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Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

I'm here. Sorry for the short post, though, there is only one event right now to reflect on (that is Joe on a doorstep), and the timelapse is rather short, so I can't put some more actions for Dimitri.

I placed my head in the guillotine. Do your thing, Thane.
pffft shorter posts can be fine. Now to drop the guillotine of paper >D
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@Elephantom is out for a few days, that's what his status says. I'm very interested in both continuing this RP and renewing my contract, so I guess we just wait for Elephantom.
Shiki Kenju] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24696-elephantom/ said:
@Elephantom[/URL] is out for a few days, that's what his status says. I'm very interested in both continuing this RP and renewing my contract, so I guess we just wait for Elephantom.
Thank you for the update. The contract just requires you to sign over your soul (or another soul within your possession) to me (or one of my minions) and the resurrections should continue as long as I have some presence remaining on this realm.
Anyone else getting tired of waiting? Elephantom seems to be busy with 3 other RP's (judging by the "recent activity" of their profile), and there hasn't been a new post "In Character RP" on WHFO (When Hell Freezes Over) for about a week.

What course of action would you like to pursue @Thane Korino? I can begin work on a destruction ritual and/or a bevy of curses if you desire, but I suggest you choose wisely given my standard price(s) for such requests.
Well, it was supposed to be my turn in the rp?

Because, I didn't receive any notifications for the in character rp thread.

Quite boorish, ain't it?

I'm trying to juggle 20 rps all together, not 3.

It's just most of them are on a prolonged hiatus, I guess.

So it could all sum down to a 3, minus awaiting characters who are gathering dust because of negligence from the owners of their respective RPs.
Elephantom said:
Well, it was supposed to be my turn in the rp?
Because, I didn't receive any notifications for the in character rp thread.

Quite boorish, ain't it?

I'm trying to juggle 20 rps all together, not 3.

It's just most of them are on a prolonged hiatus, I guess.

So it could all sum down to a 3, minus awaiting characters who are gathering dust because of negligence from the owners of their respective RPs.
@Elephantom It appears I have misjudged the situation so I'm sorry. Do you have any idea what is causing the notification problem?
On occasion it seems to happen for various chats or the notifications are easily overlooked by user. Been through it before anywho.

@Elephantom glad you're back and that you've posted. Although I do have to say I would prefer you being able to post inside of the OOC chat that you may be busy for a few days or so that would really be helpful. Otherwise if such an event happens again it may cause some issues since the pacing of the roleplay is mostly supposed to be posting roughly every other day or so. PMing me personally may be helpful in case you are going to be away for a week or more so perhaps we could work out something to keep the roleplay going and pull you back in at some point just in case.

On another note if there is any further issue with not receiving notifications from the roleplay, after maybe a day or so perhaps we should tag the user in order to warn or remind them in a kindly manner. Speaking of which @Shiki Kenju it is your turn.
So my schedule became a bit less fucking unbearable, and now I will post more frequently, sorry for keeping you waiting.
How many candies are left in the box.. maybe around twenty two or so. If you want you can determine for yourself on this one, just don't go crazy and start making hundreds out of two fish.
Are lemon candies supposed to be some form of dead land sustenance?

Just kidding.

Are they supposed to be some kind of animals bait or as some kind of flavour for the dirty brackish water joe has?
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I have a bit of a problem with your post. Seeing as all those items have not been given to your character in roleplay nor are they on your character sheet (or at least I'm pretty darn sure), your character should not currently be in possession of them. On a side note, try to limit down the spacing a bit as to not create a wall of text if you want to list things I would prefer you write them off such as four bars of candy, two lemon drops, three cans of soda and a sandwich as an example for future reference.
Ok I get it.

Oh, we're supposed to list food items in the sheet, oy vey, darn it!

Well, I'll change it, but the salami and beans had to stay. I'm planning on using this as a recurring joke and comic relief.

I'm growing a bit impatient and things are slowing down far too much, so I'm going to strike a deal. You can either have one can of either kerosene, the food, or nothing at all.

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