What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

Which Chosen do you choose?

  • Solars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lunars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sidereals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abyssals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrestrials

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alchemicals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infernals

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
personally I like either the Abyssal's or dragon-bloods-Technically they could be viewed as the bad guys,but in exalted it's just not that clear cut.Just my view kay?
I still vote for Terrestrials.  I like the way that they are in Lookshy.  They are superhumans who work for the best of a society as opposed to demigods who use their power to ruin the lives of common people.  I've made a few Lookshy clones for my games, spread around Creation, which have between one hundred and one thousand DBs each, 5% to 50% of the size of Lookshy's DB population, with magitech ranging from damn primitive (jade on stick) to just slightly less developed than Lookshy's (no war airships) but more sophisticated (Artifacts are First Age quality and therefore do not require maintenance).  One of the great things about DBs is, if you let them have access to the same lost knowledge as Lookshy, which allows them to make level 4 through N/A jade artifacts, DBs are able to maintain a rather sophistacated civilization, only exceeded by that of the Dragon Kings and the Exalted Civilization of the First Age.
Yes, the lookshy terrestrials are an awesome bunch, but I like them more for the fact that despite their military equipment fails more each year they still go out and just do the right thing. Odds be damned. That's the essence for good stories.

My next game I will tell is taking place in the heptagramm with the player characters being students. It is set in RY 550 and I plan on them finding out about a plot by Mnemon and the ebon dragon to corrupt the empress (well not right away but in the 200 years until the empress disappears) and then Iwill probably let them rescue the empress or something like that. the last part is pretty rough still but that is far away anyway. The first part will be in school complete with high school drama, conspiracies and ghost story parts. I am bloody looking forward to it already :)
I'm torn between Dragon-Blooded and Sidereal, but went with Sidereal because they had fewer votes. :) I'm new to Exalted and know much more about the Dragon-Blooded than the Sidereals since the campaign I'll be joining is focused on the Dragon-Blooded. There's something very enticing about playing someone who has been taught all their life that they are better than mere mortals, that they have a duty to destroy the anathema and are entitled to practically whatever they want... and then everything starts to fall apart. The Anathema start returning faster than they can be destroyed, the Realm careens toward civil war etc.

The Sidereal on the other hand are a very small group of people with incredible responsibilities who are directly responsible for the current state of Creation. They saw a potential catastrophe coming and had a difficult decision to make. They went with what I consider the best option and now the consequences of that decision are getting really interesting. Of course I'm exactly the sort of person who would consider a celestial bureaucrat martial arts master with the ability to control fate unassailably awesome.
I think I prefer Abyssals over all, mostly because there's just something really enticing and alluring about the idea of something so dark and gothic, and so powerful ^___^ S'a guilty pleasure of mine, the darker side of things ^^;;; You'd never guess, just looking at me, and my personality, but yeah, I got a nasty dark streak lol
Madeleine - If you want a real dark streak, look at the Dragon Blooded.. oh wait, they are just sick ;)

I wish I could vote again. I would vote more DB's! Down with the Solars. In order of how much I like them, Exalted are to me..

1. Dragon Blooded

2. Abyssals

3. Sidereals

4. Solars

5. Lunars

6. Alchemicals
Sidereals Always. i like the whole "i can kick your ass but i would rather runaway. and let you live another day vibe"  *duck fate*
Isn't that "Avoidance Kata"?

My list is:

Fair Folk -> I'm not crazy.  You're just a bloody CONFORMIST!  Now don't make me make it literal.

Sidereals -> Here are 1001 good reasons why you want to do what I said.

Dragon-Blooded -> Mia familia.  Don't make us angry, you wouldn't like us when we're angry!

Lunars -> A can of whoopass a day keeps the realm away!

Solars -> I'm not god, I tell god what to do!

Abyssals -> Death is just a new beginning.  Join us, it'll be fun!

Heroic Exalts -> We are EVERYWHERE!

Alchemicals -> My BeamKlaive is bigger than yours!
I like the Solars simply because I like the idea of fighting to save a world that hates you while, at the same time, fighting the beast within. I just think that's heroic and I like it.

Solfi: Heroic Exalts are of Ker'ion's own making. And kind of cool.
oh yeah, those...

Meh. Haven't paid attention since the early pages of the thread. Think we have enough Exalts running around as it is. What niche do these fill?
The Dragon-Blooded are my homeboys and homegirls. They make the setting cool and less over the top than Solars. Running a Dragon-Blooded game is like Avatar: The Last Airbender, while running a Solars game quickly turns into Dragonball Z. Nothing wrong with that if you like DBZ, but I don't.

Jeremy Puckett
... I don't either. But I actually like the idea of Solars actually having a chance to make things right with the world

(the whole 'inevitability of doom'-thing WW seem to inject into their every setting had begun to bore the living crap out of me before Exalted. And now it seems that's the way the official ideas are heading in the AoS as well. Again. Not me though...).
I voted Abyssal.  What can I say, I dig the whole ends-justify-the-means style.  Not only that, but some of the character concepts that I like most simply fit better if the character has a dark twist.  Plus, only bad players make them Emo...   :P

No, seriouly though...  Abyssal Day castes are some of my favorite characters, especially in mix settings.  You have to be subtle, and you can't just blatantly show what you are...  or else they (potentially everyone else in the group) will have all the reasoning they may need to kill you.  Plus, you may not have to worry about a Great Curse... but you'll definately have to worry about your Resonance giving you away if you're trying to blend in with them.  

Although I'd have to say Lunars are a close 2nd.
Solar Night Caste no contest. I'm a power gamer and most of my chars are Nights with 2 to all 5 favored abilitys in Twilight.
You aren't a real powergamer

twilight caste

1st circle sorcery

demon summoning


invulnerable skin of bronze

unbreakable bones of stone

gem of adamant sklin

base stamina of 5

bashing soak of 31 + ignore first 3 successes on damage roll + treat lethal as bashing FTW

incidentally minor weakness of only having an agg soak of 14
You aren't a real powergamer
twilight caste

1st circle sorcery

demon summoning


invulnerable skin of bronze

unbreakable bones of stone

gem of adamant sklin

base stamina of 5

bashing soak of 31 + ignore first 3 successes on damage roll + treat lethal as bashing FTW

incidentally minor weakness of only having an agg soak of 14
My Favorite Night is a Solar circle Sorcerer with Total Annihlation

He has all three demon summoning spells and his personal body guard consists of Ligier, Octavian, and Zsofika.
I did say most of my favored goes into Twilight abilirtys didn't I oh and he is a master marial artist.
Yes.  And he has a couple hundred XP, so it's no wonder he's a power player.

I think they were talking about the best way to create a starting character as a Power Gamer.

Though I think that a Cult of the Illuminated (rogue) Abyssal with Sorcery of 5, Necromancy of 5,

Experience of 5, and Knowledge of 5.  Anyone who can't make a decent power character out of that is a fool.

(this took all of a minute to come up with, Mr. EM the power gamer)
I like the Nights anima powers rule 1A Better yet don't get noticed.

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