When Darkness Comes.

You never said you didn't take a spoonful for each order to make sure everything tastes fine lol, and is that you in your Profile picture?

@HaruAketchi You want us to stop so you don't have to read 6 pages of text
O.o I think so. ouo But I'll keep talking here if you guys want. So, pause RP again!

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Ok, I got a few minutes left in me before I pass out. 
I'm gonna go to bed, L8tr everyone. I'm gonna pray that I don't have 2000000 pages of text to read in the morning. * Stares at jade with a slight glare*
Yeah, that's me. But no, we had a fundraiser today so the big boss was there and ugh she's horrifying and mean. And I didn't have even a minute of free time. It was crazy. I'm extremely passive but was about to attack the next person that shoved or insulted me. I was definitely losing it. :/  
It's on pause. I think you're good. (:
Well a hot shower/bath cures all. I'm curious how you can be extremely passive, yet go ape sh*t on your cat for trying to showing its affection for your mice. But you look really pretty, and also really tired in the picture lol.
I don't like yelling. I don't like fighting. I am however very protective and she was attacking them. O.o I was honestly really sad at the time. Idk. I like it. Thanks.
I think "attacking" is a strong word to use lol, I think she wanted to get up close, and say Hello, and show her affection. You may never know. Now whether or not he form of affection is to lick them or not well do something else is entirely up to the cat's personality. I feel like Jade just crashed out on her computer.
Rolling my eyes at you. :P I feel like she very well might have. xD I have sleeping issues. I generally have trouble sleeping but it's not uncommon for me to just crash in the span of 5 minutes.
I've never had a problem falling asleep, its the whole waking up at the ass crack of dawn is what I have a problem with. I'm gonna be sooo happy when I get to college, and can enjoy sleeping in till 8-9am
Surprisingly, I wake up quickly and am very alert. I just whine and pout the whole way. Removing myself from my warm bed is the hardest part.
Lol speaking for that I was telling a friend of mine about this rp, and he wanted to be the first neko xD

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