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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

Victor walked into the house everyone was setting up in. He jokingly thought about how he was going to miss that dog. He noticed that Jax and the new girl had gone hunting for supplies; also realizing that the supplies that were gathered from the gun store were still in the car. Victor was a little light on ammo, so he wouldn't try to tag along when he couldn't be fully effective. Instead he walked upstairs to find a place to be just by himself. He knew if there was a time to take off that now would be that time, but he hesitated. Victor wanted to prove something, he wanted to prove that he belonged. He wanted to believe that something happened to his friends that night and they just didn't abandoned him.

Victor walked into a bedroom and looked at the dust covered bed, which he thought about crashing on but decided not to since it was so filthy. He reached into one of his pouches and brought out a flask. Bringing it to his lips, Victor took a large swig of the amber liquor that burned his throat. He wondered why his arm still burned, it was worse than when he had cut in the museum. He dug around for the super glue in a pouch to help seal the wound when he removed his mask-turned-tourniquet to see that the cut had healed. He wondered what fantasy was this. His mind raced for an answer as he took another drink to try to dull the pain the slowly building away from his arm to the rest of his body. Then it dawned on him... the dying vampire.

The vampire spewed blood with its dying cough but Victor covered his face from contact, with his wounded arm. He was so stupid and fool for letting this happen. Victor in a rasp said to himself, "Dios mio, I've fucked myself."

Victor did his best to clean off the blood from himself as best as he could. He went to close the bedroom door and locked it. The pain started to fill his body with violent pangs. Victor emptied the flask into his mouth, hoping the alcohol would kill his senses. Victor slid into a corner were he would burn and freeze all at once.

((Enjoy Guardians, dude. It's probably my favorite movie of the year.))
After hours of travailing he finally hears a commotion and at a distance watches "Damn what happened..."

(( Have fun! I was going to go see it! tell me how it was plz! and oh yea IIIMMMMM BBBAAACCCKKKK, I had some phisicle problems as well as probs with family so yea i'm back ( And ill be back on in 1 to 2 hours or so )))
Jax flourished in the dark. "Okay. Look for basic stuff and secure the house. Then we'll go from there. He went up the stairs and easily took out 4 more dead and threw them out the window. He appeared in a bedroom and saw some food on the floor. Canned. "Must have died in here." He said quietly as he put the cans in his pack. He looked outside. Still afternoon. But they are running out of daylight. He slowly turned to look around the bedroom. It reminded him of his old one. He leaned against the window. Remembering the past.
As jax went upstairs she explored the living room, she found a couple pieces of wood and a bottle of moonshine. She threw the moonshine in her bag and grabbed the wood.

She walked into the kitchen and took out a dead and looked through the cupboards.. Nothing.

They probably should be heading back soon it was getting dark.
Jax turned and saw him. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND US?" Jax couldn't believe it. He had half a mind to kill him. But he didn't. Instead he moved past him and went into the other rooms and find more canned food and some water. He got some metal panes and walked down. He looked at Lexi.

"Here. These are great. Help me carry them." He turned and looked at Dark. "I don't know how you got here. But I am watching you." With that he carried the metal panels and supplies back to the main house and threw them outside and the supplies on the table. He sighed. Great. Didn't think this through. He took off his jacket and revealing a few tattoos on his wrists and a black shirt. He turned and saw another house.

"One more house then we will call it a day." He started walking towards the house. Knife in hand. Frustrated, and he felt weak. He didn't even see Dark. Oh well, he walked towards the door and waited for Lexi.
'' Please tell me why there is hatred for me... " I say keeping my distance I hope he dosn't try anything stupid... I think
Even then the car wasn't moving and for the first and probably last time I his life, Aleks wanted the car to move oh so much. The sound of the car rumbling down the road would be infinitely better than the awkward silence between the two. The dog barked, drawing his attention. He didn't pay much attention to the dog then and he wasn't going to now, holding firm to his belief that people piled too many emotions on dogs, as if their deaths weren't bad enough.

Though not completely heartless he reached out and stroked the dog between the eyes.

Finally the car started, accelerating, much to his relief.

"Afraid I'd end up like my sister?"

Aleks closed his eyes, audibly blowing air out his nostrils.

Well shit.

He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it, afraid of causing more problems. Not able to think of a response that wouldn't backfire or have her dismiss him, he didn't answer at all, watching as they approached a gas station, stopping and turning the car off. He sat there, waiting for her to do something but she didn't, she only sat in her seat, looking over the building. Taking a glance at her and back to the building, he opened the unlocked door, closing it quietly behind him and waited for Ven, his usual weapons in his hands.

(( Guardians was great! Chris Pratt...what an amazing dancer. ))
(Guardians is an amazing movie. I am more of a DC guy. But I give Marvel all the accolades it deserves.)

Jax turned. "There is no hatred. Not from me. Trust me. Ask everyone else." He turned away from him and waited for Lexi. He didn't need this. Jax sighed and just wanted to relax. But he can't because everyone is too depressed or mad to do anything. So he ends up doing everything. He was tired. His shoulder wasn't fully healed. And he was just in a frustrated mood. But he knew what he had to do. He sat down. Looking at his magnum.

I just want to lay down. He chuckled. "No chance in hell." He looked up at the sky. Wishing things were different today. He didn't know what to do. All he had to work with was 3 teens. One of them trying to be the knight in shining armor but fails. One of them just had her relative die. And the other one is failing with trying to confess his feelings. And he had a male who was a mystery. A woman who was unconscious, another one who was actually helping. And this man in front of him. He sighed and hit the house angrily. This is what I get for being nice.
Lexi glanced at a wooden bookshelf, the flashbacks came flooding back to her. The screaming the yelling, the whiskey on his breath. Lastly she recalled getting tossed into their very own bookshelf, one that looked similar. She could feel the pain and the fear raveled in a knot in her stomach, she decided to clear out the thoughts of her past.

Lexi noticed a shadow of person upstairs, he must of snuck by her...

she grabbed her shotgun and pressed it to the back of his skull "Drop your fucking weapons!" she yelled
My eyes turn black " bad move..." i grab the gun pushing it away and put my tanto to her neck " next time do it at a distance..."
Lexi looked at Jax for the first time since they had met, she took in the few tattoos the rugged body and the dark hair.

Fear, but fear she did not want to will herself to feel, fear is what she had spent most of her life living in. She looked at him with her hazel eyes and pleaded for him.

She knew sadly,that her life was not worth risking his and if he left she wouldn't be surprised, got out while he could, escaped somehow. She squirmed a little, but was too weak to get free, the blade almost breaking skin.

She stood silent just looking at him.
Lexi fought back rage, fear, suppressed memories, and most of all sadness. She couldn't stand being weak or being attacked by a man in general, she hated feeling absolutely helpless. she stood there longer just taking in the emotions, looking away from everyone.
Jax sighed. "He isn't going to hurt you." He motioned them to follow him. "We don't have much time. We are losing daylight. Last house over here and we got to go." He set the supplies down in the main house then walked to another house. He chuckled, at least he is getting some help. He crouched near the door.

"Quick get in and get out. You know what we need." He looked at them intensely. He quietly opened the door and saw a few vampires. Not wasting a moment he stabbed one of them and jumped on the other with a magnum to its head. The vampire knew. But instead of shooting, he pistol whipped him then quickly slit his throat. "Lets move." He said as he got up.
Lexi looked at him hard and angry, "Go fuck yourself." she said plainly to the knew man.

"You know this guy?" Lexi asked Jax irritated.

With that she followed Jax into the house killing a couple vampires of her own with forceful blows with the end of her shotgun and clean knife work.

She saw a couple cans of food and a half drank bottle of water. She grapes them and threw them in her bag. She was mentally as well as physically exhausted and the thought of resting her eyes for a few moments and be safe while doing so sounded oh so appealing.

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