What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

Which Chosen do you choose?

  • Solars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lunars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sidereals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abyssals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrestrials

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alchemicals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infernals

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
When I fell in love with the game it was because of Solars. I love everything about them, all their quirks and strengths. I have a special place in my heart for Lunars though, I too have always been a big fan of shape shifters. However, I also love animals (love not love), and the capability to be an animal has always intrigued me. Duality sits very well with me, so it's Solars and Lunars for me.
Joseph said:
If anything, Aspects are MORE character defining.  Castes are arranged around COMPETENCIES; Eclipses tend to be competent diplomats, Dawns tend to be competent fighters, etc.  Aspects, however, have a much stronger PERSONALITY influence.  
Thus properly roleplayed, Aspects will be MORE character defining.  You'd just have to be the type of person that considers a character more than dots on a sheet to see it.
I disagree entirely. First of all, function is a large part of character, particularly in Exalted, and Castes define function to a greater extent than Aspect. There is something of a habit of creating personalities for Dragon-Blooded based on elemental cliches (the quiet and resolved Earth-Aspect, or the loud and boisterous Fire-Aspect), but in my experience the kind of player that's going to make a hackneyed personality for his DB isn't going to bother to make a real personality for his Solar at all, because he's already got a function based on Caste to follow. One dimensional personalit > no personality.

Joseph said:
1) Being individually less powerful does NOT mean more of the world of Exalted is accessible.  With low power range, there is an upper level on what you can meaningfully achieve, but with a high power level there is no lower limit.  Heck, take Yu Shan alone.  It is de facto inaccessible to Terrestrials, but Solars could make their mark there.  A Brotherhood of Terrestrials stands little meaningful chance of survival in Malfeas, while a Circle of Solars might make it okay.  A Brotherhood of Terrestrials probably can't take over Nexus, but Solars sure can.
Your statement is just wrong.  Further, ANY group must use team work and cooperation to reach their "full power;" Terrestrial CHARMS might be more oriented towards team work, but 5 Solars working in concert is still more potent than 5 Solars working more or less independently towards the same goal.  So a VERY few Charms aside (and MOST Charms of Terrestrials aren't group oriented in particular), EVERY Exalt type gains from team work just fine.
Well, of your three examples;

Yu-Shan I'll give you.

Malfeas; Given that Terrestrials aren't inherently hateful to major demons in the way that Solars are, I'd disagree. An experienced group of Terrestrials could escape from Malfeas. Less likely than Solars, sure, but not outside the range of possibilities.

Taking over Nexus: This one doesn't make sense to me at all. The Terrestrials have demonstrated quite aptly their ability to dominate in Creation. In fact, the Terrestrials of Lookshy would be able to take over Nexus any time they wanted to. Again, perhaps it would take more effort and rely more on influencing allies and building armies than would be the case with Solars, but not at all a task outside the upper range of Terrestrial abilities.

On the other hand, there are a wide range of threats that can be challenges to Terrestrials that Solars just don't care about, at least once they get a little experience. Let's start with mortals. Lacking perfect defenses, Terrestrials can't just wantonly take on unnumbered legions of mortal extras and survive. A great number of enemies become viable options to challenge a Terrestrial party with that wouldn't be any effort to defeat for equally experienced Solars. There just aren't that many forces in Creation that actually stand a chance against three to five Solar Exalted; whereas a single one of those could make a dangerous target for a group of Dragon-Blooded.

And yes, all Exalts gain from teamwork, but Dragon-Blooded gain more and are actively encouraged in it; most of their most powerful charms only work on others, for instance, or are only profitable in groups.

Joseph said:
This is also partially valid, but I'd point out that every imaginagly useful power to maximum efficiency is NOT included in the Solar portfolio.  The Solar focus is superhuman skill, Virtue, leadership, and holding back the darkness.  Things like Fate manipulation, serious shapeshifting, serious elementalism (outside of holy fire), etc, are beyond them, even though they'd CLEARLY be useful to have on hand.  
Further, Lunars are very well defined as well.  Their Charm set might be poorly built, but they have a clear focus, and also clearly defined limitations.
Yeah, Lunars are the main exception, although the overall flavor isn't as strong as with the Dragon-blooded. The Abyssals have clearly defined flavor, but it allows them to do nearly anything they want. Sideral and Solar flavor is weak, though.

Fate manipulation, shape changing, elementalism, etc., might come in handy, but they're not necessary. An advanced Solar could be expected to walk across Creation and rarely encounter a situation that they weren't good at, whereas the same isn't true of any Aspect of Dragon-Blooded.
Maryuoh said:
Malfeas; Given that Terrestrials aren't inherently hateful to major demons in the way that Solars are, I'd disagree. An experienced group of Terrestrials could escape from Malfeas. Less likely than Solars, sure, but not outside the range of possibilities.
The reason I consider is less likely is that they're simply plain less likely to SURVIVE when confronted with the difficulties there.  Persistent Defenses are a big reason why Solars can survive a load of weak Demons/Peons/etc attacking them; when 30 Blood Apes converge on the Terrestrials, they're in real trouble.  The same is true of Lunars really.

So it's not so much they could NOT go there, as they would almost assureldy die, while Solars can live.

Maryuoh said:
Taking over Nexus: This one doesn't make sense to me at all. The Terrestrials have demonstrated quite aptly their ability to dominate in Creation.
If this were true, the Scarlet Empire would have no tribute states, because it would be strong enough to directly rule everything.  There's so much OUTSIDE of Terrestrial rule for a reason.  

Second, we're talking a brotherhood of Terrestrials, not a nation of them.  A group of Solars CAN take over Nexus, a group of Terrestrials almost assuredly can not.  It's probably true if the ENTIRE Realm focused on it, they'd take that particular area, but that's also moot.

Maryuoh said:
In fact, the Terrestrials of Lookshy would be able to take over Nexus any time they wanted to.
But no player character BROTHERHOOD from Lookshy could.  This isn't a debate about what 10000 Terrestrials and an army can achieve, it's about what 4 or 5 of them can achieve.  And 4 or 5 Terrestrials won't be taking over Nexus anytime soon, it's too hard core for them.

Maryuoh said:
Again, perhaps it would take more effort and rely more on influencing allies and building armies than would be the case with Solars, but not at all a task outside the upper range of Terrestrial abilities.
It would totally DEemphasize the characters, whatever happened.  Your Brotherhood MIGHT be able to, as you say, talk LOOKSHY into invading Nexus, but then it's not them doing it, it's Lookshy.  Even a mortal can do that, so what?  It's not the same as really achieving.

Maryuoh said:
On the other hand, there are a wide range of threats that can be challenges to Terrestrials that Solars just don't care about, at least once they get a little experience. Let's start with mortals. Lacking perfect defenses, Terrestrials can't just wantonly take on unnumbered legions of mortal extras and survive.
Neither can Lunars really.  It's more the lack of persistent defenses that is a problem against mortals.  

But yeah, that's more of a big deal for Terrestrials than Solars.  That doesn't mean there's no room for Solars to do it, however; I've had some very rewarding engagements against mortals as a Solar, because the mortals fought smart.

Maryuoh said:
And yes, all Exalts gain from teamwork, but Dragon-Blooded gain more and are actively encouraged in it; most of their most powerful charms only work on others, for instance, or are only profitable in groups.
I won't argue they gain more, % wise, than Celestials.  I just don't think it's a BIG enough % gain to fuss over.
Joseph said:
If this were true, the Scarlet Empire would have no tribute states, because it would be strong enough to directly rule everything.  There's so much OUTSIDE of Terrestrial rule for a reason.  
Second, we're talking a brotherhood of Terrestrials, not a nation of them.  A group of Solars CAN take over Nexus, a group of Terrestrials almost assuredly can not.  It's probably true if the ENTIRE Realm focused on it, they'd take that particular area, but that's also moot.

Maryuoh said:
In fact, the Terrestrials of Lookshy would be able to take over Nexus any time they wanted to.
But no player character BROTHERHOOD from Lookshy could.  This isn't a debate about what 10000 Terrestrials and an army can achieve, it's about what 4 or 5 of them can achieve.  And 4 or 5 Terrestrials won't be taking over Nexus anytime soon, it's too hard core for them.

Maryuoh said:
Again, perhaps it would take more effort and rely more on influencing allies and building armies than would be the case with Solars, but not at all a task outside the upper range of Terrestrial abilities.
It would totally DEemphasize the characters, whatever happened.  Your Brotherhood MIGHT be able to, as you say, talk LOOKSHY into invading Nexus, but then it's not them doing it, it's Lookshy.  Even a mortal can do that, so what?  It's not the same as really achieving.
That all depends on what type of game you enjoy. I would personally see nothing wrong with playing a Hannibal instead of a Conan. Focusing on a group's ability to parley alliances, forge treaties, manipulate politics, plan and oversee armies, supplies, discipline, logistics and battlefield tactics seems quite rewarding to me. In fact, I would add that as another pro to playing Terrestrials; a greater emphasis on cunning and social savvy over physical might.

It's also worth noting that whatever their ability to take over Nexus without allies might be, a group of Solars could not rule it effectively by themselves afterwards. Then they would be in simply a smaller version of the position of the Scarlet Empire pre-Dissapearance; ruling through proxy because of an inability to hold that much territory with their numbers, rather than because of a lack of the ability to completely conquer.
Maryuoh said:
In fact, I would add that as another pro to playing Terrestrials; a greater emphasis on cunning and social savvy over physical might.
Apart from Solars, who have no detailed society to belong to, I fail to see the emphasis Terrestrial supplements place on cunning and social savvy to be greater than those of other types. Even the Lunars supplement mentions that smashing a Fire Aspect's face in with a rock or benching a Yeddim are not a particularly amazing feats. If memory serves, the things that win accolades are using cunning to get into dangerous places and leaving unharmed and unseen.
Maryuoh said:
That all depends on what type of game you enjoy. I would personally see nothing wrong with playing a Hannibal instead of a Conan.
Except Solars can be a BETTER Hannibal than Terrestrials, OR a Conan.  Thus you can have a game that caters to the desires of BOTH sorts of play with Solars.  In fact, I dare say a Solar could be a better Hannibal than a Terrestrial, without a doubt.

Maryuoh said:
Focusing on a group's ability to parley alliances, forge treaties, manipulate politics, plan and oversee armies, supplies, discipline, logistics and battlefield tactics seems quite rewarding to me.
And Solars do this better than Terrestrials do it.  They are undisputably the most socially competent Exalted.

Maryuoh said:
In fact, I would add that as another pro to playing Terrestrials; a greater emphasis on cunning and social savvy over physical might.
Terrestrials have no such emphasis above and beyond the other Exalted.  ALL Exalt types gain equally from cunning and social savvy, they just ALSO have more physical might.  This creates more DIVERSE games, in which you can have sessions focused on cunning, but every once in a while a good high powered brawl too.  

Why limit?

Maryuoh said:
It's also worth noting that whatever their ability to take over Nexus without allies might be, a group of Solars could not rule it effectively by themselves afterwards.
I disagree.  Solars are much, much, much better at social things than Terrestrials, up to and including ruling.  A few 20+ success speeches go a long way towards creating IRON TIGHT CONTROL of your ruling cabinet.

Maryuoh said:
Then they would be in simply a smaller version of the position of the Scarlet Empire pre-Dissapearance; ruling through proxy because of an inability to hold that much territory with their numbers, rather than because of a lack of the ability to completely conquer.
Except, the reason the Scarlet Empire couldn't control more land was because the Scarlet Empress was really, really bad at diplomacy.  She won her Empire in one way only: by essentially getting the biggest weapon in the land by luck, then threatening to destroy anyone who didn't go along with her.  This pretty much cemented her control back home, but further out people weren't willing to take the bullshit.  So while in individual areas she was able to bully nations into becoming tribute states, much beyond that there was nothing she could do: if she capitalized on her threat and nuked the area, there was nothing left worth ruling.  If she didn't, no amount of her strong arm tactics would work.

THAT is why the Realm of the Terrestrial Exalted is so limited in scope.  They're just really, really bad at REALLY winning allies over to their side with anything but threats.

Solars, on the other hand, have the potential to be competent at it beyond ANY OTHER MORTAL BEINGS.  This is why they were so effective at ruling the original Realm; they're just plain good rulers.  They don't NEED the numbers to keep control of Nexus, because they can play the game of politics at a level Terrestrials just plain dont' get.  Solars conquer, and then with their social savvy make the people LOVE them, and they no longer have much problem with ruling Nexus.  Terrestrials really can't do that, theey don't have the Charms, and never will.

You're letting your like for Terrestrials blind you; the truth is you like them just because you like weaker, cooler things (which is fine), and now you're trying to come up with a bunch of rhetoric to back it and make it sound like it's a more complex decision than it was.  But the truth isn't as you present it, because you STARTED with the like, and then SKEWED the facts to match it.  

Hmmm this would be a tough one for me, I love Sidereals and Abyssals a lot but I would have to go with Abyssals just for all the evil stuff they can get away with.  :twisted:
Ormseitr said:
Relic said:
... Another Solar went around the country-side and got little communities of worshippers who even erected momuments to his honour (these were of course found and destroyed by the Hunt)...
You forget getting drunk and trying to fuck every pretty girl his eyes fell on :)
Yes, I also forgot to mention the tobacco habits of the southerner and the deskmonkey-become-dawn-solar with a tendency to command around anything and everything around him, people, animals, and objects alike.

Ah yes, the diversity of Solars. *cough* :-)
I've always enjoyed the political games, and intrigue the DB has. Running DB games has always been fun, and I love them for their lack of power in the face of solar anethema. But like the book stated the DB's power is in numbers, and like said before, DB games try to enforce team work if they're going to challenge the "demons" they face.

After that I generally like Solars because of their struggle to prove themselves in a world that hates them. (some don't take that road, but it'd usually the theme in the games I play in.) I also like Lunars because I play Werewolf and old habbits die hard with me, I enjoy playing all the changing breed ideas I could never play before.

Before Sidereals came out I thought that was going to be my favorite, their complex rules, stipulations, and beruacracies ultimately dissappointed me. Maybe I'm too hard to please. (or too simple minded, take your pick.)

Abyssals are neat, just not my style. I like playing the good guy, and abyssals are too evil for me to play effectively. Same goes for Infernals, though I haven't acctually read anything on them, I'm only going off what my boyfriend says.

Alchemicals are really interesting, and I'm excited to try them, they might be my next favorite, but as of now they're a little unknown.
I've always adored the Solar Exalts. Particularly because of what they represent, metaphorically. The Sun is bright and relentless. Its light is unceasing, regardless of what weather may obscure it. In Buddhism, Buddhanature is sometimes described as being like the Sun. The Archangel Michael is associated with the Sun since his name literally means "He Who Is As God." He is a brilliant and strong figure in Christian cosmological myth. In Kemeticism (the religion of Ancient Egypt), the multitudes of deities came from Ra/Re, the Sun God.

The Solar Exalts also look particularly interesting when compared to their darker halves, the Abyssals. I see the Abyssals as characters who gave up and gave in. Who angst and bitch. Then I see the Solars opposite them, still carrying on despite being forcefully (and traumatically) removed from their seat of power and prominence.

In terms of game mechanics, they are pretty generic which, as Stillborn mentioned on the first page, allows for quite a bit of freedom with what you can do with them. Since they're usually on the run, they don't really have any attachments or obligations (other than the ones that they themselves create and sustain).
Voted for Solars, simply 'cause i've got a thing for sun gods.  Coming in close second has to be Abyssal's, yet, I don't know why  :?

Before this past week I would have voted for the Lunars.  They can move freely through the wyld, shapeshift, are the personification of cool tattoos, and barbarian culture was the life for me.

 Then I caught the Infernals bug.   :twisted:  They're creepy, everyone hates them, they're the best dancers in and outside of creation, plus once they sign the Yozi's contract they're stuck.  It sucks that there's a limited amount of info on them, but at the same time it leaves more room for improvisation.

 I'm all about revenge too.  Of all the axes that the differen't exalts have to grind, the Yozi's and their Akuma are at the top of my list right now.
Solars.  Reason being, they are, to me, the truly classic examples of heroes.  Demigod like power, but yet, humanly fallible.  Plus, they're just so freaking cool.  I've had limited experience running Lunars, Abyssals, and Dragon-Blooded.  Sidereals are just too bloody weird for me.  For me, no other Exalted can match the sheer amount of heroism that the Solars possess.  Second place, I have to admit, was running the Abyssal.  It was fun being a true believing champion of Oblivion.  But Solars, yeah, they rock.
Although I'm definitely partial to the Abyssals, as I really appreciate the Macabre setting, the dragonbloods far surpass even them. Part of the dragonblood appeal is their social relevance. Unlike the solars and lunars, they exist within a social context. They have a world that they have created. A world with consequences. A world that is rich with history and tradition and whenever a dragonblood does something, you get the idea that his/her actions will have consequences that will resonate amongst those around them, whether it be a small circle of friends, their house, or maybe even the entire realm. The release of the aspect books has also done a lot to humanize them. I dislike how the dragonbloods are depicted in the corebook (as simply villains) and in the aspect books you get a sense of "the before" and what they lived through during the First Age and the Usurpation. They seem to me to be the most thought out, the most thoroughly created. Also, the fact that they are the weakest of the exalted. Unlike the lunars and the solars are literal powerhouses, the dragonbloods, although being superhuman, aren't all powerful, which requires a lot of intelligence and strategy when playing them (especially if you're going to be interacting with anathema). I'm also partial to the whole elemental dragons, passing of the blood, one with the earth sort of thing, but that's just me  :wink:

This being said, I know very little about the infernals and the sidereals.
Marquis said:
Unlike the solars and lunars, they exist within a social context.
The Cult of the Illuminated grant Solars and Lunars a social context to exist within that does not require the player and Storyteller to collaborate upon. Several characters in Solar Castebooks are members of social organizations.

Marquis said:
A world with consequences.
I posit the Celestial Exalts have equal or greater consequences in their "worlds." The consequences are not only greater because the scope of their actions are more powerful, but the fact that they are more powerful enables them to interact with more powerful beings. A Dragon-Blooded Dynast brokering a deal with a few salt gods pales before a Gold Faction Sidereal attempting to convince Ahlat to back the Cult of the Illuminated.

Marquis said:
A world that is rich with history and tradition and whenever a dragonblood does something, you get the idea that his/her actions will have consequences that will resonate amongst those around them, whether it be a small circle of friends, their house, or maybe even the entire realm.
The Abyssals may take actions that affect whole of the Underworld. Sidereals may affect nearly all of Heaven, and the Realm as well. Whenever any Exalt does something, those actions will have consequences unless your ST is a bonehead. Even Filial Wisdom's actions have ramifications, despite that he is lording over a remote, isolated ruin of a race that was in decline even during the First Age.

Marquis said:
I dislike how the dragonbloods are depicted in the corebook (as simply villains)
Hardly something unique to Dragon-Blooded.

Marquis said:
Also, the fact that they are the weakest of the exalted. Unlike the lunars and the solars are literal powerhouses, the dragonbloods, although being superhuman, aren't all powerful, which requires a lot of intelligence and strategy when playing them (especially if you're going to be interacting with anathema).
Celestial Exalted are not free from this requirement. Celestial Exalted facing each other in combat must be at least equally intelligent in their tactics, even if they face Terrestrials, First Circle Demons, and other ostensibly neglible threats. Free reflexives Dragon-Blooded receive mitigates some of the Solar and Lunar problems with charm use.

Marquis said:
This being said, I know very little about the infernals and the sidereals.
You are not really missing much.
Marquis said:
Although I'm definitely partial to the Abyssals, as I really appreciate the Macabre setting, the dragonbloods far surpass even them. Part of the dragonblood appeal is their social relevance. Unlike the solars and lunars, they exist within a social context.
No character with a history exists outside of a social context.  However, given the way you are using the word, you clearly CAN have Lunars and Solars that exist in a social context, and further can have Terrestrials that lack social context as you seem to mean it: they are called Lost Eggs.

What you're describing isn't fundamental to Terrestrial Exalts.  It can be a feature of any Exalt, and it can be a feature lacking in any Exalt.  

Marquis said:
They have a world that they have created. A world with consequences.
No, they have a world Sidereals have created for them.  There's a reason the elder members of the Scarlet Dynasty are COATED in long term Astrological Effects.  There's a reason the Immaculate Order is such a big deal.  There's a reason the Scarlet Empress was actually able to maintain control over even the Realm and it's few subsidiary states.  It all traces back to the Sidereal Exalted.

Marquis said:
A world that is rich with history and tradition and whenever a dragonblood does something, you get the idea that his/her actions will have consequences that will resonate amongst those around them, whether it be a small circle of friends, their house, or maybe even the entire realm.
You can just as easily have that feeling with Solars or Lunars, or LACK that feeling with Terrestrials.

Marquis said:
The release of the aspect books has also done a lot to humanize them.
I don't really agree with this, to be honest.  It certainly fleshed them out more, but the results of that fleshing out are, more often than not, in the direction of one dimensional characters.  Take Mnemon for instance.  She was fleshed out quite a bit in Aspect Book: Earth.  The resulting persona?  Someone that cares about power, in some vague generic sense, and with a vague, abstract liking for the Immaculate Order, and not really much else.  I wouldn't call that humanizing so much as DEHUMANIZING her, turning her into some sort of comic book villain that lacks a personality beyond being stern faced, trying to look cool and collected at all times, and wanting to be in control just for the fuck of it.

Real humans who seek power seek it to fulfill goals; charicature villains seek power for powers sake.  Mnemon is the latter, and most Terrestrials end up being similarly charicatured and dehumanized.

Marquis said:
... which requires a lot of intelligence and strategy when playing them (especially if you're going to be interacting with anathema).
All Exalts require equal strategy when playing them, assuming they are facing challenges appropriate for their power level.
I would simply say to take a look at Aspect Book: Water and read the story of the exaltation of Tepet Deled. Or read the documentations of the undercover terrestrials during the usurpation. The aspect books detail the lives of some very interesting characters, who are far from the dragonblooded monsters that are depicted in the Core book (and I agree that this isn't reserved only for the DB's, but it is a fault of the core book in general. But i suppose that since they were pitching the solars as the primary protagonsists of the game at the time it was written, then we can't really expect much else.) Mnemon herself has frankly never interested me simply because it does seem like all she ever strives for is power. If we were given a reason as to why she has become this way then MAYBE she would be interesting. But for the timebeing, I find her boring.

I'm not saying that these aspects which I find enjoyable in the Dragonbloods aren't possible with other forms of exalted. Of course they are. It all hinges on the abilities of the story teller and the players to create a multi-faceted, well told story. And of course you could have a dragonblood campaign that LACKS all these elements. Like I said before, it all depends on the creativeness of those telling the story. I was simply stating an opinion which, as far as I can tell, is what this entire thread is based on. I could be wrong and the dragonblooded could, in reality, simply suck. But frankly, I like them, so who cares? I've played Solar, Abyssal and Fair Folk games that have had wonderful social contexts, so clearly I am not unaware of the potential of those exalts. Again, just stating a preference and attempting to justify that preference with a coulpe of reasons, but the reasons exist within the realm of the dragonbloods alone. I'm not comparing them to any other form of exalted as I would think that would be simply unfair. They are no better or worse, simply different. It just so happens that it is a difference that i prefer.
Marquis said:
Again, just stating a preference and attempting to justify that preference with a coulpe of reasons, but the reasons exist within the realm of the dragonbloods alone.
No, they don't. That was the whole point of my reply.

The reasons you have used, apart from "the whole elemental dragons, passing of the blood, one with the earth sort of thing" are not things that are particular to Dragon-Blooded. Lunar can pass some small measure of power through the blood in the form of beastmen. All Exalts can create half-castes, which is not the same as the genetic crapshoot that is Terrestrial Exaltation, but a Solar could field an army of offspring, as could a Lunar, as could an Abyssal, just as well as a Dragon-Blooded could.

Marquis said:
I'm not comparing them to any other form of exalted as I would think that would be simply unfair.
Please don't lie.

Marquis said:
Although I'm definitely partial to the Abyssals, as I really appreciate the Macabre setting, the dragonbloods far surpass even them.
Marquis said:
Part of the dragonblood appeal is their social relevance. Unlike the solars and lunars, they exist within a social context.
Marquis said:
Unlike the lunars and the solars are literal powerhouses, the dragonbloods, although being superhuman, aren't all powerful, which requires a lot of intelligence and strategy when playing them (especially if you're going to be interacting with anathema).
Marquis said:
They seem to me to be the most thought out, the most thoroughly created.
Those are all comparisons.
Marquis said:
I would simply say to take a look at Aspect Book: Water and read the story of the exaltation of Tepet Deled.
You mean the totally one dimensional Peleps Deled?  You mean the distinctively inhuman Peleps Deled?

Marquis said:
 The aspect books detail the lives of some very interesting characters, who are far from the dragonblooded monsters that are depicted in the Core book
Interesting?  Perhaps.  Less monsterous?  Arguable.  Less one dimensional?  Not at all.

I have never, EVER, read a SINGLE signature character in the Exalted line who I considered to be a fairly fleshed out personality.  This is not the fault of the writers necessarily -- even with whole novels characters often fail to be sufficiently fleshed out, much less a small writeup.  But it's pretty clear that the average Terrestrial Exalt written up in the Exalted line is and always has been one dimensional and not at all believable.

Marquis said:
 I'm not saying that these aspects which I find enjoyable in the Dragonbloods aren't possible with other forms of exalted. Of course they are.
Then they clearly aren't reasons to favor Dragon Blooded in and of themselves, because it has nothing to do with the Dragon Blooded, and everything to do with the Story.

Marquis said:
 I was simply stating an opinion which, as far as I can tell, is what this entire thread is based on.
Opinions can be poorly thought out, contrary to seemingly popular belief.  Something being an opinion doesn't place it beyond criticism.

Marquis said:
 I could be wrong and the dragonblooded could, in reality, simply suck.
I'm not even arguing that.  I'm simply pointing out that the vast majority of reasons you cited are just as applicable to almost any other type of Exalt.  If nothing else, my commentary should help you to appreciate the other types MORE if that's what you really like about the game.  You should be thanking me.

Marquis said:
 Again, just stating a preference and attempting to justify that preference with a coulpe of reasons,
Right, and I'm pointing out those reasons don't actually favor the Terrestrials over any other type.  Why be defensive?
word man, you need to relax.

I could go on at length abot how pointless this discussion really is, because at the end of it all, i really don't care. it's a game. i enjoy the game, and i'm allowed to have a preference. I do enjoy solars and abyssals. maybe i didn't do a very good job of explaining why i prefer DB's, but alas, i'll try harder next time.

Interpret my words however you wish. I like the DB's because I prefer their setting. there. that's about it.

instead of sitting around disecting peoples posts for any possible scrutiny, maybe try going out and getting a girlfriend. it's way more fun than exalted.
Marquis said:
word man, you need to relax.
I don't think anyone involved in this conversation is anything less than relaxed, except perhaps yourself.

Marquis said:
I could go on at length abot how pointless this discussion really is, because at the end of it all, i really don't care.
If it's pointless because you don't care, how much is there really to go on at length about?  Further, if you don't care, why bother responding at all?  You clearly DO care, just not sufficiently to continue trying to defend your statements against valid points.

Marquis said:
it's a game. i enjoy the game, and i'm allowed to have a preference.
True on both accounts, and also completely irrelevent to anything either myself or Andrew has said.  Neither of us is attacking your PREFERENCE, we're attacking the other claims you've made to back that preference.

Marquis said:
instead of sitting around disecting peoples posts for any possible scrutiny, maybe try going out and getting a girlfriend. it's way more fun than exalted.
My girlfriend is about six feet away from me right now.  I can assure you you are correct, she is more fun than Exalted.  She also likes my caustic sense of humor and tendency to criticize.  

Your assumption that one must not be in a fulfilling relationship simply because they enjoy criticizing others is as faulty as many other claims you've made here.  Thanks for taking the step up from poor arguer to stupid I'm uncultured with that totally baseless assumption.
you are correct. my apologies for taking a personal shot. It was, at best, inappropriate.

I suppose my entire point is that this shouldn't even be an "argument" as you termed it. I simply posted on a forum and was immediately attacked, having every word picked apart as if I were reliving the defense of my masters thesis. I have never claimed to be an expert on exalted, and I certainly never asked to be entered into an argument, or debate, or whatever you want to call what it. The whole back and forth about who's got the bigger social context, as if we were debating which one of us has the larger cock, is frankly ludicrous. Prairie-dogs living in outer mongolia have a social context and, regardless of my obviously unclear or misleading word choice, it is not my belief that all other kinds of exalted live lives devoid of social structure or meaning. Perhaps I should have said: "I PREFER their social structure over those of the others."

Anyway, as to the degree to which I care about all this, well, i care about it just enough to find it amusing. I don't care enough to feel the need to continue defending myself, simply because I think being forced into a position where i have to defend myself over such trivial matters as a game like exalted is kind of pointless. I wrote this post with the sole purpose of apologizing for what i said previously and perhaps simply straightening out where i was coming from.
Marquis said:
I simply posted on a forum and was immediately attacked, having every word picked apart as if I were reliving the defense of my masters thesis.
You weren't attacked.

As Joseph said, the reasons you used to justify your preference were shown to be distinct from the way you asserted them to be.

Marquis said:
as if we were debating which one of us has the larger cock
That is not what it is like at all. Careless assertions like this are exactly what prompted my response.
I think Marquis' main point was that his opinion was aggressively put down.  I'd sympathize with his reaction.  

Cmon guys, it doesn't hurt to have more people interested in this forum.
Then I need your help, MOK. I need to know how not to be aggressive. Help me help myself. Omitting insults of a person's race, creed, sexual orientation, citizenship, and heritage just isn't enough, I suppose, to avoid charges of aggression.

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