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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Yeah, uh, he never called the library stupid. He just said he didn't care about it)


Drumonkey said:
(With his tone he may as well have)
( Alex* My bad, you know what I meant. )
Drumonkey said:
(With his tone he may as well have)
(Alex didn't have a tone until he got upset and pushed Dru to the wall, which, at that point was just angry. Any other time, his voice is monotone, with no adjustment to show intent. He tried the other way for a while, right before they left the island, but since Kalin got killed, he hasn't gone back to it.))
(back to the story) Dru was walking away and moving past Luna going towards the library ready to drop a but if knowledge in there. He wasn't sure what he was feeling but he knew it was something strong and new for him. He normally didn't talk to people but one of the few times he did it ended with an argument he was just glad Luna dixnt hear him get all mushy.
Alex glanced over as Dru left and noticed the eavesdropper in their midst. "Enjoy the show, Luna?" He asked, turning away from her. This argument hadn't helped to open him up in the slightest, and he was more alone in this place than when he was locked away in the chronohistoire for longer than he could keep track of in a world where time was slowed to a crawl.
Drumonkey said:
(back to the story) Dru was walking away and moving past Luna going towards the library ready to drop a but if knowledge in there. He wasn't sure what he was feeling but he knew it was something strong and new for him. He normally didn't talk to people but one of the few times he did it ended with an argument he was just glad Luna dixnt hear him get all mushy.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Alex glanced over as Dru left and noticed the eavesdropper in their midst. "Enjoy the show, Luna?" He asked, turning away from her. This argument hadn't helped to open him up in the slightest, and he was more alone in this place than when he was locked away in the chronohistoire for longer than he could keep track of in a world where time was slowed to a crawl.

"Well wasn't that something." Luna watches Dru walk away and looks towards Alex. "Show? You say that as if I found entertainment in that dispute. I'm not as terrible as you make me out to be." Luna leans on a wall and looks to the right at where she would like to put a statue.
Light said:
"Well wasn't that something." Luna watches Dru walk away and looks towards Alex. "Show? You say that as if I found entertainment in that dispute. I'm not as terrible as you make me out to be." Luna leans on a wall and looks to the right at where she would like to put a statue.
"I didn't realize that was what I was doing. Apologies. " Alex said, the same emotionless tone to his voice as usual.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"I didn't realize that was what I was doing. Apologies. " Alex said, the same emotionless tone to his voice as usual.

Luna slowly shakes her head. "No, it's fine." She clears her throat and looks up at him. "So we've been discussing the situation of ruling. Your opinion?"
Dove wished everyone would just stop arguing. She leaned quietly against the wall, able to hear every word between Dru and Alex. She found out about Kalin long ago, and she felt terrible about it, especially since he saved her life. If she hadn't been unconscious, maybe there could of been some way she could of helped.
Jack walked up to Luna. "Hey are you ready to talk ye..... oh hey guys." He saw the two and got nervous. They looked like they were just at each other throats.
Light said:
Luna slowly shakes her head. "No, it's fine." She clears her throat and looks up at him. "So we've been discussing the situation of ruling. Your opinion?"
He shook his head, turning away.

"You don't want my opinion. Take my word for it, Luna. I don't think highly of most of you, right now." Alex said walking to the castle door, and staring outside.
Dru was in the library his wings against his back portraying what looked like the night sky as he touched the shelves and books appeared straight from his memory onto the shelves. The books were in many languages and covered almost every topic. The library was meant to be a sort of safe haven for people that wanted to learn or hide themselves behind books. Dru had filled in half the library before he stopped and looked at what he had done with just a few thoughts and he smiled to himself. Books were a constant in his life, when people failed or left he still had his stories and the world's they created for him and that gave him some comfort.
Tazmodo said:
Jack walked up to Luna. "Hey are you ready to talk ye..... oh hey guys." He saw the two and got nervous. They looked like they were just at each other throats.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]He shook his head, turning away.
"You don't want my opinion. Take my word for it, Luna. I don't think highly of most of you, right now." Alex said walking to the castle door, and staring outside.

"If it makes you feel any better I did care. Enough to preserve Kalin's mind and soul. Meaning I could bring him back to life as if he were just taking a nap. So as mindless as you may think we are... if I really didn't care. I would've left him dead. Kalin was not the first demigod we've lost. I think you've seen us clearly grieve over them." Luna stops leaning on the wall and stands up straight. "Firstly not one of us barely knew Kalin. But if I, the person he did nothing but antagonize care enough to preserve his life through witchcraft. A power I shouldn't be using as much as I have. That should tell you the rest of us do care even though we won't openly talk about our feelings. Pointing out those whom had nothing to do with the matter doesn't make things around here any better in terms of not caring for one another. It makes things worse, Dru had nothing to do with the situation so you have no right to accuse him of being guilty. You haven't even pointed your finger at those whom have actually killed Kalin before you went for the innocent. I'm not proud of what they've done nor am I proud of what you're doing. If you must blame or hate someone, it should be me." Luna looks towards Jack. "Not now, sorry." Luna stands at the same spot waiting for Alex's response. She knew he could hear her.
Jack walked away knowing this was a personal matter. He found a girl listening in. "Oh uh hi I'm 10... I mean Jack." He said as he looked at the suspicious girl. @CharChar45
Light said:
"If it makes you feel any better I did care. Enough to preserve Kalin's mind and soul. Meaning I could bring him back to life as if he were just taking a nap. So as mindless as you may think we are... if I really didn't care. I would've left him dead. Kalin was not the first demigod we've lost. I think you've seen us clearly grieve over them." Luna stops leaning on the wall and stands up straight. "Firstly not one of us barely knew Kalin. But if I, the person he did nothing but antagonize care enough to preserve his life through witchcraft. A power I shouldn't be using as much as I have. That should tell you the rest of us do care even though we won't openly talk about our feelings. Pointing out those whom had nothing to do with the matter doesn't make things around here any better in terms of not caring for one another. It makes things worse, Dru had nothing to do with the situation so you have no right to accuse him of being guilty. You haven't even pointed your finger at those whom have actually killed Kalin before you went for the innocent. I'm not proud of what they've done nor am I proud of what you're doing. If you must blame or hate someone, it should be me." Luna looks towards Jack. "Not now, sorry." Luna stands at the same spot waiting for Alex's response. She knew he could hear her.
"If I went to the people responsible for his death, I'd do to them what I swore I'd do to you if you hurt anyone else. But there's been enough bloodshed, is what I think you'd say. And you wouldn't be wrong. But then, where does that leave us? We're just like our parents. We stood by idly, and let our fellow demigod die. Even when we had the ability to stop it. We did this, all of this, to be better than them, and the last human act we took was to prove that we aren't. " Alex glanced back. "He may not have been the first to die, but he was the only one who was killed by his own family. Not by some monster, unless you feel the need to get metaphorical."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"If I went to the people responsible for his death, I'd do to them what I swore I'd do to you if you hurt anyone else. But there's been enough bloodshed, is what I think you'd say. And you wouldn't be wrong. But then, where does that leave us? We're just like our parents. We stood by idly, and let our fellow demigod die. Even when we had the ability to stop it. We did this, all of this, to be better than them, and the last human act we took was to prove that we aren't. " Alex glanced back. "He may not have been the first to die, but he was the only one who was killed by his own family. Not by some monster, unless you feel the need to get metaphorical."

"I'm quite sure we are nothing like our parents. I can assure you we aren't, this is child's play compared to what they've done." Luna starts to lean on the wall again. "Stop setting this up as if Kalin never had done a single wrong to us to deserve such a fate. It's not as if they killed him because they were bored. I do remember Kalin threatening us and actually starting a fire to go along with it. For what? To save Rikka? Before you say that the matter on letting Rikka live was already settled. Yet Kalin was still fighting, I don't condone what Eric did but I did ask them to stop. So that also shoots down your complaint of you accusing us of not doing anything. So again, I turn down the card of being nice and resort to one of a stricter choice of words. You are no different. You may think we're terrible for killing Kalin but you're in the same boat. You've made it clear that you have no problem with attempting to kill us. So you have zero right to complain about us being no different from our parents." Luna stands up and as paintings appear along the walls. "So take some advice from Dru and probably many others in the future since your head is so far up your ass you haven't seen daylight. Stop acting so self righteous. We aren't family. It may seem like a happy name to you but for others it's something they may hate. Others may just feel uncomfortable by being called family by the likes of someone they barely know. Now is that all you'd like to discuss because I have still have to talk to Jack and tend to the mortals needs. Something that's actually productive to our cause."
Light said:
"I'm quite sure we are nothing like our parents. I can assure you we aren't, this is child's play compared to what they've done." Luna starts to lean on the wall again. "Stop setting this up as if Kalin never had done a single wrong to us to deserve such a fate. It's not as if they killed him because they were bored. I do remember Kalin threatening us and actually starting a fire to go along with it. For what? To save Rikka? Before you say that the matter on letting Rikka live was already settled. Yet Kalin was still fighting, I don't condone what Eric did but I did ask them to stop. So that also shoots down your complaint of you accusing us of not doing anything. So again, I turn down the card of being nice and resort to one of a stricter choice of words. You are no different. You may think we're terrible for killing Kalin but you're in the same boat. You've made it clear that you have no problem with attempting to kill us. So you have zero right to complain about us being no different from our parents." Luna stands up and as paintings appear along the walls. "So take some advice from Dru and probably many others in the future since your head is so far up your ass you haven't seen daylight. Stop acting so self righteous. We aren't family. It may seem like a happy name to you but for others it's something they may hate. Others may just feel uncomfortable by being called family by the likes of someone they barely know. Now is that all you'd like to discuss because I have still have to talk to Jack and tend to the mortals needs. Something that's actually productive to our cause."
"Killing to defend others, and killing those who don't bend to your whims aren't the same thing, Luna. And I don't remember a fight, I remember having to pull a demigod off of Kalin's chest, and trying to stop another from blowing his head off. But I'm the villain for feeling like more should have been done... I know as much. I expect it.That part wont change. " Alex said, talking to himself more than anything. He had pretty much forgotten anyone else was there.

"They hate my words, but don't want to understand the person speaking them. The one who spent 100 years in a cave where time stood still. Thinking I was alone as the world burned above me. Getting out eventually, and finding that time had barely moved forward while I spent an eternity in my own personal nightmare...afraid I had lost any of the humanity in me. Something you'd think some people might actually understand. But I'm probably crazy for believing that someone could even begin to understand me. Not that it matters. No one is ever really listening. They're just waiting for their chance to speak. CH, volume 2. chapter 1..."
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The entire hallway rumbled as Dax slammed his trident into the ground cracking it but keeping his trident standing. He then walked up to alex and lifted him up easily and shook him once as his normally calm green eyes were a stormy cross between blue and green, one of his moods had come about and Aex was the cause. "YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS TRAPPED IN A SITUATION THAT WAS A LIVING HELL? I WAS MY FATHERS FAVORITE SON AND IN HIS HOUR OF NEED I WAS TAKEN FROM HIM AND PUT INTO STASIS. FOR ALL I KNOW HE THINKS I ABANDONED HIM! I LOVED MY FATHER AND WAS PREPARED TO DIE FOR HIM SO IF YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS SUFFERED LOSS AND WITHDRAWAL FROM PEOPLE LONG ENOUGH TO QUESTION YOUR HUMANITY YOU ARE WRONG! I PAY ATTENTION AND I DO MY PART, DO YOU THINK I ENJOYED WATCHING THAT DEMIGOD DIE? DO YOU THINK ANY ONE OF US ENJOYED THAT?" Dax shouted in rage causing the entire castle to shake before he st down Alex suddenly a little harder than necessary and turned to walk back to the kitchen grabbing his trident and wrenching it out the ground causing half the castle to shake. As he storms into the kitchen the hear the sound of splintering wood as the table breaks then the hear a door slam rocking most of the castle.
Drumonkey said:
The entire hallway rumbled as Dax slammed his trident into the ground cracking it but keeping his trident standing. He then walked up to alex and lifted him up easily and shook him once as his normally calm green eyes were a stormy cross between blue and green, one of his moods had come about and Aex was the cause. "YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS TRAPPED IN A SITUATION THAT WAS A LIVING HELL?
(He actually said he believed that others might understand him in that regard. )
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Killing to defend others, and killing those who don't bend to your whims aren't the same thing, Luna. And I don't remember a fight, I remember having to pull a demigod off of Kalin's chest, and trying to stop another from blowing his head off. But I'm the villain for feeling like more should have been done... I know as much. I expect it.That part wont change. " Alex said, talking to himself more than anything. He had pretty much forgotten anyone else was there.
"They hate my words, but don't want to understand the person speaking them. The one who spent 100 years in a cave where time stood still. Thinking I was alone as the world burned above me. Getting out eventually, and finding that time had barely moved forward while I spent an eternity in my own personal nightmare...afraid I had lost any of the humanity in me. Something you'd think some people might actually understand. But I'm probably crazy for believing that someone could even begin to understand me. Not that it matters. No one is ever really listening. They're just waiting for their chance to speak. CH, volume 2. chapter 1..."

Drumonkey said:
The entire hallway rumbled as Dax slammed his trident into the ground cracking it but keeping his trident standing. He then walked up to alex and lifted him up easily and shook him once as his normally calm green eyes were a stormy cross between blue and green, one of his moods had come about and Aex was the cause. "YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS TRAPPED IN A SITUATION THAT WAS A LIVING HELL? I WAS MY FATHERS FAVORITE SON AND IN HIS HOUR OF NEED I WAS TAKEN FROM HIM AND PUT INTO STASIS. FOR ALL I KNOW HE THINKS I ABANDONED HIM! I LOVED MY FATHER AND WAS PREPARED TO DIE FOR HIM SO IF YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS SUFFERED LOSS AND WITHDRAWAL FROM PEOPLE LONG ENOUGH TO QUESTION YOUR HUMANITY YOU ARE WRONG! I PAY ATTENTION AND I DO MY PART, DO YOU THINK I ENJOYED WATCHING THAT DEMIGOD DIE? DO YOU THINK ANY ONE OF US ENJOYED THAT?" Dax shouted in rage causing the entire castle to shake before he st down Alex suddenly a little harder than necessary and turned to walk back to the kitchen grabbing his trident and wrenching it out the ground causing half the castle to shake. As he storms into the kitchen the hear the sound of splintering wood as the table breaks then the hear a door slam rocking most of the castle.
"Oh no, they're listening and they respond to you. It's just that it's extremely hard to talk to someone who spews the same bullshit whenever he opens his mouth. My proof? I've just covered everything you've just said several times now. All you're doing is putting the same problem in different words. You're still saying the same thing you've said several times over. So if anything, you're the one not listening to a word anyone's said to you. So in their defense I say you're just getting what you're giving. If I remember it correctly. I asked to have a vote, most of them wanted Rikka dead. I came up with a compromise and held Rikka in my arms away from the others. They all accepted the compromise. Kalin still yelled at us and threatened us and had flames erupt around him. Eric jumped on him and asked him to answer his questions. Ryan notched an arrow because of the threat. You appeared and separated them and held them at what could be called a gun point. Then Ryan fired. If you want my truthfully honest opinion behind the grief of the situation. Kalin would have lived if he hadn't of threatened us, he also would have lived if he had answered the simple question without another a threat, he would have lived if you hadn't have taken things to the next level by putting an already nervous marksmen at knife point." Luna turns to Alex and looks at him with her red piercing eyes. "Or would you like me to play all nice about it and nod my head I everything you say to make you feel better? Since you are the correct one here. You're innocent remember? So that means your opinion is always one in the light." Luna sees Dax explode on Alex. She didn't want a fight but Dax seemed to remove himself. She would step in if things go any farther, two Gods fighting near what could be a mortal civilization would be bad.
Tazmodo said:
(I meant the last part where he said chp 2)
He's referring to chronos' journals, nothing that actually exists...Probably ))

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