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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Victor raced to catch up to Ven who took off at the sound of glass breaking. He wanted to call out for her to slow down, but it might do more harm than good. Victor was impressed with Ven's quick work of the creature, but he was less impressed with her choice of using a gun. The noise could bring on more monsters and ghouls. There was no knowing what was left inside the museum.

Victor placed a hand on Ven's shoulder reassuringly, "Why don't I take point for a little while? You and Lupin can make sure I don't bonk my head again."

Victor pulled up the flashlight in hand underneath his other hand with a gun drawn. He kept looking from side to side for anything that could pop out, but the darkness of the museum was throwing him off. His light then shined on two figures ahead, but Victor couldn't be sure if they were displays or something worse.

Ready to squeeze his trigger; Victor called out just in case, "Friendly!"

He didn't know what was down the hall, but he hoped that they found Aleks and Jax. But if it wasn't them then he would be able to quickly get off the rounds to put them down. Of course, that would bring even more noise and attention to them. Decisions, decision.
He saw another figure walk in. And put its hand on its shoulder. Oh god. He heard the word. "Friendly!" He instantly recognized the voice. Victor. He gritted his teeth. Then that means that must be Ven. And he had his hand on her shoulder. He was already at work. He could if he wanted to, shoot him and fuck the consequences. But he didn't. Instead he looked at Aleks. "We can go with your plan. I plan on scaring the shit out of Victor. And he won't kill me. I know how to dodge a bullet." He grinned and hugged the wall and moved back a ways and jump onto a pipe in the shadows.

He slowly crawled spider like style and was above Aleks. "Draw their attention. I will be above you. His light will be on you" He started to slowly crawl. Positioning himself halfway between them, still in the dark. He crawled a little bit more and was slowly but surely getting close. It was Victor and Ven. Ven looked traumatized. Victor, acting like the big shot he thought he was. Well, time for him to be surprised.

He was almost above Victor and Ven now. But he dare not go farther, not until Aleks got his attention and when he did he would climb quickly and spring. Because if he moved anymore, the dog would catch wind of the situation and Jax's plan was ruined. He shook his head at the pun and waited.
A little slower than Jax but Aleks recognized the voice as Victor...speak of the devil. Aleks squinted his eyes due to the light being shined in his eyes, he couldn't make out their figures but he knew they had to be Victor and Ven. Throughout all this he heard the sentence.

"We can go with your plan."

And with that, Jax was gone. Deciding to go with his own plan, Aleks stood up, hands held up.

"It's uh...Aleks...don't shoot."

He stepped closer to Victor, shielding his eyes from the light until he got close enough so that the light wasn't in his eyes. He took a few moments to look at Victor in the eyes, really he just needed the extra time to figure out how to distract him and what signal he was going to throw up. Running out of time, Aleks stepped even closer, wrapping his arms around the man and rocking side to side, foot to foot. He felt Victor's body tense, probably in confusion...of at least he hoped it was confusion instead of suspicion. Continuing to rock Victor, he flashed a thumbs up to Jax, releasing Victor and stepping backwards.
Ven clutched her body, body still shaking from the shock of having to shoot a gun. She flinched away from Victor's touch not really wanting to be comforted. She had been stupid not to have an arrow ready, but she did what she had to. Seeing Aleks, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It was more then a relief seeing him alive. Ven had this nagging feeling to hug him, but held back keeping her useless self back.

Watching the two interact, something didn't seem right. Seeing Aleks hug Victor was about the biggest shock ever. She was almost positive they hated each other. Furrowing her eyebrows, Ven glanced up seeing Jax?

Taking a few steps back she stood quietly, telling Lupin to sit so that he didn't bite Jax. Still feeling horrible about the gun, she let the boys do whatever stupid prank they were going to pull.
Jax nodded and was above Victor and fell down behind him. And knocked his gun away. "Having fun?" He chuckled and grabbed Victor's gun. "This is the gun? A 1911?" He sighed and gave it back to him. "You got to be sharp kid." He laughed and looked over at Ven.

"You okay Red?" He turned and looked down the hallway. Not much progress. "We didn't get far. And I thought you were staying and making us a base." Jax groaned internally and looked at the dog. "Also whats with the dog?" He knelt down and smiled. He had a dog before it all went to hell. But he was gone when he arrived. "How are you doing boy?" He touched his ear. The dog didn't pant nor bite. Just sat there. Jax didn't mind a dog. He rubbed his neck and the dog licked his hand. Nodding in approval he got up. "Nice work. We need to keep going. We are not leaving Lyric behind." He didn't plan on it. He actually thought of doing the unthinkable.

"Let me take Ven. You two need some..Bonding time." He grinned and sat down next to Ven. "So Ven, you ready for you life journey with me? And nice new clothes." He smiled and eyed her gun. "Did you shoot? I know you don't like guns." He looked with concern as he ignored the pain in his shoulder.
Xian didn't believe the living in peace anymore than they had. but it sounded good.

Xian laughed once everyone had left the room.

the golden opportunity was lost, he was after a lost cause the second ven had left in anger. a dream was dead. he laughed louder.

fueled by diamorphine his laughter became ridiculous.

"wait t'ill youre a werewolf and kill em all. run off into the sunset with kat, problem solved."

he wondered if the heroin affected Krystia.

once he had brought the laughter too a stop, he wiped a tear from his eye, stood up, and looked at the two girls he was bound to;

Kat had his diamorphine, he couldn't leave her and Aren had to tutor him in werewolf-ing. stuck.

"people are so stupid."
Something very strange was going on. First, Victor saw two silhouettes when he looked down the hall but then only Aleks appeared. Then Aleks called out and jumped out to hug Victor. Finally, Jax popped out of a shadow to grab Victor's gun. Victor was trapped and couldn't do much. His heart had skipped a beat when they did this, but he didn't understand why anyone would play this short of game when he held a loaded gun. Victor was all for jokes and making fun but this was different. It wasn't funny, it was outright dangerous. Victor took the ganging up as an offense.

When Jax handed back Victor his gun, Victor saw his chance. He grabbed Jax's arm and twisted his own body to hip toss Jax. Jax was truly larger than Victor, but that didn't matter for a hip toss. It was all in the focal point. Victor held the taken gun to Jax's head and drew his other one on Aleks.

"Do we like games? Let's guess how many of us will be shot the next time you try this," Victor declared while aiming down the sights at Aleks and knee on top of Jax. Victor shined his teeth in an aggressive smile.

Victor holstered both guns and let Jax up. Jax continued on his way of being authoritative, but this had put Victor in a bad mood and didn't really care for what he had to say. Victor became hesitant to want to be part of this group again. Earlier assumptions were right, Victor felt like the odd man out. Victor didn't want to follow Jax's command but he also didn't want to be there right that instance. He began walking towards a different hallway, if Aleks wanted to join him that was up to him. Victor didn't care right now.
Ven sighed, watching the events unfold. Victor took it seriously, not seeming to find the lesson useful.

She watched as he grabbed his gun back before holding both 1911s to Jax and Aleks.


She said his name like a warning, her tone being one that meant she didn't really have the emotion to handle someone getting shot.

Her fingers twitched on her bow, she couldn't help but think that if he shot either of them there would be an arrow through his chest before he knew what hit him. Biting her bottom lip she watched Victor lower his guns and let the guys go. Jax brushed himself off, making his way over to her before looking at her dog.

"We got supplies. We came back to group up."

She paused considering his question, she wasn't okay. But, Ven figured the group didn't need to be bothered with her internal conflicts. She just wanted to find Lyric so she had a girl to actually talk to. One that she mildly trusted at least. Watching Jax with a curious gaze, she watched him interact with Lupin. The fact that the dog didn't bite off his hand probably meant Lupin approved of this new man entity.

"His name is Lupin. And yes, I had no choice. My arrows were too slow and I didn't feel like dieing."

Ven said quietly, still ignoring his question in asking if she was okay. She pulled the gun out of her pocket, handing it to Jax she didn't want the vile thing near her, truth be told. But, she couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she didn't have it. For the first time she saw that her arrows weren't always fast enough and it scared the crap out of her. Barely listening to Jax split up the group again Ven felt somewhat relieved that she was going with Jax. It just meant she had more time away from the ominous problem that was starting to haunt her.

Whistling for Lupin to come, she afforded a glance at Aleks, praying that the two wouldn't kill each other. Following him towards another unknown corridor, she paused for a moment, taking in his compliment. Jax was starting to act like a protective older brother, in an Apocalypse screwed up the world sort of way. A small smirk appeared on her face, but she was so deep in thought she really didn't answer his question let alone respond.
Aleks watched on as Jax pulled his stunt and got thrown around as soon as he handed Victor back his gun, who had then turned to draw his gun on Aleks. To make matters worse, Jax decided to pair him with Victor. A feeling of disbelief grew in his body but he kept his mouth shut, after all he had said he wasn't going to complain.

Victor had got up, making his way down another hall, Jax and Ven taking another route.

Might as well go with him, better than dying here.

With the guidance of the voice, Aleks followed Victor though making no attempts to catch up, his pistol was drawn, but dangled by his side.

(( Sorry it's so short. ))
Jax let him throw him around. "Kid, that best you got?" He chuckled when he had his knee on Jax's chest and the gun at his head. "Cause believe me, if I wanted to, you would've been dead on the floor." He got up and shook his head. "Don't tempt me." He grinned and watched Victor good.

"Typical. Always run when you get flustered." He turned at Aleks. "You can follow if you want. It's choice." He smiled and examined Ven's gun. Nice. A silver magnum. He felt the weight, and gripped it. He liked the feel of it. "Do you want to keep it? It's yours."
Ven scoffed, if he knew she lothed guns then what was the point of her keeping it when he could use it. She rubbed the back of her neck, Ven was originally going to give the gun to Aleks. But, she didn't want to be in contact with it anymore. She had something else she could give him anyway.

"Take it. It's not much use to me anyway, Jax."

Ven sighed, keeping her bow in her hand with an arrow at the ready. She didn't want history to repeat itself.

"Let's just find Lyric and get the fuck out of here."

Her legs continued to carry her down the dark passage way not even waiting for Jax to finish speaking with Aleks. She needed some time alone and the best way to acheive that would be to find Lyric so Jax had something less to fret about. Then Ven could find Ali. If they wanted to help her so be it. Otherwise, she'd do it on her own. Continuing down the corridor she took note of a door that hung half way off it's hinges. A bad feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, turning she looked to find that she was alone. Letting out an uneasy breath she waited, seeming as she didn't want to go through those doors alone.
Victor couldn't believe the gall or the superior attitude. He really didn't pay no attention to nonsense pouring out of Jax's mouth as he left. He knew that Aleks was trailing behind him but it was another situation that he didn't care for. Victor's mind raced as to why they would act this way. Why would Jax act so caviler to play a practical joke when he hadn't found Lyric? Why did anyone actually think that someone that survived on his own for so long wouldn't kill if he needed to? These questions and many more raced through Victor's head.

Victor reached the Egyptian exhibit to find more of nothing in the darkness. He looked into the eyes of sarcophagi that lined walls. He felt like they were taunting him. Taunting him with another failure. He had lost his friends years ago and didn't know how or why. His heart became guarded in not knowing who to trust anymore. He wanted to be part of a group again but maybe it wasn't to be.

Victor reached into his back pocket and tied his mask back on. He roared as he twisted to punch the wall. The wall had a small hole and his fist had a few open cuts. Victor breathed heavily as he looked down at his hand. There was a dull ache, Victor just focused and let the pain drift away. He calmed down for a moment and slowed his breathing, but there was something that hung in the air. Something else was breathing loudly.

"Not the time to be fucking around again," Victor called out but he heard no response.

Instead, Victor witnessed a monstrous man standing at the other side of the exhibit. Victor cursed himself as he most likely woke this ghoul. This ghoul must have been a mountain of a man before all of this, but what Victor hadn't accounted for was his speed. The ghoul charged; ramming Victor into the wall that he had just punched. The beast held Victor off his feet against the wall. With its arms pressed against his chest, Victor couldn't reach his guns. Victor picked up his knees and kicked off the ghoul. The ghoul took a step or two back but was immediately on top of Victor again. This time it was different, Victor was closer to a display. He twisted his body and kicked through the glass. Victor was able to reach inside and grab an over-sized ankh. Victor cut his forearm deeply on the broken class as he felt the life being pushed out of him.

Victor swung with the strength he had left in him, hitting the ghoul against the head. The ghoul stepped back again, ready for a third charge. It gave a gurgling yell in defiance, while Victor yelled back at the ghoul. Victor was able to draw a gun and fired six rounds into the beast. Being beaten, Victor missed the first few hitting the monster its chest but the last two rounds found their mark. It tumbled down to Victor's feet where Victor raised the ankh and continued to strike the dead ghoul's head.

While turning its head into soup; Victor yelled, "C'mon! That's it? You ain't shit! C'mon!"

Victor fell to his knees still grasping the bloodied ankh, again breathing heavily as the adrenaline permeated through his spine and outwards.
Aleks tailed behind Victor, slowly, even going so far as to let Victor disappear from his sight, he still knew the general direction of where he was going so no worries of getting separated were had. Any previous feelings of fun were squashed as he walked through the museum, almost like a machine, his legs going into a routine of steps, equal distance each time.

He heard Victor yell, his voice coming out distant, Aleks hadn't noticed how much distance he let the man get between them. A different roar sounded out, the unmistakable roar of one of the dead, he picked up the pace going into a jog. Multiple gunshots rang into the air, making Aleks cringe from the sudden, rapid loud sounds, still not used to loud noises anymore.

Reading the words as he passed by, he entered the Egyptian room to see Victor just finish beating a giant head with a cross-like object and yelling at it. Normally he would've just let him cool off by himself but with the gunshots and yelling, he was sure to attract something.

Aleks walked over to the kneeling man, grabbing him by the underside of his upper arm and pulling him to his feet.

"We should keep moving...wouldn't want to attract any more attention than we already have."
Jax holstered the magnum. He wouldn't use it unless he had to. They walked to where Jax and Aleks were and continued towards another hallway. "So what do you think of Victor?" He said and sliced a few dead and continued. He eyed Lupin and smiled. The dog was very loyal. The trio continued to walk and Ven jogged ahead and soon she stopped at door.

"Come on Red, it ain't that bad." He smiled and opened the door. A dead fell out. He stepped back quickly and had his knife ready. "Okay, I could be wrong on that one." He turned on his light and slowly walked in. "Cover me." He slowly walked in. Not much, just some knick knacks and some displays. He nodded and turned and motioned her to come in.

"Whats wrong? You seem quiet." He said while he checked the magnum again. Ven was different. He didn't like it. Something happened, and Jax felt it. She was tense at the same time scared. "Whatever happened, you can tell me. Or not, I understand." He kicked back a few dead so Ven could get some target practice.
Victor felt himself being picked up. He turned to see Aleks saying, "We should keep moving...wouldn't want to attract any more attention than we already have."

Every fiber of Victor's being was firing off with electricity and adrenaline. He couldn't help but think of what was taken from him and these monsters that were responsible. Victor didn't care if more came, he wanted to face them head on. He just wanted to beat on something, anything. He could take a swing at Aleks just for being there, but his common sense was returning. Victor dropped the ankh with a metallic clatter against the floor. The adrenaline that Victor had used to beat the monster finally loosened its grip on him. Blood began to drip out of his forearm where it came into contact with the glass.

Victor shrugged off Aleks and continued on deeper into the museum, "Alright, whatever. Let's find this girl already."
Ven considered Jax's question.

She didn't know.

She was so confused, it didn't seem right to her that Victor had kissed her just after Aleks had. But, then again, she had no established relationship with Aleks.

Yet it felt like she had betrayed him.

Locked in her own thoughts yet again, her eyes turned back to the door. She still didn't feel right about what was beyond that door. Her eyes swiveled back to Jax as he caught up with them still probably expecting an answer as to what she thought of Victor. She couldn't tell if he was just asking because she had been with them the longest or because of something else. Ven bit her bottom lip looking back to the door pulling back the string on her bow. The tip of the arrow shimmered dimly in the small about of light. Forcing herself out of her head, she adjusted herself.

Alright, let's get back to business. You can think when we have Lyric.

Bravo, Venni, Bravo.

Ven gave a look of annoyance at Lupin who just cocked his head to the side.

"I have a bad feeling Jax-"

She was cut off by him opening the door wider just to have a half eaten dead body fall out. Ven trained her arrow on it, vaguely realizing that Lupin was growling. Covering Jax upon request, Ven afforded a glance at the mangled flesh below her. It seemed to have been a woman, her throat was ripped out. Groupings of paired puncture marks littered what was left of her body. Ven's bow sting tightened, anger settling into her features.

Fucking Vampires.

She thought to herself, memories of that night coming back to her in a horrid flash.

Walking in behind Jax she immediately shot a couple dead wasting space in the dark room.

Ven glanced over at Jax trying to cool down. But, the fact that there had been Vampires here at one point proved that her Sister must have passed through here. Green orbs moved around the dimly lit room. There seemed to be only one other door, the words 'Office' were faded but still slightly visible.

"This may not be the best time to talk about things..."

Ven grumbled, moving slowly towards the door.

"I'm just having a hard time thinking things out."

Her voice started to come down to a complete whisper as she inched closer to it.

Ven's eyes traveled back towards Jax behind her. She motioned to the door before slowly placing her left hand on the knob. With a sicking twist, she pulled it open eyes widening at the trashed room inside. Blood splattered across the ceiling and walls, the lights flickered eerily setting off this horror movie like scene. Ven froze, her gaze moving to the girl curled up on the ground. Covered in blood, but still breathing. Recognition crossed her face at the unconscious body.

"Jax? I....I think......I found Lyric..."

((Okay, I had to end the search, sorry. If you guys want me to I can just edit it and continue with the hunt for Lyric.))
Aleks scanned the near shadows, keeping his eyes and ears open as he waited for Victor to snap out of whatever he was in. He hadn't noticed that he still kept his hand around Victor's arm, the man shrugging him off.

"Alright, whatever. Let's find this girl already."

Aleks decided to walk ahead, not waiting to see if Victor would follow.

"We're probably not gonna find her anyways...been at this for too long and not one single clue has popped up."

Sometimes a pessimistic attitude payed off more than an optimistic one, gave someone a little better insight on the world and it's situations so that was how he was going to treat this...at least until his patience wore out, which was happening.

"Maybe we should just go back...besides, you look like you need some rest or at least get that arm checked out."

Aleks eyed the deep gash on his forearm, bleeding and probably stinging.
Victor just grunting in agreement when Aleks suggested in going back. The adrenaline was still in his veins and Victor couldn't really think of much else. He still wanted to fight and make others hurt. There was a rage inside that he kept bottled up, but make the off and on interaction between him and the other guys had put Victor on edge. Victor ignored the dull thrumming feeling from his arm as it dripped blood along the floor behind him.

Aleks and Victor made it back to where everyone first ran into each other, then made their way down the other hallway after Jax and Ven. Victor was on auto-pilot as they moved down the hallway past the bodies left by the other two.

They arrived to the half torn door where Jax and Ven looked to be huddled around a female body. Every where else was a gruesome sight with monster parts strewn all over the place. It was the a place for anyone queasy. Victor could tell by the look on faces that something had changed.

Although there was no time to settle, loud howling echoed through the hallways. The group was definitely not alone.
Together the two made their way back to Jax and Ven. Victor hadn't said anything regarding the gash on his arm, which happened to make Aleks wary, if the man passed out due to blood loss, well...Aleks didn't have much in the way of medicinal skills but he'd carry Victor if he had to...after all he wouldn't want Ven to be angry with him if he left the guy to die.

As they walked the halls, neither said anything, giving each person ample time to delve into their minds. Aleks's thoughts wandered to what exactly transpired between Ven and Victor while the group split up. Every so often he would glance to the man beside him, searching his face for something, studying the gash on his arm, examine the man's physique, and lastly eyes lingering in the man's lips. Realizing what was happening Aleks snapped himself out of whatever self-deprecating train of thought he was in.

Resorting himself to keeping his eyes forward, he saw the bloody room long before he would have if he kept studying Victor, as the pair neared, the random gore strewn throughout the room became more apparent, making Aleks's heart race. Something about this had turned a switch in his mind, the familiar sight of the blood and body parts almost made him lick his lips in anticipation, an act he restrained himself from, wouldn't want to seem blood-crazed.

Upon closer inspection, he saw Jax and Ven huddled around a girl...familiar...blonde hair...and with the bodies laying around he could only make one safe assumption on who would be able to do that. Distant wailing and screams sounded but he ignored it, too busy focusing on the first girl he had met since the apocalypse.
Ven suddenly felt sick, the amount of blood in the room was making it hard for her to stand stright. Stepping back haphazardly, Ven stumbled back over an arm sticking out from under the desk. Catching herself, she turned to see Aleks and Victor standing the the doorway. A feeling of absolute dread slipped over her, she couldn't deal with all this. There was too much blood, too much....of a reminder. Forcing herself out of the room she paused at where Aleks stood. Not looking at either of the guys before brushing past them. Lupin trotting after her wimpering softly.

She moved further away from the office before stopping and leaning against the wall. Her knees slowly gave out from under her, letting her sink to the ground. Taking a deep breath, she ran her fingers through her hair. She knew Jax must be relieved to at least find her even if she was uncontious at least she was alive. Listening to the veague howls in the distance Ven glanced at Lupin who had put his head on her knees. Smiling slightly, Ven ran her fingers through the dogs fur letting out a soft sigh. Calming the raging feeling of nausea she waited there for the rest of the group to come out when they were ready. Any moment she could save from being inside that office sounded like a plan to her.
Aleks surveyed the blood soaked room, crimson liquids painted the floor, walls, and everything in between, most of the times this would break someone, the amount of blood would make most normal people vomit...or at least gag. Yet here they were, the four musketeers, standing without much reaction as far as Aleks could tell. He couldn't really see Jax or Ven's face to gauge their feelings. At least until Ven stood up, tripping over an arm as she pushed herself past the two men at the door.

Right now all Aleks wanted was to get a closer look at Lyric but something told him no.

Look. Let Jax handle this, this is more his burden than anyone else in the room.

Having no argument against the voice, Aleks silently turned and walked the way Ven went. After a while he came upon Ven on the ground, the dog snuggled against her. He wanted more than anything to just crouch down and comfort her, the room obviously having some effect on her, but an overwhelming urge to get answers came up, all he had to do was take this slowly and delicately. He stood behind her, hands shoved into his pockets.

"Hey...Ven. Something's obviously wrong...care to explain?"
She lifted her head slowly to see Aleks. She couldn't breathe, it felt like someone was pressing down on her chest. Finding strength in her legs, she stood glaring at him. It sounded like he was causing her of something. In her state of mind she didn't need that right now.

"Care to explain what, Aleks?"

Her voice sounded strained almost as if she was on the verge of breaking down. Standing in front of him, she tried her best to look strong like she could take anything. Even though she was just unraveling on the inside.
Aleks's gaze followed Ven as she stood, glaring at him. He sighed internally, this was where he would fail, dealing with angry women was his weak point...in actuality it was a point he never had much time tempering. Her voice sounded edgy and the way she asked her question made it seem like she thought he was accusing her of something. That might've been partly true, after all he was planning on trying to extract answers but not at this moment.

"I was just checking up on you...looked like you didn't fare too well with the whole blood and bodies back there."

Aleks still kept his passive demeanor, watching Ven's body language, he wasn't by any means, an expert, but he could tell she was hurting on the inside, the way her voice came out didn't exactly help her facade either. She didn't seem like she was just going to play this out in an easier fashion. Ven wasn't backing down, then Aleks wasn't backing down.
Ven held his gaze, still feeling suffocated. She could tell what he really wanted to ask her. She knew it probably had something to do with Victor and she really didn't need Aleks blowing up about being kissed by another guy.

"Well thanks for noticing Aleks, makes me feel a whole lot better."

Ven snapped angrily. She looked away from him suddenly, crossing her arms and taking a deep breath. Ven had no idea what to do at this point. She was confused and him asking these questions weren't helping her state of mind or making her feel any better.

((Sorry these are short I'm really distracted))
"Well thanks for noticing Aleks, makes me feel a whole lot better."

He shifted, transferring weight from his right foot to the left, pondering his options on how to handle this. He was never the kind of person to handle situations with a delicate touch, but Ven wasn't delicate concerning her exterior and he might just end up making her even angrier. Maybe a more direct, less gentlemanly attitude would work. Then again he felt like Ven was teetering on the edge of Victor and himself and a blunt approach may just tip her in the way of the masked man. Or he could always give up...give up and let Victor have his way, he'd ride out the rest of his short life around the group, just alone. It'd make life easier and the higher powers knew they needed it.

"If you need to vent...go ahead...start ranting, yelling, screaming, crying...take a punch if you need, hard as you want, don't need to worry."

His mind was yelling at him to do something, something more than just being there, he just didn't know right now, one could say he was scared that he'd lose Ven as soon as he made a wrong move. He took an involuntary step towards her back, tempted to just wrap her in his arms, he looked at the back of her head with a look of longing.

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