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Fantasy When Darkness Comes.

"Here is what is so special about bio-metal, it acts as if it is living tissue. It IS in fact living. Also, if I die and this doesn't work, I can communicate with John using his chip in his brain. Hyde, it doesn't matter if I die or not, just if this works. If it does, we CAN fend off all the zombies. I really need you to cooperate here. I have no choice but to use my aging device." Spiny digs into Williams skin and plants a special blood that makes aging rapid. Williams begins to age into his 40's, then his 50's, and more and more until he gets to be just skin and bone. This all happened in a second, and the now dead Williams dropped to the floor. After 5 minutes, the body on the bed rises and flexes its arms and legs. It then looked at Hyde and grinned while it said, "Infect me now."
Jerico Couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the two in disbelief, after their conversation Hyde saw something in the monitor and quickly left so Jerico gave chase and they arrived to this lab of sort, and now the two are in a stand off even after the man named Williams shot himself in the head and the "good" ol' doctor Hyde injected him with something to revive him and even more confusing is their conversation in which Jerico couldn't follow and after Williams drop dead on the floor all that was left of him was skin and bones and Jerico looked at it blankly for minutes. After a time something on the bed rose so instinctively Jerico drew out his Wilson Combat CQB Elite from his SERPA holster, aimed and said "Any idea what that thing is Hyde?" He stood ready to shoot, Jerico's superhuman reflexes awaiting his command.
"Excuse me? I am Williams! I have resurrected myself using my machine that duplicates my body and moves my soul. Oh, and I wouldn't advise shooting, I now have the ability to mold my arm and other body parts into guns and the sort with this bio-metal." Williams demonstrated by making his arm turn into a gun. "Only problem is, ammo consumes metal, and if I have no metal, it consumes my body instead to fire shots. As well, I can't continuously shift forms, or else my body will tire. I also can not EVER remold my head, or else my brain will turn to slush. Speaking of brain, I am installed with a database of everything I need to know. And incase I can't use my molded arm for a gun, I can still use my arms as swords, and I also now have rocket-propelled joints for maximum speed and force. And incase all of those fail, I have the reflexes to catch an arrow while it is in the air and keep its momentum to swing it back. In other words, shooting me isn't advised. But don't worry, I am here to protect everyone in this wasteland, so I won't hurt you." Williams rose from the bed and put his hands behind his back while asking, "Any questions your small mind ponders still?"
Hunt stumbled down the road and into the tall apartment building. He climbed the stairs to his floor and found the right door; 4F. He locked the door behind him and threw himself down onto his bed. God, he thought. When will this end. He looked at his gun, but wasn't willing to take the 'Coward's Way Out'. He looked outside; at the sunset. Tomorrow, he will search for more survivors.

He picked up the last half of his sandwich from breakfast and demolished it. Thing's were starting to look down.
Jerico looks at Hyde and whispers "Guess he doesn't know everything about me." And holsters his sidearm "I hope you don't have any fallacies about me lad." Jerico said in a monotone voice towards Williams "I'm not a trigger happy psychopath so don't worry about me shooting you accidentally. I have a question, if you don't mind me asking, whats with the new uhmm... body?"
"This body helps me protect everyone better now. I now can access your files, but for your privacy, I won't. This body is a pinnacle of science, and will also allow me to tap into any piece of technology I desire, say a camera or phone. And speaking of tapping into cameras......I see a person in an apartment, looks like he needs help there, thank god for Hyde's cameras." Before Williams left, he handed Jerico a phone. "Dial 1 10 times to call me." With that, Williams rocket-boosted himself down the tunnel and rised to the surface. Williams then hopped through the window to the man who was in it, who had just eaten a sandwich. Williams then went behind the man and asked, "Need a meal?"
Jerico tucked the phone into one of his back pockets and calmly said to himself "This is why I prefer to be alone." But deep inside he knew the truth... that he was just lying to himself, Jerico figured that he should thank Williams someday because the phone might save a life but he's still irritated that Williams thinks that he's all that, that Jerico couldn't take Williams down after all Jerico fought things much tougher and stranger that Williams (I'm actually not irritated, I'm just Rp-ing and your actually a very creative person).
That's it, thought Hunt. I can't waste one more god-damn minute in this place! He holstered his Jericho 941 F and IQF .32 and threw on a coat and backpack. He strapped his Steyr Elite to his back and took one last look at the room he had called 'home'. It had served him well, but he was bored of sniping down main street; now it was time to make haste down it.

Once he had descended the stairs and left the building, he walked down the broad boulevard in hope of finding other survivors.
[QUOTE="Jerico Lionhearth]Jerico tucked the phone into one of his back pockets and calmly said to himself "This is why I prefer to be alone." But deep inside he knew the truth... that he was just lying to himself, Jerico figured that he should thank Williams someday because the phone might save a life but he's still irritated that Williams thinks that he's all that, that Jerico couldn't take Williams down after all Jerico fought things much tougher and stranger that Williams (I'm actually not irritated, I'm just Rp-ing and your actually a very creative person).

Thanks! And I thought this name was just I name I liked..... 
After seeing that Williams obviously didn't speak loud enough, Williams stalked the man down the stairs until he was finally down, and then, this time in a louder voice, he said, "You look like you need some help." (Just to be clear, the man I am referencing is Cobalt)
Hunt spun around upholstering both of his pistols in doing so. He pointed them at the mysterious man behind him.

"W-who are you?" he asked.
"Your salvation, Hunt." Williams knew his name by accessing the online database and then said, "Perhaps not clear enough for though. I am Williams, Watcher of the Wastelands, and I am here to bring you to our home, to rebuild society. If you join us, you will be fed 3 meals a day, as long as you help us gather more people and/or fend of some of the zombies. Do not be alarmed about anything out of place in my home, as we have 2 scientists, counting me. By odd, I mean things like this," Williams arm molded into a knife, and then molded back into an arm. "Come follow me to my base, I don't have all day." Williams then went next to the doorway and beckoned to hunt to follow him.
Hunt was ready to curse his soul, having made such a decision; he holstered his guns and accepted the offer. "But first, how do you know my name?" he asked following th's mysterious man, by the name of 'Williams', to the camp.
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"Sorry for not saying how I know your name. I know this because my brain is connected to my computer, allowing me to access files. How I have your file is because I used to work for a secret organization. The details are unimportant, just know I have access to all of that." After 5 minutes, Williams arrived at his base. "Here we are, go inside and leave your jacket in the pile on your right, and go prepare a meal in the kitchen inside. There are other people here, why don't you go say hi to them, and if something happens, I will be there." Williams then went inside and went into his lab once again. "I am back with a friend guys, go show your hospitality towards him and please show him around, I need to draw some more plans out." Williams then went back upstairs into his room and continued to draw out his plans.
Jerico just had to find out who this new person is so he quickly searched for them and not long Jerico found him shoving out a hand he said (to Hunt)"I'm Jerico nice to meet you..."
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"I'm not sure I've just arrived a few hours ago, but it's nice to meet you Hunt. I have a question, if you don't mind answering?" Jerico said trying his hard to put on a friendly face.
"My computer occasionally sends a probe that inspects the area for spots, and then it alerts me to clean it. It is very frustrating, but that is the way it must be if we want to keep this place clean." Williams said this while arriving behind the two. "Your room is down the hall to your left by the way," Williams said to Hunt. Williams then continued into his thinking chair, and closed his eyes.
"Have you met a woman by any chance? Blonde with long hair, blue eyes and has a Scottish accent, her name is Pauline. Do you know her?" Jerico asked eagerly maybe getting a little too close to Hunt.
"I'm afraid not," Hunt replied, sorrowfully. "If it's any consolation I'm looking for my sister too. There's always hope."

Hunt turned to Williams, "Thank you," he said and hurried to his room. He cast down his things and settled in.
As Hunt and Williams left Jerico Thought to himself "Maybe I should ask Williams..." That might work as he pondered but then he remembered that he had a deer in side his pack and that he hasn't eaten breakfast yet so he said to himself "I hope they don't mind deer stew." and tried to find the kitchen.
When Hunt was unpacked he sat on his bead and looked out the window. A few of the undead could be seen in the streets but Hunt dared not snipe them; the noise would only attract more. He looked at the picture of him and his sister and lay back on to his bed.
Williams rose from his chair and inserted his plans into a wall, which then read it and projected the plans in front of him. Williams then said, "Computer, construct drones to initiate operation fortify."

Right away master
After finding the what Jerico guessed as the kitchen he immediately went to work with a venison stew. After a about two hours the stew was ready and so putting it in a couple of bowls said "Who should try it first..."

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