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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

I sat under my lean-to and scratched my cat ears. They itched a lot when ever they got wet, or dirty, or dry, or whenever...They basically just itched a lot. Although, I couldn't complain, because now I could hear at least four times as well as I used to be able too. After my ears stopped itching, I sighed and leaned back onto my backpack/pillow to take a nap.

I awoke suddenly because I heard...Screaming? I stood up and grabbed my backpack and spear and headed quickly in the direction of the noise. Although my common sense told me that it wasn't a good idea, I told my common sense that the person that screamed would probably be dead soon and I could take their food once it was safe. I walked towards the direction that I had heard the noise coming from until I heard a lady's voice.

I crept behind a tree that was a few meters away and then hesitantly said "H-Hello? Do you have any quality food? Are you hallucinations?" to the people that were also nearby the tree house.
ftaghntheman said:
I sat under my lean-to and scratched my cat ears. They itched a lot when ever they got wet, or dirty, or dry, or whenever...They basically just itched a lot. Although, I couldn't complain, because now I could hear at least four times as well as I used to be able too. After my ears stopped itching, I sighed and leaned back onto my backpack/pillow to take a nap.
I awoke suddenly because I heard...Screaming? I stood up and grabbed my backpack and spear and headed quickly in the direction of the noise. Although my common sense told me that it wasn't a good idea, I told my common sense that the person that screamed would probably be dead soon and I could take their food once it was safe. I walked towards the direction that I had heard the noise coming from until I heard a lady's voice.

I crept behind a tree that was a few meters away and then hesitantly said "H-Hello? Do you have any quality food? Are you hallucinations?" to the people that were also nearby the tree house.
I gasped then groaned again.

This is just not my day

I thought, as I studied the woods, looking for the source of the Boise.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I called out

Let's hurt him


"And I'm pretty sure this is real, although I wish it weren't. I honestly don't have time for this nonsense." I continued, sounding incredibly annoyed.
I was still shocked from the fall it had to be atleast ten feet.


i looked up at the girl when she said something to the woods.

"i don't havee time for this" i heards her say


i quickly jumped up

"wait don't leave... i mean do you want to come inside for somethin to eat" i said as i heard rustling in the woods.

"oh and you can come to" i said over my shoulder towards the person in the woods

"my name is..."


"rey" i groaned as i said it

uknowngorrila said:
I was still shocked from the fall it had to be at least ten feet.

i looked up at the girl when she said something to the woods.

"i don't have time for this" i heard her say


i quickly jumped up

"wait don't leave... i mean do you want to come inside for something to eat" i said as i heard rustling in the woods.

"oh and you can come to" i said over my shoulder towards the person in the woods

"my name is..."


"rey" i groaned as i said it

Well at least they're friendly

I thought to myself

I Haven't seen another person since...

I stopped myself from chasing the rabbit back to the bad times and sighed. I slowly stepped out from behind the tree I was hiding behind and waved at the people.

"Thanks, I appreciate your hospitality..."

I trailed off as I realized that they could still be hallucinations.

"Hey, uh, are you hurt man?"
I looked down at my body i didn't feel any pain. i tried to move my left arm but pain shot through it. i looked at my arm and felt it wit my good arm. i felt broken pretty badly.

"i'm fine i just need to rest" i took off my shirt and made a sling for my arm.

"lets head inside" i said leading the group inside.
I looked up. This guy might be a bit of a moron, but he certainly has some good ideas, I thought. He lived in a tree house. Not a bad one either!

I say we raid it, and claim it as ours.

Nice try Curly

I followed Rey up the stairs. Whether he admitted it or not, Rey obviously had a broken arm.

He better not ask for help from US

Oh shut up

As i reached the top step i opened the latch door and helped the others in before climbing in myself. i heard shadow stir then wake up and started barking at the unknown people.

"shadow stand down"

i siad shadow stopped barking and went to check out the new people. i went over to my food box and got three cans of beans, three spoons, and a knife. i handed each one a can and a spoon before trying to open my can. after a few moments of trying a gave up and handed the girl the knife.

"so what's your names"
I opened the can easily, without the slightest struggle. "Samantha Carter. Sam for short. Or Sammy, although that's risking it if you aren't a good friend." I replied, handing the beans back to Rey. I studied the tree house. It looked just as good inside as outside. "I gotta say man, you didn't do bad with this hideout."
As I walked through the door the dog growled softly at me and I glared at it as I walked past it to grab a can of food from Rey's hands. I held the spoon in my mouth as I quickly opened the can of beans with my hands. I immediately started chowing down on the beans and my mouth was full as Rey asked about me and Sam. "Name is *Chewchewchew* Flint. *Gulp*"

I hate dogs, their so disrespectful.

I thought as I finished my beans
As i grabbed the can looked at sam. there was something about her that seemed... similiar.

"hey do you see it to" i whispered

'yeah i can't quite put my finger on it'

then i looked at flint he seemed mutated but was she.

"so tell me about yourselves" i said eating a spoonful of beans.
Oh no. Did I want to tell him? What if one of them had something against werewolves? I know there are some people who do, but what about THESE people?

I still say you should kill them

Curly grumbled.

One more word out of you and I will turn into a vegetarian

That made her go quiet. I took a deep breath.

"Please.... don't-don't freak out, or kill me or whatever you do. I'm-" I paused.

Fingers crossed they don't kill me

"-I'm a werewolf."

I braced myself for the madness
'i knew it she is one'

i was suprised

"i guess i can sense other werewolfs" i mumbled to my myself. i saw she was kinda tense when she said it.

"its okay i'm one too"

i changed to my wolf formed quickly but fell as i forgot about my broken arm. i changed back and wrapped my arm again.

"i'm glad im not the only one"
I let out my breath once he said he was a werewolf.

"I've never met another werewolf before, much less one not trying to kill me." I mused

This guy is pretty wimpy. I think he's lying. No werewolf is so....so... weird.

Oh how do you know, you have never met another werewolf in your life. I personally am happy he is a werewolf
"ow" i said rubbing my arm.

'that's what you get for trying to impress her'

"just a force of habit"

'what being stupid'

i just sat in silence staring at them.

'ask them to stay'


'because you need other people'

"so... you guys wanna stay here tonight"
Nicholas walks in to a mobile store. He was afraid.. Afraid of them. His mother died to them; the only thing he remembers is having to stab her in the head with a sharpened stick.

"Why..." he managed to get out then suddenly screamed

"WHY!" the local zombies heard him and he hid under the counter.

"Shit." he held his stick upfront, firmly gripped. 'Maybe this stick can kill th- oh shit!' The zombies had found him and he threw the stick into ones head; his heart was pounding, this was unacceptable due to he had arrhythmia; he killed the last one and his sight went darker than the sky at midnight. 'Wait.... i- is that..... medicine o-over there?' he thought. And it was, but Nick's heart could not take it and he fainted.
I shrugged. "Why not."

You like him, I like him, we both like him

Curly sang in my mind.

"I do not."

I grumbled under my breath, before I could catch myself.

I hope they didn't hear that
Elroy sighed to himself as he looked through the broken windows of the Mobile Store.


"Even amateur deserve chance." Elroy slowly responded

As his wolf raged at him for his insolence he stepped inside and walked around the bodies to the downed survivor.

"Something happened..."


Elroy shrugged before glancing to the small pile of medicine spread across a broken shelf.

Elroy didn't know what most of it was, but he pointed out a bottle of Aleve which was still partially full.

After pocketing the bottle, Elroy walked back over before picking up two of the corpses.

He exited the store and glanced at the office in the distance.

He was much closer now, as foretold by the several nearby corpses set up with metal impalements.

He continued advancing closer to the office's position.

The number of corpses set up with metal increased.

Some of them still moved and groaned, but their impalements kept them rooted to the spot.

Hefting the corpses over his shoulder, Elroy continued home.
Nicholas woke up in the store. It seem liked some one was here. He was fine now, but he still knew that he had killed his own mother before, hoping for the thought to be forgot. Some Aleve was taken, he was scared and left; somehow the corpses disappeared! 
Nick heard something whilst walking... wait.... why does it smell like werewolf.... wait a freaking minute

"ok, you can sleep on the bed" i said to sam "and you can sleep on the couch" i said to flint and they bothed nodded.

'hey where are you gonna sleep smarty'

"umm on the floor duh" i mumbled

'oh yeah that's a smart idea witha broken arm'

"it's not broken, just hurt"

'you need help, like mental help'
A terribly bored Caroline paced the entrance room floor of her parents' stunningly large and beautiful mansion, her bare feet pattering on the shiny marble newly cleaned floors. She was wearing a white lace jumpsuit, the pants of it stopping at her upper thigh and she wore her long stick straight strawberry blonde hair down. Sadly, she ran her fingers through the silky softness. Caroline had always longed for natural waves like her sisters had. The rain outside pattered against the roof of the enormous home as aimlessly the girl paced the floors. Maybe today was the day she'd sneak out again.
As he ran through the heavy rain, getting himself all wet, he finally caught sight of a large mansion ahead of him. He knew the rain was going to last for a while, so he thought "Why the hell not?". He sprinted towards the mansion, and finally stepped on the front steps, eyeing the door. He would take a moment to shake some of the rain off of him. He hated rain. Made him fall in depression, but the sun was going down and he needed to make sure there were no damned biting dead inside. He readied his bow, nocking an arrow on it, as he barged in through the door, kicking it in. The door was rather old and flew open wide, as he took a quick glance inside.

So far, so good. But he needed to be sure nothing was lurking in the corners. "Hey,anyone in this wretched place? Woo-hoo, come and get me, you darned zombies. Got some nice sharp arrows for you!" he yelled as he hit the nocked arrow on fire. He was ready for anything, but he hoped he didn't need to fight. Especially now, with this blasted rain!
The door gave way and a man stepped in, triggering Caroline to let out a distressed scream. Her obsessively protective parents came rushing from the parlor, her mothers heels clicking as she rushed in alongside her father. "What is going on here?" Asked Mr. Forbes as he looked from his daughter to the man. He easily towered over Caroline which made her father go into an even more protective overdrive. There was a shotgun in his arms, loaded and ready to protect his daughter and his wife. Caroline stood there in panic, the navy blue in her pale eyes darkening, her already milk white skin going even lighter. Nothing like this ever happened here, they hadn't even encountered a zombie. It was no shocker that Caroline was surprised, as well as her parents and her sisters who came down the stairs wearing matching Victoria's Secret sweatshirts and grey shorts with pink fuzzy slippers. The same look came over them when they saw the whole scene.
The girl's scream stagerred him for a second, as the whole mansion came alive. Soon an old man, followed by some other women came from nowhere and surrounded him. He soon looked down the barrel of the shotgun pointed at him, as he blew once over the edge of the arrow, snuffing the flame, before carefully putting down the bow and raising his hands as in a surrender. "Well, I'll be damned. Never thought I'd see a house with people in it and no damned zombie within sight." he said with a jokingly tone, as his sight started bluring from both tire and hunger. He hadn't slept in 24 hours, since he started running from the pack that killed his last group, and hadn't eaten in 19. His stomach was growling, as he fell to his knees.

"Don't s'ppose you people have some...food to spare with a poor stranger?" he went on. He really did hope the old man didn't plan to blow his brains all over the floor. Not that he wouldn't be in all his rights to do so. After all, he did barge into his house uninvited, shouting like a mad man and threatening to kill everyone. But he didn't mean the people, just any dumbnut zombie who may had took a liking to the architecture. He laughed at the thought, before coughing a bit.
Coleen had now thrown her arms around Caroline, and Cher, the seven year old girl had her face buried in Caroline's bare leg. Mr. Fordes narrowed his cold blue eyes and clenched his teeth, slowly and hesitantly leaving the room with shotgun in hand. Mrs. Fordes walked just as slowly to the boy and looked sternly down at him. "Considering you broke down our door we're to keep a close eye on you." As if he hadn't asked for food, the woman walked out of the room snottily, her head held high likeshe was better than everyone. The three girls were left in the room, and of course Caroline being the most curious out of all of them, was the first to untangle herself from Coleen's embrace. With little hesitation she approached the boy and introduced herself. "I'm Caroline, these are my sisters Coleen and Cher." She jabbed her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of her shaking siblings. I'm sorry if my parents scared you, did you say something about food?" Without waiting for an answer, Caroline started off for the empty kitchen, waving the boy over with her hand. This was quite the odd experience, but it was better than staying in a boring old mansion with her family until the apocalypse was over.
As he raised his eyes from the ground, he eyed the odd bunch, as they made their exit one by one. First the father left with not a word or order adressed to anyone around him, then the mother who expressively told him to watch himself or he'd probably end up as dog food or worse...definitely worse. Then, one of the three beautiful girls came near him. This one was different. He could see it in her eyes. She was kind, compassionate, not like her stuck-up...parents probably? Yes,she did have a slight resemblance to the old man and woman who had just left him there.

The girl said something about food and to follow her. Right now, only standing there was quite the effort, but gently he rose up from the ground, his feet still a bit shaky, as he helped himself to the wall to walk behind the girl who introduced herself as Caroline. Stopping for a moment, he threw a look over to the other 2 girls standing there frozen. He could read the fear in their eyes. He really couldn't blame them. It was a horrible and crazy world out there. Strangers barging through your door in the power of the night. Who wouldn't wonder about their security. But he was starting to trail off, and soon began following the girl once again towards what was probably a kitchen or a ladder or somewhere with something to eat, if God allowed.

As he entered the kitchen, he felt he couldn't go on anymore so he just let himself crash in the nearest chair by a round table. "So much fancy stuff. You people must be rich." he said while thinking back to the days when his family could afford mostly anything they could've wished for. Back when they were still alive,that is. "It's Ayl,by the way. My name,that is." he said once more towards the girl, suddenly remembering his manners.

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