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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Jax saw the motorcycle. "Its your call to slow down." He chuckled and got his magnum ready. And he didn't care much for the drum and bass. But it would do. He cleaned the magnum and continued to watch the motorcycle. He didn't feel like having another guy. Especially still trying to deal with a powder keg like Victor. But its whatever. He felt old, watching over all these teenagers and young adults. He felt like the dick head dad, but oh well. He shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure you'll be fine. Unless you want to be hurt when I am hauling your ass." He smirked and holstered the magnum. He looked on towards the car ahead. He shrugged and leaned back. "Had fun with Ven?" He said casually as he took a drink of water and took another ibuprofen. He didn't care what happened, as long as he realized that not to piss Aleks off. Victor and Aleks were both powder kegs. And one will soon set off another. He felt it and he had a feeling that Jax had to finish it. He groaned internally at the thought and gritted his teeth.
"Dude's on a bike, I'm sure he can catch up if he wanted to," Victor offered to Jax. He felt better as the songs continued, hearing the music helped his remember some of the good times he had. Hearing the drums and screaming vocals, Victor remembered sneaking out of the dorms with friends and heading to no name clubs where he would smash with the crowd. The cut on his arm even died with the rage he felt. It was funny how such angry music could bring out something peaceful in him.

In a whiplash change of subject; Jax asked, "Had fun with Ven?"

Victor cocked and eyebrow at what was meant to be a nonchalant questions. Victor wasn't sure if Jax was probing or just asking a question to help bury the hatchet. With what he saw outside the museum, Victor knew he had to choose his words wisely. He liked Ven, but wasn't about to offer undying love or gain the ire of Aleks with probably the support of Jax.

"Loads. I mean I went to the pound and adopted a dog for her. Y'know how it goes," Victor joked. He quickly followed, "To be honest, she was probably lot more fun that you two knuckleheads would probably have been. She drives like a bat out of hell." Victor chuckled at the thought of the joke Ven pulled on him with her driving.

The city began to give way to more suburban towns and homes. There was less cover but infinitely more space. If they could find a place with great sight lines then they could probably stay without much worry.

"How much further do you think we should go," Victor wondered.
Jax chuckled. "Well you see. She is the most likable one here. I am just a guy who is trying to keep you alive, while doing pranks to keep your skills sharp. Aleks is a character." He didn't mention their duel. If you could call it that. He grinned at the memory. He didn't think much, and he felt like the guardian angel of the group. He didn't choose the role. It came naturally to him. Especially since him and Lyric were the older ones here.

"Lyric is someone who is like me. But a little nicer. Promise. Did I also mention that she is a wolf?" He smiled at the thought, and leaned back. "Great job on finding the dog." He shook his head, they didn't need this type of sadness. If it dies, everyone will change. He saw the town. Nice space and with time, it could be a base kind of to raid the city for supplies.

He nodded at Victor's question. "This town seems like the best option." He signaled in a hand stopping motion at the other car. Hoping they would get the message.
(jumping in here, first post)

Carl sat on a bar stool in the abandoned diner. He let out a small sigh, holding a picture in his hand. A tear falls down his cheek as he stands up, rubbing it away with his dirty linen clothed hands and gently folding the picture back and putting it in one of his many pockets in the vest.

He took the remaining scraps of his food and put it in a plastic bag, sealed it and put that into his army bag.

From another pocked, he pulled up a dirty looking wrinkled old map and put on the table. He studied it for a while, watching it and wondering where he should go next. He didn't have any plans or wishes where to go, so he folded the map and put it back into its pocket again.

Being fully packed up, he exited the diner, carefully watching both sides of the door before stepping out into the clear sky and heating sun. His skin liked the warm feeling of the sun, the only warm feeling he has these days. But his eyes on the other hand did not like it, he had to wear a special set of shades to be able to see in the bright light.

Setting off down the road towards the town, he moved at a slow pace at start, but picked it up as he had a bad feeling growing in his stomach.

As he came past an old tool shed to a house, he heard groaning and scratching from inside it. He thought a quick battle would be perfect wake up for him.

He pulled out Icebrand, a 55 cm long short sword and Ishi which was a fist weapon shaped like a U around his fist. Gently walking forward to the shed, not to give off too much noise. He listened, tried to analyze how many there were in the shed. The shed was poorly build, looking like it would fall any minute. A quick move with Icebrand, and he had slashed the lock, pouring out came 4 of the undead from the small shed, the first got his head cut off by Icebrand, the second had it's skull pierced by Ishi. He stepped back, slowly, letting the undead come to him. A quick move forward, punching with Ishi against the undeads face and making an upwards slash with Icebrand sealed the last two undead. The head lying on the ground still snapped it jaws from the first undead, trying to bite Carl, but it was in vain. He put his foot on it, and crushed it.

As he was feeling quite good about himself, he cleaned off his weapons and put them back on his side belt. While doing this he heard a caravan of vehicles moving towards the town. He quickly jumped in the shed, the stink inside was something he before the bomb would've puked at, today the smell of rotten intestines, blood and puke was almost natural, he didn't grin at it or anything.

Watching the caravan slowing down, he felt trapped inside the small shed, he could only watch, he could not escape or do anything from here. He had to move to another position, since the undead were lying splattered over the yellow grass in front of him. He moved fast, running quickly over to another position where he would have a better view over the street, and over the shed with the slayed undead. He saw a flat building just a stone throw away. With a jump he reached the roof, pulling himself up was no problem with his strength. Now lying on the roof, he could see the caravan of vehicles slowing down right next to him, wondering if they were cannibals, hunters or just regular people trying to get to the next day. He watched every move they made and wished for not being caught on the roof, the exits were poor from here.
"Well you see. She is the most likable one here. I am just a guy who is trying to keep you alive, while doing pranks to keep your skills sharp. Aleks is a character," Jax offered. "Lyric is someone who is like me. But a little nicer. Promise. Did I also mention that she is a wolf? Great job on finding the dog."

Victor felt more in a talkative mood now, "She definitely is. I actually can't wait until Lyric wakes up if she's nicer than you, but I wouldn't mind her being a werewolf. I've seen all sorts of things these days, good and bad. And the dog? I don't know if it was a good job, but I couldn't let it just starve in the gun store. Gotta keep some of own humanity, right?"

Jax signaled for the truck and car to stop, hopefully Ven got the message before she sped off to the next town. That girl definitely knew how to handle a car. Victor pulled into the driveway of the closest house. It was a decent two story with about 20-30 yards between it and its neighbors. The windows weren't too big, so that wouldn't be a problem. The problem was that the shades were drawn; that could mean that there were other people in there, a nest of monsters, or nothing at all. No matter what the scenario, they needed to scout the house before they start unpacking. Victor turned off the engine of the truck and turned to Jax.

"Do you want to check it out first, or wait for the other two to get ready?" Victor asked as he pulled out his 1911s and checked the ammo in each.

Victor would soon need to raid the ammo that they had in the back of the other car, but he knew he could take a house with what he had. Not to mention he had backup, hopefully one who would take this house seriously and not want to jump out of every shadow.
Ven was on her way to rescuing her sister, taken by vampires, and Jax, Lyric, and himself had detoured her...a very long and distracting detour. Hell, if her sister died sometime after she met the trio, then they would be indirectly responsible for her death...normally he wouldn't feel so strongly about causing a death but knowing it was the sister of Ven didn't sit well with him. He distracted himself with the drumming of his finger, increasing tempo as the drums of the song got frantic, slowing as they slowed.

His hand was brought away from her face, being examined, turned over and traced by her fingers. Soft flesh met with rougher, bringing him back to Ven's face, trying to search it for a rhyme or reason for this, he found nothing. He did find Ven looking back to his eyes, hand forgotten.

Now would be just peachy, you may get interrupted next time. The car stopped, the truck stopped, go for it.

He didn't need extra urging as he leaned over the middle of the car, left hand grasping the back of her neck and pulling her closer. Their lips crashed, almost painfully. The kiss was desperate on his part, feverish, slightly uncontrolled. He couldn't hold it in anymore and he carried it out, no regrets, no restraints.

(( I'll edit if it doesn't fit the scenario...tried to make last minutes adjustments to fit the previous post. ))
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Carl watches the cars stop a few yards away, clearly within visible range.

He watches the people of one car get out in front of one of the houses. The house looked shady, the shades were drawn down. But the upper level of the house had one or two of the shades still open.

He saw the man get his gun ready, or at least check the gun for ammo.

Carl lay there, spying on these humans. When he looked into another truck he saw something that almost made him blush, a kiss, or something more than a kiss. Carl had not had any human contact in a long, long time. And the thought of a kiss made him blush, he looked away not knowing what else to do.

Where he lay, he thought of all the options he had. But he decided that it would be best acting now, trying to get close to these people.

"How bad can it be? They are making out as if the world never ended" he thought, quietly chuckling for himself.

Then, he saw movement on the second floor of the building the cars had stopped in front off.

Again, rapid movement from one room to another, Carl had no idea what it was that was staying in that house, but it was nothing that you wanted to be surprised by he could tell.

He stood up, looking like a lamp post on the roof and yelled down to the guy outside of the car;

"HEY! You down there! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!!!" He held his hands up high over his head to show he was unarmed

"I just wanted to tell you that if you are planing to go in to that house you will need to be very very very careful, i saw some extremely fast movements on the second floor, i have never seen anything move that fast, it was in the link of an eye. Either that or i am getting old!" Once again a little chuckle came from him.

"May i join you to go into that house? I am curious about what it is in there!"

Lexi drove into the new town, she decided that the last town was to dangerous and was sucked dry of necessities. She hoped off of her motorcycle and grabbed her shot gun and bag. She looked at an abandoned bar and couldn't think of a better place to call her home for tonight. she began to walk over to the bar then heard groans coming from inside.

Lexi cussed to herself.

She got back on her bike and started driving it was going to be dark soon and being outside was the last place she wanted to be.
Ven's eyes widened, his lips crashing to hers in an unrestrained kiss. Heart hammering and mind racing she sat rigid for a long moment just letting herself stare at him in shock. She didn't know what to do, mostly because her mind was replying the kiss she had just experienced with Victor a few hours prior. Ignoring whatever she was feeling, she slowly pulled away from him. She didn't need a mirror to know she was paler than she usually is. Being Scottish, that analogy probably made herself sound like a ghost.

Even if she was one of the last girls on the planet that didn't mean she had the right to kiss two different men so quickly and so easily. Looking away from him she didn't do a very good job hiding the distress written all over her features. She let go of his hand, instantly feeling like she had lost an important part of herself though she chose to ignore the feeling and got out of the car. How long had she wanted him to kiss her like that? And now that it had happened she pulled away, too scared and too confused to understand what she wanted. Grabbing her bow and arrows she slung it into it's usual place telling Lupin to stay and guard Lyric.

Moving to the trunk, she pulled out some of the arrows from the weapon store putting them in her 3/4 empty quiver. Turning her head, she noticed a boy standing on the roof motioning to Victor. Still in a daze, she gathered her red hair and drew it up in a ponytail looking at the nice two story house before them. Her eyes wandered the building and she wondered vaguely how many dead there might be inside. Still not saying a word she glanced over to where Aleks sat still in the car, she was sure he could see her in the rear view mirror if he was even watching. A breif look of pain flashed on her face before she looked away slipping some finger less black leather gloves onto her hands. Ven had found them at the weapons store and she seriously hoped they would give her a better grip on her bow.
Victor heard someone calling from the room on the house next door and immediately drew both his guns towards the person. He tried to do a quick look at where everyone else was, just in case there was some way that one of them snuck up there. He knew Jax was still in the truck and Ven just got out, but it looked like Aleks was still in the car. This was someone new and if the prior experiences were any indication then Victor would have a rough time getting along with someone else. Victor was curious how this person was so caviler about the house they were entering, saying how he was curious. Was there something that in the house that this person knew about? Was it a trap? There were so many questions that flooded Victor's head, but either way he was going to keep his eyes trained on him.

Victor called back, "What has you so curious about some creeps? You with them?"

Victor's eyes narrowed as the night wind began sweeping in. The cold dug in, but Victor was determined to find out what this guy wanted before Victor would let him close to them.

Victor turned slightly towards Ven, "Maybe it's better if..."

His words were cut off when three vampires burst from the top floor baring their fangs. This nest of vampires must have set this house as their home and the noise drew their attention. Victor had faced a vampire before but it was only one, hopefully with some added help he would be able to handle this as well.

((Sorry, Jason. It's definitely going to kick off.))
Desperation and lust went rampant in his body, hungrily assaulting Ven's mouth, he didn't feel like stopping, a haze of desire fogged his mind. He didn't care that Ven wasn't doing anything, he was too far gone to care. At least he didn't until she pulled away, looking distressed and painfully obvious.

He looked at her weird expression, his breathing was the only audible sound, almost panting. He had done something wrong. Before he could do anything she had bolted, moving to the truck and watching a building the group had stopped by.

What the fuck was that? He sank back into his seat, staring at the glove compartment for what seemed like an eternity. His expression was one of confusion more than hurt. His mind raced to find some explanation yet all he could think about was Victor, as much as he tried to dismiss it the man came back to the forefront of his ideas. His earlier suspicions weren't true...right?

Aleks got out of the car, closing the door and propping both elbows on the roof, hands clutching his hair.

Victor's innocent...he's innocent...he's innocent...he's innocent...he's innocent...he's innocent...goddamn bastard.

Everything clicked into place. He took a few moments to get his composure back, eventually straightening up and making his way towards the house they were scoping out. While walking he eyes the small gash on his arm when he had punched through some glass, the blood had dried. Digging his thumb into it he drew a small amount of blood, his arm stung a bit and he welcomed it. He knew he was alive.
The sound of the door or window bursting open and hisses caught Ven's attention. Turning on her heels she whirled towards the house bow raised and arrow notched before she could formulate a thought.

With her eyes widening at the sight of fangs she let an arrow slip out of her fingers, gazing past Aleks's head before slamming into the head of a female vamp set on a collision course with him. Ven could feel tears pricking at her eyes. She couldn't lose him, she couldn't lose any of them. Not with Ali gone. It was one failure she didn't need to repeat.


The words left her throat more powerful than what she had meant but the panic set in and she knew it would tear her apart if he got hurt while she could have prevented it. Especially from vampires. Her next arrow pierced one in the heart, sending it falling back into the one behind it. Her jaw clenched even tighter her arrows flying off in rapid fire partly taking out the third one. Doing something really reckless, she sprinted towards the house darting inside.

The only thing she could think of was her sister. Shooting another arrow through another vamp her mind swirled around the one person who consumed her thoughts for months. To have tracked her this far and to not find her in this house or any clue of her would be devastating. Moving into the living room she kept shooting off arrows firing them as quickly as she could draw them.

Victor heard Ven cry out as she unleashed a fury of arrows through the vampires. He had never seen so many vampires, yet alone anyone taking them head on. Victor watched as Ven take out two of the vampires and down the third, saving Aleks. Time was moving at a standstill as everything whirlwind around Victor. The third vampire struggled to move as it had few shafts inside it. It laughed as it looked at Victor, coughing blood. Victor moved his arm to cover the blood from hitting his face with his other arm swinging down to fire off several rounds in the monster's face. When Victor was done there was only a hole where it had laughed before.

Victor turned to see Ven running into the house without hesitation. He called out her name to see if it would bring her back outside, but it was to no avail. He would have to run inside and help Ven and hopefully the rest would be in behind soon thereafter. As Victor ran inside the house, he eyed the guy that was on the roof. He wondered what his connection to all this was; it may have been too much of a coincidence that he appeared just as the vampires attacked.

As soon as Victor entered the house, he could see Ven quickly working room to room and demolishing the vampires that were still inside. He never saw anyone with that much rage and disregard for all safety. While he was watching Ven work, a vampire popped from the closet and tackled Victor into the living room. The two crashed into a bunch of furniture which broke into splinters. Victor's guns had gone sprawling out of his hands but he had watched enough horror movies. He grabbed a broken chair leg and began beating the vampire to get it off of him. As soon as he was able he pushed the jagged piece of wood into the creature's chest, lifting it off the ground. Victor knew that these vampires weren't so cliche but they definitely did not like anything to their hearts. Victor picked up his guns and caught up with Ven.

"Hold up, Ven. Give me a second to catch my breath. I don't know what's up but let's do this together. I got your back," Victor offered Ven while he thought of the front door and the cavalry arriving soon.
Aleks watched the hostile figures dart around the house, one falling beside him, arrow in it's head. He heard Ven yell at him and it took all his willpower to not draw his pistol on her, to think that this girl could have turned her back on him for Victor was infuriating...the two couldn't hide their damn secret from him anymore. He didn't have proof but he had a sinking feeling that he was right, his mind was clearer, no longer bogged down by a relationship. He guessed he was good at putting two and two together.

He watched Ven and Victor storm into the house, sounds of struggle following. Jax was still in the truck and some mystery guy was watching over yonder. So he waited for Jax to get out of the truck, wouldn't want to leave him by himself.
"Then stay behind if you're that out of breath."

She sounded detached, like everything in the world didn't matter as long as she had killed every last one of the bastards inside. Keeping her jaw clenched the look she gave him only mirrored the hollowness inside her. She would love nothing more then to end their existence. Ven turned, pulling an arrow from a vamp's skull in one fluid motion. Moving to the next room, she studied the stillness her gaze moving to the door that seemed to lead to the basement. She paused having two choices either go upstairs or check the basement. Figuring it would be better to clear the upper floor she ascended up the creaky steps. Giving no care to how loud she was or if they knew she was coming. At the top, the doors opened revealing a couple female vampires. Without hesitation or mercy, Ven shot two arrows one through each chest. With a mind clouded with fury, she checked room after room. In what she guessed was the master was a very tall female. She had red hair, the sight gave Ven pause enough for the creature to turn on her. Pinning the girl to the hardwood floor, bow scattering across the floor. Her teeth snapped at her throat, brown eyes specked with red blazed down at her. She was stronger then Ven by a long shot. Struggling intensely, she tried to grab something to reach for anything. The hilt of a knife brushed her fingertips and Ven didn't hesitate. Grabbing the hilt she stabbed it through the woman's heart. A blood curdling scream resonated throughout the house as the woman shrieked. Ven had missed her heart, before the vamp could flee Ven was on top of her twisting the blade painfully into her chest.


Looking panicked the creature let out another cry, though Ven just pulled the knife out only to stab it closer to her heart. With a cold gaze she rotated the knife once more, ignoring the dead blood coating her hands and clothes.

"Red hair, blue eyes, about fifteen. I won't ask again. Where is she?"

It was much softer this time, much more level like she was about to go off at any moment. The vamp stared at her, recognition entering her face followed by a sly smirk.

"The basement but-"

Ven cut off the woman's raspy voice by stabbing the knife into her heart. She withered before her head rolled to the side. Pulling the knife out, Ven stood slipping the knife back into her belt. Checking the rest of the two rooms and finding nothing she moved back down the stairs feeling like she was going to pass out. She was here.


Being the only thing she could think of Ven put another arrow in her bow obviously exhausted. Her hands ached from pulling the bow and her shoulder killed her. Stumbling down the last few steps, she placed her hand against the wall to stabilize herself.
"You know that's not what I fucking mean," Victor snapped but it barely reached Ven.

He didn't know what would get through to her. He tried the gentle approach but maybe it was time to be more forceful. Even that didn't slow down the blur of red that went upstairs to clear out yet another level of vampires. Victor had no choice but to quickly follow her and watch the force of destruction that was Ven. Even when it looked like she needed help, she would quickly turn it around and finish the tall vampire. As quickly as Victor followed Ven upstairs, he turned around to follow her back downstairs to a basement. When Victor finally caught up again, Ven was leaning against a wall down the stairs to the basement. He hurried down the steps to catch up with Ven. He didn't want to bring on her wrath or scare her, but he had to do something.

Victor approached Ven slowly, "Tell me what's going on. Let us help... Let me help, please."

Victor stood in front of Ven, looking her straight in the eye. He was lost what brought this up, but he knew that he had to do something. His eyes offering as much sympathy as possible. Victor wanted to be there to help, he wanted to be there for her. Anything that was in his power.
"Get out of my way."

She said quietly, hugging the wall. She was trying desperately to keep moving. No she needed to keep moving. She had to find her sister so this nightmare could end. Aleks probably hated her, Victor had some sort of crush on her probably because she was the only college age girl around probably for miles if not countries. Deep down on top of it all, she hated herself. Her eyes, dead and emotionless, stared angrily at his face.

"I said move."

She wouldn't hesitate to put an arrow through him if that's what it took. Ven clenched her jaw, no one was going to keep her from finding her sister not even Aleks.
Jax didn't even have time to react. He was in relax mode. All of sudden, Ven, and Victor ran into the house after killing the vampires. Fucking hell. He got out and took his pistol and his knife. With surgical precision, he cut the rest down and continued to follow the group. He saw the dead bodies in the house. Also littered with arrows. "Goddamn it." He saw Aleks waiting. "Lets go clean up, Wolverine."

Jax climbed up the stairs slowly but surely. He saw Victor pleading to Ven, Aleks behind. Ven wanting him to move. He sighed and pulled out his magnum and aimed it. "You heard the lady. Move. She needs to do this it seems. And I'll let her. And I suggest you move out of her way." He walked over the dead gun trianed.

"If you try to shoot me. I don't think Aleks or Ven will be too happy." He didn't the usual chuckle, this was all too serious. "Don't fuck with a lady with a goal."
Victor stood his ground as Ven told him to move. He still didn't understand what came over Ven, but he intended to make sure she didn't end up hurt or worse. He only wanted to help and it didn't seem like Ven would see it his way. There were two ways he could go about this; he could step back and just try to keep up or he could try to knock some sense into her. Whatever she was tracking down had to be important, Victor realized that.

"I said move."

Just as coldly as she told him to move, Victor quickly responded, "Make me."

He could see the rage that he was always quick to, but rather that letting it infest another person Victor wanted to squash the flames. He holstered his guns and reached to grab her shoulders.

Victor pleaded, "I'm not your enemy. I'm just trying to be here for you." Victor continued while shaking Ven with his hands on her shoulders, "If you don't give a fuck about me, then go ahead and shove an arrow in me. But whether you like or not, we're all in this together. You, me, Aleks, Lyric even..."

Jax came up with his gun on Victor trying to get Victor to move out of Ven's way. A sigh escaped from Victor's lips as he turned his head to look at the gun and the man holding it. "If you try to shoot me. I don't think Aleks or Ven will be too happy. Don't fuck with a lady with a goal."

In disbelief, Victor cried out, "Jesus fucking Christ! Listen, puta, I'm not trying to stop her from doing anything. I'm trying to help and make sure no one else gets hurt. I mean seriously, what's wrong with you goddamn people? Pulling a gun on me just for this shit?"

Victor couldn't help anymore, he was at his wits end. It was enough to try to emotionally fight with vengeful Ven but now to have Jax butt in. Victor released Ven and stood aside. He knew there wasn't he could do to help with these two acting this way. He would follow and back Ven up with whatever happened, but he contemplated how he would leave all this madness after everyone was safe.
Jax finally got his ass in gear as he jumped out of the truck, not wasting anymore time as he methodically killed the stragglers. He dragged Aleks with him through the house, he followed him at his own pace, taking slow steps as if he was wading in water, one leg stepping forward followed by the next, only his steps had little life. They passed by bodies strewn about, arrows sticking from their lifeless bodies...whatever they were they couldn't stand up to an angry girl with a bow.

The pair climbed some stairs at a painfully slow pace, putting caution above urgency. While climbing stairs they came across Victor and Ven, Aleks was behind Jax, eyes in between rage and disgust. Jax had his gun trained on Victor who was apparently in Ven's way. Having no sliver of a rational idea, Aleks grabbed the handle of his knife and kept quiet, making his way back to the top of the stairs.
"Listen, I don't think Ven would hesitate in putting an arrow through you. If anything I'm trying to save you. Just that you wouldn't listen if I didn't have a gun out." He got behind them. He is not letting them go in by themselves.

"She is going in and we are following. Because we are in this. Together." He had his magnum ready to fire. He turned motioned Aleks next to him. "Let's go." Ven leading the way with the rest of them as her back up.
G stood there, watching it all happen. He was fond of vampires, in a strange way. He liked facing them up close because it was a fair fight, depending on the vampire.

He watched the whole spectacle, these humans fought for their lives, killing off the vampires rather quickly. He did not need to go anywhere, he stood fine up here for now. He watched one of the women talking to one of the vampires.

Suddenly, a few seconds of nothing, then the people started walking toward the house.

G had a bad feeling about this. A real bad feeling.

He bent down and jumped down from the house, landing on his feet and starting to run after the other people who had entered the house.

He started to pant half way there, feeling the pleasant burn in his chest. He did not know if he should draw his weapon or not, he kept them sheathed for now. He came to the cars, looking quickly in them for more people, seeing nothing he kept on running.

He reached the house. Stopped completely in the door way and took a deep breath. The air smelled of dead and dry blood. He stood there, listening for anything inside. He was not sure if he should enter or not, if he did the others might accidentally kill him, but if he didn't he might get someone killed. He worked good in close quarters with his short weapons. He drew Icebrand and Ishi, stepped over the door inside and embraced the dead air.

He heard distant slashings in the house, moving forward and trying to look for something.

Moving up the stairs, silently.

When he turned the corner, he saw 4 peoples backs.

He followed them quietly.
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