What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

Which Chosen do you choose?

  • Solars

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  • Lunars

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  • Sidereals

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  • Abyssals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrestrials

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alchemicals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infernals

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  • Total voters
Stillborn said:
You get MADD RESPECT for the Jin avatar.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving?

... yes, Stillborn.  Mothers Against Drunk Driving.  I'm a fucking member, got a problem with that?  If so, allow me to thrash some sense into you, which will be easy since my fighting technique is not degraded by the EVIL DEGENERATE POISON of alcohol.

I try and be a little "hip," a little bit urban and edgy and caught up with the times, and this is what happens.  Lumped in with Luddities and archaic Prohibitionists.
I try and be a little "hip' date='" a little bit urban and edgy and caught up with the times, and this is what happens.  Lumped in with Luddities and archaic Prohibitionists.[/quote']
Welcome brother!

HO--All the cool kids are rockin' out Straight Edge...
In that case, I abdicate coolness.  "Straight-edge" hasn't got a leg to stand on - anyone who's too scared of drugs to ever touch them has got no right to call themselves tough, disciplined, etc.  See also: hard-core homophobes who claim "God hates I'm uncultured" 'cause they saw another dude naked in the shower once and kinda-sorta liked it.  See also: religious zealots who had a moment of doubt and couldn't face the fear.
Mayhaps Hanat is being tongue in cheek.

And, as for straight edge, I hope I offend a lot of people when I say: I have yet to meet a single one worthy of reproducing.  I have no guff with people being squeaky clean, but when they try to turn it into a hardcore, "let's talk about how awesome we are" pseudo-movement, then instant death is the only solution.

Now...  Exalted...  what were we talking about?

Oh yeah, favorite Exalted type.  I love how modular DBs are, but the inherient tragedy of Solars with the power/responsibility dichotomy is really appealing.
I know some Straight Edge kids that are just fine.  Good Christian punks who like to witness to folks and keep their temples pure, for G to the O to the D, and sublimate a lot of that sexual tension into skating, and the rest into tattoos and piercings.  Not bad kids in the least--do a lot of nice work with street people and while they are a little Holier-than-thou about it, they're young, and that's their job to be arrogant schmucks.

There are some "hard core" Straight Edge kids who need a good boot to the jimmy--but they'd need that no matter what movement they chose to follow, because they're just looking for a reason to be asshats and feel superior.  I don't blame the choice to be chemical free on that--it's just their particular flavor of youthful arrogance.  Same can be said for the kids who will drink, eat, or fuck anything that stays still long enough and call it "experience" and hold eveyone who isn't up for it as being "cowards".

Same kind of asshat, just a different home.

I think that its interesting where the Straight Edge movement has gone.  From the days of Minor Threat, there's been an odd resurgence, especially among Christian Punks--and odd mix, but it works for them.  

While there are certainly asshats who call themselves Straight Edge just so they can be assahts to folks, the core philosophy isn't so much about being "tough" as it is about being clear.  Clear headed. Clear with morality. Clear with goals.  Not getting distracted.  The tough attitude came out often because the asshats who were drawn to the movement often garnered a lot of ill attention, and that put a lot of folks into harm's way, and even fairly peaceful kids wound up getting into altercations--and some of them did wear that as a badge of honor that they'd defend even their asshole brethren from folks who didn't get it.
Well, I did (do) know a straight-edge Vegan who was a cool guy, so I'll have to agree with you: a few bad apples et cetera et cetera.  And I hold in equally dismal regard the slovenly hedonists on the other side of the scale, who seem to be too busy pleasuring themselves to contribute anything to humanity...
Bodhisattva said:
It's very tough to make a decision.  There's a special flavor and usefulness to each type of Exalt that you can play.  There are a lot of plusses and minuses to each type.  I' date=' personally, enjoy playing Abyssals the most, but I often play a Solar to help guide my Circle.[/quote']
I've been wanting - nay, LUSTING - to play an Abyssal since I got the damn book.  I still favor the Sidereals, but playing a deathknight would be wicked cathartic.

You get MADD RESPECT for the Jin avatar.  One of these days, I'm going to stat him and Mugen as outcastes and make my players run into them.
I've had an opportunity to play everything save an Alchemical so far.  They all have a lot to offer, if you know what you want to do with them in the first place.  Also, thanks for the praise on the Jin avatar.  Made it m'self.   :)
While I think my most favotite  character is a night caste solar, Obsidian Silence, I have played every exalted type except for Alchemical, haven't even made one yet.  I think that all types of exalted have their ups and downs but what makes a character fun to play is not the mechanics they run on but what goes into the creation process.  I can make a sidreal that i like or one that i don't like. Has nothing to do with wether i like playing sidreals or not, It all depends on how much effort i put into the character creation part of the guy. Mechanics of how some one works is just not that important in the whole scheme of things.  If the creation part went well and was thought out it doesn't matter what type of exalted you play.  with each exalted type you can , with creative backstory, do or be anything.  good guys, bad guys, powerfull guys, weak guys, it's all in the creativity of the story behind him.[/b]
Sidereals, but only by a little bit.

Why? Because the others in both my game groups give me (my character) a lot more respect when I play a Sidereal and that warms my little heart! ;)
solars, hands down. because they are so damned flexible! i have played a dynastic daughter who was about to be sold as Fair Folk food because she was prophecied never to exalt when she was bought by some monks instead (and raised by them), a guy who has never seen the sun before his exaltation in his life, a simple alchemist from great forks, a princess from a small hundred kingdoms nation, and am currently playing a serial killer dawn who murders every lady he sleeps with.  there was no difficulty fitting any of these concepts into solar-dom, because there're no social prequisites, no limitations of bg story to be chosen as a solar, unlike other types of exalt (as i perceive it.). All the drama in their lives is also very yummy (dilemmas, fear, seperation, alienation from oneself). i enjoy the psychological pain.

second are the dragon-blooded, but more outcastes than dynasts or even Lookshy-ians. they're so painfully underrated. it's a very regretfully overlooked fact that the influence of Realm extends only so far, and celestial exalts are few and far between (150 solars, 80 sidereals, 300 lunars... not even 550 people..) and one can come a long way with a fully fledged set of terrestrial powers (unlike the godbloods') in times like the second age. they seem weak only in comparison to the other exalts, and it would be very enjoyable to play an essence-powered but unhunted, totally independent son of a bitch living it up all around the better part of the Scavenger Lands.

oh, and i effing HATE the authoctonians. into a totally fanstastic, magical setting, they bring the very thing i'm trying to get away from: the tasteless present-time-everyday-life flavour of science and mechanics.

edit: scratch those, lunars are the shit.
ava said:
solars, hands down. because they are so damned elastic! i have played a dynastic daughter who was about to be sold as Fair Folk food because she was prophecied never to exalt when she was bought by some monks instead (and raised by them), a guy who has never seen the sun before his exaltation in his life, a simple alchemist from great forks, a princess from a small hundred kingdoms nation, and am currently playing a serial killer dawn who murders every lady he sleeps with.  there was no difficulty fitting any of these concepts into solar-dom, because there're no social prequisites, no limitations of bg story to be chosen as a solar, unlike other types of exalt (as i perceive it.). All the drama in their lives is also very yummy (dilemmas, fear, seperation, alienation from oneself). i enjoy the psychological pain.
second are the dragon-blooded, but more outcastes then dynasts or even Lookshy-ians. they're so painfully underrated. it's a very regretfully overlooked fact that the influence of Realm extends only so far, and celestial exalts are few and far between (150 solars, 80 sidereals, 300 lunars... not even 550 people..) and one can come a long way with a fully fledged set of terrestrial powers (unlike the godbloods') in times like the second age. they seem weak only in comparison to the other exalts, and it would be very enjoyable to play an essence-powered but unhunted, totally independent son of a bitch living it up all around the better part of the Scavenger Lands.

oh, and i effing HATE the authoctonians. into a totally fanstastic, magical setting, they bring the very thing i'm trying to get away from: the tasteless present-time-everyday-life flavour of science and mechanics.
I don't think you should dismiss Alchemicals as "present-time-everyday-life;" as far as I can tell, they're anything but.  The technology and culture of our lives are almost as far away from the steampunk socialism of Autocthonia as they are from the cultures of Creation.  Unless you're from a Soviet bloc country that uses brass and crystal in its machines, I don't think you can really accuse them of "the tasteless... flavour of science and mechanics."  Did you hate Final Fantasy III (VI in Japan) because of the MagiTek stuff?  'Cause ain't NOTHIN' like that in my world.

I don't mean to jump on you, but the Alchemicals fire my imagination in a major way and I wish everyone could be as taken with them as I am.

Also: I think there's 100 sidereals, not 80.  "The Five-Score Fellowship" and all that.
I don't think you should dismiss Alchemicals as "present-time-everyday-life;" as far as I can tell, they're anything but.  The technology and culture of our lives are almost as far away from the steampunk socialism of Autocthonia as they are from the cultures of Creation.  Unless you're from a Soviet bloc country that uses brass and crystal in its machines, I don't think you can really accuse them of "the tasteless... flavour of science and mechanics."  Did you hate Final Fantasy III (VI in Japan) because of the MagiTek stuff?  'Cause ain't NOTHIN' like that in my world.
I don't mean to jump on you, but the Alchemicals fire my imagination in a major way and I wish everyone could be as taken with them as I am.

Also: I think there's 100 sidereals, not 80.  "The Five-Score Fellowship" and all that.
oh, no, i did by no means try to say that autochtonians are a bad idea. it's just my own, solely personal irritation: i'm so bad with maths and science that stuff even vaguely resembling them don't sit very well with me (also steampunk and cyberpunk. though i didn't recall reacting to MagiTek stuff that bad. curious.). i admit that they make excellent npc's     :)

and, yes, you are right about the sidereals' number. my bad.
Abyssals, followed closely by Solars and Autocthonians.

I was suprised at the results: I had expected Abyssals to be far more popular than the Lunars and Siddies. Eew.. I said Siddies..   :P

I was more mildly suprised at the lack of support for AutoExalted, but you can't win 'em all.

Might be the dormant Goth in me that likes the Abyssals. I was just one childhood trauma away from being a Goth.
abyssals no doubt.

they have eternity to savor the taste of freedom from their guilded cage. they have broken their wings and would teach creation how to fly into the void. they are the crooked rafts taking all who would listen to their song to that other shore free from gods, free from love, free from all...they sing the prettiest song, "to be forever, but never to have been". crystal clear oblivion.

they are the poet-midwives to creation's stillborn destiny.
I've been signed on with the Sidereal's since the beginning and nothing has occured to waver my favor since. I don't have a long-winded explaination for why, I'm not that eloquent. But I think I identify with them most as a person and that's why. Being the martial art master I am. kekeke omg lolzerz. j/k.

I've always been drawn to those kinds of characters anyway.
ava said:
solars, hands down. because they are so damned elastic! i have played a dynastic daughter who was about to be sold as Fair Folk food because she was prophecied never to exalt when she was bought by some monks instead (and raised by them),
Note that selling Dynastic children to the Fair Folk is against the Immaculate philosophy. In the same sense that killing your father and raping your mother over a church altar while singing hymns to Satan goes against the Christian ethos.
Maryuoh said:
Note that selling Dynastic children to the Fair Folk is against the Immaculate philosophy. In the same sense that killing your father and raping your mother over a church altar while singing hymns to Satan goes against the Christian ethos.
shhhhhhh. she was my first character and i didn't know shit. i thought gold faction could shut you up in a temple and perform crazy experiments on you, and stuff like that. :oops:  nevertheless, i got to play her. and it was enjoyable. that's what i'm trying to say when i say solars are flexible.
Dragon Bloods.

Yeah, we get the short end of the stick raw power wise... but all those wonderful toys... um.. for Dynasts... us Outcastes, not so much. Ah well.

ANd as an ST, due to my small game size, it allows me to play a regular one as supporting cast, almost like a PC, and still not have any real chance of showing up the main cast, the PCs.
I often do the same thing, and use them kind of as a "trump" if my players get stuck on something and can't seem to figure it out.  I'm not blatantly leading them around by the nose, I just step in if they're getting a little too far off course and I know my players have appreciated it a time or two.  Most of the rest of the time, I'm just goofing off along with them so they don't come to rely on every little thing my character says and does as some kind of important plot point.  It's fun, and it can help get them out of a sticky jam without having to insert a friendly (yet untrusted) NPC into the scenario just to bail them out.  I run tough games, but they seem to have fun with it, as do I.   :)
I'm throwing in my vote for the Abyssals. The Dragonblooded could be heroes if they could get their act together, the Siderals, while cool, are just way to mired in beauracracy for me, and the Lunars lack of versatility and deisre to destroy civilization really only make them useful to me as storyteller characters.

I say Abyssals because they by far make for the most varied and tragic heroes. If you're playing a by the book deathknight, then you're working towards a goal no one wants or even understands. If you're playing a rouge, then even in your desire to do good, you'll have to commit evil.

I just also love  their mechanics, and the trappings of the characters.

More on this later.
I love Alchemicals, they may be weaker than other types, but they can be the coolest looking of all, especially at higher Essences.

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