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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

CharChar45 said:
((Holy shit. What all has happened? Sorry I keep poofing))
( Taz left out a lot of key details. So the demigod had stepped on the platforms and had brought mortals back at the same time they raised a castle. They're all in the castle on a mountain high in the sky now. Most of the demigod are in the kitchen. The mortals have been praising them and all the demigod are now Gods. So they're in the kitchen talking about who should be the ruler of this new order of Gods. Dru recommended having Luna be Queen and Morpheus be King while Dove becomes the brains behind the operation. Luna doesn't want to take a break so in her opinion she shot it down. Morpheus then suggested Luna becoming brains while Decimus helps her out. Don't know where it's going from here. Dax and Decimus set up a water entrance up the mountain and Luna set up a barrier so that no mortal with ill intent can climb the mountain and enter the castle. They're about to address all the mortals about what's going on from here on out. By the way the mortals know about everything that happened. They simply revived the mortals that we're killed by the monsters so humanity didn't have to start all over again. )
((Ok, thanks!))

Dove leaned against the wall, sighing as she listened to the conversations around her about who should rule. In all honesty, she didn't really care who ruled. It was what it was.
Dru glanced at Dove "Are there any books of note that you want added to the Library? If not then consider me gone, I am going to stock the library with books call me if you need me." Dru waited for Dove's response before he walks away.
Alex watched as the others had their discussion. He hadn't been out long before he felt a massive influx of power into his body. He froze time-actual time, for once- and looked around the entirety of the castle, before coming across the others in the kitchen area. He started time once again, and listened as they talked about who should lead them.

In all honesty, he didn't think any of them deserved to be gods. He felt that they all lost the right when they allowed their own ally to be murdered by one of their own.

Protecting his family was the only thing he cared for, and they, the people he thought felt the same way, were the first to disappoint him. There was an instant where Alex actually believed he could open up to them. After all of this time, it was a miracle he hadn't completely lost his mind, considering what he'd been through, and kept quiet about. It seemed like he would be alone a bit longer.

Alex turned and walked out of the kitchen in silence.
(neither of my characters wanted or condoned any death that happened/ almost happened)
Drumonkey said:
(neither of my characters wanted or condoned any death that happened/ almost happened)
(He just follows the logic that since no one actually stopped it, and no one really questioned or condemned the act, they're all guilty)
(both my characters stepped in before the vote, then voted to let her live then when the fighting started I was gone but got back as your character died so they wandered away from the group.) Dru bumped into Alex and looked up from his book "oh hey you are here. Are there any books you want to see in the library?"
Alex glanced at Dru."Not really, no. I left the only books I ever cared about back on the island. Along with the only people I cared about. " he said as he continued to walk.
"I ask so I can create it in the library for everyone to enjoy but you seem to be feeling some kind of way so I'll leave you alone then, I doubt you would want to the dream kid anyways." Dru shook his head and returned to his book.
Alex stopped after a few steps, and sighed. "Do you have any books about history? Plays, classics?"
"I read most of them, give me a specific genre or author as well, as for history give me a time period and or a region and I can tell you if I read it." Dru tilted his head at Alex he normally had his nose in a book and didn't socialize but this kid was so almost hostile that he drew his attention from the book.
Drumonkey said:
"I read most of them, give me a specific genre or author as well, as for history give me a time period and or a region and I can tell you if I read it." Dru tilted his head at Alex he normally had his nose in a book and didn't socialize but this kid was so almost hostile that he drew his attention from the book.
"Well, we're in Greece, so some history about this place would be nice. As for authors, you should know at least a few names on your own. Like I said, I don't really care about what you put in your library."
Luna ends up shrugging her shoulders and falls asleep in Morpheus's arms. Only two people have voted so far and the rest seemed disinterested. While she was asleep she has several copies of herself appear around the world to assist mortals in need with whatever task. No matter how big or small.
"It's not just my library it is all of our library but feel free to act like a stranger in this house because you had one disagreement with the rest of the house but don't take it out on the dream guy." @Kalin Scarlet
Drumonkey said:
"It's not just my library it is all of our library but feel free to act like a stranger in this house because you had one disagreement with the rest of the house but don't take it out on the dream guy." @Kalin Scarlet
Alex appeared behind Dru, turning him around and pushing his back to the wall. "They murdered someone in cold blood! Don't make it out like it was some form of minor dispute. They killed our brother for nearly no reason, and now they're here, acting as if nothing has happened, as if they still have the right to call themselves gods. Don't you get that? And to hell with the ones who say they weren't a part of it, because they're just as at fault as the rest for doing nothing! So sorry, but I couldn't give a damn about a library. Or your imagined feelings about being picked on. More important things are on my mind..."

Alex then let him go, stepping back, and turning to make his way out.
Dru would normally let things like that go since he was pretty bad at communicating with waking people but the moment he said he didn't give a damn about the library flashes of Dru's past came to the front of his mind and he remembered how books for a long time were his only friend. "Don't act like you are the only person affected by a death. Maybe if you got your head out of that storm cloud you keep it in you could see past yourself. I can't exactly say much because here I am in a book like always but I don't really know what to do or who to talk to about this since I've never had friends. Thanks for making me feel welcome." Dru shook his head, he was seriously pissed and to think Dru thought that Alex was cool at one point. @Kalin Scarlet
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Drumonkey said:
Dru would normally let things like that go since he was pretty bad at communicating with waking people but the moment he said he didn't give a damn about the library flashes of Dru's past came to the front of his mind and he remembered how books for a long time were his only friend. "Don't act like you are the only person affected by a death. Maybe if you got your head out of that storm cloud you keep it in you could see past yourself. I can't exactly say much because here I am in a book like always but I don't really know what to do or who to talk to about this since I've never had friends. Thanks for making me feel welcome." Dru shook his head, he was seriously pissed and to think Dru thought that Alex was cool at one point.
Alex sighed. "From what I've seen, I really am the only one whose affected by death anymore, unless its personal for the others. They don't seem to give a damn about anyone but their little club. And even then I cant say that with certainty..." Alex turned back around. "If you wanted to talk, why didn't you just talk?" he asked. He didn't know the boy well, but he seemed like he had a personality the drew others to him. To hear him say he'd yet to make friends was a bit of a surprise.
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Dru tilted his head then spoke in Alex's voice "why didn't you talk?" Dru spoke up in his normal voice "Where were you? I didn't know where you were and now I am kinda glad I didn't talk to you. You assume they don't feel anything for what they did but did you calmly talk to them about it? You have been lumping me in with them when it comes to the death but I felt bad about that but to you I am one and the same with them. You managed to piss off the dream guy, the guy who barely raises his voice and has his nose pressed into a book as a defense mechanism is truly pissed off at your ignorance and stubbornness."
Drumonkey said:
Dru tilted his head then spoke in Alex's voice "why didn't you talk?" Dru spoke up in his normal voice "Where were you? I didn't know where you were and now I am kinda glad I didn't talk to you. You assume they don't feel anything for what they did but did you calmly talk to them about it? You have been lumping me in with them when it comes to the death but I felt bad about that but to you I am one and the same with them. You managed to piss off the dream guy, the guy who barely raises his voice and has his nose pressed into a book as a defense mechanism is truly pissed off at your ignorance and stubbornness."
Alex stared at Dru for a few moments in silence, a blank expression on his face.

"...Yeah, you're right. I did lump you in with the others. Apologies. I didn't take the chance to see how everyone felt. And I didn't speak up, either. I've spent long enough time alone that... the silence, the feeling of solitary, is normal to me now. You hide behind your books, but I, I don't hide. I simply ignore the world, and let it pass me by. This, though...I can't let these things pass me by anymore. We said we'd be better than this. Where did those people go..." he finished, before leaning against the wall, himself.
Luna opens her eyes, she woke up after she helped mortals around the world with several copies. She in a few minutes mortals will need help again. Luna ends up walking in on the conversation between Alex and Dru. She doesn't say anything nor does she hide. She stands there in plain sight, no farther than 5 feet away. Looking between the two.
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"It's a problem you should take up with a friend since I am clearly not one of those. Speaking of books I have to go fill up my 'stupid library' as you put it. Don't be a dick then look for friends." Dru shook his head and when he said stupid library he used Alex's voice before heading back towards the library.


Light said:
Luna opens her eyes, she woke up after she helped mortals around the world with several copies. She in a few minutes mortals will need help again. Luna ends up walking in on the conversation between Morpheus and Dru. She doesn't say anything nor does she hide. She stands there in plain sight, no farther than 5 feet away. Looking between the two.
Drumonkey said:
"It's a problem you should take up with a friend since I am clearly not one of those. Speaking of books I have to go fill up my 'stupid library' as you put it. Don't be a dick then look for friends." Dru shook his head and when he said stupid library he used Alex's voice before heading back towards the library.

(Yeah, uh, he never called the library stupid. He just said he didn't care about it)


Light said:
Luna opens her eyes, she woke up after she helped mortals around the world with several copies. She in a few minutes mortals will need help again. Luna ends up walking in on the conversation between Morpheus and Dru. She doesn't say anything nor does she hide. She stands there in plain sight, no farther than 5 feet away. Looking between the two.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Yeah, uh, he never called the library stupid. He just said he didn't care about it)


(With his tone he may as well have)

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