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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

"Why thank you Bassie." I drink the beer and hop out of the chair swishing around,"I'll be out side if you need me" I dance around with other people trying to get out, "You make me feeel, like a dangerous, womaaan. Except I'm a maaan." A few others that heard me chuckled as I sashayed out side so I can breath, "God I hate crowds." I look up trying to breath, 'I let down my guard' I smash the bottle on my head trying to cool my self down from the blood lust.

((@FrostXShadow @ColeTurtle got drunk now he's hungry again
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(( oml don't kill me kaneis jeez Netflix was calling my name))

"way to much" Azazel shook his head and put a hundred dollar bill on the counter and got up to follow kaneis "i swear he is going to be the death of me" he looked at kaneis and noticed that he was hungry he could feel the bloodlust roll of him in waves he sighed and looked to Sebastian "are you up for some Sin filled souls" a grin slowly formed on his face

(( @Jack of Cloves @ColeTurtle ))
"Already got a little drink in me tonight... So why not?" Sebastian replies, a sly grin growing on his face. "Where do you plan on getting them without making us high profile?"

"well that's pretty easy, in this town no one cares what you do so take you pick" he grinned and pointed to a crowd of people watching some guy do magic tricks "Kaneis why don't you get a little dinner too we do go to war tomorrow " he said looking at kaneis

@ColeTurtle @Jack of Cloves
"Sounds easy enough... I'm new to this town." Sebastian says as he looks around, trying to find a victim. Choosing a drunk man harassing a nearby woman in a dress, he casually walks up and taps him on the shoulder, asking him if he could lead him to the bathroom. However, once he had been lead away from the big crowd, Sebastian pulled one of his combat knives out of its sheathe and quickly slit the mans throat, taking his soul in the process.

Azazel sighed and found a guy dealing drugs to the crowd he smirked "hey what you got there" he pointed to the bag he laughed when the man asked why he needed to know Azazel sighed and grabbed the man by his hoodie dragging him through the crowd "It's ok people im an undercover cop" people sighed and went back to watching the magic show Azazel dragged the man to an alley and summoned a short sword "sorry dude but im hungry" he said before stabbing the man multiple times and taking his soul
FadeAway said:
Ava grinned at his response and nudged his side jokingly, "That's a new trick. How amusing" she added a snicker at the end as she smelled the rose. Unlike other roses that bloomed early, this one seemed as if it was newly bloomed and its scent was subtle yet sweet that tickled her senses. "I'll keep it." She sang softly.
@MrPotato @child of satan
Michael smiled when Ava decided to keep the rose. Michael became aware of a feeling inside of him. It's something that he have never felt before. He locked his eyes with Ava, not knowing that he had blushed a little.

Ava's eyes gazed into Michael's as she brushed away the loose strands of hair that fell all over her face. Although they were both angels, Ava couldn't help but be more curious towards the Archangels. Was it their unwavering strength and ability to stay focused? Or simply their ranking as the guardians of Heaven? It always intrigued her and she couldn't help but thank the day that they have fallen to Earth because it was that same day she met Michael. "T-thanks I guess," she stuttered as she realized that they have been staring for far too long.

After consuming the soul of the drunk man, Sebastian strolls casually over to Azazel and asks him, "So, how often do you see angels typically around here? I havent seen a single one yet."

After about eating 4 people in the exact same amount of minutes, I took my time making my way back to both of you. "Kaneis." The voice pounded through my head, "Kaneis!" The voice shook me and brought me to my knees, now in the fetal position.
"the same way we can hide our demon forms" he says his eyes flicker Purple and back to blue his hair flickers to white and back to its original brown and on his back you can see a silhouette of his wings before they disappeared. "They try not to show their angel form at all but you can tell if it's an angel by looking at the soul or can you not see souls yet?" he turned his head and looked at Sebastian while continuing to look for kaneis 'were did he go' Azazel thought to himself wondering were the demon went

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"Im not sure, I havent bothered trying. Honestly, finding the angels doesn't interest me. Hence why I've given benefit of the doubt and probably thought them to be humans.." Sebastian says as he hands $5 to a nearby waitress, asking for a beer. "Now where the in the hell did Kaneis disappear off to? He's been gone a while now. Hopefully he didn't pass out drunk in the street."

@FrostXShadow @Jack of Cloves
Everything was spinning around me and slowly, I saw everything fade away. I curl up into an even tighter ball, my blood was boiling, eyes blood shot it felt like I was crying a thick liquid and soon I was in one of the circles of hell.

((I'm trying to have Kaneis awaken to his full form since nothing is going on right now @ColeTurtle @FrostXShadow
Walking outside, Sebastian takes a look around and sees Kaneis curled up on the sidewalk almosy a block away, seeming to pulse with power. Recognizing it as him transforming into his true form, he yells out "Shit! Azazel, i found Kaneis! Get out here quick!" Before shadow traveling nearby, but far enough so he wouldnt be destroyed by Kaneis' transformation.

@FrostXShadow @Jack of Cloves

A giant demon with twisted horns appeared, eyeballs in his horns and tentacle like flesh. His legs were goat like and his torso was half formed into Satan's, his flesh was hot. Almost like it was made of flames, "L-L-uCif-SatA-" The man put his hand on my mouth burning my lips making me unable to speak from the numbness of my lips.

"Kaneis, it's almost time. You have left your realm for too long now, it has descended into an unruly chaos, (more than what it should be). It is time to go back you cannot stay in this realm much longer."

I felt multiple waves of shivers travel through my spine along with the mixed feeling invading my head. The man looked into my eyes and I became hot, my soul and consciousness slipping farther into the underworld leaving my mortal body to transform into my demon state. Opening my mouth the detest his glare hardened and his flesh like tentacles dripped with a puss like discharge as they slowly made their way to me.

Once I made contact with the vulgar liquid it sent my muscles wild and twisted every part of my body until I became a tangled mess.

"It seems you're in quite a knot there Kaneis."

((@ColeTurtle @FrostXShadow did I make things interesting yet? The chat became dead so ye, I hope this will revive it
Peeking around a corner, Sebastian watched as Lucifer himself appeared next to the mess Kaneis was becoming, and watched as Kaneis became essentially a mass of writhing tentacles. Sebastian pulled out his two combat knives and waited for Satan to disappear back to Hell before running at the partially transformed Kaneis and cutting off multiple tentacles in hopes it would weaken him. "KANEIS! STOP!" He yells, his voice booming along the empty city street. Soon after, before being hit by a huge tentacle, Sebastian parkours his way up to the top of nearby building, managing to get just out of reach before noticing a huge cut in his shirt, luckily not breaking skin.
I screech in pain as you cut through the flesh and turn to face you. The tentacles were healing up fast. But now, instead of the fleshy texture it had earlier it was now a black sludge that emitted a hideous stench that would make anyone want to puke.

As you scaled your way up the building the now seemingly spider like tentacles slammed onto the concrete and rushed towards you holding my human vessel captive as it slowly made its way up the building.

Azazel stood completely still watching what was happening until kaneis and Sebastian ran tot the top of the building he quickly shook his head and ran after them transforming into his demon form and taking flight he found kaneis climbing up the side of the building he held his hand out and spoke "Et custodia obstruxerat" a cage of fire surrounded and trapped Kaneis "what the hell is happening" he said focusing all his power to keep kaneis contained

(( woah freaky @ColeTurtle @Jack of Cloves ))
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((It's all cool))

The mouth from my demon form burst through my chest once I got trapped in the cage, it started screeching and spitting black liquid everywhere.

My human body looks around glassy eyed not processing what was going on, "It's hot" Those were the only words I was able to make out before the tentacles started whipping around trying to get out.

My attempt failed at trying to escape, it only ended up doing damage to my body and explode the tentacls.

((@FrostXShadow @ColeTurtle

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