She fell to her knees and looked up at him. Luckily, the monsters had been pushed back as well, so she had time to stand. "Warn me, please!", she laughed, moving over closer to him and fighting by his side. Their golems doing the same.
Luna uses a flame spell to ignite the vial. The explosion pushes Morpheus out of Ladon's throat as most of his heads are blown off its under belly explodes as well. Ladon frantically charges through the undead army and bursts out the throne room. It roars into the sky as it starts to collapse. Luna's still nowhere to be found.

Pierce looks at Heather. "I apologize, I will warn you next time. I assume you're alright?" Pierce starts cutting down anything that comes near them. He has large roots rise from the the ground. The roots are covered in thorns. "A dream?"
"Oh no we dont have time" He had their shadows slip them into the realm. "Please hurry. I would love to take a nap Dru"

Decimus continued to shoot. "One two three they all fall down. Oh look the boy is back"

Ryan came back down. "I... well this looks bad." He debated on music or bow. "Ah screw it I already used it." He grabbed the bow and began shooting the dead with Pierce and Heather
Eli watches as Morpheus follows the girl in, feeling helpless. Anything he could do out here....it might cause them harm inside. When another head of the hissing undead hydra fell to the ground beside him, he cried our in surprise, before taking a deep breath and crawling up it's neck. His claws stuck in the beast's flesh as he made his way up to the body. He jumped across the space that was all tendon and bone, barely making it. He took a deep breath and continued up. He pulled out several viles as he stood up in the space between the dead head and another. When Ladon went to attack the hydra he jumped onto the head and threw one of the little tubes of glass into the dragon's large eye. It started to bubble and hiss. Roaring wildly in pain, the eye foamed up and poured from it's reptilian skull. While it's mouth was open, suddenly a boom came from within. The beast went wild, running away with him still on top. He held on tightly.

Heather gasps as the loud roar interrupts her as she begins to speak. She looks to the sound and sees a tiny figure flying through the air, as a large dragon falls to the ground. The entire area shakes and she grabs onto the man next to her for stability. Her mouth agape.
"You can take a nap later." Dru had managed to cut a hole in the cage then walked up to the sleeping god. He could feel the need to sleep strongly but still managed to cut the shackles from the sleeping god freeing him. As soon as he was freed the Spartans in the room dropped and Damien began to feel less drowsy and the man began to straighten up.
Morpheus came flying out of the hydra from the explosion. He crashed into the opposite wall and fell face first to the ground. "Oh for fuck sakes..." He stood back up and looked at the hydra. "Cutie..." He tried to teleport to her but he couldnt. He had used too much energy making the stupid hydra copy that failed. "CUTIE! YOU BETTER GET OUT OF THERE! AND DONT DESTROY MY TOY!!!" He tried his best not to sound worried

Ryan stopped shooting when he saw them. "Are those..."

Decimus appeared back next to him "Dragons... Well I'll be damned. And mom looks a bit upset." He reactivated his Cloak

Damian shook his head. "Holy..." He went over to the god. "So... let's get out of here"
Eli flies through the air, hits the wall with a pained cry and collapses to the street in an unnatural position. Bones are sticking out of his stunted legs. He screams in agony, as they quickly mend. The bone snaps back into place and the skin grows back together. He stares at it before his eyes roll back in his head, and he collapses. Unconscious.

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