What's wrong with you...?

Carter woke grudgingly when his alarm clock went off. They'd all been told to be up by eight, breakfast would be served at eight thirty, then testing was to commence at nine. He slammed his hand down on the snooze button groggily. "Shut upppp!" hr groaned at the beeping device. "I'm up, I'm up..." he rolled out of bed, shivering slightly when his bare feet hit the cool wood floor. "Ugh...I hate mornings...." he ran a hand through his hair and padded to the bthroom, hoping to get the first shower befpre everyone else used the hot water up
Alice got out of her shower and walked into her bedroom before everyone else got up. She looked through her dresser for something to wear. Alice had been up since 7, eager to get ready and get showered before other people got there. She didn't like that there was only one bathroom per floor, so she'd gotten up at a time that would assure no one would see her coming out of the bathroom in a towel. She finally found something to wear, simple jeans and a cute tank top, threw it on, finished getting ready, then looked at the clock. It was only 8? Breakfast wouldn't be ready until 830. She sighed, sitting down on her bed. She didn't know what to do now. Alice stood back up, walked over to her door and out into the hall, deciding she might as well head down early. No one else seemed to be up, but maybe she was wrong and there was someone else to talk to downstairs until breakfast started.
The loud squaking of Lauren's alarm clock made her jump slightly. She practically punched the "Off" button. She grumbled and slid the blankets down, slugging out of bed. She grabbed a cream colored towel and got into the shower. When she got out, she pulled on an off-white lacey tee shirt and a pair of pale blue skinny jeans. She slid on a vintage clock necklace and straightened her hair, pinning the side back. She yawned, still waking up. She slid on a plain pair of black and white converse and walked into the kitchen.
June was in the kitchen, making breakfast. She spotted Alice nd smiled. "good morning, dear. I'm just getting strted on breakfast, would you like to sit and keep me company?" she asked. "You're up early. Morning person?" She went back to whisking the pncake batter.

Carter was glad for the shower, it woke him up enough to function. he pulled on a plain black t-shirt nd a pair of clean enough jeans. he sniffed the jeans, nodding in approval when the scent wasn't offensive. with one final stretch, he padded in sock feet down to the kitchen, slightly surprised at how many people were already there. "Morning" he said
Alice smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm usually up early..." she said quietly. "Anything I can help with?" She looked around to see if there was some way she could assist June when Carter and Lauren walked down. She gave them a small smile before turning back to their host.
June nodded. "Well, if you don;t mind, you could get the eggs going for me. I was just going to do a whole mess of scrambled to go with the pancakes, bacon, and fresh fruit" she explained, gettng the eggs out of the fridge for her.

Carter walked over. "I'll cut up the fruit" he offered, earning a smile and nod from June. He got the pineapple, oranges, grapefruit, and apples out to begin cutting the up
Alice nodded, going to make the eggs. She was really good at it, eggs were one of her favorite breakfast foods, other than waffles.

((She's vegetarian not vegan, just throwing that out there in case someone thought it was weird she ate eggs
xD ))

June looked around the room. "Hm...Let's see...will we need sausage too? We've got eggs, Pancakes, bacon, nd fruit...." she was more thinking out loud than anything.
Erabella woke and tossed and turned slightly. She was not ready for the day to begin. Grudgingly she got up and took a shower. She dressed quickly and ran a brush through her curly blonde hair. She looked in the mirror and daintily applied dark magenta eyeshadow to match several accessories that she wore. She added a dark pink lip gloss and gave a smile to the reflection. She turned and headed downstairs, her heels clacking slightly loud against the polished wood. She walked into the kitchen and smiled at Alice and June "Morning!"


No jacket though.
(( [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] Carter and Lauren are down there with Alice and June as well))

Alice gave Erabella her usual small, shy smile. "Good morning," she said quietly. She continued to work on the eggs while Carter cut fruit and June made the pancakes. It was going to be a lot of food, but then again they were teenagers. They'd probably finish it with no problem. She put the scrambled egg mixture into a hot skillet that she had placed on the stove, cooking the eggs.
Monique opened her eyes slowly, she had trained herself with a personal alarm, she always awoke at 8. (It is possible! xD ) She didn't easily get woken by loud noises, she had become used to them what with her upbringing. She was laying on her back and sighed, staring at the ceiling. After a while she swung her legs around the bed and stood up, stretching and yawning almost silently. Her baggy night time top swung around her and she tugged down her blue shorts slightly, heading over to the closet. She sometimes loved her power. She could survive on one pair of clothes if she wished to, but that would arouse suspicion. She tugged out a baggy dark blue top that hung off of one shoulder, checking no-one was in the room with her, and checking there was no cameras also - although she had already secured her own room with an anti-camera firewall. Any cameras that might be in her room would not work. She then tapped the top and the particles switched to that of a white colour, now her blue top was a nice white colour. She smiled and pulled it on along with some skinny jeggings, letting her long black hair fall in subtle waves down her back before adding the tiniest touch of mascara and concealer, giving her a natural, pretty look.

She headed down the stairs silently, entering the kitchen still as silent as ever and sitting down, practically everyone was here already, it was 8:20. She watched everyone silently, they may think she's shy, but she wasn't at all, she was just observing them all. The less you speak, the more you hear and see. After a few minutes, she spoke quietly, making her presence know as she stood up and heading to the drinks again, "Who wants a drink?" She asks, she had learnt their drink preferences last night at dinner, so she didn't need to ask what they wanted.
Lauren looked at the package of bacon sitting on the counter top and smiled at June. "I'll make the bacon.." She walked over to the counter and pulled the strips from their casing. She grabbed a pan and turned the stove on, setting the plate on. She stepped to the fridge and grabbed a stick of solid butter and closed the fridge. She walked back and pulled one of the drawers open, grabbing a dull silver butter knife.

(( Is that how you make bacon? ))
((No butter, lol. Bacon is bad enough for you xD it sizzles in it's own bacon-y greasy goodness))

Alice smiled and nodded when Monique asked if they wanted drinks. She finished up the scrambled eggs and plated them, giving some to everyone while they waited on the other stuff to finish up.
Carter looked up when Erabella came into the kitchen. "Morning" he greeted her before turning back to the fse?"ruit he'd'been cutting. "June, is this enough, or do you want more?" he asked

June smiled brightly. "Erabella! Good morning, hope you're hungry!" she started the pancakes in a frying pan then went to the fridge to pull out maple syrup. "We've got quite the breakfast in the works out here!" when Carter asked bout the fruit, she peeked over his shoulder. "Yes, that looks perfect, thanks for the help, Carter" she patted his shoulder. "Monique, could you pour some juice for everyone, please?" she asked. "Oh, thank you for the help with the bacon, Lauren. And Alice, those eggs look perfect, good job!" Her outfit today was similar to the one she'd picked them up in, a light grey suit jacket and matching knee length skirt with a bright turquoise camisole visible underneath. her earrings and necklace matched, both made of turquoise
Erabella nodded "Starving! What do I need to do?" She looked around, "Set the table, perhaps?" Usually, if she was home alone, she would just do everything using her telekinesis, but with so many people around it wouldn't be a good idea. She yawned and flipped her hair back behind her shoulders.
Monique nodded silently, taking out the cups and making everyone their preffered drink choices, including those who were not yet present. Once she was done she picked them up two by two, putting them down on their places on the table. It was odd making so many drinks, she was used to just looking out for herself and only herself. But she guessed that would be considered impolite in the normal world. Her and her foster parents had a mutual understanding, she steered clear of them and they did the same. Everyone at school thought her foster parents were her real parents, she assumed the teachers and such knew otherwise, but the kids didn't.
(( June reminds me of some of the camp counselors in my book. My tragic, tear-forming, depressing book. ))

Lauren smiled and nodded, putting the bacon into the pan.
June smiled. "Thank you, Monique. Erabella, setting the table would be a big help. Then perhaps you could put some bread in the toaster?" she asked. "And someone can get out peanut butter, jam, margarine, whatever else they'd like on toast"
Alice grabbed some stuff from the fridge, putting it all on the table without saying anything or making a noise. She got a bunch of napkins, putting them in the middle of the table for everyone to use. She sat, waiting silently and patiently for things to be finished up, curiously wondering what kind of testing was in store for the group today.
Carter plated the fruit and set it down on the table before sitting in one of the open chairs. "Soo...This testing...What is it?" he asked June, grabbing a chunk of pineapple and popping it in his mouth

June was piling pancakes on a large plate. "Well, Carter, you'll each be getting different forms of testing based on the answers we got from your recruitment test while you were at school. You each come from different backgrounds, and different geological areas, so you'll each have different input to give us. All we ask is that you complete each phase of the testing in its entirety, and you don't talk about your tests to each other. we wouldn't want you giving anything away" she smiled
Alice listened as June talked about the testing. Easy enough, she thought. It was probably just some written survey or something. As long as they didn't have to record anything about the test-takers' appearance, she'd be fine. How was she supposed to know what she looked like? No two people ever saw her the same. That could be awkward. She leaned her head on her hand, thinking.
June sighed. "As explained when you were recruited, it is to gather information on the minds and lives of North American Teenagers" she explained. She set the pancakes down. "Now, everyone, eat up. We begin at nine" she st in the only empty seat nd helped herself to some food
Lauren started hearing voices again. She closed her eyes and oppened them, letting out a deep breath. She ignored the screams and cries of young children and adults. "I- Where should I put.. The bacon.." She picked the plate up and almost dropped it.
Alice looked at a clock nearby. It had taken longer than she thought to make breakfast, they had about fifteen minutes until the testing was supposed to start. She took a couple of pancakes and started eating after they'd bee thoroughly drenched in syrup and topped with some fruit. She hadn't had a meal this great in a really long time. Usually her mother didn't make breakfast, and Alice wasn't the best cook, so she would eat whatever she could find in the typically empty cupboards. She'd been living off of bread and butter with water for a few days before now. Her stomach grumbled angrily and she took another bite of her pancakes, glad to have some real food for once. She ate quickly and quietly, just waiting for 9:00 to come around. She had to admit, as boring as June was making the testing sound, she was kind of curious and impatient about the subject. She was ready to see what all this was about.

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