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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Heather: Heather nodded, appreciating the swiftness of her crew's response and the message she recieved from Decimus. She took the wax when it was offered, thanking Pierce with a smile. "Ok...this is it then.", she said with a sigh once her ears were plugged, "We advance!", she turned to the wall, touched it, and attempted to turn the bricks and mortar into water. It was a harder thing to do than she realized, even though she was only focusing on a small area. Her mind was on the battle, not on visualisation. Slowly, it started to liquify. Although it wasn't clear like water, it dripped and slowly fell to the ground in a puddle. She sloshed through the pile of mushy wall, expecting the others to follow her. Whatever was still awake on the other side, she was ready to destroy it all. The fear was rising up in her, but she pushed it away with all of her might and replaced it with another sense. She held up her bone staff and twirled it around her head, laughing and crying out in french.
Alex stepped through the portal, and activated his flight, the dynamos at his back acting as thrusters. He turned to the others. "I am a child of Chronos, if that gives you any idea what I can do." He said, as he lifted a gloved hand, which began to flash with magical lightning. "I also have this." He finished, looking around at the large expanse of forest at the base of the mountain.



Eli: Elijah took the wax that was provided, thanking Pierce twice as he stuck them in his ears. He watched the other two do the same, and then turned to the woman in the golden armor, who was flocked by two massive tigers. She had her hand on the bricks of the wall and it slowly started to melt. He was impressed, although he thought he might have a potion to do it. When the wall was down and the girl ran forward, he took a deep breath and signalled Luna and Morpheus. "Project, if you can...two forms...", he pointed as high as he could to a massive tower. "There...see what you can see. And if you see danger erradicate it or distract it. Keep us informed as we will be following you in."
Decimus followed Heather. When he thought they were close enough he went to Ryan, then informed the others what had happened. "Good news everything is asleep due to Dru, son of Morpheus. So we now have 8 hours." He continued forward with his team

Morpheus pointed behind Eli. "Two? Well who's that sexy devil?" The clone said, "Me? No no no you're the sexy devil." The original said, "No no no please you're the sexy devil." Another Morpheus appeared and stayed with Luna. "Ladies please we're all sexy. Now you two, go" The two clones of Morpheus nodded and ran forward. "I am connected to their senses. So far everything seems fine. Oop update, Son of Morpheus has put the enemies to sleep for 8 hours"

Damian nodded over at Dru. "Whenever you're ready"
CGULL9313 said:
Heather: Heather nodded, appreciating the swiftness of her crew's response and the message she recieved from Decimus. She took the wax when it was offered, thanking Pierce with a smile. "Ok...this is it then.", she said with a sigh once her ears were plugged, "We advance!", she turned to the wall, touched it, and attempted to turn the bricks and mortar into water. It was a harder thing to do than she realized, even though she was only focusing on a small area. Her mind was on the battle, not on visualisation. Slowly, it started to liquify. Although it wasn't clear like water, it dripped and slowly fell to the ground in a puddle. She sloshed through the pile of mushy wall, expecting the others to follow her. Whatever was still awake on the other side, she was ready to destroy it all. The fear was rising up in her, but she pushed it away with all of her might and replaced it with another sense. She held up her bone staff and twirled it around her head, laughing and crying out in french.
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: Elijah took the wax that was provided, thanking Pierce twice as he stuck them in his ears. He watched the other two do the same, and then turned to the woman in the golden armor, who was flocked by two massive tigers. She had her hand on the bricks of the wall and it slowly started to melt. He was impressed, although he thought he might have a potion to do it. When the wall was down and the girl ran forward, he took a deep breath and signalled Luna and Morpheus. "Project, if you can...two forms...", he pointed as high as he could to a massive tower. "There...see what you can see. And if you see danger erradicate it. Keep us informed as we will be following you in."
Pierce follows Heather. Only to see what kind of troops they were facing, resurrected Spartans. "Shit." Pierce whispers to himself. Some Spartans that were still awake formed a half circle around the opening in the wall. They seemed to be the only Spartans with wax in their ears. Their shields readied as they crouch, their spears sticking out the opening of their shields. Pierce throws his scythe into the air past them, he then holds his hand out to make his scythe come back to him like a boomerang. It lodges itself into the back of a Spartan, once it drops dead their formation slightly breaks. Pierce uses this opportunity to run through and end up behind them before they close the gap. He also grabs his scythe, making some Spartans turn around to focus on him, thus scattering their formation. "Come on! Handle the ones with their backs turned to you!"
Decimus just chuckled and sent spikes into them, piercing and shattering inside of them, then ripped them all into his shadow realm. "Come on Pierce we need to get to Ryan. There might be more awake." He didnt stop running this entire time
"Damien up the mountain we go. Alex scout it out from the air first if you need to contact me talk to a sleeping body."
Eli couldn't help but laugh at Morpheus. The humor was not lost on him, even in this moment. His cheeks pinkened beneath the leather mask. "Good...that will give us more than enough time to find the general.", he said with a nod. He listened to what was happening within the wall. It seemd there were some still awake.

Heather smiled underneath her helm. "Excellent.", she said to no one in particular, bringing the staff downward into the helmet of one of the undead Spartans. The helmet burst, and so did the head, into a fine mist of red wine. It sprayed her, and the body fell to the ground. She turned to another, swipping it's legs and then stabbing it through the ribs when it fell. It became a puddle of wine immediately. With a roar her tigers attacked as well. She stepped away from the Spartan's, letting her beasts do the work as she continued toward the sleeping legions. She waved her staff over a line of them, in formation still as they slept, and it was like a fountain of red wine errupted from them, one after the other following her along.
"Ahh it appears they are taking out the remaining.... spartans? Interesting. I wonder how they stayed awake. Nevertheless the enemies are being taken out. Update, Dru, apparently my son, is somewhere up on the moutain with the other shadow boy. Ooooo two shadow boys that will be interesting to see." He looked over at Luna. "What's on your mind cutie you've been silent."
CGULL9313 said:
Eli couldn't help but laugh at Morpheus. The humor was not lost on him, even in this moment. His cheeks pinkened beneath the leather mask. "Good...that will give us more than enough time to find the general.", he said with a nod. He listened to what was happening within the wall. It seemd there were some still awake.
Heather smiled underneath her helm. "Excellent.", she said to no one in particular, bringing the staff downward into the helmet of one of the undead Spartans. The helmet burst, and so did the head, into a fine mist of red wine. It sprayed her, and the body fell to the ground. She turned to another, swipping it's legs and then stabbing it through the ribs when it fell. It became a puddle of wine immediately. With a roar her tigers attacked as well. She stepped away from the Spartan's, letting her beasts do the work as she continued toward the sleeping legions. She waved her staff over a line of them, in formation still as they slept, and it was like a fountain of red wine errupted from them, one after the other following her along.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus just chuckled and sent spikes into them, piercing and shattering inside of them, then ripped them all into his shadow realm. "Come on Pierce we need to get to Ryan. There might be more awake." He didnt stop running this entire time
Pierce watched them both and kept running. They had to make it up the mountain as fast as they could. They couldn't use the cloak of the darkness anymore since the sun was rising now. They were going up the mountain trail passing by several encampments. He made sure to kill as many sleeping Spartans as he could. They were almost to the city. Until two Cyclops clad in anti-essence armour showed up. "Shit, again?! Powers don't work on them with that armour on!"

One Cyclops starts throwing boulders while the other charges at them with a large mace.

DizjayDeathPride said:
"Ahh it appears they are taking out the remaining.... spartans? Interesting. I wonder how they stayed awake. Nevertheless the enemies are being taken out. Update, Dru, apparently my son, is somewhere up on the moutain with the other shadow boy. Ooooo two shadow boys that will be interesting to see." He looked over at Luna. "What's on your mind cutie you've been silent."
"Nothing..... they've been gonna for a while. They must be halfway there. We should go." Luna gets up and puts her umbrella over her head. She starts walking into the gate.
Alex nodded, and lifted off into the air. He overlooked the path up to the mountain, but didn't find any immediate threats besides what they already expected. He opened his eye patch to check for any personal threats, but most off his futures were relatively safe, for the time being.
"Heh is that right?" He continued running, dodging. "Well good thing there are two. WE'LL JUST USE BRUTE FORCE!" He grabbed his swords and threw them at the cyclops, hitting both in the eye. He ran by, jumped, and ripped the first sword up and through the cyclops' head. He went for the other when he threw a boulder, near missing Decimus. He kept going. "Pierce grab that for me would you? I'd hate to lose my darkness blade." He put the other on his back and kept going

Morpheus just followed behind Luna. He was having an issue maintaining two incoming senses as well as his own. He never used two clones seperately like this. He had to focus. His joking wasn't really up to par.
"We need to go to the city up there. Drop me off and I'll put the people to sleep you come back up here with the rest of the team and we breach the city."
Damian nodded and did so. He raised Dru up in what appeared to be an empty city. "Do try not to die. I believe the other group is catching up" He sank back down and went back to the mountain and waited for Rebecca to show
Elijah nods, starting into the muck that used to be the wall. It came to his calves. He trudged through it slowly, looking up at the wall that was bending like too wet clay. "Be careful....this doesn't look entirely stable...", the dwarf said in warning. When he came to the other side, he saw the scene unfold before him. His breath caught in his throat. "My gods...", he breathed, looking at the Cyclopses and Heather wacking at the boulders as they flew. They turned to wine and rained down on her and Pierce. She groaned and ran around the beast, wacking it in the back of the legs with her long blade. When the other person appeared. One of the creatures fell. Ru and Bandi jumped onto the other one. They were flung around, but held on tightly with their claws and jaws into whatever hold they could get. Heather considered this to be great fun, and she laughed as her bone blade bit through the armor behind the Cylopses knee. Through her helm's slit she caught a glimpse of the dwarf in his leather cape and called to him, "Eli! Can't use magic! That's your cue!", she didn't care if it sounded rude to the others. She understood him well and knew he took great pride in what he was capable of without magic. Eli looked to the girl who spoke his name. Her name was Heather. She was perhaps one of his only friends on the island...perhaps in life. He heard her scream as a cyclops threw the tiger from his chest and reached down toward her head. She dodged his grasp, but only barely. He ran as fast as his legs could take him, but that wasn't very fast.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Heh is that right?" He continued running, dodging. "Well good thing there are two. WE'LL JUST USE BRUTE FORCE!" He grabbed his swords and threw them at the cyclops, hitting both in the eye. He ran by, jumped, and ripped the first sword up and through the cyclops' head. He went for the other when he threw a boulder, near missing Decimus. He kept going. "Pierce grab that for me would you? I'd hate to lose my darkness blade." He put the other on his back and kept going
Morpheus just followed behind Luna. He was having an issue maintaining two incoming senses as well as his own. He never used two clones seperately like this. He had to focus. His joking wasn't really up to par.
( They are literally wearing armour and helmets. Their entire body is covered, they're seeing through visors. You know what forget it because literally every post you make you seem more and more like Newtype with Decimus. )

CGULL9313 said:
Elijah nods, starting into the muck that used to be the wall. It came to his calves. He trudged through it slowly, looking up at the wall that was bending like too wet clay. "Be careful....this doesn't look entirely stable...", the dwarf said in warning. When he came to the other side, he saw the scene unfold before him. His breath caught in his throat. "My gods...", he breathed, looking at the Cyclopses and Heather wacking at the boulders as they flew. They turned to wine and rained down on her and Pierce. She groaned and ran around the beast, wacking it in the back of the legs with her long blade. When the other person appeared. One of the creatures fell. Ru and Bandi jumped onto the other one. They were flung around, but held on tightly with their claws and jaws into whatever hold they could get. Heather considered this to be great fun, and she laughed as her bone blade bit through the armor behind the Cylopses knee. Through her helm's slit she caught a glimpse of the dwarf in his leather cape and called to him, "Eli! Can't use magic! That's your cue!", she didn't care if it sounded rude to the others. She understood him well and knew he took great pride in what he was capable of without magic. Eli looked to the girl who spoke his name. Her name was Heather. She was perhaps one of his only friends on the island...perhaps in life. He heard her scream as a cyclops threw the tiger from his chest and reached down toward her head. She dodged his grasp, but only barely. He ran as fast as his legs could take him, but that wasn't very fast.
Pierce simply ignores his demand. He had no time for people like that even if they were in the same squad. If he wants his weapon he'd get it himself. Pierce watched the Cyclops pull the blade out its armour and throw it. The blade didn't go too deep so it's eye was safe. It pulls out its mace and swings at Pierce, whom barely managed to jump to the left to dodge. They had alarming speed and strength. Pierce had to find an opening in their armour since it'll be more cautious of its eye. Pierce watched the tiger get thrown and dives to catch the tiger before the ground does. Pierce watched Eli run to the Cyclops wondering if he has something that could defeat it.
Dru walked further into the city his knives drawn. He was staying hidden as best he could looking for any foes. Ones he did come across he sliced with his knife and put them to sleep. "Where is that god at?"
Rebecca had been scouting out the city looking for the best vantage point. "Where's damian?" She climbed upt the mountain in search of him.
Eli came up on the scene, terrified of the large creatures, but determined. He reaches behind his cloak for a bottle, and tugs it out of place in his leather vest. "Get me to their faces!" he demands of no one in particular. Heather screams as the cyclops pulls off her helmet. She is running around his legs now, with her blonde hair flying wildly. It throws one of the tigers from it's chest and lets out a roar. "Please!", Eli cries. He is helpless on the ground, with no ability to fly. He groans as no one acts quickly enough for him, and throws the bottle over hand, hard into the legs of the Cyclops after Heather. The bottle explodes, and a loud hissing sound can be heard as the clear acid eats it's way through the magic armor. Heather grins and tosses her hair to the side, going in for the exposed and bubbling skin of the cyclopses legs. Her bone blade met flesh at last, and sunk in deep, severing arteries and spraying blood across her tan face. Before she could pull the blade back out the cyclops roared and started to move. She had to release the staff in order to run away.

(This ok?)
Drumonkey said:
Dru walked further into the city his knives drawn. He was staying hidden as best he could looking for any foes. Ones he did come across he sliced with his knife and put them to sleep. "Where is that god at?"
The God was slumbering in a cell hidden underneath a building in the city. The next patrol would be coming here soon. Their footsteps could be heard around the corner. The God seems to be calling Dru to a certain building, the nearest bakery.


CGULL9313 said:
Eli came up on the scene, terrified of the large creatures, but determined. He reaches behind his cloak for a bottle, and tugs it out of place in his leather vest. "Get me to their faces!" he demands of no one in particular. Heather screams as the cyclops pulls off her helmet. She is running around his legs now, with her blonde hair flying wildly. It throws one of the tigers from it's chest and lets out a roar. "Please!", Eli cries. He is helpless on the ground, with no ability to fly. He groans as no one acts quickly enough for him, and throws the bottle over hand, hard into the legs of the Cyclops after Heather. The bottle explodes, and a loud hissing sound can be heard as the clear acid eats it's way through the magic armor. Heather grins and tosses her hair to the side, going in for the exposed and bubbling skin of the cyclopses legs. Her bone blade met flesh at last, and sunk in deep, severing arteries and spraying blood across her tan face. Before she could pull the blade back out the cyclops roared and started to move. She had to release the staff in order to run away.
(This ok?)
( Yes. )

Pierce sets the tiger he caught down only to catch another one and land on his back. "Ugh......"
Ryan appeared behind all of them and played his flute, specifically at the cyclops. He noticed it wasnt working and stopped. "Hmm... alright then." He pulled out his bow and pulled the string, an arrow of light appearing, and he shot the cyclops' bubbling leg. It fell over in pain. "Interesting... I'm going to assume they're resistant to magic. Probably all of that clothing yes?" He flashed over behind it and shot it's leg again. "But not the skin.... interesting. Truly." He went back to his team. "What exactly did I miss? And how to I remove the helmet?"

Decimus kept running forward until he reached the city. "Ahhh. You must be Dru correct? Good this is working out well."

Damian sighed and made a trail for Rebecca to follow
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan appeared behind all of them and played his flute, specifically at the cyclops. He noticed it wasnt working and stopped. "Hmm... alright then." He pulled out his bow and pulled the string, an arrow of light appearing, and he shot the cyclops' bubbling leg. It fell over in pain. "Interesting... I'm going to assume they're resistant to magic. Probably all of that clothing yes?" He flashed over behind it and shot it's leg again. "But not the skin.... interesting. Truly." He went back to his team. "What exactly did I miss? And how to I remove the helmet?"
Decimus kept running forward until he reached the city. "Ahhh. You must be Dru correct? Good this is working out well."

Damian sighed and made a trail for Rebecca to follow
Pierce raises him hand, still being crushed by the tiger. "Try and shoot it off. Or at least lodge arrows into it to force it to take the helmet off."
Ru roared and jumped off of Pierce, immediately returning to battle. Heather ran over and helped him up from behind, "C'mon, man...this is our job.", she said, getting him to his feet. She kissed him on his cheek softly, leaving a bloody lip print on his pale skin. She smiles into his cheek and pulls away. "Eli?!", she calls, holding her hand out to him, "You go...there is great power over there. I can feel it, near the top. That must be our god...but there is something beneath that. Darker energy. That's all yours, buddy.", she laughed as he handed her up the second bottle of the corrosive acid. He starts to warn her of it's dangers, but stops himself. He turns to his team. "Luna? Raise the deadm if you can, dear. Please. Morpheus...what's happening inside?" He takes off toward the city. Following many of the others and leaving the rest to their battle.
Morpheus shook his head. "Sorry my guy. I... dont know. It appears the Decimus one has met up with the Dru. As for the others, I can't tell what they're doing. Damian appears to be leading enemies away but everyone is basically... here. No one has made it inside yet. Guess i'll send the one watching the air to go inside."

Ryan nodded and pull the bow string, hundreds of arrows appearing. He shot them up and they rained down around the cyclops, in a ring. "There. Hopefully he wont break them and get out. If he does let's just be far away from him." He put the bow back and ran to catch up to Decimus

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