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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

[QUOTE="Park Vader]

Sorry, just making sure, didn't wanna make a mistake, cause I am full of mistakes. 
When Williams got to the outskirts of Hyde's lair, he scouted the area first so he doesn't bump into a lycan or something. He only found 2 people, one who looked like Hyde, and the other unknown. Thinking he may find trouble, he arranges trash bins so he could climb them to a rooftop just in case. After all his pre-work, Williams stealthily went into the lab and was now a few meters behind them crouching out of their vision. When he thought it was safe, he put a hand on Hyde's shoulder and said, "Hello there Hyde," in a rather menacing tone while having his trusty yo-yo at his side.
"It appears you keep your lab well." Williams looks about the room. " Two questions, doctor. First, who is he," Williams points towards the now obvious lycan, expressing obvious disapproval of the man-beast,"Second of all, do you have a way to quench my thirst forever?" Williams asks this question rhetorically, knowing that of course Hyde had a way.
"Hm, well Williams, this is Spade, completely friendly, I was just healing his wounds, he was beaten up by some bandits at the east side of the city.. And to answer your second question.."

"Yes, I do have a cure for your thirst, I can give you the formula and ingredients if you want"

"Hmm, yes, I would like the formula Hyde. But why, why have you befriended a lycan! They hunt down all that live and all my kind. He could have handled at least 50 bullets, I mean I could survive that wound!" Williams took a few breaths before he spoke again "I guess I won't kill a friend of yours." Williams quickly, while Hyde wasn't looking, threw a tracker on the werewolf's back. The tracker numbed the area where it was while it painlessly drilled into the lycan's skin. When Hyde looked back, Williams said "Yep, ready for recipe, sir."
"I'll have you know everyone alive right now is my friend, and I know what you did, now take that tracker down or I'll take it off myself. And for the record, Spade isn't bad at all, he just needs to survive, like every one of us right now."


"When I used to work for the military, they were running out of resources, they thought the world was going to end. I, made artificial food.. It's basically cells that provide energy that were multiplied by mitosis that they needed for a lifetime then sooner compressed using a Hadron Supercollider. In this case you need blood, and a few vampires came to my lab before and asked for my help, so I always have a supply of a tablet of compressed blood"

Hyde gets a cold glass of water from the fridge and puts the tablet in the glass.

"This tablet will dissolve in a minute, drink it when it does"
"My apologies for the tracker Hyde, in this time my paranoia has gone up steeply; you can't trust anyone. But I see you trust this Spade of yours, so I'll eject the bug." Williams held up his remote and pressed the eject button. The spider-like tracker crawled to him and attached unto his belt. What Hyde didn't know was that whenever this special bug ejects, it actually leaves a copy in its place. Williams then wait 5 minutes and drank the liquid. He felt good again. Williams liked this doctor, so he asked, "Hyde, I have vowed to rebuild Earth, and I need people like you to help me. Although I only would trust my own kind, I think I can trust you, and I don't trust anyone. If you are interested, I will connect my base with this lab with an underground connection. We can rebuild this land."

"I know about that device of yours, I'm a military doctor for Pete's sake. Eject the copy now."

"I'd love to help you, Williams.

Williams grumbled, this damn scientist knows too much. He brings out the real remote and presses the button. "This time for real." "Anyway, I will get started with that connection. I want you to spread the word about this new nation, put up posters, shout propaganda, anything." "Also, if they aren't with us, they are against us." Williams slides a silenced pistol towards Hyde.
Spade maintained quiet throughout the conversation between Hyde and the vampire. Spade never much liked vampires, even before he became a Lycan. Spade hadn't noticed the tracker planted on him and was confused as to what the two were exchanging words about, but didn't feel any less weary. "A little strange that a vampire with trust issues wishes to rebuild this Earth, don't ya think, Doc?" Spade sneered at this new character. "Your kind ain't particularly trustworthy too, you know?" Spade continued. "At least I can keep a grip on my condition. How long is it that your kind can go without feeding?"

Spade was well aware that this wasn't the best way to make new friends, but then again, Spade doesn't really care to have a vampire as a friend, so the hostility in his voice remained true.
"What are you going to do? Shoot me? Ha! How foolish of you. I am DR. RYAN HYDE! Immune to any kind of infection! Regeneration! Dimensional Travel, Genetics, Compression, Expansion and CLEARING. You think a bullet through my head will kill me?"


"Even so, I will help you Williams, but you have to learn how to respect lycans and lycans must learn how to respect vampires. You two should trust each other, everything will be better that way".
"I meant to give this gun to you Hyde, I knew a bullet to your head wouldn't kill you." Williams looks at Spade. "For your information, I have never fed on a human before, which is why I was here to get some blood. Why do I want to rebuild Earth? I used to be part of a special force thats job was to prevent nuclear warfare and the like. It was that day of betrayal...the bombs launched. My team was too late, the crazed terrorist already pressed the button, and here we are. I consider it my duty to rebuild Earth, and this paranoia helps protect myself from the same fate my organization had. You can trust me, because if I didn't trust you, your head would have been on my bolt. My apologies for past hostility." Williams held out his hand as to shake hands with Spade.
"It's all right, I'm happy to see you two are getting along"

"No thank you I already have enough weapons of my own"

"Ah yes, the Preservation Of Mankind, am I correct? You're the team who tried to stop the nuclear warfare, yes I have heard and read about you back in my military days"

"By the way, once you've taken the pill, your blood will become special. So if another vampire sucks some of your blood a part of the compressed blood will be shared to them"
"Yes, that is what we were, and it was quite a tragedy what happened to it."

"Most of the stuff over at its base is still in working condition if you would like to use it for anything."

"Anyway, I need to create files on everyone, that way I am prepared, and sorry, but when I mean everyone, I also mean you two."

Williams sprints out and climbs a building to its roof to get to his base.
"Oh I don't need anything I have everything I need, everything in my lab is still working, speaking of files I have-"

"Oh, he left, I guess that leaves us, Spade"
When Williams got to his base, he used his knowledge of computers to establish a connection with Hyde's lab. He already knew the address, all he needed to do was test how it functions. Williams contacted Hyde for a video call so Hyde could finish what he was saying to Williams. "Hyde, are you there? Would you like to finish your sentence?"
"Williams! Yes I can see and hear you loud and clear, anyways, back to my sentence, when I escaped the military base I stole a copy of their database, I have everyone alive's data right here in my computer, I'm sending a copy of it to you right now".
"Great! You have been a help doctor, I will be at my base if you need me." Williams ended the transmission and started off towards his printer to print out the files. He then put them in a secret area for safe-keeping. He also printed posters for this new nation and pasted them outside everywhere.
Dr. Hyde closed the video conference and called another person, but static was making it unclear, everything was black and white.

"Everything is working just as we planned, boss, this Earth will be fixed in no time" Dr. Hyde said to the figure.

"Good, good, make sure you keep it that way, keep in touch"

The unknown figure ended the call.
Williams was morally bored with nothing to do. He had no need to feed, and no need to fight. Williams was so accustomed to doing work all day long. He thought maybe if he used his mega-phone, he would be able to gather the survivors attention! That was it, Williams was gonna safe haven everyone. He got up unto a building and yelled, "Is anyone out there? I have a place where you can sleep on a warm bed! Species of all types accepted! We will rebuild this land!" Williams was satisfied, and waited next to his door for visitors.
*As John walks through the wasteland in the vicinity of the megaphone, he heard a loud, high-pitched feedback before someone's voice called-out. Something about "rebuilding the land" and how "all species is accepted." Weary of the life on the road, John finally decided to intercept the call and started walking towards the structure. As he walks, he argued mentally with his Wolf*

Don't trust the voice so easily. He could be trying to trick you.

Maybe, maybe not. We wouldn't know unless we see the place for ourselves and hear the plan.

You are too naïve, John.

Naïve or not, it's my choice, so stay out of this.

Sorry, can't do that. If you die from your own incompetence, I die with you. And I have no intention of dying.

*The Wolf is finally silent, which is unusual, even for him. Using a scavenged M1 Garand from a museum as a hiking stick, he walked his way to the building in question. When he finally got there, he knocked on the door and waited for an answer*

Reload your gun. With the state of your body, you won't survive long if he decided to fight.

*Without saying anything, John pulled an en bloc clip containing 8 rounds of .30 Caliber shots from his backpack and pushed it into the internal magazine, loading the gun*
Williams opened the door slowly, but then opened it faster when he saw the person. "Why hello Mr........" Williams looks at one of his files in his hands and answers again "Wulfgar. I see, the lone wulf, quite the sharpshooter. POM was almost about to recruit you, which is quite a feat. Do come right in sir, and please take the food and water left on the table over there." Williams points to the table in the background and then beckons for Wulfgar to go right on in.
"How did you-?"

*John jumped back in alarm when he heard his name coming out of a stranger's mouth, his cloak fluttered slightly at the sudden movement. He then scan the man for threats, but only saw his dossier on his hands and a set of unnaturally sharp fangs. Seeing as how his host has yet to try and kill him, John slightly lower the M1, standing upright again. His Wolf is going crazy, inciting him to fighting the man*

He's a threat, a Vampire. Kill him. Butcher him and throw him to the dogs.

Be quiet.

"Before I come in, I want to know of this... This 'plan' to rebuild the Earth."

*John said in his low, raspy voice that sounded almost like that of a whisper*
"Oh dear, sorry for scaring you by saying your name without introducing myself. My name is Williams Dim, and I am aiming to rebuild Earth to its former glory by assembling all humans to form a new society. Don't be alarmed I know your name, by the way. I know everyone's name from these files." Williams points to the files in his hand. "I know, I am a vampire, but that merely makes me stronger. Your wolf voice inside of you wants you to kill me, right? Well that would be suicide, because I know the art of every combat, specifically yo-yo, and even if you dare disarm me, I am capable of a multitude of fighting arts, as well, I know the anatomy of the body, so I know where to strike. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so. Please, we can discuss this inside." Williams once again beckoned for him to go inside.
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