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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Aleks watched his partner creep out from the truck and silently beat a few monsters with his shotgun, less work for him if Jax kept this up. Together they entered the familiar museum, Aleks right begin Jax, eyes sweeping the darkness, alert for anything with claws and teeth.

"A lowly gangbanger? I don't think you're that type of man. Crazy, but not that crazy. And I can tell you like her. You have that look."

Aleks let out a bitter laugh, his voice resentful.

"Yeah, I was that type of man. Like they say, looks can be deceiving. People see me, they think...oh man what a punk. Thing is the person is some sick, soulless, bloodthirsty asshole. And yeah...I could say the same thing about you and Lyric."

Why the hell was he pouring himself out to Jax? Not that he had a problem with the guy...just they never really were friends as far as Aleks knew. The pair continued down a hallway, leaving another hall for another time.

"Look...I get it, you wanna play daddy and we appreciate it...as long as you don't turn dictator then I have no problems with you."

As they walked, Aleks couldn't help but think about what Jax said...he needed Ven, she needed him...he almost doubted it, with the independent demeanor she loved to play. As they continued down the hall, occasionally taking out monsters, he needed to ask.

"Hey...what would you do if we find Lyric beyond help? Or maybe turned..."
He chuckled at the daddy comment. "I am not your daddy. Nor am I trying to be your 'daddy.' And I am not going to be a dictator. I am not that way. And yes, looks can be deceiving. And what makes you think Lyric and I are something?" He grinned and chuckled. He didn't feel like telling him about his past. He wanted to keep Aleks in suspense.

"Hey...what would you do if we find Lyric beyond help? Or maybe turned..." Aleks said. Jax stopped dead in his tracks and dropped the shotgun. Memories flash of the last time it happened. He said never again. I won't let it happen. He turned to look at Aleks. Anger hiding the fear deep inside.

"Don't you ever say that again. She will be fine, she has to be." He looked down and sighed to hide back the tears and the tremor in his voice. "She has to be. Or else we are in trouble." He turned and picked up the gun. Walked down the hallway and hit the undead and little bit harder than usual. Tears in his eyes as he did. Good thing Aleks can't see his face. Or he would've seen a broken man under that facade.

They were led into a huge display room. "Check the place. See if there is anything." He crept towards the stairs, hoping to get a vantage point. And to get his composure together while alone. He didn't need to seem weak. He hated that feeling more than anything. I can't let this happened every time. He gritted his teeth, then he breathed deeply to calm down.
Ven's eyes twitched when he took the bag from her shoulder. Reaching up, she smacked him on the back of the head.

"Next time I want to help just let me, jerk."

She grumbled lightheartedly, looking around the street. The sight of a nice looking black Jaguar F Type caused her to smirk.

"Who gives a fuck about skipping? Let's go in style."

She mused quietly moving towards the car. Checking it out, she prayed it had gas. It would only fit the three of them, but it would save the walk. Opening the trunk she breathed in relief thrilled that the car was unlocked. Her eyes widened at the sight of two cases of water and a red fuel container. How lucky could they be?

Grabbing the container she frowned, there was barely a drop of gas. Apparently they aren't that lucky. Leaving the trunk open for Victor to put the bags in Ven opened the passengers side door pulling the seat down. Whistling lowly, she gestured for the dog to hop in.

"Come on Lupin."

She called quietly. Putting the seat up when he got in the back alright.

Ven moved to the drivers side, looking for some spare keys.

"Where do rich people keep keys?"

She grumbled to herself looking around for them.
Aleks opened his mouth to respond to Jax's little tease about he and Lyric when he dropped his shotgun, clattering loudly as he whirled around, looking Aleks in the eyes, voice angry.

Yeah...should've known that would strike a nerve.

"Don't you ever say that again. She will be fine, she has to be."

Aleks backed up two steps, hands held up to chest level, pistol hanging upside-down, a finger still hooked inside the trigger guard. A few heated moments later, Jax turned and resumed his business, each strike more vicious than the last.

"And if you want to look out for us but shut us down as soon as we hit a personal topic...there might be a problem..."

The words were just leaving his mouth without thought behind them, not caring if Jax pumped shells into his chest. He had to know this, this was his flaw as far as Aleks knew. He didn't answer though so they continued, eventually coming to a big room.

"Check the place. See if there is anything."

Nodding, he split with Jax, moving to check out some of the empty exhibits, keeping his eyes opened for anything useful, sadly he found nothing but random pieces of paper and junk...like kids toys. Upon further investigation, he found a few bullets littering the ground, the majority had already been expended but he did pocket the few that were still ready to go. Other than that, nothing of importance was in the giant, empty, useless room. Kicking a piece of paper into the air, his thoughts wandered back to pre-apocalypse life, completely displacing himself from present time.
Victor laughed as Ven smacked and scolded him, "Yes, ma'am."

Victor watched as Ven found a car for them to transverse the city towards the museum. Not only did Ven find a car, it was a beast of a car that would be a dream for just about anyone. Lupin hopped in the back seat of the sports car and Victor dropped the bags in the small trunk. Funny thing about sports cars, they run fast and hard but storage space was at a premium. Victor barely shut the trunk with the supplies. Ven moved to the driver side ready to take over but she was also looking for the keys. They were lucky in finding an unlocked car but not enough for the keys to be in the ignition for them.

Ven grumbled to herself, "Where do rich people keep keys?"

Victor thought back to his trouble making days in the boarding schools. Most of the students and teachers were well off, beyond normal means. In those years, Victor learned a lot about the kind of attitude a person would have to own such a vehicle. Victor walked over to front, driver side wheel well. He reached under and found what he was looking for. A small metallic box that had a magnetic strip on one side. The box slid open to reveal a key to the car. Victor handed the key to Ven.

"Most times when people bring this kinda car around here is to go clubbing. They might do things like this to make sure they don't look their keys when they're drunk. Of course, it doesn't stop the idiots from driving."

Victor hopped into the passenger seat and opened the window for Lupin to stick his head out.

"Let's see what this motherfucker can do!"
Ven stared at him as he gave his explanation. Her immediate thought;

He was a frat boy.

Rolling her eyes, she shut her door and put the key in the ignition. She turned to look at him a smirk coming to her face.

"I should tell you, I never got my license before the end of the world."

Amusment coated her voice as he backed up and peeling out of the parking lot. She was an exceptionally good driver especially when no one else was alive to be on the road with her. She just liked fucking with people. Stepping on the gas, she sped down the freeway, slowing whenever there was a car she had to scoot around. Pulling over at an abandoned gas station she turned to Victor as she cut the engine.

"Who wants to bet I can get some gas out of the pump?"

She questioned getting out with her bow in hand, looking around for anything dangerous. Taking the gas container from the trunk she dug something from her pocket. Doing something to the machine.
Jax sighed, Aleks was right. He couldn't blow up everytime Lyric was mentioned. He saw a door in the far corner and saw a nice leather jacket in a display case. He liked his, so he smashed the case to give the jacket to Aleks. He grabbed it and felt the leather. Nice texture and its pretty thick. Good for winters and blocking undead strikes. He climbed back down and looked at Aleks. "Yeah, I know I get all pissy when Lyric is mentioned and in danger. Its just, things have happened and I don't want them to happen again. I am trying to get it under control. Promise."

He held out the jacket and looked at him. "Try it on. Suits your style, many pockets and its durable and thick. Helps you survive the cold or as another line of defense for them bastards." He threw it at him and planned which doors to go through. He decided they would head through the northern door and continue that way for a little while. Jax put his shotgun on his back and continued to walk around grabbing a few things. Saw a necklace and he stopped, dark blue sapphire with silver surrounding it. He gently broke the glass and grabbed it. Memories came flooding back. He suppressed them and pocketed the necklace. He would give this to Lyric when they found her.

Jax saw a few undead near the open northern archway door and started to observe them. He watched how they interacted, nothing really special. After 5 minutes he got up and quickly cut them and knocked them over. "Come on, we don't have all day." He opened the huge door and continued foreword.
"I should tell you, I never got my license before the end of the world."

Victor leaned his head out of the window with Lupin. With a sense of despair the dog and man yelled as the car peeled out, "Fuuuuuck..."

Despite the warning Ven gave, she was an excellent driver. Victor chuckled as he realized the joke made at his expense. Victor watched as the drool left Lupin's mouth the wind and admired how carefree the dog seemed with a little wind in face. The open window helped Victor feel the same as wind blew in and ruffled his shaggy hair.

Ven pulled over at a gas station. It almost felt like it was a road trip with a dog and a pit stop for gas. Ven playfully asked if anyone wanted to bet if there was gas in the pump. Victor just smiled at her, knowing better than to take this girl for granted again. While Ven was messing with the pump, Victor went to the truck and grabbed a bottle of water, giving it to Lupin. He still had to nurse this dog back to shape. Although, he knew he shouldn't leave Ven alone; Victor also knew the dog would protect Ven with his life. Victor headed towards the station to look for any supplies or anything useful. Inside the convenience store, everything looked cleared out. Victor didn't bother with that, so he went inside the garage to look for anything for the car or even the truck. Little did he know there was a zombie in the oil pit, out of view. As Victor walked past the grated opening in the ground, a hand shot up and grabbed his ankle. He didn't react quick enough and the hold tripped Victor. He twisted as fell, trying to get free, only to hit his head on a jack. Victor coughed a chuckle as he saw actual stars and consciousnesses escaped him.
Dark tendrils of shadows snaked throughout the abandoned building...he and his 'friends' huddled around a small, controlled fire, heavy snow and wind swirled outside, the eerie howl of the wind making itself very clear. Everyone had big coats, beanies, furry hats, gloves, mittens, baggy pants, worn shoes, and dirty faces, and yet they still shivered in the fight for warmth. One man spoke up, a hulking beast of a man, his Yankee accent clear.

"All right...we're down deep, tonight we go after that convenience store down at Pinwheel Street and our new friend Aleks over there is leading the charge."

Aleks looked up from the fire, eyes wide with surprise but quickly swallowed his anxiety, replacing it with false bravado.

"Got no problem with that man...we're gonna show those bastards, take their shit, and get the hell out of there."

The memory made him smile, his first real family...also the night he became a bit more popular as their 'operation' went smoothly. Jax's words ripped him from the past as he reassured Aleks about his little flaw, making Aleks wonder what exactly happened to him in the past, but he decided to leave it alone for now. A leather jacket was thrown in his face...it was meant for his hands but he couldn't catch it in time. Turning it over and running his hand over the sturdy material, he thanked Jax, pulling it over his jacket.

"Feel like Wolverine now."

They continued their trek, stopping to watch a few monsters go about their business, even in death they were boring and apparently Jax thought so to as he put them all down and went in without losing stride. Aleks jogged to catch up, stomping on one for safety measures, eyeing the necklace he had gone through much trouble to get...breaking glass.

"You'd think we would smell a wolf..."

Aleks was muttering to himself, beginning to wonder if Jax had a plan or if they were just running around in the dark.

"You...have a plan right? You've been at this for how long now?"
Gas started to leak out of the pump and into the container. Smiling, she turned toward the truck only to find Victor gone and Lupin whining. His head looking toward the garage. A few seconds later there was a bang followed by a muffled chuckle. Putting the pump in the container to keep it running, Ven pulled out her bow and had an arrow notched in a flash. Moving into the garage, she searched for Victor finding him on the ground with a zombie using him to try and pull itself out of the oil grate. Using an arrow, she kneeled down and slammed it threw the grate and into it's head. Prying the dead hand away from Victor, she scrambled over to him.

"Hey, hey, wake up. Victor. Wake up."

She said panic recharging her system making her think through as many medical books as she could. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she pulled his head away from the jack. Ven slipped his mask off, letting it clatter to the ground as she tried to figure out if he needed stitches or if it was just a bump. Running two fingers up his neck, she searched for a pulse in finding it she let out a relieved sigh. Putting his arm around her neck she lifted him slowly, wincing as she almost buckled under his weight.


She gasped, walking/dragging him out of the garage and towards the car. It took her about fifteen minuets to haul his ass into the passenger seat. As soon as she got him in she went back for his mask only to place it in the back with the dog. Grabbing some water from the trunk, she leaned in the passengers seat putting one knee between his legs. Opening the bottle, she tried to squish his mouth open finding that that wasn't working too well.

Lupin tilted his head at her, causing her to scowl.

"Oh shut up."

She grumbled looking at him perplexed as to how to get him to drink something. Blushing darkly, it took her a long moment to figure out a way. Turning scarlet, she huffed.

"Wake up, jackass."

And with that she dumped half the bottle of water on his head refusing to feed him the water herself.
Jax chuckled. "Are you wolverine? Pull your claws out then." He said casually. Taking out a few more undead with his knife. He stopped and opened the door to a smaller room. Jax looked around. He heard Aleks' comments.

"What if she isn't in her wolf form? You can't smell her then." Truth be told, he had no idea where to look and he didn't have a set in stone plan. "As for a plan. I don't have one. We'll just start clearing out the museum and be on our way. Scatter." He turned and went right, looking at war memorabilia. He sighed and remembered when he was in the agency back in the day. How much as changed.

Victor sat up gasping as the cold water hit his face. He didn't know how long he had been out but he was suddenly in a different environment. He looked around as he was actually inside the car instead of the gas station's garage. The water was streaming down his face and he could feel it work its way down his body. He looked around to see what else had happened only to see that ultimately he was only a few inches away form Ven who was leaning over him with a concerned look.

With a little bit of confusion, "So I'm guessing I'm a jackass...?"

Victor laughed at the absurdity of his own clumsiness, "Thanks for the save, Ven."

Since she was so close to his face already, he stole this chance to reach up and give a kiss on the cheek, "Seriously, I really appreciate you watching my back."

Victor sat back and ran his hair to ruffle his own saggy hair. The situation was interrupted by a bark in Victor's ear with Lupin behind them. Victor reached back and gave Lupin a good rub, "You have my thanks too, buddy."

Victor felt a little silly for being so helpless but his trust in Ven grew immensely when she dragged his ass to safety.
She frowned, glaring at him as he sat up. He was such a pain in her-

Her thoughts were cut off by his lips being planted on her cheek. She froze, eyes going wide and face turning yet another shade of crimson.

Ven almost fell out of the car, shoving the rest of the water into his chest and climbing out. She moved quickly to the gas container, grumbling about boys being stupid, reckless, idiots.

Getting the rest of the gas out and into the container, she tightened the lid before putting it in the trunk. Taking the gas pump, she put it inside the car, figuring that she might as well fill it up before the gas spilled uselessly on the pavement.

Ven leaned against the car, running her fingers through her hair once again.

Her cheeks were still red from the kiss on the cheek he had given her. That was the second time a guy had made her heart race like this. Thinking back to Aleks kissing her cheek on the roof she felt another prang of guilt. How confusing could this situation get? Biting her lip, she stared off into space before hearing the gas pump click signaling that it was either out of gas, or it had filled the car up. Grabbing the handle, Ven tried to get a little more gas out but to no avail.

"Well then, I guess we're done here."

She mumbled moving towards the drivers seat of the car. Sliding in, she put the keys in the ignition.

"Next stop, a creepy ass museum."

She grumbled softly before stepping on the gas.

Affording a glance at Victor, she looked at him for a long moment before looking back to the rode.

She was definitely keeping this car, this baby moved. Though she wasn't sure how great it was on gas. At least she had gotten almost a full tank.
"Alrighty then," Victor replied as Ven started driving to the museum.

Victor started feeling guilty because of the reaction he got from Ven. She had probably saved his life, how else was he supposed to react? Victor thought that was the least that he could do, it wasn't as if he striped down and asked to have sex that very moment. Although to think about it, she did drop more water on him and he was feeling soaked through. Victor thought about how pneumonia would not be the best way to die right about now. He leaned forward as Ven drove and removed this gun holsters then each layer of clothing, in turn twisiting them outside the window to get all the water out. Lupin was enjoying this chore as he head was pelted with the water drops as they drove though the city. Victor tried as best as he could to dry off his chest before putting on the moist clothing back on.

Even with the awkwardness that just happened, Victor looked over and saw that Ven was enjoying herself while driving this beautiful car. It was an awesome ride and as practical as the truck may have been, there was no time like the present to indulge in as many things as possible. If the chance arose, Victor might have to go on a joy ride before this car crapped out on them.

Victor looked up to see the museum that he crashed into not too long ago. Soon enough they would meet up with the other two and hopefully Lyric as well. The good thing about this time coming back to the museum was that they had a lot of new toys to help make it, not to mention a new mouth to feed.

Thinking about Lupin, "So which one of us is going to explain this guy? Because you know Jax is going to have a conniption."
As she drove, she took another glance at Victor to see him taking off his shirt. Almost swerving the car into a parked car, she kept her eyes on the road trying not to make her crimson face any more noticeable. Continuing on with her eyes focused on the road, she pulled up to the museum quietly parking the car behind the Truck.

Ven cut the engine, looking back at Lupin a smile came to her face. Victor's words cut through her thoughts, causing her to look at the man beside her. She still couldn't get over how he looked without his mask on. He had a certain ruggedness to him that made him seem...sexy? Biting her cheek she pushed out the thoughts, before narrowing her eyes at him.

"If he touches my dog, I'll put an arrow through his ass."

Ven stated calmly, it was no empty threat. She seriously would shoot the jerkwad who felt the need to hurt Lupin. She could handle taking care of the dog, besides...Ali always wanted a dog. Looking to the husky, a sad look entered her face at the thought of her sister. Grabbing her bow and arrows from the back seat, she handed Victor his mask. Actually looking him in the eye this time as she spoke,

"I had to take it off to make sure you didn't need stitches."

Holding his gaze for about a minuet longer, she broke it by getting out of the car.

Pulling the drivers seat down to let Lupin out.

Wagging his tail, Lupin stayed close sniffing the air as Ven pulled the seat back to it's upright position.
"If he touches my dog, I'll put an arrow through his ass."

Victor laughed at the defensiveness of Ven with Lupin. Ven really did become attached to this dog in their short time. Victor looked at Lupin and realized that if they could get him some more food and water then Lupin would be a monster to deal with. Lupin would be able to handle himself.

Victor patted Lupin on his side, "Don't worry, I'll back you up with that. Lupin's my boy and all."

Ven handed Victor's mask back to him. His head ached with the mention of stitches; Victor reached to the back of his head and didn't find anything to be worried about. The only thing he could think of was a concussion, but that would have to wait. Hopefully Victor wouldn't have to take any more blows to the head. He then started to think about what would have happened if Ven had not been around. He would have to worry about a lot more than a little headache. Victor argued with himself that he may have lost a step just in being comfortable with people, but he knew that wasn't really true. In reality, Victor wore the mask to distance himself from the people in this world. It was easier if anything happened to anyone. He watched as Ven let Lupin out. He gripped the mask in his hand then shoved it in his back pocket, maybe it could be used for a collar for Lupin. Victor had a few scenarios running through his head, but he really did feel thankful for finding this group even with the early missteps. Maybe he could afford another one. Victor got out of the car and rounded to the other side with Ven.

Victor preempted, "Just don't want to regret anything before we go inside."

Victor grasped Ven by the small of her back and pulled her in close. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her as if it were the last kiss he would ever have to give. After the kiss, he still held her and looked deeply into her green eyes.

"No time for regrets. Even if I fuck this up..."
Confused, Ven arched an eyebrow as she glanced at him. What was he talking about?

"Regret what-?"

She was cut off by his arm looping around her and pulling her close. Eyes widening, Ven was about to protest when his lips claimed hers, cutting off any and all comments. Her mind swirled, her hands resting on his chest like she was going to push him away yet she didn't.

She couldn't think and she seriously couldn't move.

It was like she was paralyzed with no chance of even trying to escape.

Bursts of lightning tingled down her body and she found herself closing her eyes and enjoying the kiss for a few seconds.

When he pulled away, she opened her eyes slowly standing there breathless.

She had never been kissed like that, ever.

It was like he crammed in every emotion he had to feel into that one breathless kiss.

Ven stood shell shocked, she didn't know what to do. Slowly her brain started working, though not in the way she would have liked. Searching his eyes for a long moment she stepped back, still unable to really speak. She had no idea what to do, her heart was so confused.

On one hand she had Aleks; wonderfully insane, sweet, and dangerous Aleks.

On the other, there was Victor; mysterious, sexy, and passionate.

Letting out a breath of air, she scolded herself for sounding like one of those Japanese dating games. Looking away from him, she gripped her bow resting over her shoulder. She had no idea what she was going to do at this point. It wasn't making sense to her.

"Let's...just find the others."

She managed out, walking up the museum steps.

Lupin sat at the bottom of the steps looking at Victor. If he was human he probably would have slapped him upside the head and remarked with something along the lines of "That was real smooth". But, he wasn't human so he simply resorted to looking at the other male before running up the steps falling into step besides Ven.
"Let's...just find the others."

That's all Ven said to Victor, nothing else. He could feel that she enjoyed the kiss, felt her hand on his chest. It had been so long since he had connected to someone else so intimately. Victor seemed to even get a condescending look from Lupin as the dog followed Ven up the steps. Had Victor stepped outside his bounds? Had he made a terrible mistake? But Victor felt like the signs were there, maybe a little early but still there. He couldn't help but notice her hips sway as she moved up the steps, except for the occasions when the quiver bounced to interrupt his staring. Victor felt like he was back in high school. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

Victor pulled out both his 1911s and readied himself for anything that would pop out of any corner. He followed Ven inside the museum and looked inside the high ceiling hall that echoed their footsteps as they entered. He had no idea where the other two guys could be or where Lyric may have been, but it was dark and sounds played tricks. Luckily, Victor was able to grab a few flashlights at the gun store. He kept one on him, which he drew out as he holstered one gun.

"Where to start, where to start?" Victor questioned out loud, mostly to himself.

Looking towards Lupin, "Alright, boy, time to earn some dinner. Can you help us find the two knuckleheads?"
Lupin tilted his head to the side looking confused.

"He won't be able to find them without knowing what they smell like."

Ven muttered, looking around the open room. Making her way down one of the passageways, she let out a sigh. Flipping some hair out of her face she watched the shadows closely. Biting her bottom lip, she tried to think like Jax stopping abruptly she turned to see Victor behind her. Plucking the flashlight from his hand she shined it on a spot on the wall. An 'X' was marked on the wall.

A small smirk coming to her face.

"Looks like Jax left us something to follow."

Ven mused, handing him back the flashlight absently. Continuing down the corridor, she stayed quiet. She really didn't know what to say to Victor besides anything that concerned business. He seemed to be...much more forward then Aleks. It put her in a slightly uncomfortable position, as she continued down the hallway.

Dead bodies scattered the ground and from that, she guessed that would be from the guys. Lost in her own rhyme and reason, she barely noticed some loose ruble, tripping over her own two feet as she walked. Almost falling, she cursed slightly at how much of a klutz she was.
Aleks chuckled, a low rumble emitting from his lips.

"If I had claws...I'd have ripped your damn throat out long ago. Joking of course."

Aleks followed the man through the corridors, occasionally stopping to kill more monsters until they entered a much smaller room than the previous.

"You've smelled her right? We all don't smell too good...I think I've forgotten what she smells like in particular. You got a good whiff the night at the hospital didn't you?"

Before he could relieve an answer, they spilt once again, this time while exploring, he had found an antique...helmet...looked like a helmet during WW2.

He had nothing to break the glass with safety, using his knife or pistol, he would probably cut himself, shooting was out of the equation due to noise restraints, so he did the next best thing. Aleks slipped the jacket from his shoulders and encased his hand with it, one step back, another step back, jacket-fist reared back, step forward, fist shot forward, shattering glass, and a nifty helmet retrieved from it's stand, a shallow gash appeared on his arm but he paid no mind, didn't even feel it.

Aleks walked back to the center of the room, calling out to Jax.

"Hey...I uh, got you some protection!"
Hearing the sound of glass breaking from down a ways, Ven picked up her pace. Lupin trotting beside her in order to keep up. She followed the distant voices, hoping to get to them before they moved on. When a figure leaning against the wall from the other passageway caught her attention. Taking a few steps back, Ven raised her bow knowing Victor was behind her. Keeping an arrow trained on the figure she moved slowly towards it, watching it rear it's head towards her before swaying to it's feet.

The monster let out a loud hiss/scream before charging at Ven. She knew her bow wouldn't be fast enough, she didn't have time to notch an arrow and send it flying into the things chest. Doing the only thing she could, she took the gun out of her belt and fired. The shot echoed down the corridor causing Ven to wince. She stood with her hand quivering slightly, she hated guns. They were monstrous things that did nothing but kill. Her body shook, her blood felt like ice. Wobbling she put her hand to the wall, she thought the figure could have been Lyric.


She whispered, she couldn't remember where the sound of glass had come from. All she knew was that gunshot had probably tipped off everything in the building that they were here. She took a breather for a moment, not used to the feel of a gun. Stooping down, she grabbed her bow and swung it around her shoulder. Pocketing the gun once again and moving towards the way she thought the sound was. Lupin licked her hand as if trying to comfort her and she smiled slightly at the dog.
Jax heard him say the Lyric and him comment but he didn't want to respond yet. Well, might as well pull on his chain. Jax was lost in memories when he heard glass break. He turned and saw Aleks breaking glass. He chuckled. Loud much. His shoulder pain was coming back but he didn't care. Jax turned and went into the breakroom of the staff. He found some water bottles and some sealed canned food. Satisfied, he walked back out to see Aleks coming back with a old WWII helmet.

"I got you some..Protection!" Aleks called out. Jax walked to him and studied the helmet. He looked at him, then the helmet, then back again. "Really? Thanks." He grabbed the helmet and put it in the pack. They may find it useful soon. He continued to move north. He spoke while he walked.

"What makes you think Lyric and I slept together?" He said casually. He knew that is what Aleks meant when he said the Lyric comment. Jax didn't expect Aleks to see them sleeping together. If he did, oh well. Besides what did it matter to him? He should be worried about Ven and Victor. To Jax, Victor was just a cocky kid who thought this was a game. And with that he didn't trust him especially if he was around Ven. He felt something and he didn't need Victor to cross a line that would set Aleks off. He hoped Ven wouldn't do that to him. That would kill him, and possibly break up this whole 'group'. He sighed and opened the door and continued on.

"While we are on the subject. Do you trust Victor?" He said and walked down the hallway. Hoping he didn't touch a nerve.
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Aleks beamed approvingly at Jax as he took the helmet without a complaint. Truth was he didn't care if he used it, he knew a helmet from WW2 wouldn't have much of an appeal these days, guess it just took his mind off of things. Abandoning their plan of splitting up, they resumed their walk together.

"What makes you think Lyric and I slept together?"

Aleks looked at him in mild surprise, he had said it so casually...he guessed privacy went out the window with secret agents...something like that.

"Wasn't watching if that's what you're asking. I just remember Lyric looking a while lot happier the next morning...now here you are, taking way too much offense every time her name's spoken...guess I just put two and two together."

Jax opened another door.

"While we are on the subject. Do you trust Victor?"

Aleks took a moment, honestly he didn't know...he didn't trust him...yet he was sensible enough to survive in his own...plus he seemed to care at least a little but about the group. Aleks scratched behind his ear.

"Huh...can't say I do...but I've given him a chance...seems to be doing fine so far."

Then the thought hit him, so far...and yet he wasn't even here, gone with Ven.

"Actually scratch that...I don't trust him at all...but if you guys are cool with him..."

Aleks shrugged.

"Then so be it, no complaints from me."

A gunshot broke the silence of the museum. Aleks kept an eye on Jax, seeing if he would react, yet he wanted to know what he would say about the answers to his questions.
Jax laughed. "I don't blame you for not trusting him. I don't either." He turned and looked at him. "Be careful who you trust. I won't take offense if you don't trust me." He turned and started walking. He heard a gunshot. Shit. Here we go. He turned towards the shot. His body tensing.

"Lets go. Stay alert." He pulled out his pistol and crouched. Moving like a stalking panther. He went back through the room and into the second hallway. He saw something. A figure and a...dog? The hell? His mind processed this and turned off his light. Jax turned and looked at Aleks, concerned and his face serious.

"Want me to go first or you?" He looked for ways to sneak in. "There is rubble all over the place for cover. If we get enough space to identify if friend or foe. Signal the other." Jax still crouched aimed his gun at the figure's head. Safety turned on for the moment. He was ready, he was ready to kill and save. All he needed was the word.
Aleks took some comfort in the fact that Jax shared his distrust with Victor. At this point he even trusted Jax...he'd proven that he at least cared for the group...then again who knew if he would take the same measures to find someone who went missing that wasn't Lyric.

Hearing the gunshot, Jax went full on agent mode, drawing his pistol and looking as if he was ready to pounce at any moment. He crouched down, moving across rooms with some kind if weird gracefulness.

Ha...not gonna get me to do that crap.

Aleks just followed his partner, not crouching down but hunching over instead, quickly and quietly traversing the museum, eventually coming into a crouch behind Jax. Peeking around Jax's body, Aleks could just make out a person and a dog...a dog. His thoughts instantly went to the last moments of Lyric's dog way back when, too many emotions got piled onto dogs, making their passings worse, mentally of course.

Being the man he was, Jax laid out plans to approach whatever the situation was.

"Um...I'm not really that sneaky, why if I go out, draw their attention, you use your powers of stealth to get around them, I'll come up with a signal as we go along. Just a suggestion, I'm not that good at strategizing."

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