When Darkness Comes.

xD I'm so sorry. He's just lovely<3 I found it on someones tumblr when I was scrolling through and I fell in love with it. xD
how can you not, even if I WAS straight I swear Id turn gay for that man, but since I dont have to I have no worries :3 
so where is everyone else anyone know?
So you are a guy! Okay. (: Mental image of you changed into something more relate-able to my brother or coworker/best friend Josh. ^-^
yea I am, but I find it more enjoyably and all to play the female and stuff, and kitties, oh dont even get me started on kitties 
hope that doesnt seem too weird......
yes ma'am I most certainly am, and to be honest, Im happy with who I am, no need to be sorry about being blunt Id give a blunt answer either way I should be sorry
Aaaaaand... Action! 
1. jade162

2. BarrenThin

3. Mendaian

4. HaruAketchi

5. Shena

6. TreblishKitten

7. The J

Just a reminder!

We're skipping Mendaian at the time, and if Haru doesn't show up in time, I'm afraid we'll be forced to skip him over too. 
Shena, go ahead and post if you'd like~ The other two aren't here. x.x
TreblishKitten said:
yes ma'am I most certainly am, and to be honest, Im happy with who I am, no need to be sorry about being blunt Id give a blunt answer either way I should be sorry
My brother and Josh are both gay and I love them dearly. I stereotype I guess. I love the way guys like Cody and Josh are.
okay, well Im a little on edge since I mightve heard a rummor oyu were htinking about just doing something big and drastic, killing us all and being off with the rp... kinda scared em a bit since I really like what Ive heard about this rp and Ive only jsut joined..
She's not killing it. xD Omg, that spiraled out of control. I'm so sorry Jade xD I really was kidding when I said it in the chat!
okay, okay, sorry girl, jsut was a little upset and worried, like when I heard you said you were thinking about leaving, I kinda flipped out, cause I heard you were the best person on here, not to say anyhting bad about anyone else, but form what I heared you were the sweetest and kindest and I couldnt wait to meet you and join. I too am a bit shy, cant make friends on my own for nothing, but I always seem to get along with otehr quiet people so I figured I might try to come and see if I couldnt make any new ones on my own here..
O.o Where'd you hear that from? xD Hahaha.. Anyhow. I was thinking about leaving, just because I'm not used to group RP's. But I was convinced to stay. ovo So no worries.
okay, adn to be honest no one really said that stuff, but from what Medaian told me about you I kinda put together an image for you, and so far, I havent been wrong and I doubt I will be
mhm, and your post girl 
lets see what that big plan of yours is already ;3 now that Im not affraid of dying off already I wanna know what it is that got you so excited~!

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