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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Eliana was suddenly able to relish in what little warmth the sunlight brought, but at the same time there seemed to be something.. Cold about the air now, as if it had been dulled by some other form. Then she heard a sound, however when she looked over she caught a glimpse of what must've been a little cat, but now was another person, who still seemed to held the features a cat would. She had never seen such an.. Odd mix of features. Then it spoke, too. How strange. She thought to herself quizzically.

"I am.." She seemed to have to think about this answer for a few moments, her slender hands moving to lightly hold onto the opposite elbow, and she scrunched her nose slightly for a second. "I am Eliana." She finally answered, but she wasn't sure of her last name. She wasn't sure about a lot of things. She didn't know where she had come from, how long she had been there, or what the world was like, either. And it was rather confusing, but her mind was slowly starting to process it all, or at least as much as she could. At least someone hostile hadn't attacked her.. Yet.

Where am I? She questioned, but reminded herself again, as she had done before when calling for her mother and father, that she needed to speak out loud to be heard. This seemed strange somehow..

"Can you tell me where I am, Rosette?" She slowly asked, as if she wasn't sure if she was wording everything in the correct way or not.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf301e0c1_RosetteIcon.jpg.2fbd4d43a32d365764f39a73f7135f20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf301e0c1_RosetteIcon.jpg.2fbd4d43a32d365764f39a73f7135f20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3021001_RosettesCatFormIcon.jpg.c4173ef98f7889952988b91ff175b92f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf3021001_RosettesCatFormIcon.jpg.c4173ef98f7889952988b91ff175b92f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

R o s e t t e

E v e r m o r e

~ ? ~

Rosette tilted her head in a semi-cute fashion as she watched the girl, who eventually introduced herself as Eliana, question where she was. She also couldn't help but notice that she seemed puzzled in who she actually was, as well. She really doesn't know? Rosette wondered, approaching the girl with concern. "You really don't know? Didn't you flee here or something?" she questioned her, her tone soothing, but also in slight disbelief. It wasn't that she was doubting that this girl was telling the truth; it's just that something like all this is very hard to run from and forget. That's the whole reason behind why Rosette decided to face it head on. However, as Rosette thought from a different point of view, she realized that perhaps this girl went through some sort of trauma that caused memory loss. With that thought in mind, Rosette decided to be gentle with her. She needed to know what she was up against, at the very least. Ignorance is not bliss in this cold, cruel world.

"I don't know where this is, exactly, but I may know why we ended up here," she stated with a sigh. "There was a bomb dropped a long while ago," Rosette began from the beginning, "And the left-overs from it had a weird effect on some of us. Some turned into what people would call vampires and werewolves, and then there's people like me," she stated, motioning to her fluffy ears and tail, "Who transformed into what some call Nekos. Half cat, half human, and can shift into a cat like I did earlier," she went on, and then examined Eliana herself. "You seem to be one of the few that the bomb's chaos didn't directly effect, being that you're still human," she observed, and then decided to go into the more gruesome details. "Though, that's not all the bomb did," Rosette stated, her sea-green eyes glancing away for a moment as she thought about how to put the horrifying details.

"Some other people.. Didn't really take it well," she began with a heavy heart, "They transformed into.. Well, zombies," she shrugged, not knowing any other word for it. "They're very hostile creatures who have a knack for eating.. Well, us," she stated, trying her best to not connect what happened between her and her parents into the equation. It's like that memory haunts her, and it probably always will, but she knew she had to try her best to repress it. If she constantly lets that drag her down, how is she supposed to survive in this world? You have to be strong here, while also possessing enough intuition and wisdom to not make stupid mistakes. Rosette got the feeling that this girl really didn't know what she was up against, but at the same time, she didn't feel like she was some defenseless flower. Underneath the beauty in her blue eyes, Rosette sensed some thorns.

"Are you alright?" Rosette asked, referring to her over-all well being, as well as her mental state. "How long have you been here? Do you know?"



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As Rosette answered, Eliana listened closely. And in the end, she was rather shocked as to what exactly was being said. She hadn't ever heard of such horrible things before. "I.. I think Im alright.." She slowly answered as if it were another question. At the second half of the question she turned around to look at where she'd come from. "I can't.. Recall how long I've been here.. I just woke up a.. A minute ago.." Eliana spoke slowly still, her voice soft and tender as she looked up then around at her surroundings again, trying and hoping some memory would be brought forth, but nothing happened.

It was hard to try and take all of this in, and she felt more lost than anything else.

"So.. You're half Cat.. And half human?" She questioned aloud just to be sure.

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( @Crystalline♥ Goodbye..~)

Eliana watched as Rosette nodded in answer to her question, but suddenly there was a sound. Before she knew what was happening everything went pitch black, and she felt as though the ground had suddenly turned ice cold, gasping softly in surprise as she stumbled back a few steps. Rosette was gone. "Rosette?" Eliana called, a tone of fear in her voice as she hugged her arms to her chest, glancing around quickly while she swallowed hard in almost a gulp. There was no answer, and the silence was enough to give anyone the chills. Shivering under a minute, Eliana figured it would be best to go, as she was seeing her breaths come out in fogs. Quickly she rushed to run from the spot, towards where she could have sworn Rosette had come from. A haunting darkness and shadow seemed to follow her, which had her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Suddenly a hand grasped her ankle, and tripped her. As she fell to the ground she yelped out in pain and surprise, but when she looked down to her ankle there wasn't anything visibly there, yet she could still feel the chilling hand around her ankle. "Let go!" She cried out, kicking at something that wasn't there. Suddenly darkness shrouded everything, and for an instant it was as if the sky had been covered by an unseen force, though it was just for a second. In that second, she felt violent shivers go through her. Mother? Father? She thought to herself again, though of course there was no answer to be found in this.

When she opened her tightly closed eyes just after that one moment of complete darkness, the sensation of a hand grasping her ankle was gone, and so was the darkness. Instead, when she gazed upwards with her bright blue eyes, she was greeted with the sight of small, white flakes of ice slowly drifting down, otherwise called snow.

(This sudden change is for everyone~!)
Siri's heart pounded against her chest hard. It was causing a pain that only happened because of her imagination. But it seemed very real. What was happening right now, it was real. So that must mean she is real. That must mean that what has happened is real. It is all real. Her fingers ran over the trigger, holding it in place with one hand and wiping the liquid coming from her eyes with the other.

This is real.

Squaring up to the zombie in front of her, her fingers clenched and pulled the trigger. Shuddering, Siri dropped the gun and fell to her knees. Her hand scooped and raised to her face. The bitter cold started to eat at the tips of her fingers, cheeks, and nose, but the warmth of her tears made them grow numb. A small flake of white powder fell from the sky and stuck to her hair, making a small drop of water fall down the side of her head. Siri looked up, her face red and her lungs gasping for air as she silently weeped. Another flake fell and hit her right dab on the nose. Eyes heavy and weak, fell as the cold snow landed on her nose. The air was now very cold, but it didn't seemed to matter anymore. She was already dead. It was all over, this was all real, and this was all fake at the same time.

With her head lifted to the sky, she muttered a few words, unheard, not understandable, but they weren't even meant to even be of any meaning. Words could not come to her, only faint mutters of finally leaving. Siri was done. She was done with all of this. Grasping her gun tightly, she lifted the gun to her head. The cold and empty barrel rested on her temple. Fingers laced around the trigger, she began to slowly clench the trigger.

This is real.

Eyes wide-open, Siri dropped the gun. She couldn't do that. Her life was worth living. There was a reason she was meant to be alive at this moment. Sudden flashes of Timothy ran through her memories. His smile bright and kind. He ran toward her with arms aid open, running into a hug. He used to do that everyday after school. Then she would walk home with him and ask him how his day was. Every time, he would say, 'Good, probably not as good as yours, though.' She would just laugh and walk on. Once they were home, Mom would have dinner ready.


Yes, that was it. That was what she was here for. To survive. To live up to them. Siri stood up, holding the gun.

I will live.

This is all real, so were they.
Eliana was at first slightly puzzled by this new occurrence of snow, and she stared as the small white flakes were falling to the ground slowly. Ever so slowly, softly, and gently. Suddenly she heard a voice, speaking in her head, but it wasn't her own this time. Look what you've done now silly girl. Now I've got to come get you again. The voice was a man's, and it was the closest thing to a taunt she'd ever heard before. It set shivers down her spine. And suddenly she was running, quickly picking up pace, her arms pumping as she gained speed, her bare feet thumping against the ground inaudibly with every step she took to thrust herself forward. She was still so confused. Why was she here? Was what Rosette had told her truly true? Were there zombies?

Soon she had reached the nearby city, and it looked as rundown as she'd ever seen one, but she could've sworn that this was the first city she'd ever really seen, as far as she could remember. But even along the deserted roads she ran, not even sure where she was running to. Was she heading somewhere? Or was she merely running from the unknown?

Suddenly she cried out in pain as she tripped over a large cracked bump in the road, crashing down to the ground and hitting the cold, hard cement with a loud crack as her ankle was snapped as easily as a thin twig.
Siri started walking, not exactly knowing where she was heading, but if she stood still for much longer, she would turn into a popsicle. Shivering commenced soon after she had left her sitting position. Her gun was put in its holster, not seeing any zombies nearby. She could start towards the city, but it was crowded with zombies. So....Bad idea. Shaking her head, she stopped in her steps, looking around. Where was she going? Squinting her eyes gave her a better view, as a shack came into sight. It looked secure enough to stay in, at least so she didn't freeze to death. Her hands subconsciously wrapped around her arms, rushing up and down in attempt to keep herself warm.

Approaching the shack, Siri sat down. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. Several seconds passed until she opened them, letting out a small breath. It had apparently gotten to the temperature where she could now see her breath before her. A grim smile appeared on her face as she stared at it with interest. Letting out deep breaths to see what looked like large clouds of smoke. It was entertaining to her at the moment, of course it was all she had to look at for a bright side.

It was only a short moment though, for a gunshot rang through the area. Siri's smile immediately faded away, shooting straight up. Alert, she grabbed her gun out of its holster and slowly stepped out of the shack. Huge gusts of wind hit her as soon as she set foot out of the shack. Wincing, she held up her gun and slowly started backing up. If they were that close, they might find her, and who knows what type of people are around here. She can't true anyone, not yet. Deciding to make a break for it, Siri sprinted around the shack, dodging around trees and rocks, leaping over holes in the ground, and glancing behind her every now and then.

A large amount of huffing and puffing was soon to follow as she started slowing down, far away from the gunshot's source. She was safe for now. Not being able to bare it anymore, and just at the right time, she stopped dead, huffing and puffing like she had never done before. Her hands rested on her knees, keeping her from collapsing all together. With a sore throat, she looked to the sky once again, wincing as a snowflake entered her eye. It was pretty, but cold indeed.
After nobody replied to her call, Lark lowered her sniper, let out a deep sigh, and continued to look for survivors. She heard the a muffled groan a few feet behind her. A nasty looking zombie creature was limping towards her. Lark just casually aimed her sniper-rifle directly at the zombies head, without any hesitation she pulled the trigger, and with a perfect hot in the middle of the zombies head she killed the nasty looking thing with only one bullet. Being Russian is handy during the end of the world Lark thought to herself with a smirk on her face while she walked away as if nothing just happened.
As i walked i started feeling drowsy.

'rey stop now'

"why im fi..." i trailed off falling to one knee.

i looked down to see my makeshift sling was covered in blood. i unwrapped it to see my bone stickin out of my arm.

'rey your losing alot of blood get help'

i fell on my back losing dangerous amounts of blood. i turned to the new dog and whispered "help" before everything went black.


i opened my eyes to find myself in my treehouse with sam, flint, shadow and the new dog. suddenly the tree started tipping over. I ran over to sam and grabbed her as the whole treehouse fell to the side. i managed to protect sam but to the cost of some major wounds. i stood p to see where everyone was but for some reason everyone was right next to me.

"um is everone okay" i asked as but then they started walking up the stairs to the treehouse back where it was. i followed them in and they stood in the same spots as before and the tree started tipping again.
As the sun rised up, Ayl struggled to get out of the blanket he covered himself up in. It was a long time since he had slept as well as he had just now. "Jesus, please let me stay here for the rest of my life!" he said half-serious, half-jokingly. He got up and stretched his body. "Slept like a baby. I should go wash myself up.". He then proceeded to walk towards the bath, turning the faucets on as he took some water in his hands and splashed his face. "I wonder when Carolline is gonna come by. I can't walk around less I cause her trouble with her parents. Last thing I need is to get kicked out of this place. I really don't wanna be on the streets all by myself. It tends to get tedious to keep on running from those damn walking corpses." .
Troy kept walking along the streets trying to not be spotted. He kept looking around where ever he was. He kept doing the same thing for hours. Until he saw a apartment building. He looked through the windows. It looked like it was empty. He walked towards the building. Once he was in he walked to the desk to look for a key cards. He searched through the pile of key cards until he found one. It was for a room on the third floor. He headed upstairs to find his room.

He kept walked up the three flights of steps to get in ten minutes. He headed down the hall until he found his room. When he was opening it he heard a very familiar voice coming from his left. "Come on sweets hurry up." He looked that way and saw a woman. She was about average height for women. She had blonde hair, blue, and the perfect white smile. That's his wife. He looked at her. "Yeah yeah. Just give me a second Nina."

He opened the door and Nina headed into the room. She out her suitcase down and she dove for the bed. As she soon she landed on the bed she faded away. Troy snapped into reality at that moment. He slowly walked into the room and laid there in the bed. He stayed there fifteen minutes. He sat up looked at his bag and reached in for some food. He pulled out a can of beans. "Running low on food." He said to himself. He opened the can and at e half of the can. He placed the rest on the night stand. He took off his armor. He placed all of his guns on the chair in the corner. He walked to the bathroom to check the water.

He turned the faucet for the warm water. He waited for a minute and then there's the water. Troy was surprise that there was water here. That usually meant that someone was here before. Troy didn't think much of it as he getting in the shower. After a ten minute shower he got dried and got his armor laid out on his bed. He sat down on his bed and he looked through his pants pocket and pulled out a small book. It was a diary that his wife started. Troy started writing about the last three days. When he finished he laid down in his bed. This was first time that he can relax in a while.
Isaac had a tough day out on the streets. Looking supplies always wore him down. After managing to scavenge a meal for him and his trusted husky Merlin, he decided to head for home. His little apartment wasn't much, but it managed to keep the undead from eating him alive so he stuck with it. Taking a lovely stroll down the street, he noticed a small group of walkers and decided to leave them alone. He didn't have the energy for another fight, but just enough to take a detour. He clambered into the closest building and payed little attention to look for supplies, every now and then opening a drawer to find it had already been emptied. He gave a heavy sigh and sat down on a staircase for a couple of minutes. Pulling out a journal and recording his findings and happening throughout the day, then gently placing it back into the laptop bag it came from.

After a few moments of ease, he adjusted the quiver full of arrows and the bow strapped around his torso and carried on, locating the closest window and scaling the side of the house. He was on the roof. Free running never came easily to Isaac, but in the certain circumstances he had been forced to learn, or die in the streets like a dog. he hopped from house to house, avoiding fights with groups of walkers that gathered in the alleys and on the roads. He came to his stop, and gently let himself off of the last building and plodded down the road ahead, stopping outside of a large apartment block. He entered and opened a drawer in the reception area to look for his key card, and noticed one was missing. Someone else had entered the apartment block - anther survivor was here. He took his pass and ascended to his room, cautious of anyone that could be lurking around. He let himself into is room and began to make food for him and Merlin. After eating, he grabbed his blade and found which room was missing a key card. It was a room on the third floor.

Isaac hesitated, but eventually came to his senses and was eager to meet the other survivor. How long had he or she been living here? He grabbed the hilt of the katana firmly and knocked at the door...
Troy was interrupted by a knock on the door. His fear level was rising. He slowly walked over to the chair and grabbed his knife and his Kendo. He slowly walked over to the door. He grabbed the door knob and slowly turning it. "If this is a survivor. I hope they don't mind seeing me in my boxers." He opened the door and he pointed his and his knife to the hall. He sees a man that was younger then him at the door. "Um... Hello. What do you want?" Troy said to him.
Isaac jittered and stumbled back until his back was against the wall. His katana was half out of its sheathe and he had a slight sweat. A sudden panicked feeling came about him. He tried to make out a simple question, but the words were stuck in his throat.

"...How... How... How long have you been here..?"
Troy was shocked at first. "Um... Um... I've been hear for about a hour." I walked back to my bed. "You can come in I guess." He was putting his armor back on. He looked back at him. "Do you need some food?"
"..Ive got plenty. I must have been out when you arrived..". Isaac placed the katana back fully into its sheathe and had calmed down to a respectable level. "Ive lived here ever since it began. You know, the undead, the werewolves, all this crazy stuff. I live on the 4th floor. Just me and my dog, Merlin...". He had fully entered the apartment now and scanned up and down to notice it was a respectable space. Perhaps he should have chosen this room instead of his own, but that could not be changed now. "I don't think I caught your name. I am Isaac. Isaac Snow.". A gentle breeze strolled by and made Isaac's white hair rustle "Just you here..?"
Troy looked back at Isaac. "Well nice to meet you Isaac. The name is Troy Lawrence Colten. And yes it's just me. It's been that way for six months now." He put his knife and Kendo back on the chair. He sat down on his bed. "Lucky for you that you have a dog."
"... Well other than that I havn't even seen another person in months... You can stay with me if you like? Its not too bad here, of course if you get used to the smell first."

Isaac gave an awkward smile at Troy and waited for a response.
Troy gave a weak smile. "Sure. I haven't spend much with people in a long while. Might be good for me." He stood up and he collected all of his stuff. Once he did that he looked at Isaac again. "Lead the way."

Isaac gave a smile back and helped with Troy's things. After ascending another floor and locating Isaac's room, they both entered and Isaac went to greet Merlin, a luscious white Siberian Husky, who barked back at Isaac.

"Make yourself at home. I usually sleep on the couch, so the beds all yours." Isaac glanced at Troy in delight and began to help unpack.
Troy walked over to the bed. He placed his weapons at the foot. He sat down and relaxed a little. He looked over at the Siberian Husky. "Beautiful dog by the way." He looked around the room. "So you two been hiding here since the start?"
"Yeah pretty much. I used to live here anyway. Its a beautiful view, I guess thats what made me choose this place. Can I get you anything by the way? Something to eat or drink? I have plenty."

Isaac unsheathed his katana and was cleaning it with a damp cloth. The blade shimmered in the light that broke into the room and seeped into the darkness.
Troy looked at Isaac. He also noticed his katana. "You got any water? And nice katana. He walked to the window. "I did had personal place myself at one point. But I had to leave three months ago when the undead around there got pretty bad. So I've been moving around the city ever since."
"Yeah sure, here"

Isaac moved to the bedroom and handed Troy a bottle of water.

"...Oh the sword? It was a gift. I dont mean to sound weird but Im into all that stuff, you know, japanese sword fighting and things? Yeah. She was called Evie. She was my girlfriend actually. Last I saw of her was in this very apartment, when she left me because, as she put it anyway, I couldn't protect her against the zeds. I had a broken leg you see, I was running from these raiders and I went to jump and... I dont remember much but I fell about 2 stories and broke my leg. And she just... She just..."

A tear rolled down Isaac's face and he quickly wiped it off.

"...Anything else but the water?"
Troy noticed that there was strings being pulled. "I'm sorry Isaac. I've been through something similar." I took the bottle of water and took a sip. "Thank you. And I just had some food a few minutes ago. So I'm fine for now."
"Something similar..? Im sorry I dont mean to be nosey or anything. We just ate too, so its all good then."

Isaac also took a drink of water and sat by the window with Merlin, petting him gently and smiling.

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