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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

Michael gazed around the room with his arms in his pockets. He thought what he saw was a flower pot near them. He decided to inspect it and sniff it only to realise they were plastic flowers, carefully made to look super realistic. He was a little annoyed that they weren't real and did not emit any delicate smell. When no one noticed, a tiny flash of light blinked in his left pocket. With his left hand, he withdrew a small red rose that emitted a strong and delicate smell. He was a little confused why humans did not keep real flowers but guess they must have their own reasons. He walked over to Ava and decided to give her the rose.

@FadeAway @child of satan
As Michael took the initiative to smell the flower placed on the table, she watched eagerly for his reaction. However from the disappointment spread across his face, she knew that something was off. A smile grew on her lips as a soft chuckle managed to escape however she stopped her chuckling and tilted her head as a rose was offered to her. "Where did you get that?" she held out her hand and received the flower anyway.

@MrPotato @child of satan
Ava grinned at his response and nudged his side jokingly, "That's a new trick. How amusing" she added a snicker at the end as she smelled the rose. Unlike other roses that bloomed early, this one seemed as if it was newly bloomed and its scent was subtle yet sweet that tickled her senses. "I'll keep it." She sang softly.

@MrPotato @child of satan
Sebastian was walking down the dark street when he noticed a club off to the right. Intrigued, he enters slowly and successfully avoids a majority of the group while walking to the bar. Sitting down, he hands the bartender a $20 bill saying, "Gimme the strongest you got, this weeks been pure shit." After receiving his drink, he chugs a quarter of it and begins observing his surroundings, noticing the plethora of people dancing in the middle of the floor, and the various drunk guys attempting to hit on girls in skimpy attire. Sighing, he looks back at his drink and begins to think about his past life.
After eating the soul Azazel walks back into the Club looking for Kaneis he automatically senses another demon and let out a quiet growl before walking to the bar and putting some money on the counter "Tequila would be nice" he said to the bartender then looked at the demon "Who are you" He said, he could tell the demon was at least Middle-class he waited for the demon to respond

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Sensing the new person sit next to him, Sebastian looks over and replies with "My names Sebastian.. What's it matter to you?" Before taking another swig of his whiskey and vodka mix.

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Azazel looked at Sebastian. his eyes glowed Bright purple and the area between the them heated up to the point where flames would blaze to life "Shouldn't you be a little more respectful to a demon lord when he asks your name?" he his eyes burning with a purple glow but his face was calm

"Demon lord or not, you have to earn my respect," Sebastian replied calmly, his eyes engulfing themselves black. "Besides, it was an honest question.. What does it matter to you, a demon lord, what a 'small demon like mes' name is?" Finishing his drink, Sebastian called the bartender over and ordered another, tipping him $5.

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"My name is Azazel Kaizer the first demon lord of Hell and successor of Lucifer " he stated his full title before taking a gulp of his drink letting his eyes go back to their bright blue and the air cooling down and he continued to turn his head to look for Kaneis
"If you think a title will impress me, you're wrong." Sebastian's eyes faded back into their normal yellow and black. "But my question still remains, why does it matter to someone as powerful and high as you who I am? After all, I cant possibly have done anything to attract your attention."

I sit across from Azazel and the new stranger, the girls had to go home and gave me their numbers for a later visit. Watching quietly I chuckle at the sight of a demon of lower ranking was standing up to the second of all powerful demons, "This is entertaining" I smile and take another drink of my beer.

((@FrostXShadow @ColeTurtle
I smile, "Why I am just a bystander for now." I swirl around my beer in the glass watching it make a mini hurricane, "So you're also a demon?"

"Yes, I am." Sebastian replies before drinking the last of his cup and leaving anothee $5 on the counter for the bartender. "My name is Sebastian, what would your name be?"

@Jack of Cloves
"Ah, Sebastian. How refined! I shall call you Bassie." I laugh and order another beer, telling the waiter to put it on 'Tommy's' tab, "My name is Kaneis, Latin for no-bod-y." I say stretching out the last part. I've drank about 50 beers, the bartender cut me off at 5 but I kept on using the girl to order my others (Not that they mind :P ).

"Leave it at Bass and we'll be fine." Sebastian mumbles trying to keep his cool, especially considering Kaneis was obviously very drunk. Feeling intrigued by how much Kaneis could drink, Sebastian asks, "Well, would you like me to buy you one?"

@Jack of Cloves
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"Would you kindly?" I glare at the bartender, "He doesn't like me, I don't know why. He doesn't give me anymore beer." I pout clutching the beer bottler, very tempted to throw it at the bartenders head.

((Sorry late reply @ColeTurtle
Azazel glared at Kaneis "Im not your personal ATM you know Candy Kane" he said before downing his drink and waving at the bartender for another
I nervously chuckle, "Oh you've noticed" I scratch the back of my head, "Oh I am dearly sorry great and powerful Azazel, I shall pay you back in anyway deemed right." I wink playfully while spinning around in my chair. "These drinks aren't strong enough, how shameful."

"Sure, why the hell not." Sebastian says as he pulls out a $5 and gets two beers from the bartender. Opening both with his sharpened nails, Sebastian passes one to Kaneis. "Cheers, to finally being able to have some fun. Now about that money problem Azazel.. How much does he owe you exactly?"

@FrostXShadow @Jack of Cloves
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