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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen

(Sorry, ive been sick haha. Im back now tho)

Sebastian observed the tentacles surrounding Kaneis and formed a plan in his head. Transforming into his true form in a shockwave, Sebastian yells to Azazel "I have a plan! Keep the tentacles off of me!" before jumping off the roof and running through the tangle of tentacles towards Kaneis' body. After reaching him, Sebastian starts to cut off multiple tentacles at the roots with his claws.

@Jack of Cloves @FrostXShadow
My body winces and the tentecals slam everywhere trying to make contact with you as my body finally tries to transform into its true stage.
While watching all that was happening Azazel lost control of the cage and it dissipated "crap" he looked at Kaneis's form and studied his aura "Demon lord" was all he said before summoning his scythe and throwing at kaneis making it burst into flames as he did so

@Jack of Cloves @ColeTurtle

(( come at me bro xD ))
I fall on to the floor leaving a huge black mark for where I landed. Once I get up my body cracks and the mask has appeared along with the mouth gaping wide open, "A-AZ" I come crawling up the building grudge style clawing and breaking as much of the building as I can

"im sick of this what did Satan do to him he has the aura of a Demon lord but his form is that of a middle class" he shook his head deciding not to worry about it for now he thought about what he could do for a second 'maybe if I summon enough demons and hellhounds I can corner him until he can get control over his form' he thought to himself he held his hands out towards kaneis and recited "ego vocabo in inferno daemones et canes ego sum Dominus Deus vester in praeceptis meis et mandatum!" he shouted it out and a giant tornado of hell fire burst into life. out of the flames came low level demons and hellhounds, the all chased after kaneis some jumping on him in attempt to stop him
I shook them off of me and body slammed the rest, I eat a few to gain power of some of the low level demos but it wasn't working. I rolled around a while trying to shake them off, I was able to find a vantage point and it just so happened to have a clear path way over to you. So I jumped off and started falling towards you.

Azazel looked up and saw kaneis falling towards him"crap" he flapped his wings and quickly maneuvered himself away from the fall before commanding the rest of the demons and hellhounds to attack him with fire

@Jack of Cloves oves
I landed on the ground, most of the sludge parts that made up my body were all over the place. I was knocked unconscious from the fall and the slight fatigue from meeting Satan once again so my body didn't regenerate and instead formed a crystal like shell around my body to protect me from the low class demons.

Meanwhile the police finally decide to take action
Azazel sighed in relief when Kaneis formed a crystal around his body he looked back and saw police cars start to line up "stupid humans" he said and flung his hand causing a massive wall of fire to form blocking their vision he then looked back to kaneis "what am I going to do with you"
"I'll get him out of here Azazel." Sebastian says before walking up to the crystallized Kaneis. I hope this works... he thinks as he puts two hands on the shell and focuses his power on his shadow travel, bringing him and the unconscious mass about half a mile away to an empty lot in a desolate neighborhood, before falling to the ground having drained all of his energy. "Damn.. That really took a toll" he whispers to himself before sitting against a tree to wait for Azazel.

@Jack of Cloves @FrostXShadow
Azazel watched Sebastian shadow travel away "hm so he can shadow travel maybe he isn't as weak as I make him out to be" Azazel smirked and began walking only to disappear and reappear were Sebastian was "Nice work but you look tired" Azazel stated as he walked to the crystal that held kaneis
"I can shadow travel myself easy, but when i do it with other people or things, its harder the bigger they are." Sebastian says before coughing up some blood. "He took a toll on me already also. Ill be fine though. Let's worry about him."

@FrostXShadow @Jack of Cloves
"you should have let me do it" he shook his head and threw him a rag to wipe the blood "we need to get him to hell the atmosphere ,ay help control his form" he looked at Sebastian "ill do it this time" he held his hand out and summoned a hellion gate "porta inferi" a giant gate opened from the ground and Azazel grabbed on to the crystal before teleporting through the gate into his own circle of hell

@ColeTurtle @Jack of Cloves
"You seemed a bit busy dealing with the cops.. And please, be my guest." Sebastian says before wiping the blood off his mouth and following Azazel into his realm. "Ahh, it feels like forever since i've been here."

@FrostXShadow @Jack of Cloves
The crystal starts to heat up but it doesn't disappear. As some of the few drop of water start to condensate on the crystal the vision of me gets blurrier and blurrier, only leaving a part or the crystal unfogged.

The in fogged part of the crystal starts to chip

@FrostXShadow @ColeTurtle
"Hey Azazel! Looks like its working." Sebastian says, watching the crystal material chip away slowly. Taking a better look around, Sebastian notices fire everywhere and assumes that the crystal might be a sort of ice, explaining why the heat is making it break.

@Jack of Cloves @FrostXShadow
"interesting" he looks to Sebastian "be ready for anything it may not be what we think it is" he whistles and hell hounds come from the shadows surrounding the chipping crystal he then used his power of summoning demons to call kaneis's name "Kaneis return to normal" he commanded in a distorted force, he summoned his scythe

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