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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

His hands on her shoulders just made her even more angered. Shrugging him off, she sent a look at Jax.

"Put the fucking gun away. I can handle myself."

Her gaze snapped to Victor, "Don't touch me."

Pushing away from the two she found herself standing in front of Aleks. Her rage almost melted, almost. Tears felt like they were going to pour out but she held them back. The sight of his knife clutched in his hand and his distant look made her hate herself even more. The only person who would ever understood what this all meant to her and she blew it. Might as well just let one of these vamps rip her heart out. Bringing her mind back to her sister, she forced her way down the stairs and towards the basement door. Moving down the dank steps she loaded another arrow, flipping on the light. It flickered eerily, the basement being the quietest place in the house only her footsteps making noise. Searching the basement, she couldn't help herself.


Ven called out, moving slow as she tried to find out where she was being kept. A door at the end of the basement opened, revealing a girl a little shorter then Ven with the same red hair. Her blue eyes weren't visible in the shadows of the basement, but Ven knew who she was as soon as she saw her. Lowering her bow, a few tears slipped through her barrier. Stumbling forward, she dropped her weapon reaching out towards the figure like she was going to hug her.

"I've been-"

The girl looked up, her blue eyes gazing at her with a hunger Ven had never seen before. The girl smiled, toothy fangs sticking from between her lips as she grinned. Ven couldn't move, heart refusing to believe that she had been too late. That the only family she had left was gone.
Victor was defeated. He had no idea where all this had come from, but his feelings of not belong to the group was not helping. Victor felt chastised as Jax tried to decided what was best and Ven scolded him for touching her. He wouldn't understand what was going on with everyone, but he would be there to support them for the time being. He looked over to the side to the stranger trying to get their attention, but he didn't feel like saying anything to anyone new.

The group followed Ven into another room where there was a little version of Ven. Realization hit Victor like a ton of bricks. He finally knew why Ven was adamant to get through this house. And just as quick, the little girl revealed her nature and was on top of Ven. Victor leapt forward and grabbed the little girl, pinning her against the wall. He tried to hold the little girl without hurting her and without letting her get to him.

He reared his head back and called, "Help me hold her down!"

((Heading out with friends, so feel free to move Victor as need be.))
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G heard a cry; "Help me hold her down!"

He ran in to the room he had seen the strangers enter. On the floor he saw someone sitting over a little red haired pale girl. He understood this was a vampire, or some hybrid. He took two long steps forward, sheathing his weapons in the process, putting a hand gently on the head and holding her down. He understood by the way the other guy held her down they did not want to hurt her, so he pressed the little vampires head gently down, making sure it could not bite anyone.

He looked around the room, and was struck by a strange feeling when he saw a bigger version of the girl he held down standing in front of him. He could not see if the girl was crying, what she was was paralyzed, standing there and looking at the smaller version of herself, it must be painful G thought.

Behind the people, across the hallway, a door slowly opened. Two ice blue eyes looked at him from the dark, standing there just watching them. Then, stepping forward into the dim light in the hallway. It was a tall creature. Heavy wings on its back, arms down to the hips and razor sharp long nails down to the knees almost. The creature did not do anything except standing there, making a grin towards them.

"I do not mean to interrupt, but....i think we have a problem in the hallway" he quietly said

As he said that, the grin disappeared and so did the creature, leaving only thin air and a dim light in the hallway.

G did not know if what he had seen had been there, of if it was from dehydration. Something had it been, something he had not seen before. Perhaps the other people around him had seen something like that before.

He looked back down, feeling sorry for the little vampire he gently held down, awaiting some kind of order, just sitting there, him, with a bunch of people around him.
Unbelievable he thought for himself. What kind of mess had he put himself in now, he saw the the people had a quarrel between them, but had no idea what it was about, or how it would affect him being here. Would him being here put them more at ease, or just making things worse?

He looked around, trying to find answers in the faces of the people. But all he saw was grim looks giving no answers.

The little vampire tried hard to escape, to bite, but it was in vain. He could easily tear it apart from this position, he almost felt the urge to do it, but looking at the bigger version, the sister, he could not do anything but to await some kind of orders.

(Taking a nap, feel free to move
G around a bit)

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She refused to move, watching Victor and some strange kid take a hold of her sister. It would have been kinder to just let her kill her. She realized now she would have to live with that constant guilt of knowing she failed.

Her father.

Her sister.


Everyone she had ever loved and that moment it all came crashing down. Staring at the small girl, tears finally spilled over. A pained sound left her lips though she didn't know if that was from someone else or her. Her bow clattered to the ground, followed by her legs. The dull pain of her knees slamming to the floor was nothing compared to the sensation of having her heart ripped out.

It's okay Venni, it's okay.

Her sisters voice in her head almost made her cry that much harder. Slowly picking up her bow, shakily she raised the tip of the arrow to the girl's heart. Her body was shaking so hard from everything she was holding in that it was hard to get a good target point.

Do it. Just do it. Come on Ven.

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry Ali...If I had been faster. If I hadn't let you go by yourself-.."

She cut herself off, obvious the apology wasn't getting through at all.

A small sob escaped her lips as she let go of the arrow. The steel tip piercing Ali's chest and going through her heart. The girl stopped struggling, her body falling limp and sliding against the wall as the guys let her go. Ven put down her bow, keeping her eyes fixated on her sister's dead body. Finally she snapped, raging sobs racked her body. It was obvious that the death of her sister just sent her over the edge. It felt like forever sense Ven had cried this hard and the fact that there were people to witness her break down didn't make her any happier.

((Shit...now I'm crying.))
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Aleks reluctantly followed the trio along with the new person, although he made his descent/ascent slowly, feeling no need to rush himself. Arriving to the room everyone was flocking to, he saw Victor and the new guy holding down a girl, Ven next to her, bow laying in the ground.

Aleks looked the pinned girl over, her red hair and Ven's demeanor was all he needed to confirm who that was.

Ven's sister and it seemed like something was wrong with her. He stood square in the doorway, watching as Ven picked up her bow and delivering the killing blow to her own sister.

Everyone was silent...silent until Ven broke out into furious crying, it happened...and she broke.

Aleks took a step forward, his hand stretching outwards in a useless gesture at their distance, he was going to comfort her.....wait.....no he wasn't.

Wordlessly he let his arm dangle back at his side, turning around, walked through the creaky stairs, and back to the truck. Blood ran down his hands as his fingernails dug into his palms.
Tears spilled uncontrollably, it was like someone had cut down the wall she had put up. With everything streaming out, she continued to cry like she had never done so before. The loss of her only family member she truly ever loved was almost to much for her to bare. The fact that she had been the one to put that arrow through her chest made it even more difficult. Sinking further to the ground she let her cries become uncontrollable. The moment she let go was the moment she lost herself to the memories o her childhood. Their father, having some serious PTSD, caused Ven most of her life playing 'mom' to her younger sister. In return, her little sister became the only thing she ever truly learned to love. To have that all become ash devastated her. Taking a deep breath, she moved her bow and quiver around her shoulder. Lifelessly taking her body to where her fifteen year old sister lay she picked the girl up in her arms refusing to leave her in a dark basement. Still crying, she didn't make a sound her voice too raw to scream anymore.

Carrying her sister's body up the stairs she stumbled a couple of times her knees refusing to hold that kind of weight. Making it to the front door she buckled again, keeping Ali in her arms. Putting her forehead against the girl's she kept crying nit caring if her tears fell on Ali's cheeks. Ven needed to get Ali a proper burial and the only way to do the would be to put her in the car and drive. Moving to her car miserably she fell to her knees again on the grass. This time she wasn't getting up. Her sister was too heavy and her body couldn't muter the strength. She needed to get Lyric out of the backseat. Ven's eyes filled with more tears at the helpless feeling.
Aleks burst out of the house, straight to the truck, and resisted the urge to tear the hair from his scalp. Ven just killed her sister, something he didn't know how to feel about. Yeah he had some humanity and he did feel some sorrow for the torment Ven had to be going through. Another side of him didn't care anymore, he was never one to take betrayal lightly, it was just hi we was wired and it was definitely making itself apparent.

Whatever Ven was going through, a larger part of him said 'yeah well she and Victor can go fuck themselves.'

Deep inside his gut he felt petty. Worrying about a girl when everyone's lives were constantly in danger but he squashed those feelings, his heart ruling his mind.

Aleks stared at his reflection on the truck's window. He didn't see a gangbanger, he didn't see a good man, he didn't see a man who loved someone, he saw a broken man that didn't believe in reality...and he had to open his eyes. Someone stepped through the door in the reflection, from what he saw he could make out Ven carrying a body. Not daring to turn he watched from the window until she collapsed onto the grass, obviously done in. Judging from the direction she had been walking, he could only assume she was going to the car.

He quickly closed the distance between them, prying her sister's body from her hands and went to take her to the car, calling over his shoulder.

"I'm not doing this for you. This is for a broken man that hates to see kids die."

He didn't help Ven up, he wouldn't bring himself to do that.
Jax stood there. He didn't bother to help. This wasn't his affair. He felt sorry for the kid sure, but this was Ven's thing. He put the gun away. He didn't cry, he needed to be the strong guardian that he unintentionally became. "We'll see that she gets a proper burial. I promise. I know its hard. Believe me..I had to do it once. It sticks with you." With that he turned and followed Aleks outside. He heard Aleks statement.

"Aleks, we are all broken. Its not your fault and Ven did the right thing." He took the body from him. "Trust me. I've carried this weight before." He calmly carried her to the truck and when they were alone. Just him and the corpse..He shed some tears. "I'm sorry that we couldn't save you." He quietly and quickly cleaned the death wound and pulled the arrow out. Ven had the right intentions. Its sad to see how far they've fallen. No one deserves this pain. He shed more tears as he finished the cleaning and closing her eyes and shutting the door. He wiped the tears and put on his calm face.

Jax sat down next to Ven. "I know it hurts. Believe me, I do. I have carried the weight of my decisions for a year now. It has never gotten lighter. But I am here for you, if anything. Don't push Aleks away. Or Victor, or me. I am here to talk to you." With that he got up and examined the house.

"Okay." He turned to Aleks and Victor outside. "We need to set up shop. I know its hard because we lost a close relative and its impacted us. But we need to push on. Or we will all die." He looked at the new guy. "So, gotta name? And do you know this area?"
Lexi heard a commotion and saw some people outside of a house, perhaps they would know where some good shelter was....

or they would try to kill me, but I'm up for some amusement.

She hoped off her motorcycle and grabbed her bag and shotgun, she walked nonchalantly up to a couple of the guys and said "What the F*** happened here?"
Jax chuckled. Great, a badass wanna be. He had his hand on the magnum. "You have to tell me your name first before I tell you anything." He said coldly. He was in no mood for this. He smirked and looked at her. Please. Give me something challenging. He walked between the truck and the group and looked at her. "So tell me. Can you hit with that shotgun?" He pulled out his magnum and had it to his side. "Or are you going to drop the gun?"

He sighed and looked at her with cold blue eyes. He did the odds. If she did take a shot at him, Aleks and hopefully Victor would come to his aid. They didn't need a trigger happy person in their group. If anything this was a test. Jax was ready. But he waited. Waited to strike. If the case need be.
G just sat there at first. The whole scenario playing, like an old slow movie. The girl with flaming red hair taking up her bow, putting the arrow in it, looking at the pinned down little vampire and quietly crying for forgiveness. As the tears made their way down her cheek, dripping off and noiselessly flying to the ground.

Then, everything stopped, the tears hoovered motionlessly in the air. The air itself stopped moving, all you could hear was a weird noise *Thump*

He understood the deed was done, he saw the girl break down to her knees, sobbing and screaming with all of heir body without making a single sound.

"So this is how it must feel to care about someone", he thought to himself.

"I am both happy and sad i do not have any kind of relations like this, just look how it has destroyed the girl. But at the same time, this little girl must have made her days, more than once"

He pulled out the arrow of the chest from the little girl as her sister pulled her up into her arms, slowly and unsteadily moving her way out with the others he looked after them. He had no business with them right now, there was no need for him to rush after them right in this movement.

He looked around, analyzed his situation.

In a rather big basement, filled with ropes hanging from big sturdy wooden beams which would have held up prisoners arms while someone was able to cut and torture the prisoners as they wanted. This house was not big, but it was good protected. There should be some weapons somewhere in here, there must be something at a place like this.

Then a strain of thought caught him, the room next to this one. He looked up, bu the door was not open as he would have thought it would be.

He stood up, walked over there in a few steps and felt on the doorknob.


One step back, raising his foot and making a furious kick at the door.

It did not break

Surprise spread across
G's face, never had a door been left standing after a full kick.

He kicked again, again, again and again.

Finally, a loud noise and the door gave after.

Dust whirled up, making it hard to see and tough to breathe. Stepping in to the room, he saw almost nothing, pitch black in a what he felt was a small room.

He let his hand slide down around the door, trying to find anything to turn on the lights, but the light switch did not work of course.

He stood there for a couple of minutes, letting his eyes get used to the dark so he saw some outlines of the things in there.

A large table in the middle, bloodier than anything else he had ever seen. Then he noticed the stench. It did not stink of death, but rather of alcohol, someone cleaned this room often to make sure it was sanitized. This was a...kind of an operating room, where someone, something, had killed a lot of....He had no idea what had been killed, or why. On the counter next to him he saw the outlines of a book, he stretched his hand out and took it, chocked by the weight of the book, he almost dropped it to the floor.

He had no need to search the rest of the room, it made him feel uneasy so he took a few steps back out. When doing this, his neck hair rose and a feeling spread quickly to his body. He shook, it was freezing cold. He turned around, and saw the two ice blue eyes again in the dark, then white fangs appeared in the dark too, it was grinning again. It just stood there, watching him watch it. Then, after the longest moment of his life, he blinked, and it was gone.

Entering the outside, the sun made him squint his eyes.

At the closest car, he saw the man he had yelled to before standing with his hand on his gun, with a girl in front of him. It looked like the girl was picking a fight with him, and the other man just sat patiently waiting for her to make a move so he could get to shoot her.

Once again, he found himself watching the strangers, he did not know if he should join them or go his way after seeing this. But he thought it might be better to know what they are doing.

He made his way down to the girl and the guy, making a stare off.

Why don't we ALL, calm down, enough have died already, this is no place to kill another human" he looked at them both, awaiting their answers, ready to knock them out of any of them drew their weapons.
Jax chuckled. "Please. I have no intention to kill. And as for you. Why don't you tell me your name as well?" He kept his eyes trained on the man. Again, give me a challenge. Jax was ready to pounce if need be. He smirked and looked at the man, unfazed by his statement. "I wasn't planning on killing anybody." Jax paced to the left and right. "As far as I say, you are both unknowns. So that also means possible threats. You have 2 minutes to tell me who you are and why you are here." He wasn't afraid. He could probably disarm the woman and knock out the man with ease. But he rather do it peacefully. He squatted, his hand off the gun. He didn't need it.

I rather just knock them out if I have to. He didn't want another person dead. They already have to bury one of their own. He sighed and looked at them both. Jax and Aleks could take them both. He had faith in him. He had to, or he was outnumbered. For all the Jax knew, they could be raiders. Working together.
Looking down on the man who held his gun tightly.

"Please. I have no intention to kill. And as for you. Why don't you tell me your name as well?"

"I wasn't planning on killing anybody"

"As far as I say, you are both unknowns. So that also means possible threats. You have 2 minutes to tell me who you are and why you are here."

G looked at the stranger, wondering what had gotten in to him.

A man who ask for another mans name without saying his own is not one i would like to trust with my own"

"We are in the same situation, to us you are a stranger, and here you are sitting and demanding our names without saying your own. Next time i advice you to say your own name first, then ask for mine. But none the less, i am in no mood for killing humans, my name is

Looking at the man, he saw a somewhat smirk on his face, as if he had won the so called battle.

"Who i am, is a long story that should be shared over something to drink, i mean you no harm. If i did mean you harm, i would have killed you all in the house. Why i am here is simple, i am drifting around and ended up in this godforsaken town at the same time you did, coincidence if you may call it that, or fate, or anything else. No matter what drove us here, we are all here now, and what i want to know is what you are your friends are planning to do, since i am a curious guy, if you may answer that?"

He smiled as he said that, G had no intentions to start a fight, he just wanted to know more about them, what they had done and where they were going. But, he did not know where to put the man in front of him. If he should be alert or let hist guard down around him. But, he stood at ease, waiting for a reply.
Ven helplessly watched as Aleks took her sister away before handing her off to Jax.


She laughed bitterly, looking up at him. She was angry, confused, depressed, and she was a ticking time bomb ready to go off at the next person.

"What have I done to deserve your wrath!? Is it because I refused to have a make out session with you!?"

Her voice rose with each question anger taking hold of her. Getting to her feet she looked at him still crying through a mask of anger. Ven couldn't care less that Victor was in ear shot she couldn't care less if Jax heard what was going on.

"What did I fuck up this time, Aleks!?"

She almost yelled but kept her voice low enough that only someone within earshot could hear. She was crying harder, though desperately trying to choke it down. She couldn't deal with all of this right now. A new female voice caught her attention followed by the other kid's voice and Jax's. Whatever squabble they were in it didn't matter to Ven at the moment. She returned her focus to Aleks who seemed to just be shocked by her outburst.

She didn't say anything else she was sure everything else was conveyed in the way she was looking at him. The hurt, anger, confusion all mustered into one big gaze.

She took a breath forcing herself to stand, watching Aleks waiting for him to yell at her, to tell her why he thought so low of her. When it dawned on her that possibly he felt betrayed because he thought something was going on with her and Victor. There was...but it wasn't what he thought. Ven didn't feel the same around Victor as she felt with Aleks, yet there still was that small bit of attraction. Was he condemning her because of a kiss she would liked to erase from her memory. It wasn't her fault that Victor had kissed her, however it was her fault that she let him and for that she hated herself.
"Can I hit with the shotgun? Ha. How do you think Ive made it this far?"

"But because id rather be killing other things and not lovely human beings, I won't shoot"

Lexi dropped the shotgun and kicked it in his direction.

"You think you're intimidating?" Lexi scoffed.

"I see through you."

"Anyways I'm from the neighboring town and it got taken over almost scary fast. I was just wondering if you knew of some shelter"

"Why don't you take your hand of your gun because we bothe know he's not dangerous and I'm just a nuisance."
"What have I done to deserve your wrath!? Is it because I refused to have a make out session with you!? What did I fuck up this time, Aleks!?"

Aleks stopped, his fingernails drew more blood, running freely down his hands and dripping onto the grass. He brought his eyes to Ven and raised a bloody finger, an almost hysterical smile on his face.

"You know what you fucked up! Your sister's dead! You were too late to save her! And if we want to take one step further, well...I don't need to really say anything except for I hope Victor takes good care of you."

Each word felt like venom. As unpleasant as it was, he had to let it out, for his sake.

He fell silent, the smile gone replaced with a straight line, teeth grit. He had no other words for Ven, it seemed like he had taken it too far and squashed everything they had. He was done.
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It was such a roller coaster with all the emotions that were flying around. Ven having to kill her vampire sister, two new people making their way to the group, and of course all the other bullshit Victor had come to expect from the apocalypse. He really didn't know how to respond to everything at once, even before this he didn't connect all to well with his feelings but now all he could feel was empathy for some of the worst feelings in the world. He couldn't really process it all.

Jax was confronting the two new people who arrived separately, but Victor did not know whether they actually knew each other or if they knew anything about this vampire nest. Jax would handle it, because that's how Victor knew Jax would be. Victor wouldn't need to butt in and save anyone, just let them figure out something. Hopefully, quickly because how out in the open they were.

Victor turned to hear Ven and Aleks yelling at each other. Maybe they needed to have it out, but Victor didn't feel like it was the right time. He especially didn't feel like Aleks throwing Victor's name helped the matter any. Victor didn't want to some white horse riding knight, because he knew damn well that Ven could take care of herself. But Ven looked destroyed emotionally and Aleks actually helled back at her.

Victor had enough.

Victor strolled up and threw a punch across Aleks' jaw. He yelled at Aleks, "What the hell, man? Whatever shit you have to get off your chest, now is not the damn time! There's not much left in this fucking world; now be a big boy, let her grieve, and fucking take it if needs be!"

Victor then walked over to Ven and knelt down. He reached into his pouch to pull out a clean rag and he handed it to her while consoling in a soft voice, "I'm sorry for your loss. We're here for you, if you need."

Victor stood up and took a few steps back. He surveyed his surroundings. He knew they shouldn't move in the that house, there would be too many hard memories. He looked at the house next door, it was almost identical except with a porch and green sidings.

He turned to the group, "I'm going to check out that house. We need to get inside and probably a few things for services."

All of this emotion flooding around and Victor could not help but remember the friends that disappeared when all of this madness began. Life was short and he didn't know how to properly deal with it. He was eager to leave this group so many time, but now he felt it was right to stick it out and help where he could.
Aleks stared at Ven, waiting for something to happen, for her to yell back, snap back into fits of crying, anything. About to turn around and find someplace alone, a brick collided with his jaw, the force of it was enough to knock him onto his ass. He heard his jaw pop on the way down and he looked at his assailant.

Whatever he was yelling it fell on deaf ears, pain exploded across his jaw and anger was clouding his mind. Once Victor had left, Aleks pushed on his jaw until he heard it pop again. Grunting in pain he picked himself back up and watched Victor walk to another house, contemplating on if he should follow him. He took a step in that direction.

He was chest deep now.
As G was standing and waiting for an answer, he heard a punch being thrown. Then some yelling;

"What the hell, man? Whatever shit you have to get off your chest, now is not the damn time! There's not much left in this fucking world; now be a big boy, let her grieve, and fucking take it if needs be!"

He agreed with the person saying this, looked over and saw the scene. One guy, yelling at the other guy, who was yelling at the girl who stood there crying her eyes out. The confusing pictures together with the girl standing next to him and talking to the other guy while he just stood there. The questions he asked could be answered later. He did not need them to be answered right away, and seeing this guy in front of him looking like he did not want to say a word more than needed. He simply looked for a way to cool his brain.

He heard the other guy saying something about checking the next house out. So, with a few determined steps, he went up to the guy that had just thrown a punch and simply asked him if he needed company.

"It's better if we are two going through the house, nobody knows what we will find in there. If you don't mind? I understand after this you want to cool down, and trust me, i don't care what happened or why you punched him, i just want to cool my brain down too. So the only thing i will be doing is watching your back, or you mine, that's up to you" G said smoothly, standing tall over the other person once again stood and waited for an answer.
Ven watched Victor punch Aleks, her eyes widening at the force of the punch. She barely registered what Victor had said too busy looking between the men. Aleks's words felt like a personal blow to the face. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. He honestly believed....her heart hurt just thinking about the idea of betraying someone like that. He was acting like she had cheated on him, how could she have done so if she wasn't his girlfriend?

Shaking, she watched him stand. Before Ven knew what was happening, she shot up grabbing his wrist. She looked at him with a painful gaze. Keeping him from charging off after Victor she wanted to slap him.

"You are such a fucking idiot. Do you honestly think I would have instigated what happened in the car if I didn't care for you!? Just because I was scared you thought that I blew you off because of Victor!?"

She paused, starting to cry again though she held most of it back. She didn't know what to think anymore, she just knew her heart couldn't take anymore.

"Don't....don't you dare bring Ali into this. I told you about my past I wouldn't have done that if I chose Victor over you."

She said quietly, slowly dropping her hand away from his. She would let him go, if that's what he felt was best. She stared at the ground waiting for the retaliation of her actions. Tears fell in faster succession, the weight on her chest returning more then ever. She was drowning again and this time there wasn't anyone to pull her out.
Victor continued walking to the next door house. He hadn't turned to see if Aleks was going to retaliate, but it was still in the back of his mind that it was a possibility. The new guy pulled away from his interrogation by Jax and approached Victor. He offered to accompany Victor into the other house as back up. Victor cocked an eyebrow as this new one tried to find his way into the group. Little did this guy know, he may have been trying to work the odd man out.

Victor was tired, his cut arm was burning, and he felt like he went through the emotional ringer. He didn't want to argue, "Sure, do whatever you want. Just don't bug me, I'm really not up to it."

Victor walked into the house, it was dark and cool inside. The first thing Victor noticed was that there was a thin layer of dust, well it was the first thing after seeing nothing attacking him. He quickly searched upstairs and then the ground level, but it was empty. Victor figured that being in such close proximity to the vampire nest afforded some "space." Despite the house, everything looked in pristine condition. It was almost too good to pass up, this house had been untouched for so very long.

Victor made his way into the garage went to look for a shovel to help with burying Ven's sister. All that Ven had lost just made Victor think about his own people. He never knew what happened to his parents since they were probably off traveling again. His friends had disappeared that night without any indication of where they went. Victor had no one left in the world and sometimes he pushed others away to protect himself. He looked around to see that he was by himself. Victor leaned against the garage wall and slid down with a laughing sob. He knew why he spent so many years alone, he hated feelings and how they clouded his judgement.
G gave his name to the stranger and asked for his in return. He said his name was Victor, and while shaking hands G noticed an ugly cut on his arm. But before he could say anything he rushed in to the building. While going one way, G went the other way.

He searched this house on the ground level. Opening door after door and hearing other doors being opened. He found nothing at all. But finding nothing was also a strange thing, the other house had one basement while this did not have. When walking in to the kitchen, he saw Victor sliding down the garage door with a spade in his hand, making faces that was painful just to watch.

With determined steps he walked out of the house and to the other side where the boy had slid down on the grass. He didn't stand there watching him nor did he say a word, G put down his backpack and pulled out a small tin box, put it down and opened it. The odors coming from the small metal box was of different smells, herbs to be exact. Without saying a word, he took the arm of Victor, stretched it out and examined it briefly.

Taking out another small box, this one brown, and placing it next to Victor

"Hold still, i'm not trying to kill you, it might sting"

He took one finger of the crushed herbs and started smearing them out on the wound on victors arm. After smearing a compact layer of it, he reached down his backpack and pulled up a rag, tear the rag and put one part around Victors arm, tightly binding it so the layer of herbs could do it's job.

He looked Victor in the eye for the first time since he had gotten there.

"I know what you need. You need to get your mind off something" he said with a low tone, staring Victor straight in to the eye

"As i said before, i don't care what it is that you need to get your mind off, but if you keep going like this it will break your spirit and yourself soon enough. Come! We need to go, in to the city a bit. We need to hunt. Anything, just kill something. If you rather sit here and think, you can do that too, but i advise doing that when lying somewhere safe. This place is not safe, we need to find another place in the city anyway, and while searching for a place for night, we can slay things on our way. What do you say Victor?"
Aleks wanted to get to Victor, to get his hands on him, deep down he felt like Victor was the man who destroyed this. He was running exclusively on adrenaline, without a rational thought to steer him in another direction.

A familiar hand stopped him, clutching his wrist, he didn't even notice Ven get up and grab him, she looked at him with a hurt expression.

"You are such a fucking idiot. Do you honestly think I would have instigated what happened in the car if I didn't care for you!? Just because I was scared you thought that I blew you off because of Victor!?"

She looked about ready to break down again. Aleks didn't know what to think anymore. He wanted to believe that Ven was sincere, deep down he wanted to just let all his troubles out and embrace her, but his mind couldn't handle the battle raging inside. He watched Ven drop her grip, head lowering to look at the ground, tears dripped down her face and Aleks's face sobered.

He reached out to clear her tears but his bloodstained hands made him think better, the back of his hands were clear though. Clumsily wiping the tears from her face with the back of his hands, he stepped backwards, his voice hoarse and exhausted.

"I-I'm sorry...just...give me time to think."

Without another word he withdrew his hand and walked back to the truck to lean against it, back turned to everyone and miserably buried his face in his arms, the material of his jacket offering little comfort.
Victor was alone for a moment but he was interrupted by the new guy who quickly proceeded to put herbs on Victor's arm. Victor wondered who this guy thought he was to just come up and put whatever he wanted on Victor. This guy then offered to go on some killing spree in the city to take his mind off things. Victor never knew that there were people out there who thought like this.

Victor stood up, his arm still ablaze. He wiped whatever herbs that were put on his arm. He held back any of the estranged emotions that he was feeling already. He just wanted to get through the next few hours.

Defiantly Victor spoke to the man, "Look, I know you want to get all buddy-buddy. But I ain't your man. I don't know you and I don't trust you, I barely trust them outside. You're asking me to head back to the city we just left to go on some killing spree? There's something really fucked with you if you think that's a past time. I'd like you as much as a rectal exam."

Victor felt a twinge of guilt for calling out this poor guy, no one deserved what Victor had said. He went back outside with the other with the shovel in his hand. He guarded himself so that the feelings that emanated from Ven wouldn't get through.

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