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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Troy sat back on on the bed. "So have you seen anyone else around here?" He took another sip of the water. He started to look through his guns. "So where did the name Merlin came from? It's a interesting name for a dog."
"Other than the raiders, no. And Merlin? My grandad's name. Yeah, my family has weird names, I get it."

Isaac gave a slight chuckle and searched for his bag, taking out his journal and starting to take notes.
Troy noticed that he Isaac has a journal as well. "I see that you have a journal as well." He pulled out his to show him.
"Yeah, only had it for the last few weeks. Just kinda keeps you going, know what I mean?"

Isaac continued to make notes.
Isaac gave a loud yawn, laid down his pencil and sprawled out on the couch next to Merlin. With a couple of taps on his lap, Merlin hopped up and also slept.

"G'night Troy." Isaac said in a tired manor, "We will go and get supplies tomorrow, I am shattered.".

And with that, Isaac slept.
Troy stretch out one more time. "Yeah sleep sounds good." He finished his water and put the journal on the night stand. "Good night." Troy laid there for a minute. Then he finally fell asleep.
Deep Underground: "Ah shit, out of supplies." Hyde said to himself, he dug out through his secret tunnel leading himself to the city.

"Good morning city"

He approached to the nearest store without fear, because he cleared out every zombie in the cluster. "Rotten bananas, donuts, mints, pills.." he said to himself quietly as he grabs the items he needed at the grocery basket. "Ah! Twinkies! My favorite!" he said excitedly as he hogged the supplies room of the store.
Spade was in trouble now. He could take a bullet or two, that was easy being a lycan, but 16 in rapid succession? Spade was beginning to lose his faith. stumbling bloodily in his human form towards a grocery store in hopes of finding something in there that could aid him. Shit! Spade almost barked as he saw someone enter the very grocery store he was heading. Spade had not seen him at first. It's as if he appeared out of nowhere, then Spade noticed the discreet tunnel from which he emerged. Spade couldn't tell if the being was human or vampire. He really hoped it wasn't a vampire. Spade can't stand vamps, and they can't seem to stand him. The lycan hated encountering new people in this now retched world, but this was now survival's only hope, so on he limped; in pain with 16 bullet wounds into the store, hopefully, whomever it was, they won't be startled by the inevitable discovery that Spade is a "werewolf" as the commoner would call him to be, when they see he is still surviving and healing at a much more rapid pace than the average person with so many wounds. Spade breathed in deeply as he entered the store with nothing but the urgency of a stranger's help on his mind.

"H-help, please." Spade mustered when he believed to be within earshot of the stranger.
"What's going on?" Hyde asked the creature as he stood up and cleaned the dirt off his suit. "Ah a lycan! Wounded and bloody" he said to himself. "You obviously need help, here follow me" he said in a positive tone as he asked the creature to follow him in the secret entrance.
Spade was surprised at the stranger's willingness to help someone he didn't know when times are so dangerous. "I got a little mixed up." He coughed, a little blood on his lips. Spade found himself worried, Dangerous Times he thought to himself. This man is a stranger to him as well, who knows what he has going on down in those tunnels. Reluctantly, he followed as cautiously as he could and could not tell whether or not he had showed his reluctance.
The tunnel split into various paths, one lead them to a laboratory, everything was squeaky clean.

"Here take a seat and relax, there's nothing to worry about. Nobody and nothing can find us here" he said to the wounded man.

Dr. Hyde opens a medicine cabinet and takes out several ointments and tools

"Hello friend, my name is Dr. Ryan Hyde. Who might you be and what brought you here?"
Spade felt a little uneasy at the sight of the tools, but only knew that was the only thing that could help at this point. "My name is Spade." He said in between coughs. "I've been travelling, trying to find a new home in this hell." Managing a grimace Spade thought of the life he had previously, working a not so thrilling full time job at a call center for some fortune 500 service provider when he would sit in his office chair and dream of living a nomadic life with no home; a life of travel. Now a steady place to stay seems like a luxury that's much too far away anymore. Spade's grimace soon turned into a frown. "I seem to have made a wrong turn." He coughed. "Got a little banged up by a few bandits out East.


Spade hobbled over to the seat the doctor pointed him towards. He grunted as he removed his jacket and placed it on the back of the chair. "What's my luck I run into a doctor out here, eh?" He smiled and grunted in pain as he sat.
"Ooh you are very lucky, young man" he said to Spade. "This is going to hurt" he said to him he removed a shard from Spade's arm. "Who are these bandits you speak of?"
Spade winced as the Doctor dug into his wounds with his tools. "I couldn't tell you who these bandits were," Spade replied between expressions of discomfort. "they just looked and behaved the part." Spade wished he could tell the truth, he knew exactly who these bandits were, but he wished not to tell the stranger so generously helping him of the now former gang he ran with.

"What about you?" He asked now 3 bullets out of him, another 13 to go, he'd better make some small talk. "What are you doing around these parts? Taking in wounded strangers?"
"Ah, I am a doctor, it is my job to help people, obviously." he erected proudly. "Welcome to my cluster of the city, it's completely clear and zombie, vampire and lycan free, that is.. until you came". "Anyways, welcome to my laboratory!" he said while doing a welcoming gesture. "You are free to enter anytime you like, as long as you aren't hostile and you aren't going to tell anyone about this place, unless the situation requires".
Interesting.... Kurika thought as the group moved into the sector locked down by the crazy doctor he'd seen wondering the streets massacring the creatures that stood in his way leaving a bloody mess in is wake. He turned his attention to the MRE he was cooing in the hot coals that were the remnant of his fire. It's almost ready. He realized and sprinted back from the edge of the skyscraper and grabbed the coal poker he had found inside the apartment building across the street. He hurriedly removed the smoldering package from the hot coals. "Well, you gotta eat." He told himself and looked towards the darkening skies above. This sucks.....
A little startled by the fact that the doctor is aware that Spade is indeed a Lycan, most human's aren't as easily calm when in a Lycan's presence, He winced with another removal of a deeply lodged bullet. "Thanks for the hospitality." Spade grunted. "How long have you been sticking around this place?" He questioned.
"I don't know, I don't really take track of time... Months, I guess?.."

Hyde stared at the quickly healing wounds of the lycan.

"You might be wondering why I'm calm and not afraid of taking anyone in"
Spade raised an eyebrow. He could see the wonderment in the doctor's eyes as he not so subtly stares at the wounds quickly healing. "Yes, I am a little curious as to why you are so willing to help strangers, let alone a Lycan. Not to say I'm dangerous or anything," Spade reinforced, after all, he had a better grip on Lycanism than most other Lycans. "It's just that most Lycans are a little.... Spontaneous." Spade wrapped. "And not to mention, in these times, it's hard to trust anyone."
"I know how you feel.."

Hyde remembers a painful memory of his family's death

"Well, I, Dr. Hyde, used to work for the military, I make formulas and chemicals and whatnot-"

*explains deep complicated scientific stuff*

"Anyways my point is, even if a zombie bites me, a vampire bites me, or a lycan scratches me, I don't get infected"

"I could clear out a field of zombies if I want, but that would be too complicated, it needs alot of resources"
Spade couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at what the doctor was saying. "You've found a way around infection?" He asked, genuinely interested. "How effective is it? Does it just prevent infection, or can it revert it too?" Spade inquired. He was at first thinking for himself. Maybe he can rid these schizophrenic voices in his head established by the lycanism. "Eh, just wondering." Spade said, now remembering how much ahead of the curve the lycanism keeps him in this struggle for survival.
Williams woke up to the tragedy this city is with a grunt. He had vowed to rebuild this world, and he was damn right going to do it. He set off into the city in search of his own kind, sticking to the rooftops to scout for people. He was thirsty, and he needed a human to feed himself. There is one person though that he had kept a file about in his work days. His name was Hyde, military scientist, immune to infection of any kind. This man may have an alternative to blood. Williams went towards the place where he thinks his lab may be, jumping across rooftop to rooftop.
"Why of course it can revert it! If you want I could revert you back to human again!" Hyde said. "But the question is, do you want to be human again? But it's a slightly painful process, and if you want to not be infected you can have my formula, it's not technically medicine but it helps-"
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[QUOTE="Park Vader]"Why of course it can revert it! If you want I could revert you back to human again!" Hyde said. "But the question is, do you want to be human again? But it's a slightly painful process, and if you want to not be infected you can have my formula, it's not technically medicine but it helps-"

[/QUOTE] Just wondering if your character is talking to me or Spade.

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