What's wrong with you...?

Alice smiled sweetly. "I got it." she said. She put her bookbag on her back and picked up the suitcase, shoving the piece of paper back in the small pocket of her light blue dress. "How ironic that we're both looking for the same person." she said to Carter. "I'm Alice, by the way." She gave her cute smile again and waited for him to get his stuff. "I hope June doesn't get mad at us for being late." They started walking, looking at the directories scattered throughout the airport to point them in the right direction. "I think that's her over there." Alice said, pointing. She wondered what she looked like to Carter. She wondered what June and the girl standing with June would see her as. It was one of the most curious things ever. No matter what, she wanted to make a good impression. She always had somewhat of an urge to look into the minds of those around them, but was afraid to touch their memories for fear of messing something up. She couldn't really control that part of her power yet. She didn't know what they planned to do with all the kids where they were going, just that it was more testing. She realized she had been zoning out, lost in her own thoughts as they approached the two ladies. She came back to reality, hoping that Carter didn't find her strange for having her head in the clouds almost the entire time they had been walking. "Excuse me..." Alice said quietly. "Are you June?"
Erabella's eyes widened as she mentioned the college "Are you serious?" She bit her lip "Where are the other seven kids?" She didn't dare tell this woman about her little secret. How could she? This woman could not know about the fact that she could send parts of her body to different places or that she could move objects with her mind.
Carter laughed when she turned down his offer of help with her things. "Fine, fine, be the independant type" he sighed in mock disappointment. "No one will et me be a gentleman anymore" he shouldered his duffle back and walked through the maze of the airport. "Too many people..." he muttered to himself. He glanced over at Alice. "Oh, I'm Carter. Nice to meet you" he figured being polite would be a good first step. Mentally, he was kicking himself for not catching the introduction earlier. He was beginning to think they were hopelessly lost when he spotted a woman who looked famiar. She might be the woman who ran the testing. Maybe...

June smiled at Erabella and put her finger to her lips. "Shhh, it's a secret. I just couldn't help sharing it" when Carter and Alice approached, she waved them over. "Hello, hello! Oh, it's good to see you. I hope your flights were okay. I'm June, you may remember me?" she asked. "We're just waiting on three more. Unfortunately, two students had to turn down the opportunity, and didn't leave us time to find replacements" she explained
Alice waited quietly, not really knowing what to say. She looked around, waiting for the other people to show up. She was really excited for this. Guaranteed honor roll, and it would practically be like a vacation. She would get to be away from her mother all this time. She hated to say something so cruel, but she couldn't be happier to get this retreat. Although she wondered what the tests would be. She waited for someone to say something, wanting the long awkward silence to be broken but not to be the one to do it.
Erabella Smiled at the two new children. She held out a hand "I'm Erabella." she spoke with a friendly tone in her voice. Her slight British accent made it seem like butterscotch. She let her mind slip and lets a body fall into her ex boyfriend's closet. The only reason they had broken up was because of this thing she had chosen to do. She qatched him listen to his music and lets a lone tear slip down her cheek. She lets her body become a whole and realized she had let a tear slip down her cheek at the airport as well.
([MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION], just meet them at the airport)

June noticed the tear on erabella's face and frowned, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Sweetheart? s everything alright?" she asked gently

Carter looked around absently. He was spacing out. whenhe caught the saddness from Erabella, he couldn't stop himself before instinctively sending a wave of warmth and comfort to her. he hated seeing girls cry. But at least he could help a bit. He looked over to Alice, not wanting to focu too hard on the crying girl. "So where are you from?" he asked
"Alice." she said, holding out her hand to shake Erabella's. Erabella started crying and Alice got confused. What had happened? She looked at her hands, there was nothing on them... Was it something she said? June moved in to comfort Erabella, and Carter spoke to Alice. She looked over at him, then down at her light blue sandals. She was embarrassed to say where she was from. "Oh, uhm..." she sarted. Should she tell him? Oh that would sound real nice, hey I live in a dump of an apartment with my mother who hates my guts for no reason and makes me do everything while she's out partying with men who aren't dad.... No. She couldn't say something so... true. "It's pretty far away, you've probably never heard of it..." she lied. She hated lying, but she hated her life worse.
Lauren stepped into the loading place(Once you get off a plane.. I'm not sure what it's called.. xD ) and looked around playing with her cage fighting necklace. She looked to a group of people and walked over to them. "Hey, Are you guys here for that test? Or do I just sound crazy?" She smiled slightly.

Mason stepped off the plane and walked out to the loading area. He grabbed his duffel bag off the belt and slung it over his shoulder. He saw a group of people, and Lauren, so he walked over.
Erabella wiped the tear and away "I'm fine...just remembered something." She smiled as another girl walked over "You're in the right place. I'm Erabella." She knew how to gather her emotions quickly and it was a good thing she did.
Alice gave Erabella a concerned look. She wished she could look into her memory to see what it was, but wouldn't do so without permission. There was also the fact that Alice couldn't control her memory manipulation power yet, so trying to help might erase that memory permanently. She sighed. It was more of a curse than a gift in her eyes.
June nodded. "Alright, then. We're just waiting for one more person, then we'll head out to the Resort" she smiled. She looked to the two newcomers. "In care you missed it, my name is June Miller. I am the Program Manager"

Carter frowned slightly at Alice's obvious hesitation to tell him. "Ah" he nodded. "Well, I'm from a little town too. Way up near Toronto, sort of"
Alice smiled, glad he didn't push for more information. "That sounds nice." she said. She wondered if all these other students had somewhat normal lives? She looked at each of them, and couldn't help but wonder what their lives were like. And of course, the big question, why were they all here?
Monique stepped off the plane quietly, easily being the smallest person there, her eyes scan around as she does not move. Her big green eyes - such a contrast to her small pale face - latch onto an important looking lady with a suit that says business and the brightest pink top that says, 'Let's be friends!' Monique's lifestyle never allowed her friends, maybe that could change now? No....she didn't think it could, she had conditioned herself so well that it would be hard to break her habits, not worth trying. She noticed the group of kids around her and her thoughts were confirmed. That was June.

Once she had managed to collect her small suitcase she took it and herself right over to the lady who she assumed was here to pick them up, eyeing the bright pink top before glancing up at her, Monique was small even for her age, "I'm Monique, sorry I'm late." The voice that left the girl's mouth matched her delicate appearance perfectly, the voice was smooth and sweet, a poet would describe it as a melody of an angel's. Of course Monique just described it as her voice. She spoke no more but silently took in each of the people around her before looking back at June.
Erabella smiled at the new girl, she seemed so fragile and delicate like a rose or a porceilain doll. "I'm Erabella." She pulled out a tube of light pink lpstick and lightly applied it to her lips. She dropped the lipstick back in her bag and turned towards June "So are we ready to head out?" she asked. To be honest she was a bit overly excited. Now that she knew they would be given admission to any college they chose, she was even more excited. Her toes curled against her flipflops as she waited for the woman's answer.

June smiled. "Hello, Monique" she exyended her hand. "I'm June, the Program Manager. You may remember me from your testing at school" she turned her bright smile to take in the rest of the group. "Alright, everyone, now that we have Monique, we're all here!" she seemed almost giddy with excitement. "Let's get going now, shall we? The van is parked right out front, as close as I could get, so you won't need to carry your tings too far" she smiled at each person in turn, making and holding eye contact for a few seconds. "Your stay with us will be unlike any experience you've ever had. I kow you'll enjoy it tremendously, just as I will enjoy the privilage of working with each and every one of you" With the small speech done, she turned to lead the small group out to the expansive parking lot. She led them to a van painted bright green with the words "Marvin Psycological Institute" painted in large, purple letters
(Just thought I should post to keep up, although mine has no dialogue in it :D Just Monique being herself.)

Monique followed quietly, even her footsteps barely made a sound, her little green suitcase was small enough to hold against herself and she paused at the van, reading the words on it in miliseconds before turning her gaze to June, watching her out of the corner of her eye in the creepy way that only kids in horror movies could appear to be like. She didn't speak, just silently watched June, trying to get a read on her persona. She thought she knew it pretty much already, but Monique knew not to underestimate anyone, ever. The cops had made that mistake with her four years ago.
Alice stayed close to the group as they crossed the parking lot to the van. It looked a little cheesy, being a vibrant green. She read the words on the side and her jaw dropped. "Psychological Institute?" she asked no one in particular. "What are we going to a psychological institute for?" She frowned. There was nothing wrong with her. She didn't know much about the other students, but she knew that her gift didn't make her some crazy mental freak.
Carter walked with the group, just taking everything in. When they got the the van, he read the lettering and frowned. "What the hell?" he asked, pointing to it.

June looked slightly confused, then laughed. "Oh, you weren't told? Oh, no, no kids, you're not going to a psychological institute, don't you worry" she smiled reassuringly. "Marvin Psychological Institute is one of the sponsors of this program. I'm sure you were all informed that this is supposed to be a look into the thoughts and feelings of an average teenager, right? sort of a look into the teenage brain" she smiled. "we couldn't justify buying a vehicle just for use during this program, so Marvin's has allowed us to use it. Once we reach the retreat, I'm sure you'll see the names and logos of many of our sponsors" she explained. "After all, the money had to come from somewhere"
Alice's large blue eyes had watered up, thinking she was being punished and sent away from home for something someone had thought was wrong with her. She wiped her eyes after hearing June reassure the group, staring down at the ground and toying with her blonde hair.
June smiled. "I'm sorry if it frightened any of you" she put a hand on Alice's shoulder. "Come on, now, let's load up so we can get you kids back to the retreat"
Alice nodded and got into the van with the others, taking an open seat by the window in the very back. She was still fiddling with her hair but wasn't as nervous now. She put her suitcase on the floor in front of her feet and her backpack on her lap, waiting for the others to get on the van as well. She wondered what the 'retreat' was going to be like. She tried to keep her mind focused on the more positive things, like maybe this would be fun. Maybe nothing would go wrong and she would be on Honor Roll all year and everything would work out perfectly.

She mustered a small smile, looking out the window at the other cars in the parking lot. She leaned her head against the glass, tired from the flight but not willing to let herself sleep on the ride. She might miss something important.

Erabella had gotten in the van, not worrying about the 'Physiological Institute' thing. She took the front seeing as she got car sick if she couldn't see immeadiately where they were going. She was positive she had put it on the form she had to fill out. Hopefully none of the others would be upset. She lay her head against the window as she waited. Her mind still rested on Arson, even if she had seen him just minutes ago. She was surprised to still see the framed picture of them on the farris wheel that overlooked Seattle. She mentally shook herself. She needed to get over him.
Carter listened to the explanation, nodding. Made sense. Afterall, if this would be anywhere as great as they claimed, it seemed very expensive for a simple stat finding thing. Either way, it was better than being stuck at home. Maybe he wuoldn't be such a freak here, sort of a chance to start fresh, even if only for a few months. He sighed inwardly and climbed in the van, tossing his duffle bag in the back. He shot Alice a small smile, then leaned his head on the headrest and let his thoughts drift

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