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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

Malthael decided not to pursue the demons and tend to the angels. The sun finally went away and the skies went pitch dark once more with only the stars and moon lighting it.

The glaring heat calmed down and the heat waves disappeared.
"Till we meet again, Azazel." Malthael whispered under his breath.

He turned to look at the other angels.
"This is not your fault. Your name is Sayurn isn't it?" Malthael asked her. "Is everyone alright?" Malthael called out to the angels.
Vestom hears a voice in the back of his head. What is that, as he grabs his head with both of his hands. He then realizes it is the Demon Lord calling him to him. Vestom quickly rushes to the Demon Lord presence to find he is sitting on the edge of the building dangling his legs off. "You summoned me my Lord?" He ask quickly and nervously. Standing, and shaking as if he was about to be beaten. Vestom is still in his demon state. (@FrostXShadow)
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" Did you see that? What he did?" Asriel asked turning towards Malthael allowing his scythe to become liquid once again. He turned back to Cheytire smiling her way " I'm terribly sorry for not acknowledging you earlier," he rubbed his neck awkwardly " I was a bit distracted with the situation at hand. I give you my sincerest apology." He turned back to the other Archangel " But you saw that, right?"

[ @MrPotato @FadeAway @ZeldaFeb ]
"calm down Vestom" you are not in trouble..yet" he looked over to vestom his eyes no longer purple but light blue "im not a full power and now that we are dealing with the archangel of light I need more power so I need you to find a human on the verge of dying who has committed a terrible sin in his/her life and bring me their soul" he stated simply "i will send a hell hound with you,, Canis Inferni" he said and a hellhound rose from the ground to meet vestom "if you cannot accomplish this task I will send you to the darkest part of hell and let the hellhounds rip your flesh from your bones" he said boredly he looked at Vestom and his eyes flashed purple for a moment and turned back to light blue


"I did. But I think its best to leave it be for now. We will come back for them but first, we must gather whatever surviving angels we can and muster our strength. The demons are restless and they will break hell on Earth if it means destroying us." Malthael replied to Asriel.

"Being in angel form is very dangerous." As Malthael spoke, he took on his human form. A bright and blinding light flashed from Malthael's body. When the light dissipate, replacing his Archangel form was a young looking man with green eyes and blonde hair. His blue navy wings were gone and his white robes transformed into sleek black human clothings.
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Kaneis heard an annoying buzzing sound in the distant to where you have run off too. His heart was still pounding and temperatures still rising and lowering. Kaneis slowly made his way over there transforming back to his human form covering his chest, "How, ngh-" I get to the building, "Inconvenient..."

*1st p.o.v."

I couldn't transform into my demon form for the fear of attracting more attention. So I was forced to take the flight of stairs up stopping to calm myself down from time to time.

Finally I get to the roof top and slam the door open to see one demon lord and another demon, "What, have you summoned us here for?" I growled still trying to contain all of the energy that is being stored in my body.
"hm" Azazel looked back "I did not summon you Kaneis but you don't look that well" Azazel stood up and walked towards him and realized what was happening "you can't control that Archangel's power can you?" he questioned looking directly at Kaneis

@Jack of Cloves
"Tch, I haven't absorbed this much power in 40 or so years. If I let lose now I may have the mind to destroy the whole city" I grasp at the wall and lean on it wrapping my arm over my stomach, "I can handle this... It has just, been a while" I dart my eyes hearing buzzing again, 'My blood lust is going up' I shake my head and look back at you

"But onto the topic of why I am here, my senses heightened once I consumed Asriel's blood can came right over here to see what ever the first demon lord has desired. Besides I am on hell of a demon." I smirked cleverly at the end part and waited for your response

((See what I did there =w=))
Azazel rolled his eyes "whatever you say middle class" he said while chuckling "amaybe you should go to hell and let the power release there after all you cant destroy Hell" he turned and put his hands behind his back he stared at the sky watching the sun come up "I didn't get any souls because of those Angels"
Hm, my chest closes up and the mouth disappears. The angel's blood is finally settling into my body and now I'm able to retain my full human form, " 'Middle class.' " I chuckle, "Well I can't really argue with that now can I."

I walk towards the edge of the roof, "Maybe I'll try some of that human food today" I stretch a few times to help calm my blood pressure then I look back at you, "Come join me if you'd like, later I'm probably going to go around searching for one of those human "gangs" and see how strong they have gotten" I take a step off of the roof and disappear into the up coming crowd of students heading to school.
Azazel watched as the demon Disappeared from the roof "middle class demons are so fun" he smirked and walked to the edge. he took a step off and vanished he reappearing walking next to Kaneis with his hand in his pockets "If you want good human food you need to try Burgers" he stated plainly looking directly ahead "also milkshakes are pretty tasty almost better than human blood" he shrugged then looked over to kaneis
You can see a glint in his eyes that said 'bring it' Kaneis looks back at you and gives you a childish smirk, "Better then blood? Is that even possible?" I face forward and muse, "I've once ate a human that tasted like sirloin, which ended up with me raging through the whole bath house throwing around gold and eating everyone that annoyed me. But even so they still didn't give me a bath. You eat a few people then all of the sudden your a bad guy" I huff, "Five star rating my a**"

I look over to you and realize I got really off topic, "Oh sorry, I was rambling again."
Azazel held back a laugh "your weird even for a Demon" he shook his head amd grabbed kaneis's shoulder "come on" both of them Vanished and reappeared in a place called five guys. Azazel walked up to the cash register "i would like to burgers 2 milkshakes one vanilla one strawberry and two large fries and be quick about it it may cost you your life" he stated watching the tiny man quickly and nervously punch in the order the man said the total and Azazel pulled a wallet stuffed with human money and gave the man 23 dollars the man asked for a name "Tommy" Azazel quickly responded to the man and walked back towards Kaneis

@Jack of Cloves
Kaneis looks around taking in the smell of meat and oil, "How strange." He said watching a human angrily consume a hamburger right after drunkenly kicking his wife under the table. Kaneis points at him, "He looks more monstrous then I do when I'm eating-"

"Excuse me?!" The man said obviously offended.

"What? I'm sorry I don't speak pig" Kaneis teased.

"Are you trying to start something boy? You better shut your mouth before I beat your sorry a**"

"Oink oink? Azazel look! It's trying to communicate" I prod even more.
(omg I love Kaneis) Azazel laugh full heartedly "Kaneis stop antagonizing the pig and let him eat" he says while snickering "and while we are in human form Please call me Tommy" he stated trying not to laugh Azazel walked over to get the food he grabbed the bag and glared at the tiny man as he took the food and walked to a table gesturing for Kaneis to follow him he handed Kaneis the food and the milkshake "have at it" he said before he took a bite of his burger
(Thank, I made him my self =w=)

"Alright Tommy boy, My human nickname is Cane. Just letting that be known now" I take a sip of the milk shake and instantly I'm in love. I start drinking it up and get a brain freeze, "Tsssss! Ow ow, wtf!" I start having a mini heart attack, "It hurts! Did that man poison it!?" I put my hand on my forehead and massage my temples.

"I swear it feels like someone froze over Hell."
(Kaneis is my spirit animal xD )

"it's called a brain freeze you idjit (yes I meant to say idjit)calm down don't drink it so fast!" he gave a droll look and went back to eating the hamburger he thought for a second "Call me tommy boy again and I will play jump rope with your spine and use you intestates for floss" he said his eyes flashing purple and his hair blinking white before going back to normal "sugar kane" he snickered and took a gulp of his milkashake

I snort while drinking the milkshake for many reasons, "Did you really? Pfft, Oh my dad(/Luci?) you actually did" I put my hands up and cough out a few laughs before replying to your threat, "Okay, I swear on the seven circles of hell that I will not call you that again... Sir Tom tom" I chuckle childishly and bite into the hamburger, "Oh this is hell fire" I chomp more of the hamburger and eat more of the fries.
"shut it Candy Kane" he said after grimacing at the horrible nickname "I swear to Lucifer I will gut you" he stated trying his best not to laugh "ill show you hell fire" he grabbed a bottle of hot sauce and poured it on Kane's burger "try it now" he smirked wonder how the demon was going to react

(OML=Oh My Lucifer xD ))
I stare at you for a moments while then take a big of the burger, "..." I bite my knuckle and close my eyes dramaticaly shedding a single tear, "It's-" I burp and face palm, "I like it" I was able to gasp out.

It was quite obvious that Kaneis wasn't backing down from from this challenge, he takes another bite and scarfs it down. Once he was done he slams his fist on the table, "Hhhhmmmmkay" The man now on the verge of tears says, "It's so goo- ~Hiccup~ d bu ~hiccup~ rger" The man laughs weakly, "I hate this human body." he points at the hot sauce, "That would be my water if I was in my other form" Kaneis hiccuped again, "I would -Hic- condition with -hic- every -hic- FUC -hic- ING NITE"

I slam my head down on the table in defeat and sadly drinks my milk shake.
he'd give a laugh "Just wait until you've had a root beer float you be begging lucy to let you come up here everyday to get one" He chuckled and realized that it was already noon and he heard someone calling his name but no one else seemed to here it he then realized who it was he looked to kane "we need to go "he finished off the last bite of hid burger and stood up. he threw the rest away and chugged his milkshake he started walking to the door "Kaneis lets go" he said his eyes turning purple and his hair flickering back and forth from white to brown

@Jack of Cloves
I sigh and get up feeling a spike of energy 'Not today blood lust' I push down the feeling and move with you to the door, "Where are we heading Taun taun?" I say in a low voice and watch your eyes jump from color to color.
"Hell" he stated simply as he tried to control his form "Lucifer is calling us back to Hell" his body completely turned into his demon form and people in the restaurant started screaming Azazel sighed and held his hand out a Giant blast of purple Flames came spiraling out and killed every human in the building "crap..lets go now" he grabbed Kane's shoulder an quickly teleported to a Hellion Gate
Instantly when we got to the gate all of the power in my body busted out and flowed free, I was now in my humanized demon forum and my aura just screamed blood lust.

I brushed the hair out of my face, "I can understand why HE would call YOU but what part do I have to play in this?" Scraching my horns I look up at the gate and the mouth on my chest started to gargle black liquid, "Oh will you shut up." I said to my self as my torso started to get covered in black sludge.
"I don't wanna go alone...He scares me" he mumbled the last part he scratched his horns and his wings fluttered" just come on and you should really see a doctor about that" he said before walking in the gate he was instantly met with bowing low-level demons and playful Hellhounds his face lost all emotion as he walked through the crowd his head held high, his wings stretched out to their full extent and his boots clacking at the marble floors of Lucifer's throne room

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