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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Dax picked up Lyon and put him on his back. "Can anyone shape earth well? I need a hand making a saltwater spring that connects to the ocean. If any of you can help me will give you a ride up the stream and down the mountain."
Dax summoned his trident and walked out to the courtyard and slammed it into the ground making an indention and a little geyser of water shot out of the hole in the ground. "I need you to make a sort of fountain here with a little trough that leads outside you can choose if it goes underground or not just make sure there is enough room for a person at least crouching to go through it."
Luna didn't feel so tired anymore due to the mortals praising them. "We can't just leave them hanging like this. We have to address them and assure them humanity can return back to the way it was. We also need to decide on what how our chain of power will work."
Dru spoke up without glancing from his book. "I will make sure they have pleasant dreams and that there will be random miracles during their lives. I say as such because I only want to help and well that is about all I can do for these mortals. Also Dax will probably make sure they have plentiful bounty from the seas or something along those lines.
Jack stood up. "My time to shine. Who better than a god of victory right. At least it won't be the god of death over there."
Jack laughed. "That will lead to nothing but greed. I don't know about you but humanity doesn't need to be tainted within the first five minutes. "
Tazmodo said:
Jack stood up. "My time to shine. Who better than a god of victory right. At least it won't be the god of death over there."
( ! ) Luna stands up and approaches Jack. A stern but angry look smeared across her face. "Personally I'd advice not speaking. At all, since I don't see you as one of us. Trust me, I can have it arranged so that your Godhood reverts back to a demigod. I will not allow you to approach any of these mortals or talk to them. You may be victory but you're ill tongued and all you'd do is pollute these confused people. So I'll allow you to speak now for this question. Why should I trust you after you've clearly attacked me and changed sides as soon as we ascend? Also when you've proved that you're worth nothing more than bringing toxic atmosphere with the way you speak of those whom are clearly better people than you? I don't know if I can severely damage another God to near death but we'll find out if you try anything other than answering me."
"Yes please, as soon as you are done with the monkeys grab on and listen for my suggestions so we don't fall to our deaths."
Jack sat back down. "That really hurt my feelings. First off I only help Rikka because she was out numbered and I was drawn to the fight. I feed off that kind off thing. If you recall I clearly stated that several times. I even warned you that I was fighting you. Sure it may seem like I don't care for what side I'm fighting for but that's the thing. I wasn't fighting for any side. Thats why I backed off. When I found out what you were fighting for. Anyways what do you mean can't trust me. I could have let you and the top hat guy die but I didn't. I helped pick up the weight on both of you. When we were all connected couldn't you feel it. I felt each and everyone of you and guess what. I decided to fight for you. The only reason I'm here is because I've chosen to stay by your side. Think about it why else would I be here? I would have left the moment the mortals were back but it stayed. Thats as much loyalty I can show. Do you believe me?"
(Dru and Dax did too) Dax grabbed him and Lyon held him right as Dax increased the flow of water then dived in towing him along. "Carve a path downwards the ocean is dead ahead but at the base of the mountain make a path to get us there feel free to make it bend a little."
Decimus sighed and easily did what asked. "I'll also make designs with this as well. Give myself some challenge." He smirked and continued

Ryan had noticed he was nodding off. He picked up Gaige gently to not wake her and walked around looking for some sort of bedroom. After awhile he finally did and went inside. He laid her down and hopped in with her and easily fell asleep
Tazmodo said:
Jack sat back down. "That really hurt my feelings. First off I only help Rikka because she was out numbered and I was drawn to the fight. I feed off that kind off thing. If you recall I clearly stated that several times. I even warned you that I was fighting you. Sure it may seem like I don't care for what side I'm fighting for but that's the thing. I wasn't fighting for any side. Thats why I backed off. When I found out what you were fighting for. Anyways what do you mean can't trust me. I could have let you and the top hat guy die but I didn't. I helped pick up the weight on both of you. When we were all connected couldn't you feel it. I felt each and everyone of you and guess what. I decided to fight for you. The only reason I'm here is because I've chosen to stay by your side. Think about it why else would I be here? I would have left the moment the mortals were back but it stayed. Thats as much loyalty I can show. Do you believe me?"
"The only thing you've seemed to prove after that statement and your previous actions is that you're unreliable when it comes down to picking a side. It also shows me that you're unable to control yourself over your impulses. The reason why we were all connected spiritually was because I used witchcraft, which is forbidden. To connect us all, at the risk of my own ass. Several others pushed a lot into doing this so just because you pushed just as much as the others it doesn't make you special or anymore trustworthy. To answer your question as to why you would still be here is simple. To ascend, you don't need loyalty to stick around with a bunch of strangers for powers. Which makes me wonder about your earlier statement about being drawn to it. How can we be sure you only stuck around because victory is guiding you? The only thing you've managed to do since you've shown up as an individual is piss me off. You attacked me. I don't care if Rikka was outnumbered or you were drawn to it. Bottom line is, you attacked me. Secondly you point out one of our members as a bad person just because of his parent and claim you should be the one to address the mortals because you're victory. Every single person here has worked much harder than you have. The only thing you've done is waltz in last minute and trash one of us while expecting our trust. So now that this is over I'm going to flat out say this. I don't trust you, I barely even know your name. You've done nothing but show the qualities of an enemy. Unlike Rikka whom stayed an enemy even at the very end you decide to suddenly help the side you've fought against. Which also is a terrible quality to have if you desire trust. So you have one of two choices before my temper gets the best of me. Stay out of my line of sight until I calm down or leave." Luna glares at Jack. Waiting for his response. She didn't seem to have much patience before she strikes.
Morpheus looked at her then jack "yeeeeeeeah cutie is upset. Fuck if I'm getting involved there. I'd suggest leaving. Quickly" he leaned back and ate his ice cream. He figured now was a time to make it stop raining. Didn't wanna hop on the Luna's anger page
Jacks expression darken. "Ok just call me when your ready for an actual conversation and like I said my name is Jack." He walked away.

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