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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Lexi watched the man punch the other one right in jaw. It was a pretty good hit, but she ,particularly, would've went for the nose.

"Clearly you have everything under control here." She joked.

"Really, you have two grown men fighting over some girl, a girl crying by the car, its kind of like your own reality show."

"Im Lexi" She looked at him hard for a minute with her hazel eyes. She knew this leader type personality and knew that nothing ever worked out while trying to be the hero.

"Your name?"
Ven watched Aleks in mild disbelief, feeling his hand wipe some of her tears away. She would never have thought he would have actually considered her explication. Even if it wasn't the best one. She let out a breath, not saying anything about his response. She watched him walk off, leaving her alone to vent her grief. She had stopped him from trying to kill Victor but she didn't know how long that would last. She didn't know how long any of this would last. Deciding on not long, she moved to the car opening the back door to see Lyric and Lupin.

"Hey boy."

She whispered, petting his head softly. Grabbing Lyric, she pulled her not so conscious body into the passenger seat of the car laying her in the upright position. Ignoring Aleks, she pulled Ali out of the backseat. She was worn out, but she wasn't going to bury her sister here. Placing her into the back seat of the car, she made sure Lupin had gotten out before laying Ali down. Taking a breath, she shut the door looking at her dog who licked at her pants.

"Lupin, go find Victor and stay with him for a bit."

She said quietly looking like she was going to collapse. The dog barked in refusal, following Ven as she made her way to the drivers seat. Repeatedly barking in protest of her driving.
G stood up, put his hands on his stomach and let out a loud laugh. It was a deep laugh coming from the stomach, shaking his whole body.

"Rectal exam!?" he managed to get out while continously laughing.

He did not even know it was funny himself, but something about the persons look, a guilt mixed anger just made the whole thing funny.

"It already looks like you have had yours! I do understand that you do not trust me, i did not ask you to trust me either. I only asked you to trust yourself, and your weapons. Also, the way you were coming from is a dead town, yes. But when scouting the area i saw another one, not far from here. And it was that one i meant. I understand it can feel very strange having me standing here almost giving you advice on how to manage with, what you now need to manage, but no that is not the case. I am sorry if i offended you, it was not meant that way. I simply hoped that there were some people who enjoyed putting the restless to sleep, scavanging areas and hoping you find a bottle of beer. But, it might just be me. If you are up for it, let me know, i will just go talk to the others and then be off, i don't like big groups anyway, two maybe three is what i can handle. I really do not like people, they are so full with, emotions and drama."

G walked back to the others, and was surprised to see when he turned the building when he saw the girl with a dog. He stopped for a second, looking at it and was simply baffled. He had not seen a dog in many many days. But he did not want to pet it, if it might bite there might be a serious infection, and judging from the barks there was either something it didn't like, or someone. No matter he left the girl and the dog, they apparently needed to talk some things out.

The other person that had come in as he had came in stood and talked to someone, he went there and asked;

"So where did you come from girl?"
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Lexi saw the man approach her that oh so conveniently arrived around the same time. He asked me where I was from... really?

"I came from the nearby town, it was a real disaster. I figured that there might be a little bit more for me here."

"I saw the commotion riding by and figured it was going to get dark soon and perhaps this might be a valuable shelter for a night."

Lexi looked at the man taking in his features, she looked in his eyes for a moment and saw pain, the same pain that felt so familiar to her.

"I haven't been around people in quite sometime, I usually care to travel alone actually, its usually easier that way.."

"Im Lexi, you are?"
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G studied the girl in front of him. She was pretty for someone who had spent a lot of time out in the field.

He listened to her and got her name, Lexi.

"Hello Lexi, I'm G"

"You are not alone of being used to be alone. But why did you leave the last town? What made it a disaster?

Are you born around here?"

Even though G did not spend much time with people, he was always fascinated by their stories of how they became who they are right now.

"I understand this is an odd question coming from a random stranger, but i never can get enough of the stories lying behind cold stone killers. And saying that we are anything else would be a lie, don't you think?" He smirked while saying this.

He was happy with the life that had become, the life he had had before was not something he wanted to live again.
Lexi looked at him "G, huh?"

"I understand the interest, but I would need a beer and a lot more time to tell you how I became like this."

"I agree were killers, but I'm just doing what I have to do to stay alive."

Lexi smiled at him, he had a nice charm in a weird way.

"But you've been asking all of the questions so whats your story, killer?"
He smiled from seeing her smile. It was something that spread to other people he felt like.

He knew that the question would come back to him, even though he had no real reply to it.

"My story huh? I am not sure that is something that you want to know at this point. That is also something to be shared over a beer, or ten. My story is not the brightest story, even for this world. So, if we ever end up finding a couple of beers, or a bottle of rum, we can share war stories and have a great time, what do you say Lexi?"

He needed to talk to the others in this, so called group, and make a decision weather to run or to stay. Right now, this felt like an unstable group that would not last longer than a couple of weeks, and if it did, it would be torn apart by internal intrigues. But he wasn't sure, so he stood watching the others while trying to listen to the girl as well. He was a rather good multitasking person, so she did not notice him "spying " on the others, at least he thought so.
Lexi looked at him and his smile for a moment.

"Yeah, let me know if you find a bar" she laughed.

She wanted to stay one night with the group and make a judgement call in the morning to stay or leave.

"So wanna start setting up for the night?" She asked him.
Victor got outside to the yard. He was about to tell everyone that this house was pretty secure so they could at least move in for the night when he saw Ven get in her car with her sister's body in the backseat; Lyric's unconscious body all seemed to be along for the ride. Lupin was whining and barking at her; Ven looked ready to take off. Victor had no idea what to do anymore, this was a situation that he never had to deal with. But he was at odds with everyone else and Ven was the only one that was remotely nice to him. Victor had to at least try.

Victor walked up to Lupin and gave him a good rub between the ears. The husky stared at him for a moment with his ice blue eyes. Ven looked defeated and Victor didn't know if he had it in him to pick her back up, but maybe it was something that he needed to do for himself.

In a soft voice Victor bent down and said, "Looks like Lupin's upset with you. When I found him, I didn't expect you just to leave him with us idiots." Victor joked lightly and continued, "I know there's something you feel like you need to do, but you don't need to do it alone. I can't even begin to fathom what you're going through; but we have you're back whenever you need." Victor patted between Lupin's shoulders to show that he would watch out for Lupin and they would wait for her.

Victor pushed his hair back, "I wish I knew what to say or do to make this all better, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try. If you need to go, I can wait for you or I can help. I won't walk away if you need anything."

Victor gave Ven one last reassuring smile. He knew he was being stupid for even offering this much help. Victor just wanted to help and belong somewhere for once. He moved back and held Lupin, ready for Ven to drive off or say anything.
G stood and watched the others. Did he belong here? Did he really?

He felt as if he had no idea what to say or do anything. He was just a crazy killer in most peoples eyes.

What would he do in a group? Create a ruckus?

Watching the others, he felt a big clump in his chest. Was that all he was? A killer? He wished it not true. He wanted to be more than that, he wanted to, to belong somewhere. He needed to try, at least try to fit in somewhere, not to create any problems for more people.

He decided to man the F up, he raised his voice so they could all hear him.

"I am terribly sorry for raising my voice and making you all listen to me and my, nonsense. But, i have a request. And i know, this request might be a bit crazy and something you are not used to. But, i really feel the need to ask no matter what the answer will be. For those of you who have not met me, you can call me G. I am standing here, for the first time among people for a very, very long time. I have before tried being in groups. But it has never worked out for me because of the human factor in this world, people are greedy. But when seeing you all here, somehow, connected to each other, caring for each other and just being a big...well something like a family. I miss that, i truly do, i feel an ache in my chest, the need to belong somewhere, to do good. I don't want to stroll around, mindlessly killing anymore. I ask of you, to take me with you. I do not ask you to trust me, i do not ask you to put your lives in my hands or even the smallest piece of food that you have, not for now. All i ask for, is a chance, a chance to belong."

He lowered his voice again, let it die out in the warm late afternoon breeze, standing there and watching the others, face after face, waiting for some kind of reaction. But the reaction came on him first, he blushed. He had to look down in the ground, not being able to meet any of the gazes from the others. He crossed his fingers and hoped, hoped for all he could.
Jax nodded. "Fair enough. Jax is the name." The woman said that she sees through him. He doubted that. Instead he nodded at G. "Alright. We need to find and shelter and fortify it. With all of us. We will hold." He saw Aleks and Victor get into a fight. But he didn't intervene. These two needed to figure it out. It's been boiling over forever now and its at it's point. He nodded and expected the house. It was a nice durable 2 story house. Plenty of space. He walked in. He checked every room for dead or vampires. Satisfied, he turned to the others.

"I think we should lay low here. Fortify the place and get supplies." He sat down in the couch, shoulder hurting. A lot has happened in the last few hours. They all need to calm down and focus.

(Sorry, Guardians and errands were today. And I'm at work. I'm always busy. I'm trying, you can use Jax if you want.)
Lexi listened as G made his speech, she was impressed. She felt the same way, that for once in a long while it might be nice to be with a group, even if it was going against her survival strategy.

But who was she kidding.. the life she was living by herself was not really living, just on autopilot, just surviving.

She noticed him blush after it all and she found it awfully endearing, when she looked at him she couldn't see a killer just a man with good intentions and bad luck.

She hoped that they would let him in open arms, and probably her too.

She looked at Jax on the couch

"Can I have my shotgun back?"


"And if you could use another asset to the team, id love to join, if welcome of course. "

Lexi smiled and hoped for the best.
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Jax lookd and nodded. "By all means take your gun. And we could all use the extra hands abd weapons." He smiled slightly and went to get Lyric. He saw Ven with her sister but chose not to disturb her. He gently picked up Lyric and carried her to the house. He laid her down on the couch.

Jax walked out. Looking at Lexi, "Want to help me get some boards and other supplies? We can search these houses." He wasn't afraid of anything jumping at him. But better take someone with him. To be safe and to find out about their new member.
"Hell yeah." Lexi said, accepting the invitation to search houses.

She grabbed her shotgun and threw her glock 35 on her hip.

"Im pretty new to the area, so a little exploration sounds like a good time...But I'm surprised Mr. Hero doesn't think he can do it on his own.." Lexi teased.

She smirked at him, jumped off the side of the couch, and glided to the door.
"I wasn't going to leave him."

Ven whispered looking down at her dog. She had her key in the ignition ready to peel out of there at a moments notice. She cast a glance at Victor, almost shutting the door on his face. This was not the time to spout Jax logic at her. Ven didn't need it and she certainly did not with to speak with Victor after what happened with Aleks. held Lupin back who seemed to whimper in a pleading way. Adjusting the rear view mirror Ven looked behind her at the two new people talking. Looking back to Victor she shook her head, opening the back seat for Lupin to hop in. Running in, Lupin barked happily, laying down on the floor of the car. Ven pulled the back door closed followed by her own car door. Turning the key in the ignition she let out a sigh, rolling up the window and locking the car. She wasn't doing this with Victor, he knew nothing about her and she wasn't in the mood to share.
Lexi saw a girl in her car, clearly about to leave.

She walked over to the window and knocked on it..

"I don't know you or your situation, but I've noticed you're leaving in quite the hurry. So Id like to offer you a piece of advice. Running from problems doesn't solve them, and you'd be blind if you didn't see what a good thing you have here, but its your call."

With that Lexi smiled at the girl and returned to the door where she was waiting for Jax.

"Anyday now.." she mumbled.
Glaring at the girl it took every ounce of her willpower not to open up the door and bash her face into the concrete ground. Ven's hands tightened on the steering wheel another wave of rage replacing the depression.

"Running away? I'm burying my sister, that's not fucking running."

Ven hissed through her teeth, not loud enough to be heard out side. Seeing her walk away, she almost backed up on the girl as she walked behind the car to head back towards the new house.

Taking a deep breath she held back another wave of getting out and shooting her in the back.

With this image fresh in her mind, she put her car in gear trying to just shrug off any and all thoughts of murdering the bitch. This wasn't her business.

She had no place to comment on what she was doing.

Especially if she was going to make sure her sister had the resting place she deserved.
Jax followed Lexi, taking his normal pistol, his magnum. And his knife. He turned back to Lyric. "I'll be back soon." He turned and walked out to see Lexi talk to Ven. He pointed towards the house on the other side of the street.

"Let's move out. Stay quiet and alert. We are looking for anything to strengthen our defense. Wood planks, steel wall panels. Anything. And we are looking for general supplies." He walked towards the house and unsheathed his knife. Ready for anything.

"Do you have a knife?" He said as he got to the door. They didn't need to make any noise.
Don't kick her ass, Lexi thought. You just got here..

"Well Jax keep me away from her, because I will put her in her place... Does she think other people haven't been through hard times?" Lexi said aloud clearly irritated "Welcome to the new world, if you weren't ready to deal with it you should've stayed inside.." She cut her self off.

"Yes I have a knife she pulled one out of the side of her boot"

That little girl had made her enraged, perhaps she did overstep her boundaries,but she was just trying to help. She doesn't know the half of it, so I dare her to speak to me like that again. Dead sister or not. Welcome to the knew world, where pity was far and few between because everyone has suffered loss, and probably far more than that.
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Victor's words echoed in his head. Aleks never had the thought cross his mind but it was painfully obvious that Victor spoke with truth. His childlike mind couldn't bring his focus towards the bigger picture, that they were in the apocalypse and that the group had to keep each other alive, not fight over small matters like girls. He slammed his palm against the truck door, once and not as forceful as he'd like to be, pushing himself from his leaning position after he let some steam out.

Some words grabbed his attention, making him turn his head towards a new girl, talking to Ven through the car door. From where he stood he could only make out, "I've noticed you're leaving in quite the hurry."

Slight alarm went through his system. If Ven was actually leaving, she was about to go by herself, out somewhere alone, where anything could happen to her. Once the girl left to join Jax, Aleks walked up to the car, stopping himself at the passenger door. Trying the handle, he met a locked door. Despite what he was feeling, he couldn't let Ven go alone, his humanity begged him to do so. Persistent, he lightly knocked on the window.
Jax looked at her. "Look, no need to cause trouble. Let her grief. She at least deserves that. But for now. Focus. Don't make any loud noises. And don't use your flashlight unless you have to."

He crept in and took out a few dead and walked in. "Let's go." He said as he moved deeper into the house.
Hearing the knock, she snapped from her murderous thoughts to see Aleks standing by the locked car door. Without a word, Ven leaned over and unlocked his door. Figuring that she'd take whatever he was going to yell at her about and then deal with it when she came back. Still seething, she put her seat belt on not looking at him. Her fingers were white as she gripped the steering wheel with as much force as she could muster.

Giving him a glance, she sat there completely silent waiting for his two-bits about her leaving. All she wanted to do was put her sister's body to rest and everyone thinks she's abandoning. Though that girl had no place in her life. To say something like that no matter the intent pissed her off.
The distinctive clunk of the door unlocking allowed him to release a small breath of relief. Aleks opened the door and slid into the passenger seat, the somber, but awkward silence immediately descending on him as he did so. Ven didn't say anything and the car didn't move, looking from his peripheral vision, he saw Ven looking at him, expecting him to say something. Aleks continued to take an interest in his knees, feeling a little shame, a little regret.

Not being able to take the silence he looked over to her.

"I...couldn't let you go out alone."

He didn't finish the sentence but in his mind he couldn't lose Ven. He almost fully expected her to say something along the lines of 'I'm not yours to lose!'

Not able to bring himself to say anything else he turned his gaze back towards the windshield.

(( Alrighty...sitting in the theatre...can't do much for the next 2 hours. ))
Lexi saw a couple dead to her right and took them out with ease.

Lexi put her game face on, and she crept along behind him.

" okay boss, not my first rodeo though" she mumbled as she rolled her eyes.

So she crept into the darkness behind an unknown man into an unknown house. She couldn't help but look at his butt though, it's been awhile she laughed to herself.
Blinking, she fought back the wave of confusion that rolled over her. Lupin rested his chin on the arm rest between the driver and passenger. Barking happily at the two, though he seemed to be wondering when they were going to keep moving. Locking her doors, she put the car into drive slowly pressing on the gas. She ran her fingers through her hair, looking a little distant as she drove staying at 40 because she knew Aleks hated cars.

"Afraid I'd end up like my sister?"

She asked flatly. It didn't have its usual twang of humor though evident she was trying. She was still hurting from his comment about Ali having died by her hands. It was a line he shouldn't have crossed. Rolling her window down she allowed some fresh air into the vehicle another sigh escaping her. She moved a glance over to Aleks wondering what was going through his mind.

Taking her forest colored eyes away from him, she analyzed the small town looking for a place that would have sold dried wood and lighter fluid. Pulling up to an abandoned gas station she shut the car off trying to judge if it was safe or not. The wood was outside but the lighter fluid would be inside if they had any. She took the keys out of the ignition and unlocked the car but didn't move.

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