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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Weakly, but still there, Caroline managed a closed lip smile. She too was still a bit shaken by his entrance. "Well you're welcome here anytime, Ayl." She offered, opening the fridge and peering at the contents inside, her face illuminated with the bright light. Yes, they had electricity. You'd have to know quite a few people and have quite a lot of cash to get it. Caroline reached in and pulled out a carton of orange juice and placed it on the marble island counter. A bag of bread and some ham and cheese were already laid out. Caroline washed her hands with vanilla scented soap and made the ham and cheese sandwich, soon after pouring the orange juice into the shiny clear glass. She would have made one for herself if she hadn't just had a fruit salad. Somewhat swiftly she placed the white plate lined with gold that held the sandwich, along with the juice before she sat herself at the chair opposite him. "You must be tired." Caroline sighed, resting her cheek in her hand.
He eyed the sandwich in front of him, swiftly shifting his sight towards Caroline and back at the food, before slightly nodding his head as a yes. "You have no idea.". He had blood on his pants, boots and some of it on his jacket. So much dried up blood. He even knew who it belonged to. The events of 24 hours ago were still fresh in his memory. How everything seemed fine and went to hell in a matter of seconds. He lost his whole group in that ambush. Joey, Monik, Tara, Hami and the rest... gone one by one. He heard Dove scream to him to run and save his ass while he could. He didn't stop running for 2 hours. His feet hurt, but right now, he had that delicious looking sandwich in his face, and soon as he had snap out of his recolections, he grabbed it and started stuffing it's face like a stray hungry dog. It tasted marvelous. Even a rock would've tasted nice at that point. He gulped it all up, laying back on his back to relax, oblivious to the girl that was watching him. Then, after gainning his pace, he faced the girl once more. "Thanks, you don't know how much I needed that..." there was a certain sadness in his voice,easilly detectable by anyone who paid attention.
Right then, the tall, snobby woman Caroline called her mother strode in. The look she gave Ayl was sinister and cold. Her eyes did not show the same shade as her daughters'. Instead, they were a cold moss green that looked straight through you. It was clear she'd been beautiful back in the day, but it was hard to see through her demon like demeanor. Mrs. Forbes sent one last evil glare at the boy as she took two wine glasses and a bottle of champagne with her to the parlor. Apologetically, Caroline shrugged. Her mom was a total jerk. Soon enough, however she was addressing his thanks with a sincere dimpled sideways smile. "No worries."
He nodded at the girl, smilling slightly. He then remembered he had forgotten his bow in the entrance lobby. He noticed the distant woman's cold and banishing attitude towards him but said nothing about it. How could he? He was the one bathed in blood even more than one of those spawn of evil that had murdered everyone dear to him. But why did he think so much of the past just now? Maybe it was the rain. Damned rain always made him feel down and deplorable. But now he had to focus and stay strong. Rising slightly from the table, his forces coming back to him from the benefit of being fed, he spoke. "I should retrieve my bow from your lobby and be on my way! Sorry for breaking down your door like that...I didn't expect to actually find living,breathing people in it.I won't overstay my welcome any longer. I should get going while...ugh!" he said as he started walking towards the door he bashed earlier on, not getting far before falling to his knees.
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"Wait!" She shot up out of her seat, not bothering to push in her chair. Mrs. Forbes would have to get over that. Caroline followed after him, feeling slightly odd having to literally look up at him as she stood at a small 5'2. "You don't have to go." Carefully, she reached out her delicate hand to grab his arm. Most likely he'd be killed of too, and Caroline wasn't about to let that happen. Not if she could help it. "We have a guest room." She blurted out, chewing her lip nervously at the words. That was possibly the most daring move she'd ever made in her life. She had invited some guy to stay at her house.
Every part of his body hurt as he turned toward the girl that just grabbed his arm. Why was she inviting a total stranger to stay with her in her house? He could be a vicious murderer for all she could know. All the blood sprayed on him would certainly denote as much. But she was different. She wasn't a stuck-up highborn girl. She was compassionate and kind. Hell, who else would've made him a sandwich after he had just met him, all beat up and armed up. "Well...I guess I could stay the night, if your parents wouldn't mind". Another few more coughs prevented him from anymore talk. He'd better not get a God-darned cold just now. He couldn't stand being weak or having to be looked after. Those are the kind of people that die fastest out there. And yet he wondered how did these people still live. They had no security, no impregnable walls, no nothing. And yet here they were. Heck, he didn't even remember how he'd got there in the first place. He stood up, feeling better and turned to the girl. "Are you sure it's allright for me to stay here? I could go. I've survived this far." he spoke again.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Romantic-bedroom-interior-3.jpg.d59f0ee015d7cf1bc35c8b93a6972658.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Romantic-bedroom-interior-3.jpg.d59f0ee015d7cf1bc35c8b93a6972658.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "My parents don't have to know." Was all she simply stated, shaking her head, gingery blonde bangs falling in her eyes. "The house is far to big for them to notice someone in the guest room." She assured him, releasing her grasp. "Besides," Caroline continued, looking straight ahead. "even someone as prepared as you will eventually make one small mistake. Better not take that chance. I insist." She beamed, already leading him up the massive staircase. When they were upstairs Caroline made a left turn and urged Ayl to follow her. After a whole lot of walking they came to a lavishly decorated room that looked as if it had come straight from a castle. Fit for a king, in other words. Caroline quirked her left brow at Ayl, almost as if saying 'You can't refuse that.'



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Before starting to follow the girl up the staircase, he quickly picked up his bow and arrow from the ground, placing them in the quiver on his back. Then he started going up the stairs, careful not to make any noise, as to not put his aider in any trouble. He knew she was playing a rather dangerous game, but the thought of safety was seductive and alluring at such a level that he just couldn't help it but take advantage of it. Caroline took a turn left, and he did not fall behind. Suddenly she opened a door to what seemed like paradise. The last time he saw a room like this was...at home, long ago. His sister's bedroom, as he recalled. He noticed the expression on the girl's face, as he smirked. "Well,it sure is a nice change from the gutters I've had to sleep in so far...". Everything seemed so perfect. This mansion was cut off from everything else. No zombies, no night horrors. Serenity. If only he could convince those snob parents of hers to let him stay. What wouldn't he do for that. For a pause from all the running, hiding and killing. "Thank you...Why are you doing this?" he asked her,curious about her motives.
At that moment Caroline's cheeks subtly went a peachy shade. "Well..I don't think you deserve to die. After all, you didn't kill us when you could've used our house for shelter and food." She scratched the back of her neck coyly, pressing her back up against the open door to the bedroom that Ayl looked at as if it were heaven on earth. She could imagine why, he didn't look like he'd seen a room so welcoming and beautiful in a while. "I'll keep my parents busy and bring you food and water until I can convince them to let you stay." She said, smiling. "My room is at the end of the hallway, it has a gold doorknob." Caroline cocked her head in the direction her bedroom was located. "Tell me if you need anything, ok?" For someone she'd just met her eyes showed she cared. Even if her sisters and parents didn't. "When you do..just don't wake my brother." She added, a sense of importance showing distinctively in her voice. "He's no exactly..human. Let's just say he won't hesitate to suck your blood, even if he prefers females." Caroline had almost foolishly forgotten to mention her older brother, Damon. Cringe.
He was grateful for the hospitality the girl displayed for him, even though he bowed his head a bit laughing at the reason for caring for him. "And what exactly stops me from killing all of you in your sleep and keeping the house for myself?" he smirked at the girl, throwing his hands sideways, so that she could see the blood-soaked clothes he was wearing. "I am most grateful to you for everything,and I will repay my debt to you some way or the other, but do not be so reckless about who you trust. The world is not what it used to be anymore." he ended. Then her last sentence alarmed him. "Oh, so he's a ..." he stopped, not knowing for sure if the word "Vampire" would somehow be offensive to her. After all, night creature or not, it was her brother he was talking about. "Well,that shouldn't be a problem. I'll probably sleep like a baby tonight. You won't have to lie to your parents. I'll leave first thing in the morning, so that you won't have any trouble. I don't want to cause you any problems,Caroline!" he said turning his back to her to glance upon the room once more.
Nicholas with his katana found a mansion with lights on, he quickly took his katana out of his cover and wielded it.

"Survivors, eh?" The 12 year old knocked on the door

"Who's in here!" he shouted. 
Nick knocked again, impatiently.
Flint was grateful for the food and appreciated the company, but now evil thoughts were beginning to creep into his head. I wonder where he keeps the food...Should I shoot these freaks and take this place for myself? "Uh, thanks a lot man I guess I'll stay..." I'm definitely not considering killing you and taking your stuff "...Thanks..." Flint scratched his head in between his cat ears "By the way, uh, I'm a Neko...Kitty...Werecat..." Way to go asshole calling these nice people freaks, even though you're one yourself. Flint picked up his backpack and placed it near an end on the sofa and started relaxing on the sofa.
I smiled at flint

"your wlecome" i walked over to my book pile and picked up my book on werewolfs. i sat down and started reading about how werewolfs can sense other werewolfs.

"hmm convinient" i said continuing my book ignoring eveything around me.
I've finally woken up from my nap. I looked around trying to remember my surroundings. I was in a old apartment on the third floor. I walk towards a window to look out. The sun was still out. I had to think for a second. "Looks like four-thirty in the afternoon. I think." I thought to myself. I walked towards one of the cabinets in the kitchen. When I opened it I see all of my weapons. I grabbed all of them and I checked my ammo in all of them. "I'm almost out in everything." I said to myself. I packed up everything and headed out. I got outside with all my stuff. I looked up and down the street. I saw a familiar looking building. It looks like a gun shop.

I walked down the street towards the shop. I slowly pushed the door open. It was dark and abandoned. I walked in and I saw weapons and ammo everywhere. "Jackpot." I said. About ten minutes later and all of my guns are full and ready to go. I also have enough ammo to last at most eight months. That's if I don't shoot anything. But that idea changed. When I walked out I heard so e raspy breathing. I looked towards my left and there's a zombie. I pulled out my colt and aimed for its head. I looked at me and it charged at me. I shot him twice in the chest. It was five feet away when I finally hit its head. And instantly on impact it stopped and it fell. The gun made echoes that could heard smiles away. I looked around checking if there's more of them. None in sight. For now. So I started walking away from the sight.
'rey read the next paragraph'

"umm okay" i mumbled to myself "werewolfs might not seem like the lovin type but they usually fall in love with the first werewolf they see of the different sex"

'so rey you are you thinking about'

"no i don't like sam"

'and what if you do'

"this book can't be right"

'everything else in it is'

i quickly closed the book not wanting to read anymore and stood up. "i'm going for a walk"
Caroline smiled humorously, slowly shutting the door behind her as she looked back over her shoulder at Ayl. A few seconds later she called out behind. "Because you're not foolish enough to harm me when my brother is happy to suck the moisture from you." She mused in a sing song voice, trotting off down the hall with fiery strawberry blonde silky strands swishing along her back. She reached her bedroom and slipped in, shutting the door behind her and collapsing to her bed. It smelled of fabric softener and her perfume. Caroline turned her head to peer at the bottle of her Angel Victoria's Secret perfume. There were a few others but that by far was her favorite. Around it were some birthday cards she'd received from family over the years, a lavender frame that held a picture of her and her brother, and a matching one only holding an image of her parents. Along with a few lipglosses, a mascara bottle and some milk white powder for her milk white skin. Caroline squinted her eyes at the color name. Moonlight. Great, her skin was the color of moonlight. Why couldn't she just get a decent tan like everyone else? Just because there were vampires in her family didn't mean she had to suffer too. A groan was muffled into her pillow as she thought she hadn't came off as friendly enough to Ayl.
Nick stopped knocking on the door and walked away. On the way on the scratchy graphite road, he heard unsuspected groans and hid behind a crooked car. Crap! Why don't you get ANYTHING Nick! Just kill me now God. The groans got louder and louder. The only way out was the river 400 feet down off the interstate. He had a thought! Why don't I get in the car and hide on the floor! Nick was skinny so he could fit. He slowly opened the door to the car and hid in the front-passenger seat leg room. Ew, it smells in here. Next to him, was a horrid smell of a rotten walker. He threw his Katana in the face of it and quickly brought the Katana back. Now the groans were all around him, quieter, due to the fact he was inside of a locked car with a rotten dead walker in the drivers seat. As the groans past, zombies climbed the car. What the fuck? How are they this smart!?! Don't let them see me....! The horde had past and he was safe, and he quietly exited the passenger seat and left the disgusting car.
Watched as she departed, closing the door behind her just as he heard her last reply. "Indeed, the idea of being sucked dry of blood by some homoglobine-addicted freak is not such a pleasant idea!" Ayl thought for himself. "Good night!" he replied, even though now was too late, as the girl had probably already left the immediate vicinity, no longer able to hear him. "God, what a night! Better get this blood-soaked clothes off of me. I wonder whether that door over there leads to a bathroom, I could really use a good shower!" he said in a slow voice, as he approached the door, opening it cautiously, ending up in the place he wished to find forever since this madness started: a clean bathroom, with running, pure water! Tonight was his lucky night. He quickly undressed and put his clothes aside as he turned on the water in the magnificent shower and let it wash away his dirtyness and memories. He felt as a newborn, the water shielding him from any bad thoughts that held dominion over his mind for the past weeks. "God, how I've needed this!" he whispered to himself, drunk with pleasure.

After what seemed like seconds, but was actually a half an hour, he climbed out of the bath, grabbing a nearby towel to dry himself up. Then, he reached for his backpack in the room, and took out his last set of clean clothes he had. The others were either ripped to shreads, bloodied or just plain dirty from all the places he crawled under to avoid those damm ghouls. Ghouls. The repelling effect of the shower now weaved off, leaving him susceptible to the horrors still fresh in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about them, his companions who died in the old office building, while he ran away. Was he a coward to do so? But what could've he done? Die with them? How would that have helped anybody? But still, he should've at least try to save someone else...."
Bah,I'm about to go nuts!" another thought echoed in his mind." I must get some sleep, right now!" he concluded, as he literally crashed in his bed, shutting off the light beforehand. "Finally, some rest..." was his last sentence before the Mistress of the Night had taken away all his sense, leaving him in a deep slumber, sweeter than all the cakes in a pantry combined.
I didn't know where i was going but i was going somewhere.

'rey its getting dark'


'just go back yo don't know if she like you or not'

"i'm not worried about her liking me"

'then what'

"this is not m i don't like people i just... changed"

'we can talk about tis at the treehouse but you have a broken arm and you only brougt a machette with you just go back'

"do yo believe in love at first sight"


"do you believe in love at first sight"

'i guess why'

"i think the book was right"

'rey run now'

i didn't hesitate to follow orders so i darted towards the treehouse. i heard a whimper like a dog. i turned arond to see a light brown dog that was just smaller than shadow. i looked injured it had cut all ove it's back.

"wy did you tell me to run it's just a dog"

'i didn't know what it was'

i kneeled down to the dog to inspect its cuts.

"hey you can come home with me" i said standing up and starting towards the treehouse with a new dog following.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2e5e11a_RosetteIcon.jpg.67c88d033a42e77bb9adf8d86a1286c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2e5e11a_RosetteIcon.jpg.67c88d033a42e77bb9adf8d86a1286c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2e64950_RosettesCatFormIcon.jpg.2bdf6e569b79b0da76ae2cf95d3e45e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf2e64950_RosettesCatFormIcon.jpg.2bdf6e569b79b0da76ae2cf95d3e45e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

R o s e t t e

E v e r m o r e

~ ? ~

Rosette couldn't be happier to have changed into a Neko at times like this. What time exactly? Nighttime, of course. Those who morphed into Nekos have the ability to see better at night just like a cat could, and they even have a very keen sense of smell. That always came in handy in Rosette's eyes, for she could smell the scent of
rotting corpses from quite the distance. Not to mention, she could even transform into a cat if she desired. And, as of right now, she did. She loved transforming into a black kitten in the middle of the night, being that if she needed to travel, she was less likely to be noticed. She had a dark, silky coat, and her steps were as silent as could be. Her kitten form is quite small, as well, so that added to the blend. Also, because of her practical night vision, she could avoid noisy objects lying about the streets--such as cans, paper bags, and other objects that make sound upon being stepped on--as to not attract attention. Her adorable form was very useful in these times, so she wasn't going to complain.

She was out hunting for food earlier that evening, but before she knew it, the sun was already setting over the horizon. She had left her weapons in the house she was holding up, so in a flurry, she transformed into her feline form and began on her way back home. She didn't find much food anyways, but perhaps she wasn't meant to. The house she was staying in already had enough to begin with; Rosette just preferred to be prepared for a while. Those poor folks.. She thought with a soft exhale. She remembered how pitiful it was. It seemed like those folks had just settled down in that house, only to be swarmed by zombies. They only had the time to consume one of their meals, leaving so much food behind. Perhaps they let their guard down after scoring such a home, taking the time to celebrate. However, they simply.. Celebrated too soon. When Rosette arrived, the couple were zombies along with the four that had jumped them. She could smell the ever-so familiar rotting scent, so she was prepared for a fight to start off with.

With her automatic pistols in hand, her double daggers in the sheaths strapped along her thighs, and her twin swords in the sheaths wrapped in a crisscross fashion along her back, she was ready to fight. Rosette's back-to-back kill record? A group of twelve zombies that decided to swarm her at the last house she was at. She got lucky, for she was almost bitten by one of them - the last, to be precise. However, she got him with a dagger to the top of the head, hitting him where it hurt the most. With that, he went down with no further aggression. The six zombies Rosette faced that night was nothing, being that she already had a battle plan. Kill a few with her guns at a range (unless she could smell other zombies nearby), and then take the rest out with either her twin swords or double daggers. However, when she reached the couples who recently changed, she was a little hesitant. They weren't as rotten or bloody as the others, so she could tell they were freshly bitten. With a heavy heart, she ended their reign, as well.

Now, the fully stocked house was Rosette's to take care of. She hasn't had a house like this to stay in for a long time, so it was a refreshing change of pace. Unlike the owners before it, Rosette made sure to secure the place before getting too comfortable. She set up a string of cans along the front doors, making sure that if her senses ever failed her, she could hear something approaching. She also took the time to board up the windows, as well as make sure all of the doors had working locks on them. After that, Rosette was all set. The people from before actually bothered to clean up the place, so it was even better. Whenever Rosette returned in her cat form, transforming back so she could open the door, she couldn't help but smile a saddened beam. They must have been planning to settle down here, huh? She thought with a sigh. She silently vowed, then, to take care of this place while staying here. She knew it wouldn't be wise to get attached to a place, but being the kindhearted soul she is, she wanted to at least upkeep it for the next visitor.

With that, she locked the door behind her and relaxed on the living room couch.
What a night, she thought to herself, though it was uneventful compared to some others. I wonder if they have running water here? Her sea-green eyes began to twinkle fervently. Shower! She rushed down the hall to the bathroom. With a hopeful stare, she slowly turned on the hot water. She half expected it to run brown or red like all of the muddy and rusty water before her, but when he ran clear, she let out a breathy and relieved laugh. "This is so awesome," she shook her head in disbelief. With that, she quickly undressed and hopped into the warming water, enjoying every second of it. She washed off the blood and grime from her body that had accumulated over the days, and after a moment, she noticed a bar of soap lying on the side of the tub. No way, she thought with an excited beam. She then rewashed herself, feeling even cleaner than before. Unlike popular belief, this cat really enjoys being in the water. She's more like a tiger, she supposed.

After washing up, and making sure the house was secure, Rosette decided it was time for a nap. So, with a content smile, waving tail, and a sweet, sweet purr, she laid down on the couch--for she wanted to be closer to the door in case anything happened--and allowed herself to unwind. Within a few minutes, she fell asleep contently.



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"черт побери!" Lark cursed to herself in Russian. Lark just woke up from a coma and had a huge headache. Slowly sitting up from where she was laying on the floor, Lark's memory gradually came back to her. She had left Russia, she was now in America, the apocalypse had started, and she was all alone. Lark stood up and grabbed her sniper rifle off the floor. "People, there has to be people somewhere" she thought to herself, "I can't be the only one who survived this mess!". And off she went looking for survivors.
Nick thought someone was coming. Footsteps lurked. And lurked. And lurked. He came across a girl with blueish-whitish hair and pale skin. He backed up with his katana. Someone already? Wait a minute... Is that a freaking sniper! He stepped on a piece of gravel and it made a large sound.
Slowly Eliana's eyelids lifted, revealing the brilliant, softly colored blue eyes that held more secrets than anyone could imagine. Just as slowly she blinked three times to clear the sleep from her eyes. At first blurry, she soon realized she was staring up at an old stone ceiling of some sort. Cracks ran through the ceiling, and a piece of it seemed as though it would fall at any given second. Mother?

Seeing no movement, Eliana slowly turned her head to the right, feeling as though she might have been an old withered tin man finally trying to move after rusting away, almost as though her bones were stiff enough to grind and creak against each other. Still there was no answer, and her gaze shifted to another stone wall, moss and vines seeming to grow up towards the ceiling as if it had something to give. When she turned her head to the left side, it was the same ordeal.

With a twitch of her index finger of her right hand, she realized it was hanging off whatever was supporting her back, and she slowly curled her hand into a fist, just as slowly doing the same with her left hand a few moments later.
Father? Though she asked in thought, she expected an answer. Yet there was none. Had she truly been abandoned? What had happened in the first place?

Weakly her slender, pale hands moved to the edge of the stone table she laid on, so she could push herself up carefully to a sitting upright position. Her long, soft pink hair flowed down to nearly her waist, and she was dressed in a paper white summer dress one could guess, thin straps holding it up while it went down to a few inches below her knees, in the middle of her shins.

When she shifted her lower half to gently move her legs off of the side of the cold stone table she laid on, she was momentarily paused when her foot touched the soft, plush touch of moss. At first retracting, Eliana slowly lowered both of her feet, and the feeling was heavenly. She felt as though the vines that had collected on the floors brushed against her ankles purposely as if to welcome her as graciously as they could, and after resting a moment she managed to stand. At first she was wobbly, and nearly fell, but she quickly regained her balance, easily compared to a child first learning to walk.

When she stepped away from the stone table, she could see the entire room quite well. Vines, moss, and other various plants covered the place, and all of them seemed to have been reaching for where she'd been laying. Was anyone there?

Light suddenly flickered into her eyes and she flinched away, quickly placing an arm over both of her eyes as a shield, trying to peer past however. And slowly her eyes adjusted, and she could see outside. Walking over in a surprisingly lightly footed manner, Eliana wrapped her fingers around a cold stone brick, a crack which poured in light right above it, and with a soft, gentle pull, the brick fell to the floor, though she quickly stepped away in fear of having a foot crushed. With a few more bricks pulled she could easily slip through, and she did. As soon as she did her feet were met by the same soft, cool sensation of grass brushing against her feet. When she looked up, she could see the sky just barely through the tops of the tall trees.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Pink.jpg.f78131e79d5c82134c35b7e279102215.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Pink.jpg.f78131e79d5c82134c35b7e279102215.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lark jumped at the sound of something moving her Russian military instincts kicked in. She quickly spun around and aimed her sniper towards the direction of the sound. "Show yourself" Lark firmly stated in her Russian accent. "Please be a human, please be a human" Lark said to herself.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf30180ac_RosettesCatFormIcon.jpg.6a26f0750b26bd2dd7512c0f9f11602b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf30180ac_RosettesCatFormIcon.jpg.6a26f0750b26bd2dd7512c0f9f11602b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

R o s e t t e

E v e r m o r e

~ ? ~

Rosette could see a little bit of sunlight peeking through the boards over the windows. Morning already, huh? She thought as she purred contently, stretching out her stiff limbs. "That means it's safe to go outside~" She spoke the rest of her thoughts out loud, and then she hopped on off of the couch she slept on. "And, today, I'm graced with breakfast~ How nice~" she cheered for herself, and then began roaming the cabinets. These guys really knew how to stock up, because they had canned Ravioli, Beefaroni, Spaghetti-Os, Peanut Butter, Jelly, some bread that actually wasn't molding, and even some soups. However, as soon as she saw the nutrition and breakfast bars, she was hooked. Man, I don't know if I'm going to be able to give this place up! She thought with an almost cat-like smile, choosing one of the strawberry flavored bars for her meal. As she opened the deliciousness and took her first bite, she felt like she was on cloud nine. "This is so yummy~!" She exclaimed gleefully. She hadn't eaten for a couple days, so having all this was the best stroke of luck she could have possibly received.

She soon finished her breakfast bar, savoring each and every bite of it along the way. Once she was full, she decided to go on and head out, exploring the area around. This place was a little far from the city, being that it seemed to be a little country home in the middle of nowhere. If Rosette could find some crops and/or seeds somewhere around, she could start growing her own food. She remembered her and her parents experimenting with that, and though it hurt to think about them, she always tried to remind herself of the good times. It made the thought of them becoming... Those
things a little more bearable, while also justifying the reason behind why she ended their lives--if you can even call that living. With a sigh, she tried her best to push those thoughts out of her mind. "Don't think like that, Rosette," she scolded herself aloud, "You'll only discourage yourself, and that's not what they would have wanted." All of what she said was entirely true, and with her new-found resolve, she walked out the door with her favorite weapons in hand. You could never let your guard down, even in daylight.

Rosette began exploring about, shifting in her cat form to add to her speed a little bit.
I wonder what's around here, she thought to herself, when soon she came to a rather peculiar looking place. It almost appeared like an ancient winery, the building aged with vines and moss. Though some people who hate such plants would consider it disgusting, Rosette saw it as stunning. The place was surrounded by an array of trees, which gave the place a lot of shade, but not enough for zombies to roam about in it. With her small kitten mouth, she smiled, and pranced over to the place swiftly and silently. The closer she got to the building, however, she noticed a figure crawling out from the building itself. With a soft and surprised meow, Rosette backed up slightly, a little hesitant to go any further. Is that a zombie? Rosette began in shock, but then again, they could be residing in the building itself. However, it wasn't. She could see a mane of pink, and eyes of sky blue. She didn't look like one of them at all, which immediately relaxed Rosette. Casually, she approached her in her cat form, meowing contently as she did so.

In a matter of seconds, Rosette transformed back into her Neko form, and faced the girl with her new, human-like face. Her pink tail waved back and forth contently.
"Hello there~" Rosette began in a chipper, energetic tone.

"I'm Rosette Evermore! And, you are?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf301b52c_RosetteIcon.jpg.4ccac9fdf67400996b65de8ca36d07e0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf301b52c_RosetteIcon.jpg.4ccac9fdf67400996b65de8ca36d07e0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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